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Created December 30, 2020 00:55
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on load:
set {mineplex.starttime} to now
#(Old ugly acci text here)
#Mineplex Core Remake
#The best and only Mineplex Copy
#by Josh Roy (WheezyGold7931)
script options:
$ use permissions
#! MCR Settings
#! If you want to use MySQL features edit the details below
script options:
$ db url jdbc:mysql://<HOST>:3306/<DATABASE>
$ db username <USERNAME>
$ db password <PASSWORD>
#! This value can be set to the following:
#! "file": Stores the playerdata into files (Default)
#! "sql": Stores the playerdata into a sql database (Details must be setup above)
mode: file
#! These are internal settings, it is not recomended that you mess with them as they WILL mess up the plugin!
configver: shamu
playerdata: 3
#! code DO NOT MESS WITH THIS! !(Rezz ily)!
debug: false
codes: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|a|b|c|d|e|f|k|l|m|n|o|r
function mcrremoveColor(msg: text) :: text:
set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at ""
set {_color-codes} to "{@codes}"
set {_colors::*} to {_color-codes} split at "|"
set {_new} to ""
loop {_m::*}:
set {_char} to loop-value
set {_prev} to the last character of {_new}
if {_prev} is "&":
loop {_colors::*}:
if loop-value-2 is {_char}:
set {_skip} to true
if {_skip} is set:
delete {_skip}
set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%"
return {_new}
function mcrjsonColorize(msg: text, default-color: text = "&r") :: text:
set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at ""
set {_color-codes} to "{@codes}"
set {_colors::*} to {_color-codes} split at "|"
set {_color} to colored {_default-color}
set {_code} to the first character of {_color}
set {_new} to ""
set {_skip} to 0
loop amount of {_m::*} times:
if {_skip} is more than or equal to 1:
subtract 1 from {_skip}
set {_char} to {_m::%loop-number%}
set {_next} to {_m::%loop-number + 1%}
if {@debug} is true:
broadcast "&a[Character Check] &r%loop-number%: &7%{_char}% &r&onext: &8%{_next}% &r[%{_color}%color&r]"
if {_char} is "&" or {_code}:
if {@debug} is true:
broadcast "&a[Color Check] &rFOUND: &o%{_char}%%{_next}% &7&m<--&7&o is it valid?"
loop {_colors::*}:
if loop-value-2 is {_next}:
set {_color} to "%{_color}%%{_code}%%{_next}%"
if {_next} is "r":
set {_color} to {_default-color}
set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_color}%"
set {_skip} to 1
if {_skip} is less than or equal to 0:
set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%"
else if {_char} is " ":
set {_new} to "%{_new}% %{_color}%"
set {_new} to "%{_new}%%{_char}%"
return {_new}
function mcrjsonSanitize(msg: text) :: text:
if {@debug} is true:
broadcast "&a[Sanitize] &7&oSanitizing input..."
set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at ""
loop {_m::*}:
if loop-value is """":
set {_m::%loop-index%} to "\""" # """
else if loop-value is "\":
set {_m::%loop-index%} to "\\"
set {_new} to join {_m::*} with ""
return {_new}
function mcrjsonFormat(msg: text, color: boolean = true) :: text:
set {_m::*} to {_msg} split at "||"
set {_current} to 1
loop {_m::*}:
if {_clusters::%{_current}%} is not set:
set {_clusters::%{_current}%} to ""
if {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} is not set:
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} to mcrjsonSanitize(loop-value)
set {_tag} to the first 4 characters of loop-value
set {_value} to subtext of loop-value from characters 5 to the length of loop-value
if {_tag} is "ttp:":
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::tooltip} to mcrjsonSanitize({_value})
else if {_tag} is "cmd:":
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::command} to mcrjsonSanitize({_value})
else if {_tag} is "sgt:":
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::suggest} to mcrjsonSanitize({_value})
else if {_tag} is "url:":
if {_value} doesn't contain "http://" or "https://":
set {_value} to "http://%{_value}%"
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::url} to mcrjsonSanitize({_value})
else if {_tag} is "ins:":
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::insertion} to mcrjsonSanitize({_value})
add 1 to {_current}
set {_clusters::%{_current}%::text} to mcrjsonSanitize(loop-value)
set {_clusters::%{_current}%} to ""
if {@debug} is true:
broadcast "&a[Tag Check] &3cluster:&b%{_current}% &8(&f&o%{_tag}%&8)"
loop {_clusters::*}:
if {@debug} is true:
broadcast "&a[Cluster Check] &7&oCluster ##%loop-index% exists."
set {_i} to loop-index
set {_text} to {_clusters::%{_i}%::text}
if {_color} is true:
set {_text} to mcrjsonColorize({_text})
if {_json} is not set:
set {_json} to "{""text"":""%{_text}%"""
set {_json} to "%{_json}%,{""text"":""%{_text}%"""
if {_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip} is set:
if {_color} is true:
set {_tooltip} to mcrjsonColorize({_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip})
set {_tooltip} to {_clusters::%{_i}%::tooltip}
set {_json} to "%{_json}%,""hoverEvent"":{""action"": ""show_text"",""value"": ""%{_tooltip}%""}"
if {_clusters::%{_i}%::insertion} is set:
set {_json} to "%{_json}%,""insertion"":""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::insertion}%"",""obfuscated"":false"
if {_clusters::%{_i}%::command} is set:
set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::command}%""}"
if {_clusters::%{_i}%::suggest} is set:
set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"": ""suggest_command"",""value"": ""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::suggest}%""}"
if {_clusters::%{_i}%::url} is set:
set {_clickable} to "%{_json}%,""clickEvent"":{""action"": ""open_url"",""value"": ""%{_clusters::%{_i}%::url}%""}"
if {_clickable} is set:
set {_json} to "%{_clickable}%}"
delete {_clickable}
set {_json} to "%{_json}%}"
return "{""text"":"""", ""extra"":[%{_json}%]}"
function mcrjson(to: text, msg: text, color: boolean = true):
set {_msg} to mcrjsonFormat({_msg}, {_color})
execute console command "/tellraw %{_to}% %{_msg}%"
if {@debug} is true:
set {_player} to {_to} parsed as offline player
if {_player} is online:
send uncolored {_msg} to {_player}
function mcrjsonBroadcast(msg: text, color: boolean = true):
mcrjson("@a", {_msg}, {_color})
#MCR Code
#MCR Code
#MCR Code
#MCR Code
#MCR Code
#MCR Code
#MCR Code
on load: #You cannot trust people to enter the correct thing so lets double check for them :)
if "{@mode}" is "file":
set {mineplex.mode} to "file"
send "§9MCR> §eMCR has been set to store playerdata into files!" to the console
else if "{@mode}" is "sql":
set {mineplex.mode} to "sql"
send "§9MCR> §eMCR has been set to store playerdata into SQL!" to the console
send "§9MCR> §eThey better have setup the database correctly" to the console
set {mineplex.mode} to "file"
send "§9MCR> §eMCR has been set to store playerdata into files!" to the console
on load:
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `accounts` ( `id` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `name` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL , `uuid` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `rank` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'All' , `level` INT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , `gems` INT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , `shards` INT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , `banned` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no' , `muted` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no' , UNIQUE (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;"
update "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `newslist` ( `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `newsString` VARCHAR(256) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL , `newsPosition` VARCHAR(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL , UNIQUE (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;"
function parseRank(p: player , r: text) :: string:
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
if {mineplex.mode} is "file":
set {_get} to value "rank" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
set {_get} to first element out of objects in column "rank" from result of query "SELECT rank FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%uuid of {_p}%'"
if {_get} is "All":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to ""
return "&fPlayer"
if {_get} is "Ultra":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&b&lULTRA "
return "&bUltra"
if {_get} is "Hero":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&d&lHERO "
return "&dHero"
if {_get} is "Legend":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&a&lLEGEND "
return "&aLegend"
if {_get} is "Titan":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&c&lTITAN "
return "&cTitan"
if {_get} is "Trainee":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&6&lTRAINEE "
return "&6Trainee"
if {_get} is "Mod":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&6&lMOD "
return "&6Mod"
if {_get} is "SrMod":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&6&lSR.MOD "
return "&6Sr.Mod"
if {_get} is "CMod":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&6&lC.MOD "
return "&6C.Mod"
if {_get} is "Admin":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&4&lADMIN "
return "&4Admin"
if {_get} is "Apex":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&9&lAPEX "
return "&9Apex"
if {_get} is "Leader":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&4&lLEADER "
return "&4Leader"
if {_get} is "Owner":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&4&lOWNER "
return "&4Owner"
if {_get} is "Builder":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&9&lBUILDER "
return "&9Builder"
if {_get} is "Maplead":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&9&lMAPLEAD "
return "&9Maplead"
if {_get} is "Mapper":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&9&lMAPPER "
return "&9Mapper"
if {_get} is "JrDev":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&6&lJR.DEV "
return "&6Jr.Dev"
if {_get} is "Dev":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&4&lDEV "
return "&4Dev"
if {_get} is "Twitch":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&5&lTWITCH "
return "&5Twitch"
if {_get} is "Youtube":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&c&lYOUTUBE "
return "&cYouTube"
if {_get} is "Event":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&f&lEVENT "
return "&fEvent"
if {_get} is "Yt":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&5&lYT "
return "&5YT"
if {_get} is "Eternal":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&3&lETERNAL "
return "&3Eternal"
if {_get} is "Support":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&9&lSUPPORT "
return "&9Support"
if {_get} is "Artist":
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to "&9&lARTIST "
return "&9Artist"
function parseRankRaw(r: text) :: string:
set {_get} to {_r}
if {_get} is "All":
set {_rank} to ""
if {_get} is "Ultra":
set {_rank} to "&b&lULTRA "
if {_get} is "Hero":
set {_rank} to "&d&lHERO "
if {_get} is "Legend":
set {_rank} to "&a&lLEGEND "
if {_get} is "Titan":
set {_rank} to "&c&lTITAN "
if {_get} is "Trainee":
set {_rank} to "&6&lTRAINEE "
if {_get} is "Mod":
set {_rank} to "&6&lMOD "
if {_get} is "SrMod":
set {_rank} to "&6&lSR.MOD "
if {_get} is "CMod":
set {_rank} to "&6&lC.MOD "
if {_get} is "Admin":
set {_rank} to "&4&lADMIN "
if {_get} is "Apex":
set {_rank} to "&9&lAPEX "
if {_get} is "Leader":
set {_rank} to "&4&lLEADER "
if {_get} is "Owner":
set {_rank} to "&4&lOWNER "
if {_get} is "Builder":
set {_rank} to "&9&lBUILDER "
if {_get} is "Maplead":
set {_rank} to "&9&lMAPLEAD "
if {_get} is "Mapper":
set {_rank} to "&9&lMAPPER "
if {_get} is "JrDev":
set {_rank} to "&6&lJR.DEV "
if {_get} is "Dev":
set {_rank} to "&4&lDEV "
if {_get} is "Twitch":
set {_rank} to "&5&lTWITCH "
if {_get} is "Youtube":
set {_rank} to "&c&lYOUTUBE "
if {_get} is "Event":
set {_rank} to "&f&lEVENT "
if {_get} is "Yt":
set {_rank} to "&5&lYT "
if {_get} is "Eternal":
set {_rank} to "&3&lETERNAL "
if {_get} is "Support":
set {_rank} to "&9&lSUPPORT "
if {_get} is "Artist":
set {_rank} to "&9&lARTIST "
if {_rank} is set:
return {_rank}
return "null"
function playerdata(p: offline player) :: boolean:
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
if {mineplex.mode} is "file":
if file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml" doesn't exists:
create file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "version" to "{@playerdata}" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "player" to "%{_p}%" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "rank" to "All" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "level" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "gems" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "shards" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "banned" to "no" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "muted" to "no" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set {_ver} to value "version" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
if {_ver} is not "{@playerdata}":
if {_ver} is "1":
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "version" to "{@playerdata}" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
send "&9MCR> &7Your playdata has been updated to the latest version!" to {_p}
if {_ver} is "2":
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set "version" to "{@playerdata}" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
send "&9MCR> &7Your playdata has been updated to the latest version!" to {_p}
set "player" to "%{_p}%" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set {_get} to value "rank" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
parseRank({_p}, "LOL")
set {_lvl} to value "level" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
execute console command "/givestat %{_p}% Global.ExpEarned %{_lvl}%"
set {_sh} to value "shards" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} to {_sh} parsed as an number
set {_ge} to value "gems" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
set {mineplex.gems.%{_p}%} to {_ge} parsed as an number
set {_ban} to value "banned" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
if {_ban} is "yes":
set {banned::%{_p}%} to true
set {banned::%{_p}%} to false
set {_mute} to value "muted" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
if {_mute} is "yes":
set {muted::%{_p}%} to true
set {muted::%{_p}%} to false
else if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
set {_getuuid} to first element out of objects in column "uuid" from result of query "SELECT uuid FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
if {_getuuid} is not set:
update "INSERT INTO `accounts` (`uuid`, `name`) VALUES ('%{_uuid}%', '%{_p}%')"
parseRank({_p}, "LOL")
set {_lvl} to first element out of objects in column "level" from result of query "SELECT level FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
execute console command "/givestat %{_p}% Global.ExpEarned %{_lvl}%"
set {_sh} to first element out of objects in column "shards" from result of query "SELECT shards FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
set {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} to {_sh}
set {_ge} to first element out of objects in column "gems" from result of query "SELECT gems FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
set {mineplex.gems.%{_p}%} to {_ge}
set {_ban} to first element out of objects in column "banned" from result of query "SELECT banned FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
if {_ban} is "yes":
set {banned::%{_p}%} to true
set {banned::%{_p}%} to false
set {_mute} to first element out of objects in column "muted" from result of query "SELECT muted FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
if {_mute} is "yes":
set {muted::%{_p}%} to true
set {muted::%{_p}%} to false
function getPlayerdata(p: offline player , f: text) :: string:
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
if {mineplex.mode} is "file":
set {_get} to value "%{_f}%" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
return {_get}
else if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
set {_get} to first element out of objects in column "%{_f}%" from result of query "SELECT %{_f}% FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
return {_get}
function setPlayerdata(p: offline player , f: text , v: text) :: boolean:
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
if {mineplex.mode} is "file":
set "%{_f}%" to "%{_v}%" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
return true
else if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
if {_f} starts with "stats":
update "UPDATE `accounts` SET `%{_f}%` = '%{_v}%' WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
return true
set {_s} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "shards")
set {_g} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "gems")
broadcast "shard: %{_s}% -gem: %{_g}%"
function addShards(p: offline player , a: number) :: boolean:
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
if {mineplex.mode} is "file":
set {_get} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "shards")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
add {_a} to {_cur}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "shards", "%{_cur}%")
else if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
set {_get} to first element out of objects in column "shards" from result of query "SELECT shards FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
add {_a} to {_get}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "shards", "%{_get}%")
function delShards(p: offline player , a: number) :: boolean:
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
if {mineplex.mode} is "file":
set {_get} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "shards")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
remove {_a} from {_cur}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "shards", "%{_cur}%")
else if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
set {_get} to first element out of objects in column "shards" from result of query "SELECT shards FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
remove {_a} from {_get}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "shards", "%{_get}%")
function addGems(p: offline player , a: number) :: boolean:
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
if {mineplex.mode} is "file":
set {_get} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "gems")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
add {_a} to {_cur}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "gems", "%{_cur}%")
else if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
set {_get} to first element out of objects in column "gems" from result of query "SELECT gems FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
add {_a} to {_get}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "gems", "%{_get}%")
function delGems(p: offline player , a: number) :: boolean:
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
if {mineplex.mode} is "file":
set {_get} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "gems")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
remove {_a} from {_cur}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "gems", "%{_cur}%")
else if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
set {_get} to first element out of objects in column "gems" from result of query "SELECT gems FROM `accounts` WHERE uuid = '%{_uuid}%'"
remove {_a} from {_get}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "gems", "%{_get}%")
function firework(l: location, t: string, r: integer, g: integer, b: integer, p: boolean) :: string:
if {_p} is true:
set {_p} to 1
set {_p} to 20
if {_t} is not "BALL" or "LARGE BALL" or "BALL_LARGE" or "STAR" or "CREEPER" or "BURST":
message "&8[&3Firework&bAPI&8] &4Error: &c%{_t}% &7is not a valid firework type." to all players
if {_r} or {_g} or {_b} > 255:
message "&8[&3Firework&bAPI&8] &4Error: &cUnallowed Value (>255)" to all players
if {_t} is "BALL":
set {_t} to 0
else if {_t} is "LARGE BALL" or "BALL_LARGE":
set {_t} to 1
else if {_t} is "STAR":
set {_t} to 2
else if {_t} is "CREEPER":
set {_t} to 3
else if {_t} is "BURST":
set {_t} to 4
set {_c1} to convert num {_r} to hexa
set {_c2} to convert num {_g} to hexa
set {_c3} to convert num {_b} to hexa
loop 3 times:
set {_cL} to length of {_c%loop-value%}
if {_cL} < 2:
set {_c%loop-value%} to "0%{_c%loop-value%}%"
set {_color} to convert hexa "%{_c1}%%{_c2}%%{_c3}%" to num
spawn a firework at {_l}
add "{Silent:1b,FireworksItem:{id:fireworks,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Type:%{_t}%,Colors:[%{_color}%],FadeColors:[%{_color}%]}]}}}}" to nbt of spawned entity
add "{LifeTime:%{_p}%}" to nbt of spawned entity
on quit:
delete {mineplex.rank.%player%}
delete {mineplex.level.%player%}
delete {mineplex.gems.%player%}
delete {mineplex.shards.%player%}
delete {banned::%player%}
delete {muted::%player%}
on connect:
set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
send "§9MCR> §e%player% (%uuid of player%) has been loaded from playerdata!" to the console
function Beam(e1: entity , e2: entity):
spawn a squid at location 0 meter behind {_e1}'s head
set {_el} to last spawned entity
set target of {_el} to {_e2}
apply invisibility to the last spawned entity
add "{CustomName:""BeamGuar"", NoGravity:1, Silent:1, NoAI:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
set {_targLoc} to location of {_e2}
loop 100 times:
teleport {_el} to location 0 meter behind {_e1}'s head
set target of {_el} to {_e2}
add "{Motion:[0.0,0.0,0.0]}" to nbt of {_el}
if {_e2}'s name is "BeamCow":
teleport {_e2} to {_targLoc}
add "{Motion:[0.0,0.0,0.0]}" to nbt of {_e2}
wait 1 tick
create a safe explosion with force 2 at {_e1}
loop entities in radius 3 of {_e2}:
make {_e1} damage loop-entity by (3 - (distance between loop-entity and {_e2}))
teleport {_el} 300 meters below {_el}
teleport {_e2} 300 meters below {_e2}
kill {_el}
kill {_e2}
function ClientBeam(e1: entity , e3: entity , e2: entity):
spawn a cow at location of {_e2}
set {_c} to last spawned entity
add "{CustomName:""BeamCow"", NoGravity:1, Silent:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
spawn a guardian at location 1 meter behind {_e1}'s head
set {_el} to last spawned entity
set target of {_el} to {_e2}
loop all players:
protocol hide {_e1} from loop-player
protocol hide {_e2} from loop-player
protocol show {_e1} to {_e3}
protocol show {_e2} to {_e3}
apply invisibility to {_c}
apply invisibility to the last spawned entity
add "{CustomName:""BeamGuar"", NoGravity:1, Silent:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
set {_targLoc} to location of {_e2}
loop 100 times:
teleport {_el} to location 1 meter behind {_e1}'s head
add "{Motion:[0.0,0.0,0.0]}" to nbt of {_el}
if {_e2}'s name is "BeamCow":
teleport {_e2} to {_targLoc}
add "{Motion:[0.0,0.0,0.0]}" to nbt of {_e2}
wait 1 tick
create a safe explosion with force 2 at {_e2}
loop entities in radius 3 of {_c}:
make {_e1} damage loop-entity by (3 - (distance between loop-entity and {_c}))
teleport {_el} 300 meters below {_el}
teleport {_e2} 300 meters below {_e2}
kill {_el}
kill {_c}
function configRefresh(n: number) :: number:
set {mineplex.config.config} to value "config" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {mineplex.config.servername} to value "servername" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {} to value "website" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {mineplex.config.appealwebsite} to value "appealwebsite" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {mineplex.config.ruleswebsite} to value "ruleswebsite" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {} to value "youtube" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {mineplex.config.twitter} to value "twitter" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {mineplex.config.shoplink} to value "shoplink" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {} to value "worldname" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {mineplex.config.doublejump} to value "doublejump" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {mineplex.config.autoop} to value "autoop" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set {mineplex.config.unbanadmin} to value "unbanadmin" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
function configPopulate(n: number) :: number:
create file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "config" to "{@configver}" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "servername" to "Mineplex" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "website" to "" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "appealwebsite" to "" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "ruleswebsite" to "" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "youtube" to "" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "twitter" to "" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "shoplink" to "" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "worldname" to "world" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "doublejump" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "autoop" to "false" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
set "unbanadmin" to "false" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
function updateRankAPI(p: player) :: player:
wait 5 ticks
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to ""
if {mineplex.disguise.%{_p}%} is set:
set {_br} to uncolored {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%}
set {_dr} to uncolored {mineplex.rank.%{mineplex.disguise.%{_p}%}%}
if {mineplex.rank.%{mineplex.disguise.%{_p}%}%} is set:
make all players see {_p}'s prefix as "%{mineplex.rank.%{mineplex.disguise.%{_p}%}%}%&r&e"
make all players see {_p}'s prefix as "&e"
set {_br} to convert string "%{_br}%" to lowercase
set {_br} to 1st char in each word of "%{_br}%" to caps
set {_dr} to convert string "%{_dr}%" to lowercase
set {_dr} to 1st char in each word of "%{_dr}%" to caps
replace all " " in {_br} with ""
replace all " " in {_dr} with ""
if {_dr} is "":
set {_dr} to "No Rank"
if {_br} contains "mod":
replace all "mod" with "Mod" in {_br}
if {_dr} contains "mod":
replace all "mod" with "Mod" in {_dr}
if {_br} contains "dev":
replace all "dev" with "Dev" in {_br}
if {_dr} contains "dev":
replace all "dev" with "Dev" in {_dr}
if {_dr} contains "lead":
replace all "lead" with "Lead" in {_dr}
if {_br} contains "lead":
replace all "lead" with "Lead" in {_br}
if {_br} is "":
set {_br} to "No Rank"
if {_br} contains "mod":
replace all "mod" with "Mod" in {_br}
if {_br} contains "dev":
replace all "dev" with "Dev" in {_br}
if {_br} contains "mod":
replace all "mod" with "Mod" in {_br}
if {_br} contains "tube":
replace all "tube" with "Tube" in {_br}
loop {mineplex.patreon::*}:
if loop-value is "%{_p}%":
set {_br} to "P.%{_br}%"
set {mineplex.api.displayrank.%{_p}%} to "%{_dr}% (%{_br}%)"
set {mineplex.api.displayname.%{_p}%} to "%{mineplex.disguise.%{_p}%}%"
set {{_p}%} to " Welcome %{mineplex.api.displayname.%{_p}%}%, to the %{mineplex.config.servername}% Network! "
set {_br} to uncolored {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%}
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is set:
make all players see {_p}'s prefix as "%{mineplex.rank.%{_p}%}%&r&e"
make all players see {_p}'s prefix as "&e"
set {_br} to convert string "%{_br}%" to lowercase
set {_br} to 1st char in each word of "%{_br}%" to caps
if {_br} is "":
set {_br} to "No Rank"
if {_br} contains "mod":
replace all "mod" with "Mod" in {_br}
if {_br} contains "dev":
replace all "dev" with "Dev" in {_br}
if {_br} contains "mod":
replace all "mod" with "Mod" in {_br}
if {_br} contains "tube":
replace all "tube" with "Tube" in {_br}
if {_br} contains "lead":
replace all "lead" with "Lead" in {_br}
if {_br} contains "dev":
replace all "dev" with "Dev" in {_br}
loop {mineplex.patreon::*}:
if loop-value is "%{_p}%":
set {_br} to "P.%{_br}%"
set {mineplex.api.displayrank.%{_p}%} to "%{_br}%"
set {mineplex.api.displayname.%{_p}%} to "%{_p}%"
set {{_p}%} to " Welcome %{mineplex.api.displayname.%{_p}%}%, to the %{mineplex.config.servername}% Network! "
function mcs(p: player , m: text) :: number:
if {mineplex.overridechat} is true:
if {mineplex.disguise.%{_p}%} is set:
set {_player} to {mineplex.disguise.%{_p}%}
set {_player} to {_p}
set {_prerank} to getPlayerdata({_player}, "rank")
set {_rank} to parseRankRaw({_prerank})
if {_rank} is not set:
set {_rank} to ""
if {_rank} is "null":
set {_rank} to ""
if {mineplex.level.%{_player}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.level.%{_player}%} to "&70"
replace all " fuck " with " **** " in {_m}
replace all " bitch " with " ***** " in {_m}
replace all " ass " with " *** " in {_m}
replace all " nigger " with " *** " in {_m}
replace all " cunt " with " *** " in {_m}
replace all " f|_|ck " with " ****** " in {_m}
replace all " shit " with " **** " in {_m}
if {_m} is {mineplex.lastsent.%{_p}%}:
if {_p} does not have permission "mineplex.mod":
send "&9Chat> &7This message is too similar to your previous message." to {_p}
return -1
if {mineplex.authlock.%{_p}%} is true:
return -1
set {mineplex.lastsent.%{_p}%} to {_m}
loop all players:
if {mineplex.pref.pc.%loop-player%} is true:
if {mineplex.rank.%{_player}%} is set:
set {_lvl} to {mineplex.level.%{_player}%}
if {_player} is "WheezyGold7931":
set {_lvl} to "&c101"
loop {mineplex.ignorelist.%loop-player%::*}:
if loop-value-2 is "%{_player}%":
set {_ignore.%loop-player-1%} to true
if {_ignore.%loop-player-1%} is not set:
if {mineplex.rank.%{_player}%} is not "":
set {_sanitizedm} to uncolored {_m}
loop {mineplex.patreon::*}: #Do not worry about this. It only has to do with my test server, not you guys <3
if loop-value-2 is {_player}:
set {_brank} to uncolored {mineplex.rank.%{_player}%}
set {_rank} to "&6&lP.%{_brank}%"
set {_rank} to {mineplex.rank.%{_player}%}
mcrjson("%loop-player%", "%{_lvl}%|| %{_rank}%||ttp:%{mineplex.hover.%{_player}%}%||&e%{_player}% &f%{_sanitizedm}%", false)
send "%{_lvl}% %{mineplex.rank.%{_player}%}%&e%{_player}% &f%{_m}%" to loop-player
return -1
function caseSensitive(source: String, compareTo: String) :: boolean:
if size of split {_source} at {_compareTo} is 2:
return true
else: #Hi Snow
return false
function gwenAlert(p: player , r: text) :: number:
if {mineplex.disguise.%{_p}%} is set:
set {_player} to {mineplex.disguise.%{_p}%}
set {_player} to {_p}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
if {mineplex.pref.gwen.%loop-player%} is true:
send "&b&kK&r &c&lGWEN > &6%{_player}% &esuspected of &a%{_r}%&e." to loop-player
#Config Loading
on script unload:
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Mineplex Core is re-parsing!"
on load:
if file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml" doesn't exists:
# set {mineplex.config.servername} to colored value "servername" get of "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/config.yml"
wait 1 second
if {mineplex.config.config} is "{@configver}":
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Config &e{@configver} &7is up to date!"
broadcast "&9Mineplex Core> &7Your Config is not up to Date! Updating this shit for you!"
broadcast "&9Mineplex Core> &7Config Re-Populated!"
broadcast "&9Mineplex Core> &7Going to reload plugin now!"
broadcast "&9Mineplex Core> &7Going to reload plugin now!"
wait 1 second
broadcast "&9Mineplex Core> &7Config Done!"
if {mineplex.usescoreboard} is not set:
set {mineplex.usescoreboard} to true
#Main Command/Toggles
command /mineplex-core [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]:
aliases: /mpcore
permission: op
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&a"
send "&9Core Settings> &7Listing Commands:"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Chat (True/False) &7Toggles the MCR Chat system to override the default chat system. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Admin (Player) &7Give the target administrator permissions temporarily. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core News (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR News system is being used. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Scoreboard (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR Scoreboard is being used. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TreasurePoint (1/2/3/4) &7Sets the Treasure point to your targeted block. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TreasurePointSub (1/2/3/4) (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8) &7Sets the Opening Treasure point to your targeted block. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Carl &7Spawn Carl the Creeper in a fixed position at your current location. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TNT (True/False) &7Toggles the Throwing TNT Mechanics to be true or false. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core purgehistory (player) &7Purges a player's punish history. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core ForcefieldOff (Player) &7Forces a player to toggle off thier forcefield. &4Operator"
send "&a"
else if arg-1 is set:
if arg-1 is "help":
send "&a"
send "&9Core Settings> &7Listing Commands:"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Chat (True/False) &7Toggles the MCR Chat system to override the default chat system. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Admin (Player) &7Give the target administrator permissions temporarily. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core News (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR News system is being used. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Scoreboard (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR Scoreboard is being used. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TreasurePoint (1/2/3/4) &7Sets the Treasure point to your targeted block. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TreasurePointSub (1/2/3/4) (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8) &7Sets the Opening Treasure point to your targeted block. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Carl &7Spawn Carl the Creeper in a fixed position at your current location. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TNT (True/False) &7Toggles the Throwing TNT Mechanics to be true or false. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core purgehistory (player) &7Purges a player's punish history. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core ForcefieldOff (Player) &7Forces a player to toggle off thier forcefield. &4Operator"
send "&a"
else if arg-1 is "Chat":
if arg-2 is not set:
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Chat (True/False) &7Toggles the MCR Chat system to override the default chat system. &4Operator"
else if arg-2 is set:
if arg-2 is "true":
set {mineplex.overridechat} to true
send "&9Core Settings> &7Now using the Mineplex Chat System (MCS)."
else if arg-2 is "false":
set {mineplex.overridechat} to false
send "&9Core Settings> &7No longer using the Mineplex Chat System (MCS)."
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Chat (True/False) &7Toggles the MCR Chat system to override the default chat system. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Chat (True/False) &7Toggles the MCR Chat system to override the default chat system. &4Operator"
else if arg-1 is "Scoreboard":
if arg-2 is not set:
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Scoreboard (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR Scoreboard is being used. &4Operator"
else if arg-2 is set:
if arg-2 is "true":
set {mineplex.usescoreboard} to true
send "&9Core Settings> &7Now using the Mineplex Scoreboard System."
else if arg-2 is "false":
set {mineplex.usescoreboard} to false
send "&9Core Settings> &7No longer using the Mineplex Scoreboard System."
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Scoreboard (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR Scoreboard is being used. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Scoreboard (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR Scoreboard is being used. &4Operator"
else if arg-1 is "ForcefieldOff":
if arg-2 is not set:
send "&4/Mineplex-Core ForcefieldOff (Player) &7Forces a player to toggle off thier forcefield. &4Operator"
delete {mineplex.pref.ff.%arg-2%}
delete {mineplex.ff.list::%arg-2%}
send "&9MCR> &7Done!"
else if arg-1 is "News":
if arg-2 is not set:
send "&4/Mineplex-Core News (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR News system is being used. &4Operator"
else if arg-2 is set:
if arg-2 is "true":
set {} to true
send "&9Core Settings> &7Now using the Mineplex News System."
else if arg-2 is "false":
set {} to false
send "&9Core Settings> &7No longer using the Mineplex News System."
send "&4/Mineplex-Core News (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR News system is being used. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core News (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR News system is being used. &4Operator"
else if arg-1 is "TNT":
if arg-2 is not set:
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TNT (True/False) &7Toggles the Throwing TNT Mechanics to be true or false. &4Operator"
else if arg-2 is set:
if arg-2 is "true":
set {mineplex.tntlauncher} to true
send "&9Core Settings> &7Now using the Throwing TNT Mechanics."
else if arg-2 is "false":
set {mineplex.tntlauncher} to false
send "&9Core Settings> &7No longer using the Throwing TNT Mechanics."
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TNT (True/False) &7Toggles the Throwing TNT Mechanics to be true or false. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TNT (True/False) &7Toggles the Throwing TNT Mechanics to be true or false. &4Operator"
else if arg-1 is "purgehistory":
if arg 2 is not set:
send "&4/Mineplex-Core purgehistory (player) &7Purges a player's punish history. &4Operator"
send "&9MCR> &7Purged %arg-2%'s history"
delete {p.%arg-2%::*}
delete {punishgui.%arg-2%::*}
delete {reversed.p.%arg-2%::history::*}
delete {reversed.p.%arg-2%::*}
else if arg-1 is "reload":
send "&9Core Settings> &7The main configuration file has been refreshed."
else if arg-1 is "Carl":
spawn 1 creeper at location of player
set {_carl} to spawned creeper
set name of last spawned entity to "&a&lCarl the Creeper"
add "{NoAI:1b}" to nbt of {_carl}
add "{powered:1}" to nbt of {_carl}
apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
set {kitnpc} to location of player
send "&9Core Settings> &7Carl has been spawned in a fixed position at your current location."
else if arg-1 is "admin":
if arg-2 is set:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&4&lADMIN "
set {_mineplex.setadmin.temp} to arg-2 parsed as player
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to {_mineplex.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to {_mineplex.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
add "mineplex.srmod" to {_mineplex.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
add "mineplex.admin" to {_mineplex.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to {_mineplex.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
add "mineplex.builder" to {_mineplex.setadmin.temp}'s permissions
send "&9Core Settings> &7Temporarily added Admin permissions to %arg-2%."
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Admin (Player) &7Give the target administrator permissions temporarily. &4Operator"
else if arg-1 is "TreasurePoint":
if arg-2 is "1" or "2" or "3" or "4":
set {mineplex.chestpoint.%arg-2%} to target block
send "&9Core Settings> &7Treasure Point %arg-2% has been set to your targeted block."
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TreasurePoint (1/2/3/4) &7Sets the Treasure point to your targeted block. &4Operator"
else if arg-1 is "TreasurePointSub":
if arg-2 is "1" or "2" or "3" or "4":
if arg-3 is "1" or "2" or "3" or "4" or "5" or "6" or "7" or "8":
set {mineplex.chestpoint.%arg-2%.sub.%arg-3%} to target block
send "&9Core Settings> &7Treasure Point Sub %arg-3% of Treasure Point %arg-2% has been set to your targeted block."
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TreasurePointSub (1/2/3/4) (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8) &7Sets the Opening Treasure point to your targeted block. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TreasurePointSub (1/2/3/4) (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8) &7Sets the Opening Treasure point to your targeted block. &4Operator"
send "&a"
send "&9Core Settings> &7Listing Commands:"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Chat (True/False) &7Toggles the MCR Chat system to override the default chat system. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Admin (Player) &7Give the target administrator permissions temporarily. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core News (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR News system is being used. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Scoreboard (True/False) &7Toggles whether the MCR Scoreboard is being used. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TreasurePoint (1/2/3/4) &7Sets the Treasure point to your targeted block. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TreasurePointSub (1/2/3/4) (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8) &7Sets the Opening Treasure point to your targeted block. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core Carl &7Spawn Carl the Creeper in a fixed position at your current location. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core TNT (True/False) &7Toggles the Throwing TNT Mechanics to be true or false. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core purgehistory (player) &7Purges a player's punish history. &4Operator"
send "&4/Mineplex-Core ForcefieldOff (Player) &7Forces a player to toggle off thier forcefield. &4Operator"
send "&a"
command /help [<string>]:
aliases: /pleasehelpmeiamgoingtoexplode, /?
send "&9Help> &7Hi there! Need some help?"
mcrjson("%player%", "&9> &7Check out ||&eour FAQ for commonly asked questions||ttp:&eClick to visit our FAQ page!||url:%{}%/faq")
mcrjson("%player%", "&9> &7Read ||&eour rules to avoid being punished!||ttp:&eClick to visit our rules page!||url:%{}%/rules")
mcrjson("%player%", "&9> &7Want to apply for Trainee? Visit ||&eapply.%{}%||ttp:&3Click to visit our forums to learn about Trainee!||url:apply.%{}%||&7!")
mcrjson("%player%", "&9> &7Question about a purchase? Contact support at ||&e%{}%/support||ttp:&eClick to visit our support page!||url:%{}%/support||&7!")
mcrjson("%player%", "&9> &7Find us on twitter at ||&b@%capitalize first char of each word in last element of {mineplex.config.twitter} split at ""/""%||ttp:&bClick to visit our twitter!||url:%{mineplex.config.twitter}%")
mcrjson("%player%", "&9> &7Need help with MCR Commands? ||&eView the MCR Wiki for a list of commands||ttp:&eClick to visit the MCR wiki!||url:||&7!")
command /recompile [<string>]:
aliases: /rec
permission: op
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is not set:
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Mineplex Core &e{@MCRVER} &7will be re-parsing in two seconds."
wait 2 second
player command "/sk reload Mineplex"
if arg 1 is "-s":
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Mineplex Core will be re-parsing in two seconds. (Silent)"
execute console command "/sk reload Mineplex"
#Thanks XeXRainnn
on quit:
delete {mineplex.%player%.notice}
command /bugreport [<string>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9MCR> &7Commands List:"
send "&f/bugreport <bug> &7Reports a bug to the MCR Developers &fPlayer"
if {mineplex.%player%.notice} is not set:
send "&9MCR> &7Abuse of this system will result in a blacklist of this feature! If you are sure about reporting this, repeat the command."
set {mineplex.%player%.notice} to true
set {_pl} to "%list of plugins%"
replace all " and " with ",+" in {_pl}
replace all " " with "" in {_pl}
replace all ", " with ",++" in {_pl}
set {_ra} to arg-1
replace all "`" with "" in {_ra}
replace all "*" with "" in {_ra}
replace all " " with "%%20" in {_ra}
set {_mc} to minecraft version
set {_sk} to skript version
set {_bk} to bukkit version
set {_mcr} to "{@MCRVER}"
set {_url} to uncolored "{_pl}%&&rmcver=%{_mc}%&&rskver=%{_sk}%&&rbukkit=%{_bk}%&&rplayer=%player%&&rbug=%{_ra}%&&rmcrver=%{_mcr}%"
$ thread
set {_response::*} to contents from url {_url}
send "&9MCR> &7Please Wait!"
wait 5 seconds
if {_response::1} is "600":
send "&9MCR> &7Bug Report was &eSuccessful&7!"
else if {_response::1} contains "602":
set {_thing} to {_response::1}
replace all "602 " with "" in {_thing}
send "&9MCR> &7Bug Report was marked as &eInvalid&7!"
send "&9MCR> &7Bug Report returned the error: &e%{_thing}%&7!"
else if {_response::1} contains "603":
set {_thing} to {_response::1}
replace all "603 " with "" in {_thing}
send "&9MCR> &c&lYou are blacklisted from the bug report system!"
send "&9MCR> &7&lReason: &7%{_thing}%"
else if {_response::1} contains "604":
set {_thing} to {_response::1}
replace all "604 " with "" in {_thing}
send "&9MCR> &7Bug Report returned a diffrent response: &e%{_thing}%"
else if {_response::1} is not set:
send "&9MCR> &7The bug report was malformed and we did not get a response!"
command /rules:
send "&9Rules> &7The rules can be found here: &a%{mineplex.config.ruleswebsite}%"
on load:
if {} is not set:
set {} to 0
on join:
set {_player} to "%player%"
replace all "s" in {_player} with "sssss"
send "&2&lCarl the Creeper> &aHey %{_player}%! I have sssome amazing rewardsss for you! Come sssee me!"
if {} is not set:
set {} to 0
if {mineplex.polltaken.0.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.polltaken.0.%player%} to true
if {mineplex.thankrewards.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.thankrewards.%player%} to 0
command /thank [<offline player>]:
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 1 is player:
send "&9Thank> &7You cannot thank yourself!"
if arg 1 is online:
if {mineplex.thank.last.%player%} is not set:
set {_good} to true
set {_t} to difference between {mineplex.thank.last.%player%} and now
set {_tc} to "24 hours" parsed as a timespan
if {_t} is more than {_tc}:
set {_good} to true
if {_good} is true:
send "&9Thank> &7You thanked &e%arg-1% &7and earned &b5 Treasure Shards&7!"
send "&9Thank> &e%player% &7used &e/thank &7on you! +&b5 Treasure Shards&7!%nl%&9Thank> &7You can claim your reward at &eCarl the Creeper" to arg-1
addShards(player, 5)
add 5 to {mineplex.thankrewards.%arg-1%}
set {mineplex.thank.last.%player%} to now
send "&9Thank> &7You can only /thank once per day!"
send "&9Online Player Search> &e0 &7matches for [&e%arg-1%&7]."
send "&9Thank> &7Usage: &e/thank <player>"
function carlSpinNew(p: player) :: text:
open chest with 3 rows named "&8Carl's Spinner" to {_p}
loop (random integer between 5 and 10) times:
add prismarine shard named "&bTreasure Shards" to {_roll::*}
loop (random integer between 5 and 22) times:
add emerald named "&fGems" to {_roll::*}
loop (random integer between 1 and 10) times:
add firework rocket named "&fFireworks" to {_roll::*}
loop (random integer between 1 and 10) times:
add ender pearl named "&fEthereal Pearls" to {_roll::*}
loop (random integer between 1 and 10) times:
add tripwire hook named "&fFlesh Hooks" to {_roll::*}
loop (random integer between 1 and 10) times:
add iron horse armor named "&fBat Blasters" to {_roll::*}
loop (random integer between 1 and 10) times:
add gold horse armor named "&fPaintball Guns" to {_roll::*}
add leather named "&dCow Morph" to {_roll::*}
add nether star named "&cTitan Rank" to {_roll::*}
set {_speedFinal} to 3
set {_Selector1} to 4
loop (random integer between 31 and 60) times:
if inventory name of {_p}'s current inventory is not "&8Carl's Spinner":
set {_sel} to 21
loop {_sel} times:
set {_sel2} to {_sel} - 1
set {_item::%{_sel}%} to {_item::%{_sel2}%}
subtract 1 from {_sel}
set {_item::1} to a random element out of {_roll::*}
loop integers between 0 and inventory size of {_p}'s current inventory - 1:
if loop-number-2 is {_Selector1}:
set slot loop-number-2 of {_p}'s current inventory to hopper named " "
loop 9 times:
set slot 8 + loop-number-3 of {_p}'s current inventory to {_item::%loop-number-3%}
set slot loop-number-2 of {_p}'s current inventory to gray stained glass pane named " "
if "%{_item::%loop-number-3%}%" is "prismarine shard":
set slot 17 + loop-number-3 of {_p}'s current inventory to light blue stained glass pane named " "
set slot -1 + loop-number-3 of {_p}'s current inventory to light blue stained glass pane named " "
if "%{_item::%loop-number-3%}%" is "nether star":
set slot 17 + loop-number-3 of {_p}'s current inventory to red stained glass pane named " "
set slot -1 + loop-number-3 of {_p}'s current inventory to red stained glass pane named " "
if "%{_item::%loop-number-3%}%" is "leather":
set slot 17 + loop-number-3 of {_p}'s current inventory to magenta stained glass pane named " "
set slot -1 + loop-number-3 of {_p}'s current inventory to magenta stained glass pane named " "
set slot 4 of {_p}'s current inventory to hopper named " "
add 1 to {_sound}
if {_sound} > 3:
set {_sound} to 1
if {_sound} = 1:
play sound "NOTE_PLING" to {_p} with volume 1 and pitch 15
else if {_sound} = 2:
play sound "NOTE_PLING" to {_p} with volume 1 and pitch 15
else if {_sound} = 3:
play sound "NOTE_PLING" to {_p} with volume 1 and pitch 15
add 1 to {_speed}
if {_speed} is 5:
set {_speed} to 0
add 1 to {_speedFinal}
loop {_speedFinal} times:
wait a tick
set {_wonItem} to slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory
set {_slotFill} to gray stained glass pane with name " "
if {_wonItem} is a emerald:
set {_add} to random integer between 5 and 20
addGems({_p}, {_add})
message "&9Carl's Spinner> &7You won &f%{_add}% Gems" to {_p}
if {_wonItem} is a ender pearl:
set {_add} to random integer between 5 and 20
add {_add} to {mineplex.cosmetics.pearls.%{_p}%}
message "&9Carl's Spinner> &7You won &f%{_add}% Ethereal Pearls" to {_p}
if {_wonItem} is a firework rocket:
set {_add} to random integer between 5 and 20
add {_add} to {mineplex.cosmetics.firework.%{_p}%}
message "&9Carl's Spinner> &7You won &f%{_add}% Fireworks" to {_p}
if {_wonItem} is a iron horse armor:
set {_add} to random integer between 5 and 20
add {_add} to {mineplex.cosmetics.blaster.%{_p}%}
message "&9Carl's Spinner> &7You won &f%{_add}% Bat Blasters" to {_p}
if {_wonItem} is a gold horse armor:
set {_add} to random integer between 5 and 20
add {_add} to {mineplex.cosmetics.paintball.%{_p}%}
message "&9Carl's Spinner> &7You won &f%{_add}% Paintball Guns" to {_p}
if {_wonItem} is a tripwire hook:
set {_add} to random integer between 5 and 20
add {_add} to {mineplex.cosmetics.hook.%{_p}%}
message "&9Carl's Spinner> &7You won &f%{_add}% Flesh Hooks" to {_p}
if {_wonItem} is a prismarine shard:
set {_add} to random integer between 5 and 20
addShards({_p}, {_add})
message "&9Carl's Spinner> &7You won &b%{_add}% Shards" to {_p}
set {_slotFill} to light blue stained glass pane with name " "
if {_wonItem} is leather:
message "&9Carl's Spinner> &7You won &dCow Morph" to {_p}
set {_slotFill} to magenta stained glass pane with name " "
if {_wonItem} is nether star:
message "&9Carl's Spinner> &7You won &cTitan Rank" to {_p}
set {_slotFill} to red stained glass pane with name " "
execute console command "/rank %{_p}% TITAN"
set {_slot} to 5
loop 5 times:
if inventory name of {_p}'s current inventory is not "&8Carl's Spinner":
set slot 17 + {_slot} of {_p}'s current inventory to {_slotFill}
set slot -1 + {_slot} of {_p}'s current inventory to {_slotFill}
set slot 8 + {_slot} of {_p}'s current inventory to {_slotFill}
set slot 9 - {_slot} of {_p}'s current inventory to {_slotFill}
set slot 18 - {_slot} of {_p}'s current inventory to {_slotFill}
set slot 27 - {_slot} of {_p}'s current inventory to {_slotFill}
set slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory to {_wonItem}
remove 1 from {_slot}
wait 1 second
function reqSpin(p: player) :: text:
if {{_p}%} is bigger than 0:
wait 2 ticks
remove 1 from {{_p}%}
message "&9Carl's Spinner> &7A Unknown Error has occured." to {_p}
function carlSpin(p: player) :: number:
if {{_p}%} >= 1:
remove 1 from {{_p}%}
wait 5 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "Carl's Spinner" to {_p}
set {opener.%{_p}%} to true
loop 30 times:
inventory name of {_p}'s current inventory is "Carl's Spinner"
play "NOTE_PLING" to {_p} at volume 0.5
format slot 0 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
format slot 1 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 2 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 3 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 4 of {_p} with hopper to be unstealable
format slot 5 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 6 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 7 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
set {_randomint1.%{_p}%} to random integer between 95 and 375
format slot 9 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b%{_randomint1.%{_p}%}% Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
set {_randomint2.%{_p}%} to random integer between 95 and 375
format slot 10 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b%{_randomint2.%{_p}%}% Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
set {_randomint3.%{_p}%} to random integer between 95 and 375
format slot 11 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b%{_randomint3.%{_p}%}% Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
set {_randomint4.%{_p}%} to random integer between 95 and 375
format slot 12 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b%{_randomint4.%{_p}%}% Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
set {_randomint5.%{_p}%} to random integer between 95 and 375
format slot 13 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b%{_randomint5.%{_p}%}% Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
set {_randomint6.%{_p}%} to random integer between 95 and 375
format slot 14 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b%{_randomint6.%{_p}%}% Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
set {_randomint7.%{_p}%} to random integer between 95 and 375
format slot 15 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b%{_randomint7.%{_p}%}% Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
set {_randomint8.%{_p}%} to random integer between 95 and 375
format slot 16 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b%{_randomint8.%{_p}%}% Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
set {_randomint9.%{_p}%} to random integer between 95 and 375
format slot 17 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b%{_randomint9.%{_p}%}% Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
format slot 19 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 20 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 21 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 23 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 24 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 25 of {_p} with white glass to be unstealable
format slot 26 of {_p} with white stained glass pane to be unstealable
delete {_randomint1.%{_p}%}
delete {_randomint2.%{_p}%}
delete {_randomint3.%{_p}%}
delete {_randomint4.%{_p}%}
delete {_randomint6.%{_p}%}
delete {_randomint7.%{_p}%}
delete {_randomint8.%{_p}%}
delete {_randomint9.%{_p}%}
wait 0.2 seconds
send "&9Carl> &7You won &b%{_randomint5.%{_p}%}% Shards!" to {_p}
addShards({_p}, {_randomint5.%{_p}%})
wait 3 ticks
delete {_randomint5.%{_p}%}
delete {opener.%{_p}%}
wait 1 second
close {_p}'s inventory
send "&9Carl's Spinner> &7You don't have a Carl Spinner Ticket!" to {_p}
function ytlink(p: player) :: number:
set {_t} to difference between {carl.ytr.%{_p}%} and now
set {_tc} to "1 day" parsed as a timespan
if {_t} is less than {_tc}:
message "&6&m=====================================" to {_p}
message "&b &f" to {_p}
message " &f&lClick to Open in Web Browser and visit our YouTube page" to {_p}
message " &a%{}%" to {_p}
message "&b &f" to {_p}
message "&6&m=====================================" to {_p}
set {carl.ytr.%{_p}%} to now
addShards({_p}, 250)
message "&6&m=====================================" to {_p}
message "&b &f" to {_p}
message " &f&lClick to Open in Web Browser and visit our YouTube page" to {_p}
message " &a%{}%" to {_p}
message "&b &f" to {_p}
message "&6&m=====================================" to {_p}
wait 60 seconds
message "&9Carl> &7Rewarded 250 Shards for watching the YouTube Video" to {_p}
function tlink(p: player) :: number:
message "&6&m=====================================" to {_p}
message "&b &f" to {_p}
message " &f&lClick to Open in Web Browser" to {_p}
message " &a%{mineplex.config.twitter}%" to {_p}
message "&b &f" to {_p}
message "&6&m=====================================" to {_p}
function dailyr(p: player) :: number:
set {_t} to difference between {carl.dr.%{_p}%} and now
set {_tc} to "20 hours" parsed as a timespan
if {_t} is less than {_tc}:
message "&9Carl> &7Come back in another 24 hours." to {_p}
message "&9Carl> &7Rewarded &e100 Treasure Shards" to {_p}
message "&9Carl> &7Rewarded &e100 Gems" to {_p}
message "&9Carl> &7Rewarded &e250 Experience" to {_p}
set {carl.dr.%{_p}%} to now
addShards({_p}, 100)
addGems({_p}, 100)
set {_cur} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "") parsed as a number
add 1 to {_cur}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "", "%{_cur}%")
function rawVote(p: player , v: number) :: number:
add 1 to {mineplex.poll.results.%{_v}%.%{}%}
set {mineplex.polltaken.%{}%.%{_p}%} to true
addGems({_p}, {mineplex.poll.gems.%{}%})
message "&9Carl> &7Rewarded &a%{mineplex.poll.gems.%{}%}% Gems&7." to {_p}
function pollVote(p: player) :: number:
open chest with 6 rows named "Poll:" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 13 of {_p} with book and quill named "&a&lVote on Poll" with lore "||&f%{mineplex.poll.question.%{}%}%||||&b1.) &f%{mineplex.poll.a1.%{}%}%||&b2.) &f%{mineplex.poll.a2.%{}%}%||&b3.) &f%{mineplex.poll.a3.%{}%}%||&b4.) &f%{mineplex.poll.a4.%{}%}%||||&eRewards|| &f%{mineplex.poll.gems.%{}%}% Gems" to be unstealable
format slot 28 of {_p} with emerald named "&aOption 1" with lore "||&f%{mineplex.poll.a1.%{}%}%" to close then run [rawVote({_p}, 1)]
format slot 30 of {_p} with emerald named "&aOption 2" with lore "||&f%{mineplex.poll.a2.%{}%}%" to close then run [rawVote({_p}, 2)]
format slot 32 of {_p} with emerald named "&aOption 3" with lore "||&f%{mineplex.poll.a3.%{}%}%" to close then run [rawVote({_p}, 3)]
format slot 34 of {_p} with emerald named "&aOption 4" with lore "||&f%{mineplex.poll.a4.%{}%}%" to close then run [rawVote({_p}, 4)]
function claimThank(p: player) :: number:
set {_am} to {mineplex.thankrewards.%{_p}%}
set {_tp} to {_am} / 5
send "&9Carl> &7You collected &b%{_am}% Treasure Shards &7from &e%{_tp}% &7players!" to {_p}
set {mineplex.thankrewards.%{_p}%} to 0
set {_get} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "shards")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
add {_am} to {_cur}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "shards", "%{_cur}%")
on inventory click:
if inventory name of player's current inventory is "Carl's Spinner":
cancel event
close player's inventory
#Dank as all heck
function carlGUI(p: player) :: number:
open chest with 6 rows named "%{_p}%'s Bonuses" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 10 of {_p} with redstone block named "&c&lRank Monthly Bonus" with lore "||&7Players with a Rank get a Monthly Bonus!||||&bUltra recieves 1 Mythical Chest Monthly||&dHero recieves 2 Mythical Chests Monthly||&aLegend recieves 3 Mythical Chests Monthly||&cTitan recieves 5 Mythical Chests Monthly||||&fPurchase a Rank at;||&f%{mineplex.config.shoplink}%" to close
set {_t} to difference between {carl.dr.%{_p}%} and now
set {_tc} to "20 hours" parsed as a timespan
set {_mc} to {_tc} - {_t}
set {_st} to "%{_t}%"
set {_args::*} to {_st} split at " "
set {_num1} to "%{_args::1}%" parsed as an int
set {_num2} to 1200
set {_num3} to {_num2} - {_num1}
set {_hourconvert} to {_num3} / 60
set {_finalwait} to "%{_hourconvert}% hours"
if {_t} is less than {_tc}:
format slot 12 of {_p} with redstone block named "&c&lDaily Reward" with lore "||&fNext reward in %{_finalwait}%!|| ||&7||&eRewards|| &f100 Treasure Shards|| &f100 Gems|| &f250 Experience||&7||&eCurrent Streak: &f0||&eStreak Bonus: &f0%%||&7||&eHighest Streak: &f0" to close
format slot 12 of {_p} with chest named "&a&lDaily Reward" with lore "||&fClick to Claim!|| ||&7||&eRewards|| &f100 Treasure Shards|| &f100 Gems|| &f250 Experience||&7||&eCurrent Streak: 0||&eStreak Bonus: 5||&7||&eHighest Streak: &f1||&eStreak Reset: &f1.3 Days" to close then run [dailyr({_p})]
format slot 14 of {_p} with creeper head named "&c&lCarl's Spinner" with lore "||&fYou need a Carl Spin Ticket to Spin||&b||&eYour Tickets: &f%{{_p}%}%" to close then run [reqSpin({_p})]
format slot 16 of {_p} with redstone block named "&c&lPower Play Club" with lore "&eFebruary's Cosmetic|| &fTrue Love Pet||&b &f||&eOther Rewards|| &f2 Game Amplifier|| &f1 Omega Chest||&b||&cGet Power Play Club months at||&b%{mineplex.config.shoplink}%" to close
format slot 20 of {_p} with water bucket named "&e&lVisit us on Facebook" with lore "||&eRewards|| &f10 Ancient Chest" to close
set {_t} to difference between {carl.ytr.%{_p}%} and now
set {_tc} to "1 day" parsed as a timespan
if {_t} is less than {_tc}:
format slot 24 of {_p} with apple named "&a&lVisit us on YouTube" with lore "&fCome back Tomorrow for your||&fDaily Reward!||||&fCheck out the lastest Video||&fon the %{mineplex.config.servername}% Channel!||&b||&fBe sure and Subscribe so you ||&fdon't miss a video!||&b||&aClick to visit us on YouTube!" to close then run [ytlink({_p})]
format slot 24 of {_p} with apple named "&a&lVisit us on YouTube" with lore "&eClaim your Daily 250 Shard Reward||&fby checking out the latest Video ||&fon the %{mineplex.config.servername}% Channel!||&b||&fBe sure and Subscribe so you ||&fdon't miss a video!||&b||&aClick to visit us on YouTube!" to close then run [ytlink({_p})]
if {mineplex.polltaken.%{}%.%{_p}%} is set:
format slot 28 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cVote on Poll" with lore "||&fYou voted on all of the polls!" to close
format slot 28 of {_p} with book and quill named "&a&lVote on Poll" with lore "||&f%{mineplex.poll.question.%{}%}%||||&b1.) &f%{mineplex.poll.a1.%{}%}%||&b2.) &f%{mineplex.poll.a2.%{}%}%||&b3.) &f%{mineplex.poll.a3.%{}%}%||&b4.) &f%{mineplex.poll.a4.%{}%}%||||&eRewards|| &f%{mineplex.poll.gems.%{}%}% Gems||||&aClick to go to the vote page!" to run [pollVote({_p})]
if {mineplex.thankrewards.%{_p}%} is greater than 0:
format slot 30 of {_p} with emerald named "&a&lThank Rewards" with lore "||&eYour Rewards|| &f%{mineplex.thankrewards.%{_p}%}% Treasure Shards|| ||&fClick to Claim!" to close then run [claimThank({_p})]
format slot 30 of {_p} with redstone block named "&c&lThank Rewards" with lore "||&7Earn Thank Rewards from players using /thank||&7on you, or by enabling Game Amplifiers.||&b||&fGet Amplifiers at &a%{mineplex.config.shoplink}%" to close
format slot 32 of {_p} with tripwire hook named "&a&lWatch an Ad!" with lore "&eEarn 1 Carl Spin Ticket||&fby checking out our partner's Advertisement||||&fYou can watch 5 Ads every 24 hours.||||&fPlease help us keep %{mineplex.config.servername}% awesome||&c&lBe sure to have your AdBlocker disabled!||||&aClick to watch the Ad now!" to be unstealable
format slot 34 of {_p} with egg named "&a&lVisit us on Twitter" with lore "&fCheck out and follow %{mineplex.config.servername}% on||&fTwitter for Giveaways, Announcements,||&fTeasers, and Tips!||||&aClick to visit us on Twitter" to close then run [tlink({_p})]
format slot 40 of {_p} with jukebox named "&a&lVote for %{mineplex.config.servername}%" with lore "||&fClick to Vote!||||&eRewards|| &f1 Carl Spin Ticket|| &f400 Gems||||&eCurrent Streak: &f0||&eStreak Bonus: &f+0%%||||&eHighest Streak: &f0" to be unstealable
command /poll [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<integer>] [<string>]:
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is set:
if arg 1 is "create":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
if arg 4 is set:
if arg 5 is set:
if arg 6 is set:
if arg 7 is set:
add 1 to {}
send "&9Poll> &7Rolling out poll with id &e%{}%&7!"
wait 1 second
set {_arg1} to arg 2
set {_arg2} to arg 3
set {_arg3} to arg 4
set {_arg4} to arg 5
set {_arg5} to arg 6
set {mineplex.poll.gems.%{}%} to "%arg 7%" parsed as an integer
replace every "_" with " " in {_arg1}
replace every "_" with " " in {_arg2}
replace every "_" with " " in {_arg3}
replace every "_" with " " in {_arg4}
replace every "_" with " " in {_arg5}
broadcast "&9Poll> &7A new poll is available! Vote in Carl!"
wait 0.5 seconds
send "&9Poll> &7The poll has been rolled out successfully!"
set {mineplex.poll.question.%{}%} to {_arg1}
set {mineplex.poll.a1.%{}%} to {_arg2}
set {mineplex.poll.a2.%{}%} to {_arg3}
set {mineplex.poll.a3.%{}%} to {_arg4}
set {mineplex.poll.a4.%{}%} to {_arg5}
set {mineplex.poll.results.1.%{}%} to 0
set {mineplex.poll.results.2.%{}%} to 0
set {mineplex.poll.results.3.%{}%} to 0
set {mineplex.poll.results.4.%{}%} to 0
send "&9Poll> &7Correct Usage:"
send "&4/poll create (Question) (Opt.1) (Opt.2) (Opt.3) (Opt.4) (Gem Reward) Admin"
send "&4/poll results [(id)] Admin"
send ""
send "&9Poll> &7Example:"
send "/poll create Is_Wheezy_Da_Best? Yes No He_Could_Be Ur_Funny 111 Admin"
send "&9Poll> &7Correct Usage:"
send "&4/poll create (Question) (Opt.1) (Opt.2) (Opt.3) (Opt.4) (Gem Reward) Admin"
send "&4/poll results [(id)] Admin"
send ""
send "&9Poll> &7Example:"
send "/poll create Is_Wheezy_Da_Best? Yes No He_Could_Be Ur_Funny 111"
send "&9Poll> &7Correct Usage:"
send "&4/poll create (Question) (Opt.1) (Opt.2) (Opt.3) (Opt.4) (Gem Reward) Admin"
send "&4/poll results [(id)] Admin"
send ""
send "&9Poll> &7Example:"
send "/poll create Is_Wheezy_Da_Best? Yes No He_Could_Be Ur_Funny 111"
send "&9Poll> &7Correct Usage:"
send "&4/poll create (Question) (Opt.1) (Opt.2) (Opt.3) (Opt.4) (Gem Reward) Admin"
send "&4/poll results [(id)] Admin"
send ""
send "&9Poll> &7Example:"
send "/poll create Is_Wheezy_Da_Best? Yes No He_Could_Be Ur_Funny 111"
send "&9Poll> &7Correct Usage:"
send "&4/poll create (Question) (Opt.1) (Opt.2) (Opt.3) (Opt.4) (Gem Reward) Admin"
send "&4/poll results [(id)] Admin"
send ""
send "&9Poll> &7Example:"
send "/poll create Is_Wheezy_Da_Best? Yes No He_Could_Be Ur_Funny 111"
send "&9Poll> &7Correct Usage:"
send "&4/poll create (Question) (Opt.1) (Opt.2) (Opt.3) (Opt.4) (Gem Reward) Admin"
send "&4/poll results [(id)] Admin"
send ""
send "&9Poll> &7Example:"
send "/poll create Is_Wheezy_Da_Best? Yes No He_Could_Be Ur_Funny 111"
else if arg 1 is "results":
if player has permission "mineplex.admin":
if arg 2 is not set:
open chest with 5 row named "Poll Results" to player
format slot 13 of player with book and quill named "&b&lCurrent Poll" with lore "&eOuestion:||&b%{mineplex.poll.question.%{}%}%|| ||&e&lReward: &f%{mineplex.poll.gems.%{}%}% Gems" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with book named "&b&lOption 1" with lore "&eAnswer 1:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a1.%{}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with book named "&b&lOption 2" with lore "&eAnswer 2:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a2.%{}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with book named "&b&lOption 3" with lore "&eAnswer 3:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a3.%{}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with book named "&b&lOption 4" with lore "&eAnswer 4:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a4.%{}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 28 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b&lVote Count:" with lore "&f%{mineplex.poll.results.1.%{}%}% &evotes||&efor answer 1:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a1.%{}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 30 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b&lVote Count:" with lore "&f%{mineplex.poll.results.2.%{}%}% &evotes||&efor answer 2:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a2.%{}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 32 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b&lVote Count:" with lore "&f%{mineplex.poll.results.3.%{}%}% &evotes||&efor answer 3:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a3.%{}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 34 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b&lVote Count:" with lore "&f%{mineplex.poll.results.4.%{}%}% &evotes||&efor answer 4:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a4.%{}%}%" to be unstealable
set {_id} to arg-2 parsed as a number
if {_id} is 0:
send "&9Poll> &cInvalid Poll ID!"
if {_id} is greater than {}:
send "&9Poll> &cInvalid Poll ID!"
if {_id} is not set:
send "&9Poll> &cInvalid Poll ID!"
open chest with 5 row named "Poll Results" to player
format slot 13 of player with book and quill named "&b&lCurrent Poll" with lore "&eOuestion:||&b%{mineplex.poll.question.%{_id}%}%|| ||&e&lReward: &f%{mineplex.poll.gems.%{_id}%}% Gems" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with book named "&b&lOption 1" with lore "&eAnswer 1:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a1.%{_id}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with book named "&b&lOption 2" with lore "&eAnswer 2:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a2.%{_id}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with book named "&b&lOption 3" with lore "&eAnswer 3:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a3.%{_id}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 25 of player with book named "&b&lOption 4" with lore "&eAnswer 4:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a4.%{_id}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 28 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b&lVote Count:" with lore "&f%{mineplex.poll.results.1.%{_id}%}% &evotes||&efor answer 1:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a1.%{_id}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 30 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b&lVote Count:" with lore "&f%{mineplex.poll.results.2.%{_id}%}% &evotes||&efor answer 2:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a2.%{_id}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 32 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b&lVote Count:" with lore "&f%{mineplex.poll.results.3.%{_id}%}% &evotes||&efor answer 3:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a3.%{_id}%}%" to be unstealable
format slot 34 of player with blue stained glass pane named "&b&lVote Count:" with lore "&f%{mineplex.poll.results.4.%{_id}%}% &evotes||&efor answer 4:|| &f%{mineplex.poll.a4.%{_id}%}%" to be unstealable
send "&9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that."
send "&9Poll> &7Correct Usage:"
send "&4/poll create (Question) (Opt.1) (Opt.2) (Opt.3) (Opt.4 (Gem Reward) Admin"
send "&4/poll results [(id)] Admin"
send ""
send "&9Poll> &7Example:"
send "/poll create Is_Wheezy_Da_Best? Yes No He_Could_Be Ur_Funny 111"
command /fixanimation:
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
loop all entities:
if name of loop-entity is "&a&lCarl the Creeper":
set {_e1} to loop-entity
exit loop
add "{NoAI:0b}" to nbt of {_e1}
teleport {_e1} 100 meters below {_e1}
kill {_e1}
command /animation:
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
loop all entities:
if name of loop-entity is "&a&lCarl the Creeper":
set {_e1} to loop-entity
exit loop
set {_loc} to location of {_e1}
add "{Fuse:999}" to nbt of {_e1}
add "{ignited:1}" to nbt of {_e1}
wait 1 second
loop all players:
show 1 "Explosion Huge" particles at {_loc} for loop-player
play raw sound "random.explode1" at {_e1} with pitch 1 volume 10
play raw sound "random.explode" at {_e1} with pitch 1 volume 10
wait 0.6 seconds
spawn 1 creeper at location of {_e1}
add "{NoAI:0b}" to nbt of {_e1}
teleport {_e1} 100 meters below {_e1}
kill {_e1}
set {_carl} to spawned creeper
set name of last spawned entity to "&a&lCarl the Creeper"
add "{NoAI:1b}" to nbt of {_carl}
add "{powered:1}" to nbt of {_carl}
apply slowness 255 to last spawned entity for 999 days
every 2 minutes:
execute console command "/animation" #Sue me
command /ticket [<offline player>] [<string>] [<string>]:
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
set {_int} to arg-2 parsed as an int
if {_int} is an int:
send "&9Tickets> &7You gave &e%arg-2% &7Carl spin tickets to &e%arg-1%" to sender
send "&9Tickets> &7You recieved &e%arg 2% &7Carl spin tickets" to arg 1
add {_int} to {}
send "&9Tickets> &7Listing Commands"
send "&4/ticket <player> <amount> &7Give a player spin tickets &4Admin"
send "&9Tickets> &7Listing Commands"
send "&4/ticket <player> <amount> &7Give a player spin tickets &4Admin"
send "&9Tickets> &7Listing Commands"
send "&4/ticket <player> <amount> &7Give a player spin tickets &4Admin"
on inventory close:
if {opener.%player%} is true:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "Carl's Spinner" to player
every second:
loop all entities:
name of loop-entity contains "&a&lCarl the Creeper"
teleport loop-entity to {kitnpc}
on damage:
name of victim contains "&a&lCarl the Creeper"
cancel event
on right click on entity:
if player's tool is a chest:
if name of player's tool is "&aCosmetic Menu":
send "&9MCR> &e##BlameWheezy"
name of clicked entity contains "&a&lCarl the Creeper"
if {nospam.%player%} is true:
set {nospam.%player%} to true
wait 1 second
set {nospam.%player%} to false
on death:
set {nospam.%victim%} to false
on join:
set {nospam.%player%} to false
#Broadcast System
every 10 seconds:
$ thread
set {_check} to line 1 from url ""
if {mineplex.globalannounce.%{_check}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.globalannounce.%{_check}%} to true
$ thread
set {_message} to line 1 from url ""
send all players title "&eMCR Announcement" with subtitle "&f%{_message}%" for 10 seconds
broadcast "&9MCR Announcement> &b%{_message}%"
function createTitle(arg1: player , arg2: text) :: number:
set {_tploc} to location of {_arg1}
add 1.6 to y-coordinate of {_tploc}
spawn a armor stand at {_tploc}
teleport {%{_arg1}%.title} to {_tploc}
set {%{_arg1}%.title} to the last spawned entity
set metadata value "titleOwner" of last spawned entity to "%{_arg1}%"
add "{CustomName:""%{_arg2}%""}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{NoGravity:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{CustomNameVisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{PersistenceRequired:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{Invisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{Marker:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
set {title.%{_arg1}} to true
set {_tploc} to location of {_arg1}
add 1.6 to y-coordinate of {_tploc}
teleport {%{_arg1}%.title} to {_tploc}
function removeTitle(arg1: player) :: number:
if {title.%{_arg1}} is true:
kill {%{_arg1}%.title}
set {title.%{_arg1}} to false
delete {%{_arg1}%.title}
set {_void} to location of {_arg1}
remove 256 from y-coordinate of {_void}
loop all entities:
if metadata value "titleOwner" of loop-entity is "%{_arg1}%":
add "{NoGravity:0}" to nbt of loop-entity
teleport loop-entity to {_void}
set {title.%{_arg1}} to false
wait 4 ticks
delete {%{_arg1}%.title}
message "[TitleAPI] Error:" to console
message "[TitleAPI] %{_arg1}% has no title active" to console
on any move:
if {} is true:
set {_tploc} to location of player
add 1.6 to y-coordinate of {_tploc}
teleport {%player%.title} to {_tploc}
on any move:
if {} is true:
push {%player%.title} forwards
set {_tploc} to location of player
add 1.6 to y-coordinate of {_tploc}
teleport {%player%.title} to {_tploc}
make {%player%.title} home towards player
push {%player%.title} forwards
command /createtitle [<player>] [<text>]:
set {_txt} to colored arg 2
removeTitle(arg 1)
message "&9Titles> &7Generating title, please wait..."
wait 5 ticks
createTitle(arg 1, "%{_txt}%")
message "&9Titles> &7Title &e%{_txt}% &7Generated."
#protocol hide {_e1} from loop-player
on quit:
command /removeTitle [<player>]:
function trackDB(p: player , t: string) :: string:
if {_t} is "aprilfools-2017":
set {_r} to "&5&k?&d 2017 April Fools &5&k?"
if {_t} is "holiday-cheer":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Has Santa's Number &c&k?"
if {_t} is "treasure-hunter":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Master Treasure Hunter &c&k?"
if {_t} is "leveler":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Friend of Douglas &c&k?"
if {_t} is "lucky":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Hashtag Blessed &c&k?"
if {_t} is "mineplex-mastery":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Mineplex Master &c&k?"
if {_t} is "party-animal":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Life is a Party &c&k?"
if {_t} is "peaceful":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Pacifist &c&k?"
if {_t} is "perfectionist":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Doer of Things &c&k?"
if {_t} is "power-play":
if {mineplex.ppc.%{_p}%} is set:
set {_r} to "&b&k?&b Power Play Club &b&k?"
return "perm"
if {_t} is "sweet-tooth":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Candy Addict &c&k?"
if {_t} is "unlucky":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Things Don't Go My Way &c&k?"
if {_t} is "warrior":
set {_r} to "&c&k?&c Champion &c&k?"
if {_t} is "gotta-go":
set {_r} to "&6┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴)"
if {_t} is "santas-helper":
set {_r} to "&c&l&ka&r &f&lSanta's Helper &r&c&l&ka"
if {_t} is "staff-trainee":
if {p} has permission "mineplex.trainee":
set {_r} to "&6&kK&r &6Choo Choo &kK"
return "perm"
if {_t} is "staff-moderator":
if {p} has permission "mineplex.mod":
set {_r} to "&6&kK&r &6My name isn't mod &kK"
return "perm"
if {_t} is "staff-sr_moderator":
if {p} has permission "mineplex.srmod":
set {_r} to "&6&kK&r &6My Team's the Best Team &kK"
return "perm"
if {_t} is "staff-leader":
if {_p} has permission "mineplex.leader":
set {_r} to "&c&kK&4 What's a leader? &c&kK"
return "perm"
if {_t} is "mcr-patreon":
if {_p} is "WheezyGold7931" :
set {_r} to "&6&kK&c&l MCR Patreon &6&kK"
return "perm"
if {_t} is "mcr-staff":
if {_p} is "WheezyGold7931" or "TheSkripterDK" or "Torksi" or "Y7S" or "ItzRenderman" or "NaiculS" or "Drawfull" or "Keyloren" or "citrin_" or "Torksi" or "Mike70387" or "Nathan100" or "GetRekt3" or "Rage_Dog" or "TonyMaster21":
set {_r} to "&6&kK&6&l MCR Staff &6&kK"
return "perm"
if {_t} is "mcr-dev":
if {_p} is "WheezyGold7931" or "TheSkripterDK" or "Torksi" or "ItzRenderman":
set {_r} to "&6&kK&c&l MCR Dev &6&kK"
return "perm"
if {_t} is "mcr-headcouncil":
if {_p} is "WheezyGold7931" or "NaiculS" or "Drawfull" or "Keyloren" or "Torksi" or "Mike70387":
set {_r} to "&6&kK&4&l MCR Head Council &6&kK"
return "perm"
if {_t} is "mcr-creator":
if {_p} is "WheezyGold7931":
set {_r} to "&6&kK&d&l MCR Creator &6&kK"
return "perm"
if {_r} is not set:
set {_r} to "false"
return {_r}
command /track [<string>] [<string>]:
if {mineplex.track.%player%} is set:
send "&9Track> &7You have disabled your active track"
delete {mineplex.track.%player%}
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9Track> &7You must specify the ID of a track to enable"
set {_track} to trackDB(player, arg-1)
if {_track} is "false":
send "&9Track> &7That is not a valid track"
if {_track} is "perm":
send "&9Track> &7You have not unlocked any tiers on that track"
wait 5 ticks
createTitle(player, {_track})
send "&9Track> &7Your active track has been updated to %{_track}%"
set {mineplex.track.%player%} to {_track}
on join:
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You enabled all Previously enabled Cosmetics" to player
command /chestmeup:
give player chest named "&aCosmetic Menu"
function mountapi(p: player, action: text, type: text) :: number:
if {_action} is "remove":
set {_loc} to {_p}'s location
add -100000 to y-coordinate of {_loc}
teleport {currentmount.%{_p}%} to {_loc}
delete {currentmount.%{_p}%}
message "&9Mount> &7Despawned &e%{currentmount.%{_p}%.type}%" to {_p}
set {currentmount.%{_p}%.type} to "None"
if {_action} is "create":
if {_type} is "slime":
if {currentmount.%{_p}%} is set:
message "&9MountAPI> &6[WARN] &7%{_p}% already has a mount active. The Action has been canceled." to console
spawn a slime at {_p}
set {currentmount.%{_p}%} to the last spawned entity
add "{CustomName:""%{_p}%'s Slime""}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{CustomNameVisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{PersistenceRequired:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{Size:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{Attributes:{Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:0},[{Name:generic.followRange,Base:0}]}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{ActiveEffects:[{Id:18,Amplifier:255,Duration:19999980,ShowParticles:0b}]}" to nbt of last spawned entity
set {currentmount.%{_p}%.type} to "Slime Mount"
while {currentmount.%{_p}%} is alive:
wait 15 ticks
{_p} is online
if distance between {currentmount.%{_p}%} and {_p} is less than 5:
make {currentmount.%{_p}%} pathfind to {_p} with speed 1
else if distance between {currentmount.%{_p}%} and {_p} is more than 15:
teleport {currentmount.%{_p}%} to {_p}
make {currentmount.%{_p}%} pathfind to {_p} with speed 2
function cosmetic_system(arg1: text , arg2: text , p: player) :: number:
set {_wither} to "MHF_WSkeleton" parsed as a player
if {_arg1} is "menu":
if {_arg2} is "gadgets":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl} to 0
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework} to 0
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.coal} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.coal} to 0
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt} to 0
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowball} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowball} to 0
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Inventory" to {_p}
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of {_p} with bed item named "&7⇽ Go Back" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
format slot 10 of {_p} with ender pearl named "&a&lEthereal Pearl" with lore "||&7These Pearls are stolen from||&7sleeping Endermen!||||&fYou own &a%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl}%" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "pearl", {_p})]
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} is "pearl":
format slot 10 of {_p} with shiny ender pearl named "&a&lEthereal Pearl" with lore "||&7These Pearls are stolen from||&7sleeping Endermen!||||&fYou own &a%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl}%" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "pearl", {_p})]
format slot 11 of {_p} with firework rocket named "&a&lFireworks" with lore "||&7Need to celebrate? These||&7Fireworks should do the trick!||||&fYou own &a%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework}%" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "firework", {_p})]
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} is "firework":
format slot 11 of {_p} with shiny firework rocket named "&a&lFireworks" with lore "||&7Need to celebrate? These||&7Fireworks should do the trick!||||&fYou own &a%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework}%" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "firework", {_p})]
format slot 14 of {_p} with snowball named "&a&lSnowballs" with lore "||&fJoin in on the festive fun by||&fthrowing show at people!||||&fYou own &a%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowball}%" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "snowball", {_p})]
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} is "Snowball":
format slot 14 of {_p} with shiny snowball named "&a&lSnowballs" with lore "||&fJoin in on the festive fun by||&fthrowing show at people!||||&fYou own &a%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowball}%" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "snowball", {_p})]
format slot 12 of {_p} with tnt named "&a&lTNT" with lore "||&7Thowing tnt at %{mineplex.config.servername}%||&7Staff is highly encouraged!||||&fYou own &a%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt}%" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "tnt", {_p})]
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} is "tnt":
format slot 12 of {_p} with shiny tnt named "&a&lTNT" with lore "||&7Thowing tnt at %{mineplex.config.servername}%||&7Staff is highly encouraged!||||&fYou own &a%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt}%" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "tnt", {_p})]
format slot 13 of {_p} with coal named "&a&lCoal" with lore "||&7Just a large chunk of coal.||&7Maybe you were naughty or||&7something||||&fYou own &a%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.coal}%" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "coal", {_p})]
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} is "coal":
format slot 13 of {_p} with shiny coal named "&a&lCoal" with lore "||&7Just a large chunk of coal.||&7Maybe you were naughty or||&7something||||&fYou own &a%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.coal}%" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "coal", {_p})]
if {_arg2} is "main":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs} to 0
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.hats} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.hats} to 0
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Inventory" to {_p}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
wait 4 ticks
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with black glass pane named "&8" with lore "&6" to be unstealable
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
format slot 1 of {_p} with nether star named "&a&lParticle Effects" with lore "||&7Show everyone how cool you ||&7are with swirly particles that ||&7follow you when you walk. ||&8Visible Everywhere ||||&fYou own 0/22 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "particles", {_p})]
format slot 10 of {_p} with arrow named "&a&lArrow Effects" with lore "||&7Your arrows will now leave ||&7Particle Trails as they soar ||&7through the air ||&8Visible In Games ||||&fYou own 0/13 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
format slot 28 of {_p} with golden boots named "&a&lDouble Jump Effects" with lore "||&7Demonstrate your parkour ||&7prowess with sweet particles ||&7when you double jump ||&8Visible Everywhere ||||&fYou own 0/13 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of {_p} with skeleton head named "&a&lDeath Animations" with lore "||&7Your death will now be mourned ||&7with a wonderfull particle ||&7tribute ||&8Visible In Games ||||&fYou own 0/13 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l%{mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}% Treasure Shards" with lore " ||&7This seems like it might come in||&7handy. Maybe I can collect more!" to be unstealable
format slot 49 of {_p} with melon block named "&a&lGadgets" with lore "||&fAll sorts of zany contraptions||&7to use on your friends and||&7foes.||&8Useable in Lobbies||||&fYou own 4/4||||&fActive: &e%{mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%}%||&aClick to view Category" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})]
format slot 25 of {_p} with leather named "&a&lMorphs" with lore "||&7Have you ever wanted to be a||&7tiger? Well, you cant be a||&7tiger! Thats silly! But you can||&7be mny other things!||&8Useable in Lobbies||||&fYou own %{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs}%/4||||&fActive: &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%||&aClick to view Category" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})]
format slot 50 of {_p} with iron horse armor named "&a&lMounts" with lore "||&7Why walk when you can ride? ||&7Summon fancy mounts to help ||&7you move in style. ||&8Usable In Lobbies ||||&fYou own %{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.mounts}%/1 ||||&fActive: &e%{currentmount.%{_p}%.type}% ||&aLeft-click to view category" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "mounts", {_p})]
format slot 51 of {_p} with bone named "&a&lPets" with lore "||&7Life on a server can get ||&7lonely sometimes. summon an ||&7adorable pet to follow you ||&7around and cheer you up! ||&8Usable In Lobbies ||||&fYou own 0/16 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "pets", {_p})]
format slot 7 of {_p} with golden helmet named "&a&lHats" with lore "||&7Hats are in this year. Wear||&7them on your head to impress||&7the ladies.||&8Useable in Lobbies||||&fYou own %{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.hats}%/2" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "hats", {_p})]
format slot 16 of {_p} with diamond chestplate named "&A&LCostumes" with lore "||&7Sometimes going out calls for ||&7Special Clothes! Gain bonus ||&7effects for matching outfits. ||&8Usable In Lobbies ||||&fYou own 0/12 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
format slot 48 of {_p} with music disc named "&A&LMusic" with lore "||&7I JUST WANT TO DANCE WITH ||&7YOU! ||&8Usable In Lobbies ||||&fYou own 0/11 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
format slot 31 of {_p} with name tag named "&A&lTaunts" with lore "||&7Taunt your enemies or just ||&7show off. Use /taunt to have ||&7a good time! ||&8Visible In Games ||||&fYou own 0/1 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
format slot 13 of {_p} with cake item named "&A&LWin Effects" with lore "||&7Winning a game with your ||&7friends is all good and dandy, ||&7but being able to also ||&7show off awesome effects is ||&7even more fun! ||&8Visible In Games ||||&fYou own 0/10 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of {_p} with torch named "&A&lGame Modifiers" with lore "||&7Cosmetic effects which changes ||&7appearances of objects in ||&7game. ||&8Visible In Games ||||&fYou own 0/25 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
format slot 47 of {_p} with lead named "&A&lBalloons" with lore "||&7Balloons are collectibles that ||&7you can float above your head ||&7as you wander the lobby. You ||&7can have up to 10 balloons in ||&7you hand at one time. ||&8Usable In Lobbies ||||&fYou own 0/14 ||||&fActive: &eNone ||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of {_p} with lever named "&a&lKit Selector Particles" with lore "||&7Click here to select different||&7particles to indicate which kit you have selected!||&8Usable In Game Lobbies||||&fYou own 0/8 ||##||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
format slot 34 of {_p} with banner named "&a&lFlags" with lore "||&7Show off your country's flag!||&8Usable In Lobbies||||&fYou own 0/2 ||||&aLeft-click to view category" to be unstealable
if {_arg2} is "pets":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.pets.ocelot} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.pets.ocelot} to 0
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.pets.wolf} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.pets.wolf} to 0
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.pets.chicken} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.pets.chicken} to 0
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Inventory" to {_p}
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of {_p} with bed item named "&7? Go Back" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
format slot 10 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lGuardian" with lore "||&7Your very own Guardian!||&cUnlocked with Titan Rank" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "guardian", {_p})]
format slot 11 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lCat" with lore "||&7Your very own Cat!" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "ocelot", {_p})]
format slot 12 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lDog" with lore "||&7Your very own Dog!" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "wolf", {_p})]
format slot 13 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lChicken" with lore "||&7Your very own Chicken!" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "chicken", {_p})]
if {_arg2} is "morphs":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.villager} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.villager} to 0
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.slime} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.slime} to 0
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.creeper} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.creeper} to 0
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.cow} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.cow} to 0
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Inventory" to {_p}
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of {_p} with bed item named "&7⇽ Go Back" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.villager} is 0:
format slot 10 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lVillager Morph" with lore "||&7HURRRR! MURR HURRR!||||&f&lCOST: &b12000 Treasure Shards" to close then run [cosmetic_system("buy", "morph_villager", {_p})]
format slot 10 of {_p} with emerald named "&a&lVillager Morph" with lore "||&7HURRRR! MURR HURRR!||||&aClick to use" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "morph_villager", {_p})]
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is "Villager Morph":
format slot 10 of {_p} with shiny emerald named "&a&lVillager Morph" with lore "||&7HURRRR! MURR HURRR!||||&aClick disable" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "morph_villager", {_p})]
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.slime} is 0:
format slot 11 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lSlime Morph" with lore "||&7Splat Splat!||||&f&lCOST: &b20000 Treasure Shards" to close then run [cosmetic_system("buy", "morph_slime", {_p})]
format slot 11 of {_p} with slimeball named "&a&lSlime Morph" with lore "||&7Splat Splat!||||&aClick to enable." to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "morph_slime", {_p})]
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is "Slime Morph":
format slot 11 of {_p} with shiny slimeball named "&a&lSlime Morph" with lore "||&7Splat Splat!||||&aClick to disable." to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "morph_slime", {_p})]
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.creeper} is 0:
format slot 12 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lCreeper Morph" with lore "||&7Hissss!||||&f&lCOST: &b10000 Treasure Shards" to close then run [cosmetic_system("buy", "morph_creeper", {_p})]
format slot 12 of {_p} with gunpowder named "&a&lCreeper Morph" with lore "||&7Hissssss!||||&aClick to enable." to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "morph_creeper", {_p})]
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is "Creeper Morph":
format slot 12 of {_p} with shiny gunpowder named "&a&lCreeper Morph" with lore "||&7Hissssss!||||&aClick to disable." to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "morph_creeper", {_p})]
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.cow} is 0:
format slot 13 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lCow Morph" with lore "||&7How now brown cow?||||&f&lCOST: &b6000 Treasure Shards" to close then run [cosmetic_system("buy", "morph_cow", {_p})]
format slot 13 of {_p} with steak named "&a&lCow Morph" with lore "||&7How now brown cow?||||&aClick to enable." to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "morph_cow", {_p})]
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is "Cow Morph":
format slot 13 of {_p} with shiny steak named "&a&lCow Morph" with lore "||&7Moooo!||||&aClick to disable." to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "morph_cow", {_p})]
if {_p} has permission "mineplex.legend":
format slot 14 of {_p} with {_wither}'s skull named "&a&lWither Morph" with lore "||&7Legends have foretold the||&7coming of a powerful Wither...||||&fFly through the air!||||&aClick to Enable" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "morph_wither", {_p})]
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is "Wither Morph":
format slot 14 of {_p} with shiny {_wither}'s skull named "&a&lWither Morph" with lore "||&7Legends have foretold the||&7coming of a powerful Wither...||||&fFly through the air!||||&aClick to Disable" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "morph_wither", {_p})]
format slot 14 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lWither Morph" with lore "||&7Legends have foretold the||&7coming of a powerful Wither...||||&fFly through the air!||||&aUnlocked with Legend Rank" to be unstealable
if {_arg2} is "hats":
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Inventory" to {_p}
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of {_p} with bed item named "&7⇽ Go Back" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
if {mineplex.hat.%{_p}%.owned.compCube} is not set:
set {mineplex.hat.%{_p}%.owned.compCube} to 0
if {mineplex.hat.%{_p}%.owned.present} is not set:
set {mineplex.hat.%{_p}%.owned.present} to 0
if {mineplex.hat.%{_p}%.owned.compCube} is 0:
format slot 10 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lCompanion Cube" with lore "||&7The Enrichment Center is||&7required to remind you that||&7the Weighted Companion cube||&7cannot talk. In the event that it does talk The Enrichment||&7Center asks you to ignore its||&7advice.||||&9Found in Treasure Chests" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of {_p} with stone:6 named "&a&lCompanion Cube" with lore "||&7The Enrichment Center is||&7required to remind you that||&7the Weighted Companion cube||&7cannot talk. In the event that it does talk The Enrichment||&7Center asks you to ignore its||&7advice.||||&aClick to enable" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "hat_compCube", {_p})]
if {mineplex.hat.selected.%{_p}%} is "compCube":
format slot 10 of {_p} with shiny stone:6 named "&a&lCompanion Cube" with lore "||&7The Enrichment Center is||&7required to remind you that||&7the Weighted Companion cube||&7cannot talk. In the event that||&7it does talk The Enrichment||&7Center asks you to ignore its||&7advice.||||&aClick to disable" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "hat_compCube", {_p})]
if {mineplex.hat.%{_p}%.owned.present} is 0:
format slot 11 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lPresent" with lore "||&7WHAT'S IN THE PRESENT? Oh, it's||&7just you...||||&9Found in Treasure Chests" to be unstealable
format slot 11 of {_p} with chest named "&a&lPresent" with lore "||&7WHAT'S IN THE PRESENT? Oh, it's||&7just you...||||&aClick to enable." to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "hat_present", {_p})]
if {mineplex.hat.selected.%{_p}%} is "present":
format slot 11 of {_p} with shiny chest named "&a&lPresent" with lore "||&7WHAT'S IN THE PRESENT? Oh, it's||&7just you...||||&aClick to disable." to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "hat_present", {_p})]
if {_arg2} is "particles":
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Inventory" to {_p}
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of {_p} with bed item named "&7⇽ Go Back" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
if {mineplex.particle.%{_p}%.owned.shadow} is not set:
set {mineplex.particle.%{_p}%.owned.shadow} to 0
if {mineplex.particle.%{_p}%.owned.shadow} is 0:
format slot 10 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lShadow Walk" with lore "||&7In a world where footprints do||&7not exist, leaving you shadow||&7behind is the next best thing!||||&9Found in Treasure Chests" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of {_p} with leather boots named "&a&lShadow Walk" with lore "||&7In a world where footprints do||&7not exist, leaving you shadow||&7behind is the next best thing!||||&aClick to enable" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "particle_shadow", {_p})]
if {mineplex.particle.selected.%{_p}%} is "shadow":
format slot 10 of {_p} with shiny leather boots named "&a&lShadow Walk" with lore "||&7In a world where footprints do||&7not exist, leaving you shadow||&7behind is the next best thing!||||&aClick to disabe" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "particle_shadow", {_p})]
if {mineplex.particle.%{_p}%.owned.flame} is 0:
format slot 11 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lFlame Rings" with lore "||&7Forged from the blazing rods||&7of 1000 Blazes by the||&7infamous Nether King.||||&9Found in Treasure Chests" to be unstealable
format slot 11 of {_p} with blaze rod named "&a&lFlame Rings" with lore "||&7Forged from the blazing rods||&7of 1000 Blazes by the||&7infamous Nether King.||||&aClick to enable" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "particle_flame", {_p})]
if {mineplex.particle.selected.%{_p}%} is "flame":
format slot 11 of {_p} with shiny blaze rod named "&a&lFlame Rings" with lore "||&7Forged from the blazing rods||&7of 1000 Blazes by the||&7infamous Nether King.||||&aClick to disabe" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "particle_flame", {_p})]
if {_arg2} is "mounts":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.mounts.owned.slime} is not set:
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.mounts.owned.slime} to 0
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Inventory" to {_p}
wait 4 ticks
format slot 4 of {_p} with bed item named "&7⇽ Go Back" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.mounts.owned.slime} is 0:
format slot 10 of {_p} with gray dye named "&c&lSlime Mount" with lore "||&7Splat Splat!||||&f&lCOST: &b12000 Treasure Shards" to close then run [cosmetic_system("buy", "mount_slime", {_p})]
format slot 10 of {_p} with slimeball named "&a&lSlime Mount" with lore "||&7Splat Splat!||||&aClick to use" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "mount_slime", {_p})]
if {currentmount.%{_p}%.type} is "Slime Mount":
format slot 10 of {_p} with shiny slimeball named "&a&lSlime Mount" with lore "||&7Splat Splat!||||&aClick disable" to close then run [cosmetic_system("use", "mount_slime", {_p})]
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "hat_compCube":
if {mineplex.hat.selected.%{_p}%} is "compCube":
wait 1 tick
message "&9Gadget> &7You unequipped &eCompanion Cube" to {_p}
set {mineplex.hat.selected.%{_p}%} to "none"
execute console command "/replaceitem entity %{_p}% slot.armor.head air 1 0"
cosmetic_system("menu", "hats", {_p})
if {mineplex.hat.%{_p}%.owned.compCube} is 1:
wait 1 tick
execute console command "/replaceitem entity %{_p}% slot.armor.head skull 1 3 {display:{Name:&a&lCompanion Cube},SkullOwner:{Id:c1e0dbe1-7fef-4de0-96d2-59aa96dafef7,Properties:{textures:[{Value:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmU1ZDZjNTY5N2U2ZTA2MmEzNjc5YzdiZjU0MDg0YjU4ZWIzZTNjYWE1N2U0MGFkZjZlNTJmMjFiYzM1Mzk1In19fQ==}]}}}"
message "&9Gadget> &7You equipped &eCompanion Cube" to {_p}
set {mineplex.hat.selected.%{_p}%} to "compCube"
cosmetic_system("menu", "hats", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "hat_present":
if {mineplex.hat.selected.%{_p}%} is "present":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unequipped &ePresent" to {_p}
set {mineplex.hat.selected.%{_p}%} to "none"
execute console command "/replaceitem entity %{_p}% slot.armor.head air 1 0"
cosmetic_system("menu", "hats", {_p})
if {mineplex.hat.%{_p}%.owned.compCube} is 1:
execute console command "/replaceitem entity %{_p}% slot.armor.head skull 1 3 {display:{Name:&a&lPresent},SkullOwner:{Id:d350d00d-4dbb-46a9-b769-60bd67546da3,Properties:{textures:[{Value:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTE4ZjhmMTE1MTRjMWZmYmM2ZTk5OTc1ZDdjYTZiNWJhZjkyZGM5MjRjNTIyM2M0ZWM0OTY5M2NkZmNiOCJ9fX0=}]}}}"
message "&9Gadget> &7You equipped &ePresent" to {_p}
set {mineplex.hat.selected.%{_p}%} to "present"
cosmetic_system("menu", "hats", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "particle_shadow":
if {mineplex.particle.selected.%{_p}%} is "shadow":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unequipped &eShadow Walk" to {_p}
set {mineplex.particle.selected.%{_p}%} to "none"
cosmetic_system("menu", "particles", {_p})
if {mineplex.particle.%{_p}%.owned.shadow} is 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You equipped &eShadow Walk" to {_p}
set {mineplex.particle.selected.%{_p}%} to "shadow"
cosmetic_system("menu", "particles", {_p})
if {_arg2} is "particle_flame":
if {mineplex.particle.selected.%{_p}%} is "flame":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unequipped &eFlame Rings" to {_p}
set {mineplex.particle.selected.%{_p}%} to "none"
cosmetic_system("menu", "particles", {_p})
if {mineplex.particle.%{_p}%.owned.flame} is 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You equipped &eFlame Rings" to {_p}
set {mineplex.particle.selected.%{_p}%} to "flame"
cosmetic_system("menu", "particles", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "ocelot":
if {{_p}%} is not set:
set {{_p}%} to false
if {{_p}%} is false:
spawn a ocelot at {_p}
set {_ocelotpet} to the last spawned entity
add "{CustomName:&a%{_p}%'s&c Pet Cat}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{Silent:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{CustomNameVisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{PersistenceRequired:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
tame {_ocelotpet} to {_p}
evaluate "set {pet::%{_p}%} to {_ocelotpet}"
set {{_p}%} to true
while {pet::%{_p}%} is alive:
wait 15 ticks
{_p} is online
if distance between {pet::%{_p}%} and {_p} is less than 5:
make {pet::%{_p}%} pathfind to {_p} with speed 1
else if distance between {pet::%{_p}%} and {_p} is more than 15:
teleport {pet::%{_p}%} to {_p}
make {pet::%{_p}%} pathfind to {_p} with speed 2
if {{_p}%} is true:
kill {pet::%{_p}%}
delete {pet::%{_p}%}
set {{_p}%} to false
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "wolf":
if {{_p}%} is not set:
set {{_p}%} to false
if {{_p}%} is false:
spawn a wolf at {_p}
set {_ocelotpet} to the last spawned entity
add "{CustomName:&a%{_p}%'s&c Pet Wolf}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{Silent:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{CustomNameVisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{PersistenceRequired:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
tame {_ocelotpet} to {_p}
evaluate "set {pet::%{_p}%} to {_ocelotpet}"
set {{_p}%} to true
while {pet::%{_p}%} is alive:
wait 15 ticks
{_p} is online
if distance between {pet::%{_p}%} and {_p} is less than 5:
make {pet::%{_p}%} pathfind to {_p} with speed 1
else if distance between {pet::%{_p}%} and {_p} is more than 15:
teleport {pet::%{_p}%} to {_p}
make {pet::%{_p}%} pathfind to {_p} with speed 2
if {{_p}%} is true:
kill {pet::%{_p}%}
delete {pet::%{_p}%}
set {{_p}%} to false
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "chicken":
if {{_p}%} is not set:
set {{_p}%} to false
if {{_p}%} is false:
spawn a chicken at {_p}
set {_ocelotpet} to the last spawned entity
add "{CustomName:&a%{_p}%'s&c Pet Chicken}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{Silent:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{CustomNameVisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{PersistenceRequired:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
tame {_ocelotpet} to {_p}
evaluate "set {pet::%{_p}%} to {_ocelotpet}"
set {{_p}%} to true
while {pet::%{_p}%} is alive:
wait 15 ticks
{_p} is online
if distance between {pet::%{_p}%} and {_p} is less than 5:
make {pet::%{_p}%} pathfind to {_p} with speed 1
else if distance between {pet::%{_p}%} and {_p} is more than 15:
teleport {pet::%{_p}%} to {_p}
make {pet::%{_p}%} pathfind to {_p} with speed 2
if {{_p}%} is true:
kill {pet::%{_p}%}
delete {pet::%{_p}%}
set {{_p}%} to false
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "guardian":
if {{_p}%} is not set:
set {{_p}%} to false
if {{_p}%} is false:
spawn a guardian at {_p}
set {_ocelotpet} to the last spawned entity
add "{CustomName:&a%{_p}%'s&c Pet Guardian}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{Silent:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{CustomNameVisible:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
add "{PersistenceRequired:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
tame {_ocelotpet} to {_p}
evaluate "set {pet::%{_p}%} to {_ocelotpet}"
set {{_p}%} to true
while {pet::%{_p}%} is alive:
wait 15 ticks
{_p} is online
if distance between {pet::%{_p}%} and {_p} is less than 5:
make {pet::%{_p}%} pathfind to {_p} with speed 1
else if distance between {pet::%{_p}%} and {_p} is more than 15:
teleport {pet::%{_p}%} to {_p}
make {pet::%{_p}%} pathfind to {_p} with speed 2
if {{_p}%} is true:
kill {pet::%{_p}%}
delete {pet::%{_p}%}
set {{_p}%} to false
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "coal":
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} is "coal":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unequipped &eCoal" to {_p}
set {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} to "none"
set slot 3 of {_p} to air with name "lolz"
cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})
message "&9Gadget> &7You equipped &eCoal" to {_p}
set {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} to "coal"
set slot 3 of {_p} to coal with name "&e%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.coal}% Coal"
cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "buy":
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&fTreasure Shards" with lore "&f10000 Treasure Shards will be||&fdeducated from your account balance" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with gunpowder named "&fCreeper Morph" with lore "&fHissssss!" to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("confirm", {_arg2}, {_p})]
format slot 28 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("confirm", {_arg2}, {_p})]
format slot 29 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("confirm", {_arg2}, {_p})]
format slot 36 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("confirm", {_arg2}, {_p})]
format slot 37 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("confirm", {_arg2}, {_p})]
format slot 38 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("confirm", {_arg2}, {_p})]
format slot 45 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("confirm", {_arg2}, {_p})]
format slot 46 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("confirm", {_arg2}, {_p})]
format slot 47 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("confirm", {_arg2}, {_p})]
format slot 33 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cCANCEL" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
format slot 34 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cCANCEL" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
format slot 35 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cCANCEL" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
format slot 42 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cCANCEL" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
format slot 43 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cCANCEL" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
format slot 44 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cCANCEL" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
format slot 51 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cCANCEL" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
format slot 52 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cCANCEL" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
format slot 53 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cCANCEL" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "main", {_p})]
if {_arg2} is "mount_slime":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.slime} is 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You already own this mount!" to {_p}
format slot 22 of {_p} with slimeball named "&fSlime Mount" with lore "&fSplat Splat!" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&fTreasure Shards" with lore "&f10000 Treasure Shards will be||&fdeducated from your account balance" to be unstealable
if {_arg2} is "morph_creeper":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.creeper} is 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You already own this morph!" to {_p}
format slot 22 of {_p} with gunpowder named "&fCreeper Morph" with lore "&fHissssss!" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&fTreasure Shards" with lore "&f10000 Treasure Shards will be||&fdeducated from your account balance" to be unstealable
if {_arg2} is "morph_cow":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.cow} is 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You already own this morph!" to {_p}
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&fTreasure Shards" with lore "&f60000 Treasure Shards will be||&fdeducated from your account balance" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with steak named "&fCow Morph" with lore "&fMooooo!" to be unstealable
if {_arg2} is "morph_slime":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.slime} is 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You already own this morph!" to {_p}
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&fTreasure Shards" with lore "&f20000 Treasure Shards will be||&fdeducated from your account balance" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with slimeball named "&fSlime Morph" with lore "&fSplat Splat!" to be unstealable
if {_arg2} is "morph_villager":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.villager} is 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You already own this morph!" to {_p}
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&fTreasure Shards" with lore "&f12000 Treasure Shards will be||&fdeducated from your account balance" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with emerald named "&fVillager Morph" with lore "&fMURRR! HURR MURRR!" to be unstealable
if {_arg2} is "pearl":
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&fTreasure Shards" with lore "&f500 Treasure Shards will be||&fdeducated from your account balance" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with ender pearl named "&fEthereal Pearl" with lore "&fThese Pearls are stolen from||&fsleeping Endermen!" to be unstealable
if {_arg2} is "firework":
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&fTreasure Shards" with lore "&f500 Treasure Shards will be||&fdeducated from your account balance" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with firework rocket named "&fFirework" with lore "&fNeed to celebrate? These||&fFireworks should do the trick!" to be unstealable
if {_arg2} is "tnt":
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&fTreasure Shards" with lore "&f500 Treasure Shards will be||&fdeducated from your account balance" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with tnt named "&fTNT" with lore "&fThowing tnt at %{mineplex.config.servername}%||&fStaff is highly encouraged!" to be unstealable
if {_arg1} is "confirm":
if {_arg2} is "mount_slime":
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is bigger than 9999:
set {mineplex.proc.slot} to 45
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
loop 9 times:
format slot {mineplex.proc.slot} of {_p} with lapis block named "&9Processing" with lore "" to close
wait 1 tick
add 1 to {mineplex.proc.slot}
if {mineplex.proc.slot} is 54:
message "&9Cosmetics> &7Purchased &eSlime Mount" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.slime} to 1
delShards({_p}, 10000)
add 1 to {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.mounts}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aPurchase Successful" with lore "&7Purchased &eCreeper Morph" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
wait 2 ticks
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is not bigger than 9999:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cPurchase Failed" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "mounts", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "mount_slime":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.creeper} is not 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You dont own this mount." to {_p}
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.creeper} is 1:
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
if {currentmount.%{_p}%.type} is not "Slime Mount":
if {currentmount.%{_p}%.type} is not "None":
message "&9Gadget> &7You despawned &e%{currentmount.%{_p}%.type}%" to {_p}
message "&9Gadget> &7You spawned &eSlime Mount" to {_p}
mountapi({_p}, "create", "slime")
cosmetic_system("menu", "mounts", {_p})
if {currentmount.%{_p}%.type} is "Slime Mount":
message "&9Gadget> &7You despawned &e%{currentmount.%{_p}%.type}%" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
mountapi({_p}, "remove", "notused")
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "confirm":
if {_arg2} is "morph_creeper":
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is bigger than 9999:
set {mineplex.proc.slot} to 45
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
loop 9 times:
format slot {mineplex.proc.slot} of {_p} with lapis block named "&9Processing" with lore "" to close
wait 1 tick
add 1 to {mineplex.proc.slot}
if {mineplex.proc.slot} is 54:
message "&9Cosmetics> &7Purchased &eCreeper Morph" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.creeper} to 1
delShards({_p}, 10000)
add 1 to {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aPurchase Successful" with lore "&7Purchased &eCreeper Morph" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
wait 2 ticks
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is not bigger than 9999:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cPurchase Failed" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "morph_creeper":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.creeper} is not 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You dont own this morph." to {_p}
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.creeper} is 1:
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not "Creeper Morph":
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not "None":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unmorphed from &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
message "&9Gadget> &7You morphed into &eCreeper Morph" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "Creeper Morph"
execute console command "odisguise %{_p}% creeper"
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is "Creeper Morph":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unmorphed from &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
execute console command "undisguise %{_p}%"
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "morph_wither":
if {_p} has permission "mineplex.legend":
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not "Wither Morph":
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not "None":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unmorphed from &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
message "&9Gadget> &7You morphed into &eWither Morph" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "Wither Morph"
execute console command "odisguise %{_p}% wither"
set {{_p}%} to 0
set {_p}'s flight state to true
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is "Wither Morph":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unmorphed from &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
execute console command "undisguise %{_p}%"
set {{_p}%} to 1
set {_p}'s flight state to false
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
message "&9Gadget> &7You dont own this Morph" to {_p}
if {_arg1} is "confirm":
if {_arg2} is "morph_cow":
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is bigger than 5999:
set {mineplex.proc.slot} to 45
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
loop 9 times:
format slot {mineplex.proc.slot} of {_p} with lapis block named "&9Processing" with lore "" to close
wait 1 tick
add 1 to {mineplex.proc.slot}
if {mineplex.proc.slot} is 54:
message "&9Cosmetics> &7Purchased &eCow Morph" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.cow} to 1
delShards({_p}, 6000)
add 1 to {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aPurchase Successful" with lore "&7Purchased &eCow Morph" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
wait 2 ticks
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is not bigger than 9999:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cPurchase Failed" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "morph_cow":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.cow} is not 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You dont own this morph." to {_p}
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.cow} is 1:
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not "Cow Morph":
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not "None":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unmorphed from &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
message "&9Gadget> &7You morphed into &eCow Morph" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "Cow Morph"
execute console command "odisguise %{_p}% cow"
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is "Cow Morph":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unmorphed from &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
execute console command "undisguise %{_p}%"
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "confirm":
if {_arg2} is "morph_slime":
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is bigger than 19999:
set {mineplex.proc.slot} to 45
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
loop 9 times:
format slot {mineplex.proc.slot} of {_p} with lapis block named "&9Processing" with lore "" to close
wait 1 tick
add 1 to {mineplex.proc.slot}
if {mineplex.proc.slot} is 54:
message "&9Cosmetics> &7Purchased &eSlime Morph" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.slime} to 1
delShards({_p}, 20000)
add 1 to {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aPurchase Successful" with lore "&7Purchased &eSlime Morph" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
wait 2 ticks
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is not bigger than 19999:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cPurchase Failed" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "morph_slime":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.slime} is not 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You dont own this morph." to {_p}
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.slime} is 1:
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not "Slime Morph":
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not "None":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unmorphed from &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
message "&9Gadget> &7You morphed into &eSlime Morph" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "Slime Morph"
execute console command "odisguise %{_p}% slime"
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is "Slime Morph":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unmorphed from &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
execute console command "undisguise %{_p}%"
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "confirm":
if {_arg2} is "morph_villager":
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is bigger than 11999:
set {mineplex.proc.slot} to 45
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
loop 9 times:
format slot {mineplex.proc.slot} of {_p} with lapis block named "&9Processing" with lore "" to close
wait 1 tick
add 1 to {mineplex.proc.slot}
if {mineplex.proc.slot} is 54:
message "&9Cosmetics> &7Purchased &eVillager Morph" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.villager} to 1
delShards({_p}, 12000)
add 1 to {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aPurchase Successful" with lore "&7Purchased &eVillager morph" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
wait 2 ticks
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is not bigger than 499:
wait 3 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
wait 2 ticks
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cPurchase Failed" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "morph_villager":
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.villager} is not 1:
message "&9Gadget> &7You dont own this morph." to {_p}
if {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.morphs.owned.villager} is 1:
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not "villager Morph":
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is not "None":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unmorphed from &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
message "&9Gadget> &7You morphed into &eVillager Morph" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "Villager Morph"
execute console command "odisguise %{_p}% villager"
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} is "Villager Morph":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unmorphed from &e%{mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%}%" to {_p}
set {mineplex.currentmorph.%{_p}%} to "None"
execute console command "undisguise %{_p}%"
cosmetic_system("menu", "morphs", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "pearl":
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} is "Ethereal Pearl":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unequipped &eEthereal Pearl" to {_p}
set {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} to "None"
set slot 3 of {_p} to air with name "lolz"
cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You equipped &eEthereal Pearl" to {_p}
set slot 3 of {_p} to ender pearl with name "&e%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl}% &5Ethereal Pearls"
set {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} to "Ethereal Pearl"
cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "confirm":
if {_arg2} is "pearl":
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is bigger than 499:
set {mineplex.proc.slot} to 45
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
loop 9 times:
format slot {mineplex.proc.slot} of {_p} with lapis block named "&9Processing" with lore "" to close
wait 1 tick
add 1 to {mineplex.proc.slot}
if {mineplex.proc.slot} is 54:
message "&9Cosmetics> &7Purchased 50x &eEthereal Pearl" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
add 50 to {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl}
delShards({_p}, 50)
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aPurchase Successful" with lore "&7Purchased 50x &eEthereal Pearl" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
wait 2 ticks
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is not bigger than 499:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cPurchase Failed" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "firework":
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} is "Fireworks":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unequipped &eFireworks" to {_p}
set {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} to "None"
set slot 3 of {_p} to air with name "lolz"
cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})
message "&9Gadget> &7You equipped &eFireworks" to {_p}
set slot 3 of {_p} to ender pearl with name "&e%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework}% &eFireworks"
set {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} to "Fireworks"
cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "tnt":
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} is "TNT":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unequipped &eTNT" to {_p}
set {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} to "None"
set slot 3 of {_p} to air with name "lolz"
cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})
message "&9Gadget> &7You equipped &eTNT" to {_p}
set slot 3 of {_p} to tnt with name "&e%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt}% &eTNT"
set {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} to "TNT"
cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "use":
if {_arg2} is "snowball":
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} is "Snowball":
message "&9Gadget> &7You unequipped &eSnowball" to {_p}
set {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} to "None"
set slot 3 of {_p} to air with name "lolz"
cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})
message "&9Gadget> &7You equipped &eSnowball" to {_p}
set slot 3 of {_p} to tnt with name "&e%{mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowball}% &eSnowballs"
set {mineplex.gadget.selected.%{_p}%} to "Snowball"
cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})
if {_arg1} is "confirm":
if {_arg2} is "firework":
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is bigger than 499:
set {mineplex.proc.slot} to 45
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
loop 9 times:
format slot {mineplex.proc.slot} of {_p} with lapis block named "&9Processing" with lore "" to close
wait 1 tick
add 1 to {mineplex.proc.slot}
if {mineplex.proc.slot} is 54:
message "&9Cosmetics> &7Purchased 50x &eFireworks" to {_p}
add 50 to {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework}
delShards({_p}, 500)
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aPurchase Successful" with lore "&7Purchased 50x &eFirworks" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
wait 2 ticks
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is not bigger than 499:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cPurchase Failed" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
if {_arg1} is "confirm":
if {_arg2} is "tnt":
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is bigger than 499:
set {mineplex.proc.slot} to 45
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
loop 9 times:
format slot {mineplex.proc.slot} of {_p} with lapis block named "&9Processing" with lore "" to close
wait 1 tick
add 1 to {mineplex.proc.slot}
if {mineplex.proc.slot} is 54:
message "&9Cosmetics> &7Purchased 50x &eTNT" to {_p}
add 50 to {mineplex.%{_p}%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt}
delShards({_p}, 500)
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aPurchase Successful" with lore "&7Purchased 50x &eTNT" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
wait 2 ticks
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} is not bigger than 499:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {mineplex.chest.buyplayer.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.error.slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {mineplex.error.slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cPurchase Failed" with lore "" to close then run [cosmetic_system("menu", "gadgets", {_p})]
add 1 to {mineplex.error.slot}
on right click:
if player's tool is a chest:
if name of player's tool is "&aCosmetic Menu":
cancel event
cosmetic_system("menu", "main", player)
on left click:
if player's tool is a chest:
if name of player's tool is "&aCosmetic Menu":
cancel event
cosmetic_system("menu", "main", player)
on damage:
victim's name contains "Pet"
cancel event
on any move:
if {mineplex.particle.selected.%player%} is "shadow":
loop all players:
show 1 "footstep" particles at location of player for loop-player offset by 0.4, 0.7, 0.4
if {mineplex.particle.selected.%player%} is "flame":
loop all players:
show 1 "flame" particles at location of player for loop-player offset by 0.4, 0.7, 0.4
command /giveitem [<player>] [<number>] [<text>]:
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 3 is "hat_compCube":
if {mineplex.hat.%arg 1%.owned.compCube} is 1:
message "&9Cosmetics> &e%arg 1% &7already owns &eCompanion Cube"
set {mineplex.hat.%arg 1%.owned.compCube} to 1
add 1 to {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.hats}
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You gave &e%arg 1% Companion Cube" to player
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You recieved the &eCompanion Cube &7from &e%player%" to arg 1
if arg 3 is "hat_present":
if {mineplex.hat.%arg 1%.owned.present} is 1:
message "&9Cosmetics> &e%arg 1% &7already owns &ePresent"
set {mineplex.hat.%arg 1%.owned.present} to 1
add 1 to {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.hats}
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You gave &e%arg 1% Present" to player
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You recieved the &ePresent &7from &e%player%" to arg 1
if arg 3 is "particle_shadow":
if {mineplex.particle.%arg 1%.owned.shadow} is 1:
message "&9Cosmetics> &e%arg 1% &7already owns &eShadow Walk"
set {mineplex.particle.%arg 1%.owned.shadow} to 1
add 1 to {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.particles}
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You gave &e%arg 1% Shadow Walk" to player
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You recieved the &eShadow Walk &7from &e%player%" to arg 1
if arg 3 is "particle_flame":
if {mineplex.particle.%arg 1%.owned.flame} is 1:
message "&9Cosmetics> &e%arg 1% &7already owns &eShadow Walk"
set {mineplex.particle.%arg 1%.owned.flame} to 1
add 1 to {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.particles}
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You gave &e%arg 1% Flame Rings" to player
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You recieved the &eFlame Rings &7from &e%player%" to arg 1
if arg 3 is "take:hat_compCube":
if {mineplex.hat.%arg 1%.owned.compCube} is 0:
message "&9Cosmetics> &e%arg 1% &7doesnt own &eCompanion Cube"
set {mineplex.hat.%arg 1%.owned.compCube} to 0
remove 1 from {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.hats}
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You took &e%arg 1%'s Companion Cube" to player
message "&9Cosmetics> &e%player% &7took your &eCompanion Cube" to arg 1
if arg 3 is "take:hat_present":
if {mineplex.hat.%arg 1%.owned.present} is 0:
message "&9Cosmetics> &e%arg 1% &7doesnt own &ePresent"
set {mineplex.hat.%arg 1%.owned.present} to 0
remove 1 from {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.hats}
message "&9Cosmetics> &7You took &e%arg 1%'s Present" to player
message "&9Cosmetics> &e%player% &7took your &ePresent" to arg 1
if arg 3 is "pearl":
add arg 2 to {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl}
message "&9Item> &7You gave %arg 2% Ethereal Pearls &7to player %arg 1%" to player
message "&9Item> &e%player% &7gave you &e%arg 2% Ethereal Pearls" to arg 1
if arg 3 is "fireworks":
add arg 2 to {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework}
message "&9Item> &7You gave %arg 2% Fireworks &7to player %arg 1%" to player
message "&9Item> &e%player% &7gave you &e%arg 2% Fireworks" to arg 1
if arg 3 is "coal":
add arg 2 to {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.gadgets.coal}
message "&9Item> &7You gave %arg 2% Coal &7to player %arg 1%" to player
message "&9Item> &e%player% &7gave you &e%arg 2% Coal" to arg 1
if arg 3 is "tnt":
add arg 2 to {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt}
message "&9Item> &7You gave %arg 2% TNT &7to player %arg 1%" to player
message "&9Item> &e%player% &7gave you &e%arg 2% TNT" to arg 1
if arg 3 is "snowball":
add arg 2 to {mineplex.%arg 1%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowball}
message "&9Item> &7You gave %arg 2% Snowballs &7to player %arg 1%" to player
message "&9Item> &e%player% &7gave you &e%arg 2% Snowballs" to arg 1
message "&9Cosmetics> &c&lInvalid Cosmetic."
command /gadget:
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if {mineplex.cosmetics} is not set:
set {mineplex.cosmetics} to 1
if {mineplex.cosmetics} is 1:
set {mineplex.cosmetics} to 0
broadcast "&f&lGadgets/Mounts are now &c&lDisabled"
if {mineplex.cosmetics} is 0:
set {mineplex.cosmetics} to 1
broadcast "&f&lGadgets/Mounts are now &a&lEnabled"
every tick:
loop all players:
if {mineplex.cosmetics} is not set:
set {mineplex.cosmetics} to 1
if {mineplex.cosmetics} is 0:
set slot 3 of loop-player to air with name "remove"
loop-player's gamemode is not creative:
if {mineplex.cosmetics.%loop-player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.cosmetics.%loop-player%} to 1
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%loop-player%} is "Ethereal Pearl":
set slot 3 of loop-player to ender pearl with name "&e%{mineplex.%loop-player%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl}% Ethereal Pearl"
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%loop-player%} is "Fireworks":
set slot 3 of loop-player to firework rocket with name "&e%{mineplex.%loop-player%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework}% Fireworks"
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%loop-player%} is "Coal":
set slot 3 of loop-player to coal with name "&e%{mineplex.%loop-player%.cosmetics.gadgets.coal}% Coal"
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%loop-player%} is "TNT":
set slot 3 of loop-player to tnt with name "&e%{mineplex.%loop-player%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt}% TNT"
if {mineplex.gadget.selected.%loop-player%} is "Snowball":
set slot 3 of loop-player to snowball with name "&e%{mineplex.%loop-player%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowball}% Snowballs"
on shoot:
if projectile is an enderpearl:
if name of shooter's tool is "&e%{mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl}% Ethereal Pearl":
if {mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl} is 0:
cancel event
cosmetic_system("buy", "pearl", shooter)
if {mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearlCooldown} is 1:
set action bar of shooter to "&f&lEthereal Pearl is recharging"
cancel event
remove 1 from {mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearl}
set {mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearlCooldown} to 1
message "&9Skill> &7You threw &aEthereal Pearl&7." to shooter
make shooter ride projectile
wait 3 ticks
make shooter ride projectile
wait 3 seconds
set {mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.pearlCooldown} to 0
set action bar of shooter to "&a&lEthereal Pearl Recharged."
if projectile is an snowball:
if name of shooter's tool is "&e%{mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowball}% Snowballs":
if {mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowball} is 0:
cancel event
message "&9Gadget> &7You have no Snowballs left!" to shooter
if {mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowballCooldown} is 1:
set action bar of shooter to "&f&lSnowball is recharging"
cancel event
remove 1 from {mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowball}
set {mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowballCooldown} to 1
message "&9Skill> &7You threw &aSnowball&7." to shooter
wait 10 ticks
set {mineplex.%shooter%.cosmetics.gadgets.snowballCooldown} to 0
set action bar of shooter to "&a&lSnowball Recharged."
on right click:
if player's tool is tnt:
if name of player's tool is "&e%{mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt}% TNT":
if {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt} is less than 1:
cosmetic_system("buy", "tnt", player)
if {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.tntCooldown} is 1:
set action bar of player to "&f&lTNT is recharging"
remove 1 from {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.tnt}
spawn a primed tnt 1 meter above the player
add "{Fuse:60}" to nbt of the spawned entity
push the spawned entity in direction of player at speed 0.9
push the spawned entity upwards at speed 0.2
message "&9Skill> &7You threw &aTNT&7."
set {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.tntCooldown} to 1
wait 3 seconds
set {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.tntCooldown} to 0
set action bar of player to "&a&lTNT Recharged."
on right click:
if player's tool is firework rocket:
if name of player's tool is "&e%{mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework}% Fireworks":
if {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework} is 0:
cancel event
cosmetic_system("buy", "firework", player)
if {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.fireworkCooldown} is 1:
set action bar of player to "&f&lFireworks &f&lis recharging..."
cancel event
remove 1 from {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.firework}
cancel event
set {firework} to a random integer from 1 to 15
if {firework} is 1:
launch creeper firework colored red at player timed 1
if {firework} is 2:
launch burst firework colored green at player timed 1
if {firework} is 3:
launch ball firework colored yellow at player timed 1
if {firework} is 4:
launch ball firework colored blue at player timed 1
if {firework} is 5:
launch burst firework colored red at player timed 1
if {firework} is 6:
launch creeper firework colored light green at player timed 1
if {firework} is 7:
launch burst firework colored light green at player timed 1
if {firework} is 8:
launch ball firework colored orange at player timed 1
if {firework} is 9:
launch burst firework colored orange at player timed 1
if {firework} is 10:
launch creeper firework colored pink at player timed 1
if {firework} is 11:
launch burst firework colored orange at player timed 1
if {firework} is 12:
launch burst firework colored light green at player timed 1
if {firework} is 13:
launch burst firework colored blue at player timed 1
if {firework} is 14:
launch burst firework colored blue at player timed 1
if {firework} is 15:
launch burst firework colored yellow at player timed 1
set {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.fireworkCooldown} to 1
message "&9Skill> &7You used &aFireworks&7."
wait 10 ticks
set {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.fireworkCooldown} to 0
set action bar of player to "&a&lFireworks Recharged."
on right click:
if player's tool is coal:
if name of player's tool is "&e%{mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.coal}% Coal":
if {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.coal} is 0:
message "&9Coal> &7You should go and get some coal..."
if {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.coalCooldown} is 1:
set action bar of player to "&f&lCoal &f&lis recharging..."
cancel event
message "&9Skill> &7You used &aCoal&7."
set {coalMessage} to a random integer from 1 to 10
if {coalMessage} is 1:
message "&9Coal> &7Maybe you could... eat it?"
if {coalMessage} is 2:
message "&9Coal> &7Now... if you only had a furnace."
if {coalMessage} is 3:
message "&9Coal> &7Did you know a diamond is formed from coal?"
if {coalMessage} is 4:
message "&9Coal> &7Coal is a word that sounds wierd if you say it too much."
if {coalMessage} is 5:
message "&9Coal> &7Did you know coal is used for &knothing&7!"
if {coalMessage} is 6:
message "&9Coal> &7I hope you didn't miss any diamonds."
if {coalMessage} is 7:
message "&9Coal> &7Na na na na, Na na na na, &8BLACK COAL"
if {coalMessage} is 8:
message "&9Coal> &7With 9 of these you could make a Block."
if {coalMessage} is 9:
message "&9Coal> &7Lava is hotter, but coal is quicker."
if {coalMessage} is 10:
message "&9Coal> &7For what do you even need Coal on a Minigame server?"
set {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.coalCooldown} to 1
wait 10 ticks
set {mineplex.%player%.cosmetics.gadgets.coalCooldown} to 0
set action bar of player to "&a&lCoal Recharged."
#Slime mount test
on right click on slime:
if {currentmount.%player%} is not set:
delete {currentmount.%player%}
message "&9Mount> &7This is not your mount."
if {currentmount.%player%} is the clicked entity:
make the player ride the clicked entity
message "&9Mount> &7This is not your mount."
on explode:
create a safe explosion with force 3
cancel event
on damage:
attacker's name contains "Slime"
set damage to 0
cancel event
#Morph Disablers (Quit)
on quit:
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%player%} is "Creeper Morph":
cosmetic_system("use", "morph_creeper", player)
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%player%} is "Slime Morph":
cosmetic_system("use", "morph_slime", player)
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%player%} is "Cow Morph":
cosmetic_system("use", "morph_cow", player)
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%player%} is "Villager Morph":
cosmetic_system("use", "morph_villager", player)
if {mineplex.currentmorph.%player%} is "Wither Morph":
cosmetic_system("use", "morph_wither", player)
#Treasure System
function resetPoints(p: offline player, l: number) :: number:
delete {mineplex.chestbusy.%{_l}%}
delete {mineplex.inchest.%{_p}%}
delete {mineplex.chestsopened.%{_p}%}
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.1} to air
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.2} to air
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.3} to air
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.4} to air
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.5} to air
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.6} to air
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.7} to air
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.8} to air
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%} to chest
function rewardTreasure(p: player , c: number , l: number , s: number) :: number:
set {_mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.%{_s}%} to {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.%{_s}%}
add 0 to y-coordinate of {_mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.%{_s}%}
if {_c} is 3:
set {_r} to a random integer between 1 and 350
if {_r} is 50:
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "":
set {_ra} to "ULTRA"
else if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&b&lULTRA ":
set {_ra} to "HERO"
else if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&d&lHERO ":
set {_ra} to "LEGEND"
else if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&a&lLEGEND ":
set {_ra} to "TITAN"
else if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&c&lTITAN ":
set {_ra} to "ETERNAL"
set {_ra} to a random integer between 2750 and 3750
broadcast "&9Treasure> &e%{_p}% &7found &aLegendary %{_ra}% Shards&7."
addShards({_p}, {_ra})
wait 2.25 seconds
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% %{_ra}%"
broadcast "&9Treasure> &e%{_p}% &7found &cMythical %{_ra}% Rank&7."
send all players title "&eTreasure" with subtitle "&f%{_p}% has found &cMythical Rank Upgrade" for 10 seconds
else if {_r} is 45 or 46 or 47 or 48 or 49 or 51 or 52 or 53 or 54 or 55:
set {_ra} to a random integer between 1500 and 2250
broadcast "&9Treasure> &e%{_p}% &7found &aLegendary %{_ra}% Shards&7."
addShards({_p}, {_ra})
else if {_r} is 35 or 36 or 37 or 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 65 or 64 or 63 or 62 or 61 or 60 or 59 or 58 or 57 or 56 or 55:
set {_ra} to a random integer between 1025 and 1495
broadcast "&9Treasure> &e%{_p}% &7found &bSuper Rare %{_ra}% Shards&7."
addShards({_p}, {_ra})
else if {_r} is 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 65 or 66 or 67 or 68:
set {_ra} to a random integer between 525 and 985
send "&9Treasure> &7You found &dRare %{_ra}% Shards&7." to {_p}
addShards({_p}, {_ra})
set {_ra} to a random integer between 150 and 499
send "&9Treasure> &7You found &7Common %{_ra}% Shards&7." to {_p}
addShards({_p}, {_ra})
set {_r} to a random integer between 1 and 350
if {_r} is 50:
set {_ra} to a random integer between 2750 and 3750
broadcast "&9Treasure> &e%{_p}% &7found &aLegendary %{_ra}% Shards&7."
addShards({_p}, {_ra})
else if {_r} is 45 or 46 or 47 or 48 or 49 or 51 or 52 or 53 or 54 or 55:
set {_ra} to a random integer between 1500 and 2250
broadcast "&9Treasure> &e%{_p}% &7found &aLegendary %{_ra}% Shards&7."
addShards({_p}, {_ra})
wait 2.25 seconds
resetPoints({_p}, {_l})
delete {mineplex.inchest.%{_p}%}
else if {_r} is 35 or 36 or 37 or 38 or 39 or 40 or 41 or 42 or 43 or 44 or 65 or 64 or 63 or 62 or 61 or 60 or 59 or 58 or 57 or 56 or 55:
set {_ra} to a random integer between 1025 and 1495
broadcast "&9Treasure> &e%{_p}% &7found &bSuper Rare %{_ra}% Shards&7."
addShards({_p}, {_ra})
else if {_r} is 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30 or 31 or 32 or 33 or 34 or 65 or 66 or 67 or 68:
set {_ra} to a random integer between 525 and 985
send "&9Treasure> &7You found &dRare %{_ra}% Shards&7." to {_p}
addShards({_p}, {_ra})
set {_ra} to a random integer between 150 and 499
send "&9Treasure> &7You found &7Common %{_ra}% Shards&7." to {_p}
addShards({_p}, {_ra})
on join:
if {oldchests.%player%} is not set:
set {oldchests.%player%} to 0
if {ancientchests.%player%} is not set:
set {ancientchests.%player%} to 0
if {mythicalchests.%player%} is not set:
set {mythicalchests.%player%} to 0
function buyChest(p: player, n: number) :: player:
if {_n} is 1:
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} >= 1000:
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 3 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
wait 5 ticks
set {_slot} to 0
format slot 0 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aYour purchase was successfull." to be unstealable
loop 44 times:
format slot {_slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aYour purchase was successfull." to be unstealable
add 1 to {_slot}
loop 10 times:
wait 1 tick
format slot {_slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aYour purchase was successfull." to be unstealable
add 1 to {slot}
delShards({_p}, 1000)
add 1 to {oldchests.%{_p}%}
wait 10 ticks
close {_p}'s inventory
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 3 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
wait 5 ticks
format slot 0 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cYour account has insufficent funds." to be unstealable
set {_slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {_slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cYour account has insufficent funds." to be unstealable
add 1 to {_slot}
wait 10 ticks
close {_p}'s inventory
if {_n} is 2:
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} >= 5000:
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 3 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
wait 5 ticks
set {_slot} to 0
format slot 0 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aYour purchase was successfull." to be unstealable
loop 44 times:
format slot {_slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aYour purchase was successfull." to be unstealable
add 1 to {_slot}
loop 10 times:
wait 1 tick
format slot {_slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aYour purchase was successfull." to be unstealable
add 1 to {slot}
remove 5000 from {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}
delShards({_p}, 5000)
add 1 to {ancientchests.%{_p}%}
wait 10 ticks
close {_p}'s inventory
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 3 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
wait 5 ticks
format slot 0 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cYour account has insufficent funds." to be unstealable
set {_slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {_slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cYour account has insufficent funds." to be unstealable
add 1 to {_slot}
wait 10 ticks
close {_p}'s inventory
if {_n} is 3:
if {mineplex.shards.%{_p}%} >= 10000:
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 3 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
wait 5 ticks
set {_slot} to 0
format slot 0 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aYour purchase was successfull." to be unstealable
loop 44 times:
format slot {_slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aYour purchase was successfull." to be unstealable
add 1 to {_slot}
loop 10 times:
wait 1 tick
format slot {_slot} of {_p} with emerald block named "&aYour purchase was successfull." to be unstealable
add 1 to {slot}
delShards({_p}, 10000)
add 1 to {mythicalchests.%{_p}%}
wait 10 ticks
close {_p}'s inventory
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 3 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
wait 5 ticks
format slot 0 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cYour account has insufficent funds." to be unstealable
set {_slot} to 0
loop 54 times:
format slot {_slot} of {_p} with redstone block named "&cYour account has insufficent funds." to be unstealable
add 1 to {_slot}
wait 10 ticks
close {_p}'s inventory
function openTreasure(p: player , c: number , l: number) :: number:
if {_c} is 1:
if {oldchests.%{_p}%} < 1:
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
wait 1 tick
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l1000 Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with chest named "&a&lOld Chest" with lore " ||&fOld Chests Owned: &e0 ||&7We've scoured the lands of Minecraft||&7and found these abandoned chests.||&7The contents are unknown, but||&7according to the inscriptions on the||&7straps they appear to contain||&7many kinds of loot." to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 1)]
format slot 28 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 1)]
format slot 29 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 1)]
format slot 33 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 34 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 35 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 36 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 1)]
format slot 37 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 1)]
format slot 38 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 1)]
format slot 42 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 43 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 44 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 45 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 1)]
format slot 46 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 1)]
format slot 47 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 1)]
format slot 51 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 52 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 53 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
if {oldchests.%{_p}%} >= 1:
remove 1 from {oldchests.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.chestbusy.%{_l}%.} to {_p}
send {_p} title "&eOld Treasure" with subtitle "&fChoose 4 Chests To Open" for 8 seconds
set {mineplex.inchest.%{_p}%} to {_l}
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%} to air
teleport {_p} to {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%}
send "&9Treasure> &7Choose 4 chests to open" to {_p}
wait 1.2 seconds
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.1} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.2} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.3} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.4} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.5} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.6} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.7} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.8} to chest
set {_get} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
add 1 to {_cur}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "", "%{_cur}%")
if {_c} is 2:
if {ancientchests.%{_p}%} < 1:
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
wait 1 tick
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l5000 Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with chest named "&6&lAncient Chest" with lore " ||&fAncient Chests Owned: &e0 ||&7Some of our bravest adventurers||&7have discovered these chests within||&7temples hidden in Minecrafts worlds." to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 2)]
format slot 28 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 2)]
format slot 29 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 2)]
format slot 33 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 34 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 35 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 36 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 2)]
format slot 37 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 2)]
format slot 38 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 2)]
format slot 42 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 43 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 44 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 45 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 2)]
format slot 46 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 2)]
format slot 47 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 2)]
format slot 51 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 52 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 53 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
if {ancientchests.%{_p}%} >= 1:
remove 1 from {ancientchests.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.chestbusy.%{_l}%.} to {_p}
send {_p} title "&6Ancient Treasure" with subtitle "&fChoose 4 Chests To Open" for 8 seconds
set {mineplex.inchest.%{_p}%} to {_l}
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%} to air
teleport {_p} to {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%}
send "&9Treasure> &7Choose 4 chests to open" to {_p}
wait 2.5 seconds
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.1} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.2} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.3} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.4} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.5} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.6} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.7} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.8} to chest
if {_c} is 3:
if {mythicalchests.%{_p}%} < 1:
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named " Confirmation" to {_p}
wait 1 tick
format slot 4 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l10000 Shards" to be unstealable
format slot 22 of {_p} with ender chest named "&c&lMythical Chest" with lore " ||&fMythical Chests Owned: &e0 ||&7All our previous adventurers have||&7perished in search of these chests.||&7However, legends of thier existence||&7convinced Sterling, Chiss, and Defek7||&7to venture out and discover the||&7location of these chests on thier own." to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 3)]
format slot 28 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 3)]
format slot 29 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 3)]
format slot 33 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 34 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 35 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 36 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 3)]
format slot 37 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 3)]
format slot 38 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 3)]
format slot 42 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 43 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 44 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 45 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 3)]
format slot 46 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 3)]
format slot 47 of {_p} with emerald block named "&aOK" to close then run [buyChest({_p}, 3)]
format slot 51 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 52 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
format slot 53 of {_p} with redstone block named "&cNO" to close
if {mythicalchests.%{_p}%} >= 1:
remove 1 from {mythicalchests.%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.chestbusy.%{_l}%.} to {_p}
send {_p} title "&cMythical Treasure" with subtitle "&fChoose 4 Chests To Open" for 8 seconds
set {mineplex.inchest.%{_p}%} to {_l}
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%} to air
teleport {_p} to {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%}
send "&9Treasure> &7Choose 4 chests to open" to {_p}
wait 2.5 seconds
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.1} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.2} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.3} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.4} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.5} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.6} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.7} to chest
set block at {mineplex.chestpoint.%{_l}%.sub.8} to chest
on inventory click:
if inventory name of player's current inventory is " Confirmation":
cancel event
close player's inventory
function TreasurePage(p: player , n: number , c: number) :: player:
if {_N} is 2:
if {_C} is 1:
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 4 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Open Treasure - Page 2" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 10 of {_p} with rose bush named "&a&lSpring Treasure" with lore " ||&fSpring Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Spring is here! Find 6 limited ||&7edition Spring Cosmetics in the ||&7Spring Chest! Only available for ||&7a limited time. Garunteed no ||&7Duplicate items! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 12 of {_p} with skull of ("luigi" parsed as an offline player) named "&a&lSt. Patrick's treasure" with lore "||&fSt Patrick's Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Happy St. Patrick's Day! Get||&7your Pot's of Gold and Luck||&7of the Irish in this chest! ||&7items, no duplicates||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 14 of {_p} with pink wool named "&c&lLove Chest" with lore " ||&fLove Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Cupid and his hunters have||&7searched far and wide to||&7collect a whole bunch of lovey||&7dovey items. 6 items, no||&7duplicates.||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 16 of {_p} with skull of ("CruXXx" parsed as an offline player) named "&2&lWinter Holiday Treasure" with lore "||&fWinter Holiday Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Legend tells of the Winter Lord's ||&7vast treasuer horde, locked away in ||&7a vault of ice, deep beneath the ||&7Frozen Sea. It is said it can only be ||&7accessed in the deepest parts of Winter... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 22 of {_p} with skull of ("WheezyGold7931" parsed as an offline player) named "&c&lFreedom &9&lTreasure" with lore "||&fFreedom Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7It is said that George Washington ||&7carved this chest himself from the wood ||&7of the apple tree he cut down... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 28 of {_p} with skull of ("unyelped" parsed as an offline player) named "&6&lHaunted Treasure" with lore "||&fHaunted Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The haunted chest can only be found ||&7during the month of October when the ||&7veil between this world and the shadow is thin... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 30 of {_p} with skull of ("Torksi" parsed as an offline player) named "&6&lTrick or Treat Treasure" with lore "||&fTrick or Treat Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Trick or Treat Chest contains all ||&7sorts of surprises. From Rank Upgrades to ||&7long lost Halloween items. and even other chests! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close
format slot 32 of {_p} with cooked chicken named "&6&lThankful Treasure" with lore "||&fThankful Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Thankful Chest is our way of ||&7showing thanks to you. Containing items from Rank Upgrades to ||&7Power Play Club Subscriptions. Among other things! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 34 of {_p} with skull of ("Ottelino" parsed as an offline player) named "&c&lGingerbread &a&lTreasure" with lore "||&fGingerbread Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The legendary burglar, the ||&7Gingerbread Man, has finally ||&7been caught! Now, for the first ||&7time his loot is available for ||&7auction. There are 8 pieces ||&7available to collect and no ||&7duplicates can be obtained from ||&7this chest! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 45 of {_p} with arrow named "&7<- Last Page" to close then run [TreasurePage({_p}, 1, 1)]
format slot 49 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l%{mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}% Treasure Shards" with lore "||&7This seems like it might come in ||&7handy. Maybe I can collect more!" to close
else if {_C} is 2:
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 4 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Open Treasure - Page 2" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 10 of {_p} with rose bush named "&a&lSpring Treasure" with lore " ||&fSpring Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Spring is here! Find 6 limited ||&7edition Spring Cosmetics in the ||&7Spring Chest! Only available for ||&7a limited time. Garunteed no ||&7Duplicate items! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 12 of {_p} with skull of ("luigi" parsed as an offline player) named "&a&lSt. Patrick's treasure" with lore "||&fSt Patrick's Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Happy St. Patrick's Day! Get||&7your Pot's of Gold and Luck||&7of the Irish in this chest! ||&7items, no duplicates||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 14 of {_p} with pink wool named "&c&lLove Chest" with lore " ||&fLove Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Cupid and his hunters have||&7searched far and wide to||&7collect a whole bunch of lovey||&7dovey items. 6 items, no||&7duplicates.||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 16 of {_p} with skull of ("CruXXx" parsed as an offline player) named "&2&lWinter Holiday Treasure" with lore "||&fWinter Holiday Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Legend tells of the Winter Lord's ||&7vast treasuer horde, locked away in ||&7a vault of ice, deep beneath the ||&7Frozen Sea. It is said it can only be ||&7accessed in the deepest parts of Winter... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close
format slot 22 of {_p} with skull of ("WheezyGold7931" parsed as an offline player) named "&c&lFreedom &9&lTreasure" with lore "||&fFreedom Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7It is said that George Washington ||&7carved this chest himself from the wood ||&7of the apple tree he cut down... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 28 of {_p} with skull of ("unyelped" parsed as an offline player) named "&6&lHaunted Treasure" with lore "||&fHaunted Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The haunted chest can only be found ||&7during the month of October when the ||&7veil between this world and the shadow is thin... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 30 of {_p} with skull of ("Torksi" parsed as an offline player) named "&6&lTrick or Treat Treasure" with lore "||&fTrick or Treat Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Trick or Treat Chest contains all ||&7sorts of surprises. From Rank Upgrades to ||&7long lost Halloween items. and even other chests! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 32 of {_p} with cooked chicken named "&6&lThankful Treasure" with lore "||&fThankful Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Thankful Chest is our way of ||&7showing thanks to you. Containing items from Rank Upgrades to ||&7Power Play Club Subscriptions. Among other things! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 34 of {_p} with skull of ("Ottelino" parsed as an offline player) named "&c&lGingerbread &a&lTreasure" with lore "||&fGingerbread Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The legendary burglar, the ||&7Gingerbread Man, has finally ||&7been caught! Now, for the first ||&7time his loot is available for ||&7auction. There are 8 pieces ||&7available to collect and no ||&7duplicates can be obtained from ||&7this chest! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 45 of {_p} with arrow named "&7<- Last Page" to close then run [TreasurePage({_p}, 1, 2)]
format slot 49 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l%{mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}% Treasure Shards" with lore "||&7This seems like it might come in ||&7handy. Maybe I can collect more!" to close
else if {_C} is 3:
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 4 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Open Treasure - Page 2" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 10 of {_p} with rose bush named "&a&lSpring Treasure" with lore " ||&fSpring Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Spring is here! Find 6 limited ||&7edition Spring Cosmetics in the ||&7Spring Chest! Only available for ||&7a limited time. Garunteed no ||&7Duplicate items! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 12 of {_p} with skull of ("luigi" parsed as an offline player) named "&a&lSt. Patrick's treasure" with lore "||&fSt Patrick's Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Happy St. Patrick's Day! Get||&7your Pot's of Gold and Luck||&7of the Irish in this chest! ||&7items, no duplicates||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 14 of {_p} with pink wool named "&c&lLove Chest" with lore " ||&fLove Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Cupid and his hunters have||&7searched far and wide to||&7collect a whole bunch of lovey||&7dovey items. 6 items, no||&7duplicates.||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 16 of {_p} with skull of ("CruXXx" parsed as an offline player) named "&2&lWinter Holiday Treasure" with lore "||&fWinter Holiday Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Legend tells of the Winter Lord's ||&7vast treasuer horde, locked away in ||&7a vault of ice, deep beneath the ||&7Frozen Sea. It is said it can only be ||&7accessed in the deepest parts of Winter... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close
format slot 22 of {_p} with skull of ("WheezyGold7931" parsed as an offline player) named "&c&lFreedom &9&lTreasure" with lore "||&fFreedom Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7It is said that George Washington ||&7carved this chest himself from the wood ||&7of the apple tree he cut down... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close
format slot 28 of {_p} with skull of ("unyelped" parsed as an offline player) named "&6&lHaunted Treasure" with lore "||&fHaunted Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The haunted chest can only be found ||&7during the month of October when the ||&7veil between this world and the shadow is thin... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 30 of {_p} with skull of ("Torksi" parsed as an offline player) named "&6&lTrick or Treat Treasure" with lore "||&fTrick or Treat Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Trick or Treat Chest contains all ||&7sorts of surprises. From Rank Upgrades to ||&7long lost Halloween items. and even other chests! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 32 of {_p} with cooked chicken named "&6&lThankful Treasure" with lore "||&fThankful Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Thankful Chest is our way of ||&7showing thanks to you. Containing items from Rank Upgrades to ||&7Power Play Club Subscriptions. Among other things! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 34 of {_p} with skull of ("Ottelino" parsed as an offline player) named "&c&lGingerbread &a&lTreasure" with lore "||&fGingerbread Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The legendary burglar, the ||&7Gingerbread Man, has finally ||&7been caught! Now, for the first ||&7time his loot is available for ||&7auction. There are 8 pieces ||&7available to collect and no ||&7duplicates can be obtained from ||&7this chest! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 45 of {_p} with arrow named "&7<- Last Page" to close then run [TreasurePage({_p}, 1, 3)]
format slot 49 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l%{mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}% Treasure Shards" with lore "||&7This seems like it might come in ||&7handy. Maybe I can collect more!" to close
else if {_C} is 4:
close {_p}'s inventory
wait 4 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Open Treasure - Page 2" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 10 of {_p} with rose bush named "&a&lSpring Treasure" with lore " ||&fSpring Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Spring is here! Find 6 limited ||&7edition Spring Cosmetics in the ||&7Spring Chest! Only available for ||&7a limited time. Garunteed no ||&7Duplicate items! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close
format slot 12 of {_p} with skull of ("luigi" parsed as an offline player) named "&a&lSt. Patrick's treasure" with lore "||&fSt Patrick's Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Happy St. Patrick's Day! Get||&7your Pot's of Gold and Luck||&7of the Irish in this chest! ||&7items, no duplicates||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close
format slot 14 of {_p} with pink wool named "&c&lLove Chest" with lore " ||&fLove Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Cupid and his hunters have||&7searched far and wide to||&7collect a whole bunch of lovey||&7dovey items. 6 items, no||&7duplicates.||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close
format slot 16 of {_p} with skull of ("CruXXx" parsed as an offline player) named "&2&lWinter Holiday Treasure" with lore "||&fWinter Holiday Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7Legend tells of the Winter Lord's ||&7vast treasuer horde, locked away in ||&7a vault of ice, deep beneath the ||&7Frozen Sea. It is said it can only be ||&7accessed in the deepest parts of Winter... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close
format slot 22 of {_p} with skull of ("WheezyGold7931" parsed as an offline player) named "&c&lFreedom &9&lTreasure" with lore "||&fFreedom Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7It is said that George Washington ||&7carved this chest himself from the wood ||&7of the apple tree he cut down... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 28 of {_p} with skull of ("unyelped" parsed as an offline player) named "&6&lHaunted Treasure" with lore "||&fHaunted Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The haunted chest can only be found ||&7during the month of October when the ||&7veil between this world and the shadow is thin... ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 30 of {_p} with skull of ("Torksi" parsed as an offline player) named "&6&lTrick or Treat Treasure" with lore "||&fTrick or Treat Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Trick or Treat Chest contains all ||&7sorts of surprises. From Rank Upgrades to ||&7long lost Halloween items. and even other chests! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 32 of {_p} with cooked chicken named "&6&lThankful Treasure" with lore "||&fThankful Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Thankful Chest is our way of ||&7showing thanks to you. Containing items from Rank Upgrades to ||&7Power Play Club Subscriptions. Among other things! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 34 of {_p} with skull of ("Ottelino" parsed as an offline player) named "&c&lGingerbread &a&lTreasure" with lore "||&fGingerbread Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The legendary burglar, the ||&7Gingerbread Man, has finally ||&7been caught! Now, for the first ||&7time his loot is available for ||&7auction. There are 8 pieces ||&7available to collect and no ||&7duplicates can be obtained from ||&7this chest! ||||&cThis item is no longer available" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 45 of {_p} with arrow named "&7<- Last Page" to close then run [TreasurePage({_p}, 1, 4)]
format slot 49 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l%{mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}% Treasure Shards" with lore "||&7This seems like it might come in ||&7handy. Maybe I can collect more!" to close
if {_N} is 1:
if {_C} is 1:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Open Treasure - Page 1" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 19 of {_p} with chest named "&a&lOld Chest" with lore " ||&fOld Chests Owned: &e%{oldchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7We've scoured the lands of Minecraft||&7and found these abandoned chests.||&7The contents are unknown, but||&7according to the inscriptions on the||&7straps they appear to contain||&7many kinds of loot.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b1000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 1, 1)]
format slot 21 of {_p} with trapped chest named "&6&lAncient Chest" with lore " ||&fAncient Chests Owned: &e%{ancientchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7Some of our bravest adventurers||&7have discovered these chests within||&7temples hidden in Minecrafts worlds.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b5000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 2, 1)]
format slot 23 of {_p} with ender chest named "&c&lMythical Chest" with lore " ||&fMythical Chests Owned: &e%{mythicalchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7All our previous adventurers have||&7perished in search of these chests.||&7However, legends of thier existence||&7convinced Sterling, Chiss, and Defek7||&7to venture out and discover the||&7location of these chests on thier own.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b10000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 3, 1)]
format slot 25 of {_p} with sea lantern named "&3&lIlluminated Treasure" with lore "||&fIlluminated Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The illuminated chest shines brightly ||&7in the depths, always bringing a new ||&7treasure from the darkness. ||&fClick to craft for &b20000 Treasure Shards || ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%." to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 38 of {_p} with skull of ("Chest" parsed as an offline player) named "&b&lOmega Treasure" with lore "||&fOmega Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The most powerful of all chests, ||&7it is able to go back in time to find ||&7loot that has been lost..." to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 42 of {_p} with tnt named "&6&lMinestrike Treasure" with lore "||&fMinestrike Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Minestrike Chest is the ||&7only place to get the unique ||&7skins for Minestrike weapons! ||||&fEach use opens two chests. Can ||&fGive duplicates. ||||&fClick to craft for &b10000 Treasure Shards ||||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 49 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l%{mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}% Treasure Shards" with lore "||&7This seems like it might come in ||&7handy. Maybe I can collect more!" to close
format slot 53 of {_p} with arrow named "&7Next page ->" to close then run [TreasurePage({_p}, 2, 1)]
if {_C} is 2:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Open Treasure - Page 1" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 19 of {_p} with chest named "&a&lOld Chest" with lore " ||&fOld Chests Owned: &e%{oldchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7We've scoured the lands of Minecraft||&7and found these abandoned chests.||&7The contents are unknown, but||&7according to the inscriptions on the||&7straps they appear to contain||&7many kinds of loot.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b1000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 1, 2)]
format slot 21 of {_p} with trapped chest named "&6&lAncient Chest" with lore " ||&fAncient Chests Owned: &e%{ancientchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7Some of our bravest adventurers||&7have discovered these chests within||&7temples hidden in Minecrafts worlds.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b5000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 2, 2)]
format slot 23 of {_p} with ender chest named "&c&lMythical Chest" with lore " ||&fMythical Chests Owned: &e%{mythicalchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7All our previous adventurers have||&7perished in search of these chests.||&7However, legends of thier existence||&7convinced Sterling, Chiss, and Defek7||&7to venture out and discover the||&7location of these chests on thier own.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b10000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 3, 2)]
format slot 25 of {_p} with sea lantern named "&3&lIlluminated Treasure" with lore "||&fIlluminated Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The illuminated chest shines brightly ||&7in the depths, always bringing a new ||&7treasure from the darkness. ||&fClick to craft for &b20000 Treasure Shards || ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%." to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 38 of {_p} with skull of ("Chest" parsed as an offline player) named "&b&lOmega Treasure" with lore "||&fOmega Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The most powerful of all chests, ||&7it is able to go back in time to find ||&7loot that has been lost..." to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 42 of {_p} with tnt named "&6&lMinestrike Treasure" with lore "||&fMinestrike Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Minestrike Chest is the ||&7only place to get the unique ||&7skins for Minestrike weapons! ||||&fEach use opens two chests. Can ||&fGive duplicates. ||||&fClick to craft for &b10000 Treasure Shards ||||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 49 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l%{mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}% Treasure Shards" with lore "||&7This seems like it might come in ||&7handy. Maybe I can collect more!" to close
format slot 53 of {_p} with arrow named "&7Next page ->" to close then run [TreasurePage({_p}, 2, 2)]
if {_C} is 3:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Open Treasure - Page 1" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 19 of {_p} with chest named "&a&lOld Chest" with lore " ||&fOld Chests Owned: &e%{oldchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7We've scoured the lands of Minecraft||&7and found these abandoned chests.||&7The contents are unknown, but||&7according to the inscriptions on the||&7straps they appear to contain||&7many kinds of loot.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b1000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 1, 3)]
format slot 21 of {_p} with trapped chest named "&6&lAncient Chest" with lore " ||&fAncient Chests Owned: &e%{ancientchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7Some of our bravest adventurers||&7have discovered these chests within||&7temples hidden in Minecrafts worlds.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b5000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 2, 3)]
format slot 23 of {_p} with ender chest named "&c&lMythical Chest" with lore " ||&fMythical Chests Owned: &e%{mythicalchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7All our previous adventurers have||&7perished in search of these chests.||&7However, legends of thier existence||&7convinced Sterling, Chiss, and Defek7||&7to venture out and discover the||&7location of these chests on thier own.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b10000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 3, 3)]
format slot 25 of {_p} with sea lantern named "&3&lIlluminated Treasure" with lore "||&fIlluminated Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The illuminated chest shines brightly ||&7in the depths, always bringing a new ||&7treasure from the darkness. ||&fClick to craft for &b20000 Treasure Shards || ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%." to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 38 of {_p} with skull of ("Chest" parsed as an offline player) named "&b&lOmega Treasure" with lore "||&fOmega Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The most powerful of all chests, ||&7it is able to go back in time to find ||&7loot that has been lost..." to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 42 of {_p} with tnt named "&6&lMinestrike Treasure" with lore "||&fMinestrike Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Minestrike Chest is the ||&7only place to get the unique ||&7skins for Minestrike weapons! ||||&fEach use opens two chests. Can ||&fGive duplicates. ||||&fClick to craft for &b10000 Treasure Shards ||||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 49 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l%{mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}% Treasure Shards" with lore "||&7This seems like it might come in ||&7handy. Maybe I can collect more!" to close
format slot 53 of {_p} with arrow named "&7Next page ->" to close then run [TreasurePage({_p}, 2, 3)]
if {_C} is 4:
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 6 rows named "Open Treasure - Page 1" to {_p}
wait 2 ticks
format slot 19 of {_p} with chest named "&a&lOld Chest" with lore " ||&fOld Chests Owned: &e%{oldchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7We've scoured the lands of Minecraft||&7and found these abandoned chests.||&7The contents are unknown, but||&7according to the inscriptions on the||&7straps they appear to contain||&7many kinds of loot.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b1000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 1, 4)]
format slot 21 of {_p} with trapped chest named "&6&lAncient Chest" with lore " ||&fAncient Chests Owned: &e%{ancientchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7Some of our bravest adventurers||&7have discovered these chests within||&7temples hidden in Minecrafts worlds.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b5000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 2, 4)]
format slot 23 of {_p} with ender chest named "&c&lMythical Chest" with lore " ||&fMythical Chests Owned: &e%{mythicalchests.%{_p}%}% ||||&7All our previous adventurers have||&7perished in search of these chests.||&7However, legends of thier existence||&7convinced Sterling, Chiss, and Defek7||&7to venture out and discover the||&7location of these chests on thier own.|| ||&fClick to Purchase for &b10000 Treasure Shards|| ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [openTreasure({_p}, 3, 4)]
format slot 25 of {_p} with sea lantern named "&3&lIlluminated Treasure" with lore "||&fIlluminated Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The illuminated chest shines brightly ||&7in the depths, always bringing a new ||&7treasure from the darkness. ||&fClick to craft for &b20000 Treasure Shards || ||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%." to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 38 of {_p} with skull of ("Chest" parsed as an offline player) named "&b&lOmega Treasure" with lore "||&fOmega Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The most powerful of all chests, ||&7it is able to go back in time to find ||&7loot that has been lost..." to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 42 of {_p} with tnt named "&6&lMinestrike Treasure" with lore "||&fMinestrike Chests Owned: &e0 ||||&7The Minestrike Chest is the ||&7only place to get the unique ||&7skins for Minestrike weapons! ||||&fEach use opens two chests. Can ||&fGive duplicates. ||||&fClick to craft for &b10000 Treasure Shards ||||&for Purchase at: &e%{}%" to close then run [send "&9Treasure> &7This Treasure Bundle isn't added in this version of MCR." to {_p}]
format slot 49 of {_p} with prismarine shard named "&b&l%{mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}% Treasure Shards" with lore "||&7This seems like it might come in ||&7handy. Maybe I can collect more!" to close
format slot 53 of {_p} with arrow named "&7Next page ->" to close then run [TreasurePage({_p}, 2, 4)]
command /givetreasure [<string>] [<number>] [<offline player>]:
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
if arg-2 is an integer:
if arg-3 is set:
if arg-1 is "Mythical":
add arg-2 to {mythicalchests.%arg-3%}
message "&9Treasure> &7You gave &e%arg-3% %arg-2% &7Mythical Treasure Chests." to sender
message "&9Treasure> &7You recieved &e%arg-2% &7Mythical Treasure Chests." to arg-3
else if arg-1 is "Ancient":
add arg-2 to {ancientchests.%arg-3%}
message "&9Treasure> &7You gave &e%arg-3% %arg-2% &7Ancient Treasure Chests." to sender
message "&9Treasure> &7You recieved &e%arg-2% &7Ancient Treasure Chests." to arg-3
else if arg-1 is "old":
add arg-2 to {oldchests.%arg-3%}
message "&9Treasure> &7You gave &e%arg-3% %arg-2% &7Old Treasure Chests." to sender
message "&9Treasure> &7You recieved &e%arg-2% &7Old Treasure Chests." to arg-3
send "&9Treasure> &7Unknown Treasure [&e%arg-1%&7]." to sender
send "&9Treasure> &7Please specify a player" to sender
else if arg-2 is not an integer:
send "&9Treasure> &7Unknown Integer [&e%arg-2%&7]." to sender
send "&9Treasure> &7Please specify an amount." to sender
send "&9Treasure> &7Listing Commands:" to sender
send "&4/GiveTreasure <treasure> <amount> <name> &7Gives a player some treasure chests &4Admin" to sender
every 5 ticks:
loop all players:
if {mineplex.inchest.%loop-player%} is set:
set {_di} to distance between {mineplex.chestpoint.%{mineplex.inchest.%loop-player%}%} and loop-player
if {_di} is greater than 3.11:
teleport loop-player to {mineplex.chestpoint.%{mineplex.inchest.%loop-player%}%}
every 5 ticks:
loop all players:
if {mineplex.inchest.%loop-player%} is set:
loop players in radius 4 of loop-player:
if loop-player-2 is not loop-player-1:
if {mineplex.pref.ff.%loop-player-2%} is false:
push the loop-player-2 upwards at speed 0.925
push the loop-player-2 backwards at speed 0.825
play raw sound "mob.chicken.plop" at loop-player-2 with pitch 1 volume 10
on right click on chest:
if player's tool is a chest:
if name of player's tool is "&aCosmetic Menu":
send "&9MCR> &e##BlameWheezy"
if event-block is {mineplex.chestpoint.1}:
cancel event
TreasurePage(player, 1, 1)
if event-block is {mineplex.chestpoint.2}:
cancel event
TreasurePage(player, 1, 2)
if event-block is {mineplex.chestpoint.3}:
cancel event
TreasurePage(player, 1, 3)
if event-block is {mineplex.chestpoint.4}:
cancel event
TreasurePage(player, 1, 4)
on right click:
target block of player is chest or ender chest
if player's tool is a chest:
if name of player's tool is "&aCosmetic Menu":
send "&9MCR> &e##BlameWheezy"
if event-block is {mineplex.chestpoint.1.sub.1} or {mineplex.chestpoint.1.sub.2} or {mineplex.chestpoint.1.sub.3} or {mineplex.chestpoint.1.sub.4} or {mineplex.chestpoint.1.sub.5} or {mineplex.chestpoint.1.sub.6} or {mineplex.chestpoint.1.sub.7} or {mineplex.chestpoint.1.sub.8}:
if {mineplex.inchest.%player%} is set:
if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} to 1
cancel event
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 1, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is 3:
cancel event
add 1 to {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%}
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 1, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
wait 3 seconds
resetPoints(player, 1)
execute player command "/hub"
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is 1 or 2:
cancel event
add 1 to {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%}
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 1, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is not 1 or 2 or 3:
cancel event
cancel event
else if event-block is {mineplex.chestpoint.2.sub.1} or {mineplex.chestpoint.2.sub.2} or {mineplex.chestpoint.2.sub.3} or {mineplex.chestpoint.2.sub.4} or {mineplex.chestpoint.2.sub.5} or {mineplex.chestpoint.2.sub.6} or {mineplex.chestpoint.2.sub.7} or {mineplex.chestpoint.2.sub.8}:
if {mineplex.inchest.%player%} is set:
if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} to 1
cancel event
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 2, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is 3:
cancel event
add 1 to {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%}
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 2, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
wait 3 seconds
resetPoints(player, 2)
execute player command "/hub"
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is 1 or 2:
cancel event
add 1 to {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%}
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 2, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is not 1 or 2 or 3:
cancel event
cancel event
else if event-block is {mineplex.chestpoint.3.sub.1} or {mineplex.chestpoint.3.sub.2} or {mineplex.chestpoint.3.sub.3} or {mineplex.chestpoint.3.sub.4} or {mineplex.chestpoint.3.sub.5} or {mineplex.chestpoint.3.sub.6} or {mineplex.chestpoint.3.sub.7} or {mineplex.chestpoint.3.sub.8}:
if {mineplex.inchest.%player%} is set:
if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} to 1
cancel event
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 3, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is 3:
cancel event
add 1 to {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%}
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 3, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
wait 3 seconds
resetPoints(player, 3)
execute player command "/hub"
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is 1 or 2:
cancel event
add 1 to {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%}
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 3, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is not 1 or 2 or 3:
cancel event
cancel event
else if event-block is {mineplex.chestpoint.4.sub.1} or {mineplex.chestpoint.4.sub.2} or {mineplex.chestpoint.4.sub.3} or {mineplex.chestpoint.4.sub.4} or {mineplex.chestpoint.4.sub.5} or {mineplex.chestpoint.4.sub.6} or {mineplex.chestpoint.4.sub.7} or {mineplex.chestpoint.4.sub.8}:
if {mineplex.inchest.%player%} is set:
if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} to 1
cancel event
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 4, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is 3:
cancel event
add 1 to {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%}
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 4, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
wait 3 seconds
resetPoints(player, 4)
execute player command "/hub"
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is 1 or 2:
cancel event
add 1 to {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%}
make the event-block appear open
rewardTreasure(player, {mineplex.inchest.%player%}, 4, 1)
loop all players:
show 200 "flame" particles at location 0.1 metres above event-block for loop-player
else if {mineplex.chestsopened.%player%} is not 1 or 2 or 3:
cancel event
cancel event
on quit:
set {_p} to player
if {mineplex.inchest.%{_p}%} is set:
resetPoints({_p}, {mineplex.inchest.%{_p}%})
delete {mineplex.inchest.%{_p}%}
function animSB(p: player) :: text:
while {_p} is online:
set {_l} to the length of {{_p}%}
remove 15 from {_l}
set {_char} to 0
loop {_l} times:
if {_p} is online:
wipe {_p}'s sidebar
set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&f&l%subtext of {{_p}%} from characters {_char} to ({_char} + 15)%"
set score "&b&lServer" in sidebar of {_p} to 15
set score "&f%{}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 14
set score "&1 " in sidebar of {_p} to 13
set score "&a&lGems" in sidebar of {_p} to 12
set score "&r%{mineplex.gems.%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 11
set score "&2 " in sidebar of {_p} to 10
set score "&e&lShards" in sidebar of {_p} to 9
set score "&f%{mineplex.shards.%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 8
set score "&3 " in sidebar of {_p} to 7
set score "&6&lRank" in sidebar of {_p} to 6
set score "&f%{mineplex.api.displayrank.%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 5
set score "&4 " in sidebar of {_p} to 4
set score "&c&lWebsite" in sidebar of {_p} to 3
set score "&f%{}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 2
set score "&f----------------" in sidebar of {_p} to 1
set {{_p}%} to "&f&l%subtext of {{_p}%} from characters {_char} to ({_char} + 15)%"
add 1 to {_char}
wait 3 ticks
on join:
if {mineplex.usescoreboard} is false:
set {} to " Welcome %player%, to the %{mineplex.config.servername}% Network! "
#every 2 seconds:
#if {mineplex.usescoreboard} is false:
#loop all players:
#wipe loop-player's sidebar
#set {_fc} to convert string {mineplex.config.servername} to uppercase
#set name of sidebar of loop-player to ""
#set score "&b&lServer" in sidebar of loop-player to 15
#set score "&f%{}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 14
#set score "&1 " in sidebar of loop-player to 13
#set score "&a&lGems" in sidebar of loop-player to 12
#set score "&r%{mineplex.gems.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 11
#set score "&2 " in sidebar of loop-player to 10
#set score "&e&lShards" in sidebar of loop-player to 9
#set score "&f%{mineplex.shards.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
#set score "&3 " in sidebar of loop-player to 7
#set score "&6&lRank" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
#set score "&f%{mineplex.api.displayrank.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
#set score "&4 " in sidebar of loop-player to 4
#set score "&c&lWebsite" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
#set score "&f%{}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
#set score "&f----------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
#Rank Loader
function rankLoad(p: player , n: number , t: number) :: string:
if {_n} is 1:
if {mineplex.testrank.%{_p}%} is set:
if {_t} is 0:
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to {mineplex.testrank.%{_p}%}
delete {mineplex.testrank.%{_p}%}
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to ""
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% ALL"
set {_p} tab name to "&e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&fPlayer"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§f"
return "&fPlayer"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&b&lULTRA ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% ULTRA"
set {_p} tab name to "&b&lULTRA &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&bUltra"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§b"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&b&lULTRA%nl%&fA first step into the stories of the mist.%nl%&fOnly those brave enough may enter.%nl% %nl%&fThe first purchasable rank at %{mineplex.config.shoplink}%"
return "&bUltra"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&d&lHERO ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% HERO"
set {_p} tab name to "&d&lHERO &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&dHero"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§d"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&d&lHERO%nl%&fThere are many stories of a%nl%&fvaliant Hero who was brave enough to%nl%&ftame the most fearsome dragon in the land.%nl% %nl%&fThe second purchasable rank at %{mineplex.config.shoplink}%"
return "&dHero"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&a&lLEGEND ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% LEGEND"
set {_p} tab name to "&a&lLEGEND &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&aLegend"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§a"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&a&lLEGEND%nl%&fYears they have told stories of this rank,%nl%&fonly for the legends to be true.%nl% %nl%&fThe third purchasable rank at %{mineplex.config.shoplink}%"
return "&aLegend"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&c&lTITAN ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% TITAN"
set {_p} tab name to "&c&lTITAN &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&cTitan"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§c"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&c&lTITAN%nl%&fAncient myths spoke of a gigantic being%nl%&fwith immence power...%nl% %nl%&fThe fourth purchasable rank at %{mineplex.config.shoplink}%"
return "&cTitan"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&6&lTRAINEE ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% TRAINEE"
loop {mineplex.patreon::*}: #Do not worry about this. It only has to do with my test server, not you guys <3
if loop-value is {_p}:
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lP.TRAINEE &e%{_p}%"
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lTRAINEE &e%{_p}%"
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lTRAINEE &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&6Trainee"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§6"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&6&lTRAINEE%nl%&fTrainee are moderators-in-training.%nl%&ftheir duties include enforcing the rules and%nl%&fproviding help to anyone with questions or concerns.%nl% %nl%&fFor assistance, contact them using &e/a <message>&f."
return "&6Trainee"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&6&lMOD ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% MODERATOR"
loop {mineplex.patreon::*}: #Do not worry about this. It only has to do with my test server, not you guys <3
if loop-value is {_p}:
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lP.MOD &e%{_p}%"
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lMOD &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&6Mod"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§6"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&6&lMOD%nl%&fModerators enforce rules and provide help to%nl%&fanyone with questions or concerns.%nl% %nl%&fFor assistance, contact them using &e/a <message>&f."
return "&6Mod"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&6&lSR.MOD ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% SNR_MODERATOR"
loop {mineplex.patreon::*}: #Do not worry about this. It only has to do with my test server, not you guys <3
if loop-value is {_p}:
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lP.SR.MOD &e%{_p}%"
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lSR.MOD &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&6Sr.Mod"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§6"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&6&lSR.MOD%nl%&fSenior Moderators are members of a special%nl%&fSenior Moderators team where they have to fulfull specific tasks.%nl%&fJust like Moderators, you can always ask them for help.%nl% %nl%&fFor assistance, contact them using &e/a <message>&f."
return "&6Sr.Mod"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&6&lC.MOD ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% CLANS_MOD"
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lC.MOD &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&6C.Mod"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§6"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&6&lC.MOD%nl%&fClans Moderators are members of a special%nl%&fSenior Moderators team where they focus on helping the clans servers.%nl%&fJust like Moderators, you can always ask them for help.%nl% %nl%&fFor assistance, contact them using &e/a <message>&f."
return "&6C.Mod"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&4&lADMIN ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% ADMIN"
loop {mineplex.patreon::*}: #Do not worry about this. It only has to do with my test server, not you guys <3
if loop-value is {_p}:
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lP.ADMIN &e%{_p}%"
set {_p} tab name to "&4&lADMIN &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&4Admin"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§4"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&4&lADMIN%nl%&fAn Administrator's role is to manage%nl%&ftheir respective Senoir Moderator team%nl%&fand all moderators within it."
return "&4Admin"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lAPEX ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% APEX"
set {_p} tab name to "&9&lAPEX &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9Apex"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§4"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lAPEX%nl%&fStaff at Apex Hosting. These guys help support the test server!"
return "&9Apex"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&4&lLEADER ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% LEADER"
loop {mineplex.patreon::*}: #Do not worry about this. It only has to do with my test server, not you guys <3
if loop-value is {_p}:
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lP.LEADER &e%{_p}%"
set {_p} tab name to "&4&lLEADER &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&4Leader"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§4"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&4&lLEADER%nl%&fLeaders manage the operation of their respective team%nl%&for projects. They usually operate on affairs within%nl%&fthe staff, development, or management team."
return "&4Leader"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&4&lOWNER ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% OWNER"
loop {mineplex.patreon::*}: #Do not worry about this. It only has to do with my test server, not you guys <3
if loop-value is {_p}:
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lP.OWNER &e%{_p}%"
set {_p} tab name to "&4&lOWNER &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&4Owner"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§4"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&4&lOWNER%nl%&fOwners are the founders of Mineplex.%nl%&fEach owner manages a different aspect of the%nl%server and ensures its efficient operation."
return "&4Owner"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lBUILDER ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% BUILDER"
set {_p} tab name to "&9&lBUIDLER &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9Mapper"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§9"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lBUILDER%nl%&fBuilders are members of the Mineplex Build Team.%nl%&fThey create many of the maps used across Mineplex."
return "&9Builder"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lMAPPER ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% MAPPER"
set {_p} tab name to "&9&lMAPPER &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9Mapper"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§9"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lMAPPER%nl%&fThese senior members work closely with the development and design teams to build new maps for new and old content!"
return "&9Mapper"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lMAPLEAD ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% MAPLEAD"
set {_p} tab name to "&9&lMAPLEAD &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9MapLead"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§9"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lMAPLEAD%nl%&fMap Leaders are leaders of the Mineplex Build Team.%nl%&fThey oversee the creation of new maps and manage Builders."
return "&9MapLead"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&6&lJR.DEV ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% JNR_DEV"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&6Jr.Dev"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§c"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&6&lJR.DEV%nl%&fThese are part time Developers that work behind the%nl%&fscenes to create new games and features,%nl%&fand fix bugs to give the best experience."
return "&6Jr.Dev"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&4&lDEV ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% DEVELOPER"
set {_p} tab name to "&4&lDEV &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&4Dev"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§4"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&4&lDEV%nl%&fDevelopers work behind the scenes to%nl%&fcreate new games and features, and fix bugs to%nl%&fgive the best experience."
return "&4Dev"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&5&lTWITCH ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% TWITCH"
set {_p} tab name to "&5&lTWITCH &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&5Twitch"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§5"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&5&lTWITCH%nl%&fA Twitch streamer who often features%nl%&fMinepex in their streams."
return "&5Twitch"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&c&lYOUTUBE ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% YOUTUBE"
set {_p} tab name to "&c&lYOUTUBE &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&cYouTube"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§c"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&c&lYOUTUBE%nl%&fA YouTuber who creates content for%nl%&for related to Mineplex.%nl%&fThey are the official YouTubers of Mineplex."
return "&cYouTube"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&f&lEVENT ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% EVENT"
set {_p} tab name to "&f&lEVENT &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&fEvent"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§f"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&f&lEVENT%nl%&f???"
return "&fEvent"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&5&lYT ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% YT"
set {_p} tab name to "&5&lYT &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&5YT"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§5"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&5&lYT%nl%&fA YouTuber who creates content for%nl%&for related to Mineplex."
return "&5YT"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&3&lETERNAL ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% ETERNAL"
set {_p} tab name to "&3&lETERNAL &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&3Eternal"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§3"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&3&lETERNAL%nl%&fFantastic and magical, no one%nl%&fexcept the time lords truly understand%nl%&fthe power of this rank.%nl% %nl%&fThe fifth purchasable rank at %{mineplex.config.shoplink}%"
return "&3Eternal"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lSUPPORT ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% SUPPORT"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9Support"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§9"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lSUPPORT%nl%&fSupport agents handle tickets and%nl%&fprovide customer service."
return "&9Support"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lARTIST ":
execute console command "/rank set %{_p}% ARTIST"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9Artist"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§9"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lARTIST%nl%&fThe Artist rank is given to talented artists%nl%who are endorsed to create content for Mineplex."
return "&9Artist"
else if {_n} is 2:
if {mineplex.testrank.%{_p}%} is set:
if {_t} is 0:
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to {mineplex.testrank.%{_p}%}
delete {mineplex.testrank.%{_p}%}
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} to ""
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "":
set {_p} tab name to "&e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&fPlayer"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§f"
return "&fPlayer"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&b&lULTRA ":
set {_p} tab name to "&b&lULTRA &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&bUltra"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§b"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&b&lULTRA%nl%&fA first step into the stories of the mist.%nl%&fOnly those brave enough may enter.%nl% %nl%&fThe first purchasable rank at %{mineplex.config.shoplink}%"
return "&bUltra"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&d&lHERO ":
set {_p} tab name to "&d&lHERO &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&dHero"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§d"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&d&lHERO%nl%&fThere are many stories of a%nl%&fvaliant Hero who was brave enough to%nl%&ftame the most fearsome dragon in the land.%nl% %nl%&fThe second purchasable rank at %{mineplex.config.shoplink}%"
return "&dHero"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&a&lLEGEND ":
set {_p} tab name to "&a&lLEGEND &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&aLegend"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§a"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&a&lLEGEND%nl%&fYears they have told stories of this rank,%nl%&fonly for the legends to be true.%nl% %nl%&fThe third purchasable rank at %{mineplex.config.shoplink}%"
return "&aLegend"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&c&lTITAN ":
set {_p} tab name to "&c&lTITAN &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&cTitan"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§c"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&c&lTITAN%nl%&fAncient myths spoke of a gigantic being%nl%&fwith immence power...%nl% %nl%&fThe fourth purchasable rank at %{mineplex.config.shoplink}%"
return "&cTitan"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&6&lTRAINEE ":
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lTRAINEE &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&6Trainee"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§6"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&6&lTRAINEE%nl%&fTrainee are moderators-in-training.%nl%&ftheir duties include enforcing the rules and%nl%&fproviding help to anyone with questions or concerns.%nl% %nl%&fFor assistance, contact them using &e/a <message>&f."
return "&6Trainee"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&6&lMOD ":
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lMOD &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&6Mod"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§6"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&6&lMOD%nl%&fModerators enforce rules and provide help to%nl%&fanyone with questions or concerns.%nl% %nl%&fFor assistance, contact them using &e/a <message>&f."
return "&6Mod"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&6&lSR.MOD ":
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lSR.MOD &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&6Sr.Mod"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§6"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&6&lSR.MOD%nl%&fSenior Moderators are members of a special%nl%&fSenior Moderators team where they have to fulfull specific tasks.%nl%&fJust like Moderators, you can always ask them for help.%nl% %nl%&fFor assistance, contact them using &e/a <message>&f."
return "&6Sr.Mod"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&6&lC.MOD ":
set {_p} tab name to "&6&lC.MOD &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&6C.Mod"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§6"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&6&lC.MOD%nl%&fClans Moderators are members of a special%nl%&fSenior Moderators team where they focus on helping the clans servers.%nl%&fJust like Moderators, you can always ask them for help.%nl% %nl%&fFor assistance, contact them using &e/a <message>&f."
return "&6C.Mod"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&4&lADMIN ":
set {_p} tab name to "&4&lADMIN &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&4Admin"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§4"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&4&lADMIN%nl%&fAn Administrator's role is to manage%nl%&ftheir respective Senoir Moderator team%nl%&fand all moderators within it."
return "&4Admin"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lAPEX ":
set {_p} tab name to "&9&lAPEX &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9Apex"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§4"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lAPEX%nl%&fStaff at Apex Hosting. These guys help support the test server!"
return "&9Apex"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&4&lLEADER ":
set {_p} tab name to "&4&lLEADER &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&4Leader"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§4"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&4&lLEADER%nl%&fLeaders manage the operation of their respective team%nl%&for projects. They usually operate on affairs within%nl%&fthe staff, development, or management team."
return "&4Leader"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&4&lOWNER ":
set {_p} tab name to "&4&lOWNER &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&4Owner"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§4"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&4&lOWNER%nl%&fOwners are the founders of Mineplex.%nl%&fEach owner manages a different aspect of the%nl%server and ensures its efficient operation."
return "&4Owner"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lBUILDER ":
set {_p} tab name to "&9&lBUIDLER &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&8Builder"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§9"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lBUILDER%nl%&fThese creative staff members help build maps for your favorite games!"
return "&9Builder"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lMAPLEAD ":
set {_p} tab name to "&9&lMAPLEAD &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9MapLead"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§9"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lMAPLEAD%nl%&fMap Leaders are leaders of the Mineplex Build Team.%nl%&fThey oversee the creation of new maps and manage Builders."
return "&9MapLead"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lMAPPER ":
set {_p} tab name to "&9&lMAPPER &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9Mapper"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§9"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lMAPPER%nl%&fThese senior members work closely with the development and design teams to build new maps for new and old content!"
return "&9Mapper"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&6&lJR.DEV ":
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&6Jr.Dev"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§c"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&6&lJR.DEV%nl%&fThese are part time Developers that work behind the%nl%&fscenes to create new games and features,%nl%&fand fix bugs to give the best experience."
return "&6Jr.Dev"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&4&lDEV ":
set {_p} tab name to "&4&lDEV &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&4Dev"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§4"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&4&lDEV%nl%&fDevelopers work behind the scenes to%nl%&fcreate new games and features, and fix bugs to%nl%&fgive the best experience."
return "&4Dev"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&5&lTWITCH ":
set {_p} tab name to "&5&lTWITCH &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&5Twitch"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§5"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&5&lTWITCH%nl%&fA Twitch streamer who often features%nl%&fMinepex in their streams."
return "&5Twitch"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&c&lYOUTUBE ":
set {_p} tab name to "&c&lYOUTUBE &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&cYouTube"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§c"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&c&lYOUTUBE%nl%&fA YouTuber who creates content for%nl%&for related to Mineplex.%nl%&fThey are the official YouTubers of Mineplex."
return "&cYouTube"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&f&lEVENT ":
set {_p} tab name to "&f&lEVENT &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&fEvent"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§f"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&f&lEVENT%nl%&f???"
return "&fEvent"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&5&lYT ":
set {_p} tab name to "&5&lYT &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&5YT"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§5"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&5&lYT%nl%&fA YouTuber who creates content for%nl%&for related to Mineplex."
return "&5YT"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&3&lETERNAL ":
set {_p} tab name to "&3&lETERNAL &e%{_p}%"
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&3Eternal"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§3"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&3&lETERNAL%nl%&fFantastic and magical, no one%nl%&fexcept the time lords truly understand%nl%&fthe power of this rank.%nl% %nl%&fThe fifth purchasable rank at %{mineplex.config.shoplink}%"
return "&3Eternal"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lSUPPORT ":
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9Support"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§9"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lSUPPORT%nl%&fSupport agents handle tickets and%nl%&fprovide customer service."
return "&9Support"
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "&9&lARTIST ":
set {mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%} to "&9Artist"
set {mineplex.colora.%{_p}%} to "§9"
set {mineplex.hover.%{_p}%} to "&9&lARTIST%nl%&fThe Artist rank is given to talented artists%nl%who are endorsed to create content for Mineplex."
return "&9Artist"
on death of player:
if attacker is a player:
if projectile is set:
set the death message to "&9Death> &e%victim% &7killed by &e%attacker% &7with &eArchery&7."
if attacker is not a player:
if attacker is set:
set {_dm} to 1st char in each word of "%attacker%" to caps
set the death message to "&9Death> &e%victim% &7killed by &e%{_dm}%&7."
on join:
wait 2 ticks
rankLoad(player, 1, 0)
loop all players:
on flight toggle:
if {mineplex.config.doublejump} is "true":
if {doublejump.%uuid of player%} is set:
if player's gamemode is not creative:
cancel event
delete {doublejump.%uuid of player%}
wait 1 tick
set player's flight state to false
push player upward at speed 0.3
push player forward at speed 0.9
play raw sound "mob.ghast.fireball" at player with pitch 2 volume 0.99
on jump:
if player's gamemode is not creative:
if {doublejump.%uuid of player%} is not set:
if block below player is not air or water:
set player's flight state to true
set {doublejump.%uuid of player%} to true
on quit:
set {mineplex.rank.uuid.%uuid of player%} to {mineplex.rank.%player%}
#Chat System
on chat:
set {_get} to getPlayerdata(player, "muted")
if {_get} is "yes":
if {muted::%player%::type} is "perm":
send "&9Punish> &7Shh, you're muted because %{muted::%player%::reason}% by %{muted::%player%::by}% for Permanent."
cancel event
if {muted::%player%::type} is "temp":
set {_waited} to difference between now and {muted::%player%::when}
if {_waited} is less than {muted::%player%::time}:
send "&9Punish> &7Shh, you're muted because %{muted::%player%::reason}% by %{muted::%player%::by}% for &a%{muted::%player%::time}%."
cancel event
if message contains "hack" or "hax":
cancel event
send "&9Chat> &7Accusing players of cheating in-game is against the rules. If you think someone is cheating, please gather evidence and report it at &a%{}%"
if {mineplex.vanish.%player%} is false:
if {mineplex.chatslow} is set:
if player has permission "mineplex.mod":
set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
if {_check} is less than 0:
cancel event
delete {_check}
if difference between {lastChat::%player%} and now < {mineplex.chatslow}:
cancel event
send "&9Chat> &7Chat slow enabled. Please wait."
set {lastChat::%player%} to now
set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
if {_check} is less than 0:
cancel event
delete {_check}
else if {mineplex.chatsilence} is set:
if player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
if {_check} is less than 0:
cancel event
delete {_check}
cancel event
send "&9Chat> &7The chat is silenced."
if {} is true:
if length of message is greater than 1:
if first character of message is "@":
cancel event
set message to subtext of message from characters 2 to (length of message)
loop {party.%{party.%player%}%::*}:
message "&5&lParty &f&l%player% &d%message%" to loop-value
set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
if {_check} is less than 0:
cancel event
delete {_check}
set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
if {_check} is less than 0:
cancel event
delete {_check}
set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
if {_check} is less than 0:
cancel event
delete {_check}
else if {mineplex.vanish.%player%} is true:
send "&eYou can not chat while incognito."
cancel event
set {mineplex.vanish.%player%} to false
set {_check} to mcs((player), (message))
if {_check} is less than 0:
cancel event
delete {_check}
#Join, Quit, and Load Handlers
on join:
if player has permission "mineplex.admin":
$ thread
set {_ver} to line 1 from url "" parsed as a number
set {_c} to "{@MCRVER}" parsed as a number
if {_c} is greater than {_ver}:
send "&9MCR> &7You must be using some fancy indev version!"
send "&9MCR> &7or you're retarded and changed the version in the config!"
else if {_c} is less than {_ver}:
send "&9MCR> &7Version &e%{_ver}% &7is ready for download"
send "&9MCR> &7Your version of MCR is currently up to date!"
send "&9MCR> &7Changelog:"
$ thread
set {_var1::*} to contents from url ""
loop {_var1::*}:
send "%loop-value%"
loop {_var::*}:
send "&9MCR> &7Version &e%loop-value% &7is ready for download"
send "&9MCR> &7End of Changelog!"
if {mineplex.gadget.enabled} is not set:
set {mineplex.gadget.enabled} to true
if {} is not set:
set {} to 1
if {} is not set:
set {} to true
if {mineplex.tntlauncher} is not set:
set {mineplex.tntlauncher} to true
if {} is not set:
set {} to 0
if {mineplex.ff.list::%player%} is set:
if player does not have permission "mineplex.trainee":
delete {mineplex.ff.list::%player%}
delete {mineplex.pref.ff.%player%}
if {mineplex.totalaccounts.%ip address of player%::*} does not contain "%player%":
add "%player%" to {mineplex.totalaccounts.%ip address of player%::*}
on load:
#set {_var::*} to contents from url "" Raw in GitHub does not update fast enough rip lel
set {_ver} to line 1 from url "" parsed as a number
set {_c} to "{@MCRVER}" parsed as a number
if {_c} is more than {_ver}:
broadcast "&9MCR> &7You must be using some fancy indev version!"
broadcast "&9MCR> &7or you're retarded and changed the version in the config!"
else if {_c} is less than {_ver}:
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Version &e%{_ver}% &7is ready for download"
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Your version of MCR is currently up to date!"
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Client Version: {@MCRVER}"
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Server Version: %{_ver}%"
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Changelog:"
$ thread
set {_var1::*} to contents from url ""
loop {_var1::*}:
broadcast "%loop-value%"
loop {_var::*}:
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Version &e%loop-value% &7is ready for download"
broadcast "&9MCR> &7End of Changelog!"
if {mineplex.gadget.enabled} is not set:
set {mineplex.gadget.enabled} to true
if {} is not set:
set {} to 1
if {} is not set:
set {} to true
if {mineplex.tntlauncher} is not set:
set {mineplex.tntlauncher} to true
if {} is not set:
set {} to 0
function runNews(p: player) :: boolean:
set {_sn} to convert string {mineplex.config.servername} to uppercase
send title from "&6&l%{_sn}%" and "%{}%" to {_p} for 5, 70, 0
wait 3 seconds
send title from "&6&l%{_sn}%" and "%{}%" to {_p} for 1, 70, 0
wait 3 seconds
send title from "&6&l%{_sn}%" and "%{}%" to {_p} for 1, 70, 0
wait 3 seconds
send title from "&6&l%{_sn}%" and "%{}%" to {_p} for 1, 60, 5
on join:
set join message to "&8Join> &7%player%"
delete {mineplex.disguise.%player%}
execute console command "/ud %player%"
delete {mineplex.lastm.%player%}
delete {mineplex.lasta.%player%}
set tab header to "&f&l%{mineplex.config.servername}% Network &a%{}%" and footer to "&fVisit &a%{}% &ffor News, Forums and Shop" for player
if {} is true:
if {mineplex.vanish.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.vanish.%player%} to false
if {mineplex.overridechat} is not set:
set {mineplex.overridechat} to true
if {mineplex.vanish.%player%} is true:
send ""
send ""
send "&6&lYou are currently incognito"
send "&eThis means you are invisible to all except for those who are"
send "&4&lAdmin&f+"
send ""
send ""
if {mineplex.pref.hpv.%player%} is false:
hide all players from player
if {mineplex.pref.hpv.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.pref.hpv.%player%} to true
if {mineplex.pref.ff.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.pref.ff.%player%} to false
if {mineplex.ff.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.ff.%player%} to false
if {} is not set:
set {} to true
if {mineplex.pref.pc.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.pref.pc.%player%} to true
if {mineplex.pref.gwen.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.pref.gwen.%player%} to true
if {} is not set:
set {} to true
if {mineplex.shards.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.shards.%player%} to 0
if {mineplex.gems.%player%} is not set:
set {mineplex.gems.%player%} to 0
if {} is not set:
set {} to false
if {} is not set:
set {} to false
if {mineplex.adminmode.%player%} is true:
set {mineplex.adminmode.%player%} to false
loop all players:
if {mineplex.vanish.%loop-player%} is true:
add loop-player to {%player%.vanishlist::*}
loop all players:
if loop-player does not have permission "mineplex.admin":
hide {%player%.vanishlist::*} from all players
delete {%player%.vanishlist::*}
delete {}
if {mineplex.config.autoop} is "true":
if player has permission "mineplex.admin":
op the player
deop the player
function newsinit(i: integer) :: number:
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
set {_get} to first element out of objects in column "newsString" from result of query "SELECT newsString FROM `newslist` WHERE newsPosition = '1'"
if {_get} is not set:
update "INSERT INTO `newslist` (`newsPosition`, `newsString`) VALUES ('1', '§b§lMineplex Core Remake')"
update "INSERT INTO `newslist` (`newsPosition`, `newsString`) VALUES ('2', '§a§lThe best remake for Mineplex Commands')"
update "INSERT INTO `newslist` (`newsPosition`, `newsString`) VALUES ('3', '§3§lRate this on Spigot!')"
update "INSERT INTO `newslist` (`newsPosition`, `newsString`) VALUES ('4', '§c§lCheck me out on SkUnity!')"
set {} to first element out of objects in column "newsString" from result of query "SELECT newsString FROM `newslist` WHERE newsPosition = '1'"
set {} to first element out of objects in column "newsString" from result of query "SELECT newsString FROM `newslist` WHERE newsPosition = '2'"
set {} to first element out of objects in column "newsString" from result of query "SELECT newsString FROM `newslist` WHERE newsPosition = '3'"
set {} to first element out of objects in column "newsString" from result of query "SELECT newsString FROM `newslist` WHERE newsPosition = '4'"
set {} to true
set {} to first element out of objects in column "newsString" from result of query "SELECT newsString FROM `newslist` WHERE newsPosition = '1'"
set {} to first element out of objects in column "newsString" from result of query "SELECT newsString FROM `newslist` WHERE newsPosition = '2'"
set {} to first element out of objects in column "newsString" from result of query "SELECT newsString FROM `newslist` WHERE newsPosition = '3'"
set {} to first element out of objects in column "newsString" from result of query "SELECT newsString FROM `newslist` WHERE newsPosition = '4'"
if {} is not set:
set {} to "§b§lMineplex Core Remake"
set {} to "§a§lThe best remake for Mineplex Commands"
set {} to "§3§lRate this on Spigot!"
set {} to "§c§lCheck me out on SkUnity!"
set {} to true
on load:
on quit:
set quit message to "&8Quit> &7%player%"
delete {}
every second:
loop all players:
add 1 to {mineplex.time.%loop-player%}
every 2 ticks:
loop all players:
if {mineplex.ff.list::%loop-player%} is set:
loop players in radius 4 of loop-player:
if {mineplex.pref.ff.%loop-player-2%} is false:
if loop-player-2 is not loop-player-1:
play raw sound "mob.chicken.plop" at loop-player-2 with pitch 1 volume 10
push the loop-player-2 upwards at speed 0.3
push the loop-player-2 backwards at speed 0.45
play raw sound "mob.chicken.plop" at loop-player-2 with pitch 1 volume 10
#2 Factor
command /2fareset <player>:
permission: op
delete {mineplex.newauth.%uuid of arg-1%}
set {mineplex.authlock.%arg-1%} to false
delete {mineplex.newauthlast.%uuid of arg-1%}
on join:
wait 5 ticks
if player has permission "mineplex.2fa":
if {mineplex.newauth.%uuid of player%} is set:
set {_t} to difference between {mineplex.newauthlast.%uuid of player%} and now
set {_tc} to "1 day" parsed as a timespan
if {_t} is less than {_tc}:
send "&92FA> &7Authorized!"
set {mineplex.authlock.%player%} to true
apply slowness 999 to player for 999 seconds
apply blindness 999 to player for 999 seconds
send "&92FA> &7Please enter your two-factor auth code"
send "&92FA> &c/2fa (code)"
on command:
if {mineplex.authlock.%player%} is true:
if executor is player:
if command is not "2fa":
cancel event
send "&92FA> &7Please enter your two-factor auth code"
send "&92FA> &c/2fa (code)"
on chat:
if {mineplex.authlock.%player%} is true:
cancel event
send "&92FA> &7Please enter your two-factor auth code"
send "&92FA> &c/2fa (code)"
on quit:
delete {autowarn.%player%}
#Mineplex Commands
command /2fa [<string>] [<string>]:
permission: mineplex.2fa
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if {mineplex.newauth.%uuid of player%} is not set:
if {authwarn.%player%} is not set:
send "&92FA> &7Hey There! This sets a code that you will have to remember for the rest of your life!"
send "&92FA> &7Do &e/2fa &7if you are 100%% sure!"
set {authwarn.%player%} to true
send "&92FA> &7Generating secret..."
set {_clientSecret} to a new two-factor base-32 secret code
send "&92FA> &7Saving secret..."
set {mineplex.newauth.%uuid of player%} to {_clientSecret}
send "&92FA> &7Secret key saved."
send "&92FA> &7You must enter this code into your Two-Factor App:%nl%&92FA> &e%{_clientSecret}%"
send "&92FA> &7Then redo /2fa with your code"
set {mineplex.authlock.%player%} to false
set {_t} to arg 1 parsed as an integer
if {_t} is a number:
send "&92FA> &7Authorized for 24 hours."
send "&92FA> &7Saving secret..."
wait 5 ticks
set {mineplex.newauth.%uuid of player%} to skutil hashed arg 1 using "MD5"
set {mineplex.authlock.%player%} to false
send "&92FA> &7Secret key saved."
send "&92FA> &7Invalid authentication code (not a number)."
set {_t} to difference between {mineplex.newauthlast.%uuid of player%} and now
set {_tc} to "1 day" parsed as a timespan
if {_t} is less than {_tc}:
send "&92FA> &7Authorized for 24 hours."
set {_c} to the current two-factor code of secret code {mineplex.newauth.%uuid of player%}
set {_t} to arg 1 parsed as an integer
if {_t} is a number:
if {_c} is arg-1:
send "&92FA> &7Authorized for 24 hours."
send "&92FA> &7Saving secret..."
wait 5 ticks
remove slowness from the player
remove blindness from the player
set {mineplex.newauthlast.%uuid of player%} to now
set {mineplex.authlock.%player%} to false
send "&92FA> &7Secret key saved."
send "&92FA> &7Invalid authentication code"
send "&92FA> &7Invalid authentication code (not a number)."
command /tp [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
aliases: /teleport
permission: mineplex.mod
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&9Teleport> &7Commands List:"
send "&6/tp <target> &7Teleport to Player &6Mod"
send "&6/tp b(ack) &7Undo Teleports &6Mod"
send "&4/tp h(ere) <player> &7Teleport Player to Self &4Admin"
send "&4/tp <player> <target> &7Teleport Player to Player &4Admin"
send "&4/tp <player> <X> <Y> <Z> &7Teleport to Location &4Admin"
send "&4/tp all &7Teleport All to Self &4Owner"
if arg-2 is not set:
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-1 is not "all":
if arg-1 is not "here" or "h" or "back" or "b":
if arg-1 parsed as player is online:
set {} to location of player
teleport player to arg-1 parsed as player's location
set {_t} to arg-1 parsed as player
send "&9Teleport> &7Teleported to &e%{_t}%&7."
send "&9Teleport> &7Locating &e%arg-1%&7..."
wait 5 seconds
send "&9Teleport> &7Could not locate &e%arg-1%&7."
if arg-1 is "all":
if player has permission "mineplex.owner":
teleport all players to player
send "&9Teleport> &7You teleported &e%amount of players% Players &7to yourself."
broadcast "&9Teleport> &7You teleported to &e%player%&7."
send "&9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that."
if arg 4 is set:
if arg-1 parsed as player is online:
set {_p} to arg-1 parsed as a player
set {_x} to arg-2 parsed as a number
set {_y} to arg-3 parsed as a number
set {_z} to arg-4 parsed as a number
if {_x} is not set:
send "&9Teleport> &7Invalid X-Coordinate [&e%arg-2%&7]."
if {_y} is not set:
send "&9Teleport> &7Invalid Y-Coordinate [&e%arg-3%&7]."
if {_z} is not set:
send "&9Teleport> &7Invalid Z-Coordinate [&e%arg-4%&7]."
teleport {_p} to the location at {_x}, {_y}, {_z}
send "&9Teleport> &7Teleported &e%{_p}% &7%{_x}%, %{_y}%, %{_z}%."
send "&9Teleport> &7Locating &e%arg-1%&7..."
wait 5 seconds
send "&9Teleport> &7Could not locate &e%arg-1%&7."
if arg-1 is "here" or "h":
if player has permission "mineplex.admin":
if arg-3 is not set:
if arg-2 is set:
if arg-2 parsed as player is online:
teleport arg-2 parsed as player to player's location
send "&9Teleport> &7%player% teleported you to self." to arg-2 parsed as player
set {_t} to arg-2 parsed as player
send "&9Teleport> &7Teleported &e%arg-2% &7to self."
send "&9Teleport> &7Locating &e%arg-2%&7..."
wait 5 seconds
send "&9Teleport> &7Could not locate &e%arg-2%&7."
send "&9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that."
if arg-2 is not set:
send "&9Teleport> &7Commands List:"
send "&6/tp <target> &7Teleport to Player &6Mod"
send "&6/tp b(ack) &7Undo Teleports &6Mod"
send "&4/tp h(ere) <player> &7Teleport Player to Self &4Admin"
send "&4/tp <player> <target> &7Teleport Player to Player &4Admin"
send "&4/tp <player> <X> <Y> <Z> &7Teleport to Location &4Admin"
send "&4/tp all &7Teleport All to Self &4Owner"
if arg-1 is "back" or "b":
if {} is set:
set {_new} to {}
set {} to location of player
teleport player to {_new}
send "&9Teleport> &7You have been teleported to your previous location."
send "&9Teleport> &7There is no place to teleport you back to."
if arg-3 is not set:
if arg-2 is set:
if player has permission "mineplex.admin":
if arg-2 parsed as player is online:
if arg-1 parsed as player is online:
set {} to location of player
teleport arg-1 parsed as player to arg-2 parsed as player
set {_t1} to arg-1 parsed as player
set {_t} to arg-2 parsed as player
send "&9Teleport> &e%{_t1}% &7was teleported to you." to arg-2 parsed as player
send "&9Teleport> &7You were teleported to &e%{_t}%&7." to arg-1 parsed as player
send "&9Teleport> &7Locating &e%arg-1%&7..."
wait 5 seconds
send "&9Teleport> &7Could not locate &e%arg-1%&7."
send "&9Teleport> &7Locating &e%arg-2%&7..."
wait 5 seconds
send "&9Teleport> &7Could not locate &e%arg-2%&7."
send "&9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that."
command /time [<offline player>] [<string>]:
permission: mineplex.mod
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9Time> &7Usage: /time <playerName>"
if {mineplex.time.%arg-1%} is not set:
set {mineplex.time.%arg-1%} to 0
send "&9Time> &e%arg-1% &7has spent &e%{mineplex.time.%arg-1%}%.0 Seconds &7in game"
set {_tm} to {mineplex.time.%arg-1%}
if {_tm} is less than 60:
send "&9Time> &e%arg-1% &7has spent &e%{_tm}%.0 Seconds &7in game"
else if {_tm} is less than 3600:
set {_final} to {_tm} / 60
send "&9Time> &e%arg-1% &7has spent &e%{_final}% Minutes &7in game"
else if {_tm} is less than 86400:
set {_final} to {_tm} / 3600
send "&9Time> &e%arg-1% &7has spent &e%{_final}% Hours &7in game"
else if {_tm} is less than 604800:
set {_final} to {_tm} / 86400
send "&9Time> &e%arg-1% &7has spent &e%{_final}% Days &7in game"
set {_final} to {_tm} / 604800
send "&9Time> &e%arg-1% &7has spent &e%{_final}% Weeks &7in game"
command /disguise [<string>] [<string>]:
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is not set:
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
send "&9Disguise> &7You are no longer disguised!"
execute console command "/ud %player%"
delete {mineplex.disguise.%player%}
set player tab name to "%{mineplex.rank.%player%}%&e%player%"
send "&9Disguise> &7You are not disguised. You can disguise with /disguise <username>"
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
send "&9Disguise> &7You are already disguised. Please undisguise by using /disguise"
set {_n} to the length of arg 1
if {_n} is greater than 16:
send "&9Disguise> &7The chosen name of &e%arg-1% &7is &e%{_n} - 16% &7characters too long!"
if arg-1 contains "~" or "`" or "!" or "@" or "##" or "$" or "%%" or "^" or "&" or "*" or "(" or ")" or "-" or "=" or "+" or "[" or "]" or "{" or "}" or ":" or ";" or "," or "<" or ">" or "." or "?" or "/" or "\":
send "&9Disguise> &7That disguise name is not permitted!"
set {_p1} to arg-1 parsed as offline player
if {_p1} is online:
send "&9Disguise> &7This name already in use!"
set {_ban} to getPlayerdata({_p1}, "banned")
set {_mute} to getPlayerdata({_p1}, "muted")
if {_ban} or {_muted} is "yes":
send "&9Disguise> &7You may not disguise as people who are muted or banned."
set {_rank} to getPlayerdata({_p1}, "rank")
if {_rank} is set: #Not in the database
if {_rank} is not "" or "All" or "Ultra" or "Hero" or "Legend" or "Titan" or "Eternal":
send "&9Disguise> &7You may not disguise as users who are staff, youtubers, or twitchers."
send "&9Disguise> &7Disguise Active: &f%arg-1%"
set {_localp} to arg 1 parsed as a player
rankLoad({_localp} , 2, 1)
if {mineplex.level.%arg-1%} is not set:
set {mineplex.level.%arg-1%} to "&70"
if {mineplex.rank.%arg-1%} is not set:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-1%} to ""
execute console command "/odisguise %player% player %arg-1%"
set {mineplex.disguise.%player%} to arg-1 parsed as offline player
set {_player} to arg 1
if {mineplex.rank.%{_player}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.rank.%{_player}%} to ""
set player tab name to "%{mineplex.rank.%{_player}%}%&e%arg-1%"
command /api [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9API> &7Mineplex Core API"
send "&9API> &7/api (api name)"
send "&9API> &7Current API's; &adisplayrank&7, &adisplayname"
send "&9API> &7Use /api (api name) (player) to view a different players's api output"
if arg 2 is set:
set {_p} to arg-2
set {_p} to "%player%"
if arg 1 is "displayrank":
if {mineplex.api.displayrank.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.api.displayrank.%{_p}%} to "null"
send "&9API> &7Raw API Output; &f%{mineplex.api.displayrank.%{_p}%}%"
else if arg 1 is "displayname":
if {mineplex.api.displayname.%{_p}%} is not set:
set {mineplex.api.displayname.%{_p}%} to "null"
send "&9API> &7Raw API Output; &f%{mineplex.api.displayname.%{_p}%}%"
send "&9API> &7Invalid API!"
command /give [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]:
aliases: /g, /item, /i
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7This requires Permission Rank [&9ADMIN&7].
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9Give: &7Listing Commands:"
send "&4/give (item) Admin"
send "&4/give (player) (item) (amount) Admin"
send "&4/give (player) (item) (amount) (Enchantment:level) Admin"
send "&4/give all (item) (amount) Admin"
send "&4/give all (item) (amount) (Enchantment:level) Admin"
else if arg 5 is set:
send "&9Give: &7Listing Commands:"
send "&4/give (item) Admin"
send "&4/give (player) (item) (amount) Admin"
send "&4/give (player) (item) (amount) (Enchantment:level) Admin"
send "&4/give all (item) (amount) Admin"
send "&4/give all (item) (amount) (Enchantment:level) Admin"
if arg 2 is not set:
set {_i1} to arg-1
replace all "_" with " " in {_i1}
set {_i} to "%{_i1}%" parsed as an item
if {_i} is an item:
send "&9Give> &7You gave &e1 %{_i}% &7to &e%player%&7."
give player {_i}
send "&9Item Search> &e0 &7matches for [&e%arg-1%&7]."
send "&9Item(s) Search> &7Invalid [&e%arg-1%&7]."
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
if arg 1 is "all":
set {_i1} to arg-2
replace all "_" with " " in {_i1}
set {_i} to "%{_i1}%" parsed as an item
set {_a} to arg-3 parsed as a number
if {_i} is an item:
if {_a} is a number:
if arg 4 is set:
set {_e} to arg-4 parsed as text
set {_oe} to arg-4 parsed as text
replace all "_" with " " in {_e}
replace all ":" with " " in {_e}
if "%{_e}%" parsed as an enchantment type is an enchantment type:
set {_e} to "%{_e}%" parsed as an enchantment type
enchant {_i} with "%{_e}%" parsed as a enchantment type
send "&9Give> &7Invalid Enchantment [&6%{_oe}%&7]."
send "&9Give> &7You gave &e%{_a}% %{_i}% &7to &eALL&7."
send "&9Give> &7You received &e%{_a}% %{_i}% &7from &e%player%&7." to all players
loop all players:
loop {_a} times:
give loop-player {_i}
send "&9Give> &7Invalid Amount [%arg-3%]. Defaulting to [1]."
send "&9Give> &7You gave &e1 %{_i}% &7to &eALL&7."
send "&9Give> &7You received &e1 %{_i}% &7from &e%player%&7." to all players
loop all players:
give loop-player {_i}
send "&9Item Search> &e0 &7matches for [&e%{_i1}%&7]."
send "&9Item(s) Search> &7Invalid [&e%{_i}%&7]."
set {_i1} to arg-2
replace all "_" with " " in {_i1}
set {_i} to "%{_i1}%" parsed as an item
set {_a} to arg-3 parsed as a number
set {_p} to arg-1 parsed as a player
if {_i} is an item:
if {_p} is online:
if {_a} is a number:
if arg 4 is set:
set {_e} to arg-4 parsed as text
set {_oe} to arg-4 parsed as text
replace all "_" with " " in {_e}
replace all ":" with " " in {_e}
if "%{_e}%" parsed as an enchantment type is an enchantment type:
set {_e} to "%{_e}%" parsed as an enchantment type
enchant {_i} with "%{_e}%" parsed as a enchantment type
send "&9Give> &7Invalid Enchantment [&6%{_oe}%&7]."
send "&9Give> &7You gave &e%{_a}% %{_i}% &7to &e%{_p}%&7."
send "&9Give> &7You received &e%{_a}% %{_i}% &7from &e%player%&7." to {_p}
loop {_a} times:
give {_p} {_i}
send "&9Give> &7Invalid Amount [%arg-3%]. Defaulting to [1]."
send "&9Give> &7You gave &e1 %{_i}% &7to &e%{_p}%&7."
send "&9Give> &7You received &e1 %{_i}% &7from &e%player%&7." to {_p}
give {_p} {_i}
send "&9Online Player Search> &e0 &7matches for [&e%arg-1%&7]."
send "&9Online Player(s) Search> &7Invalid [&e%arg-1%&7]."
send "&9Item Search> &e0 &7matches for [&e%arg-2%&7]."
send "&9Item(s) Search> &7Invalid [&e%arg-2%&7]."
if arg 1 is "all":
set {_i1} to arg-2
replace all "_" with " " in {_i1}
set {_i} to "%{_i1}%" parsed as an item
if {_i} is an item:
send "&9Give> &7You gave &e1 %{_i}% &7to &eALL&7."
send "&9Give> &7You received &e1 %{_i}% &7from &e%player%&7." to all players
loop all players:
give loop-player {_i}
send "&9Item Search> &e0 &7matches for [&e%arg-2%&7]."
send "&9Item(s) Search> &7Invalid [&e%arg-2%&7]."
set {_i1} to arg-2
replace all "_" with " " in {_i1}
set {_i} to "%{_i1}%" parsed as an item
set {_p} to arg-1 parsed as a player
if {_i} is an item:
if {_p} is online:
send "&9Give> &7You gave &e1 %{_i}% &7to &e%{_p}%&7."
send "&9Give> &7You received &e1 %{_i}% &7from &e%player%&7." to {_p}
give {_p} {_i}
send "&9Online Player Search> &e0 &7matches for [&e%arg-1%&7]."
send "&9Online Player(s) Search> &7Invalid [&e%arg-1%&7]."
send "&9Item Search> &e0 &7matches for [&e%arg-2%&7]."
send "&9Item(s) Search> &7Invalid [&e%arg-2%&7]."
#/givestat player stat amount
command /givestat [<offline player>] [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]:
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9Stats> &e/givestat (player) (stat) (amount)"
else if arg 1 is set:
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 parsed as a number is set:
if arg 2 is "Global.ExpEarned":
set {_lvl} to arg 3 parsed as a number
if {_lvl} is less than 0:
send "&9Stats> &7Unknown value for &eGlobal.ExpEarned&7!"
else if {_lvl} is less than 20:
set {_temp} to "&7%{_lvl}%"
set {mineplex.level.%arg-1%} to "%{_temp}%"
send "&9Stats> &7Applied &e%{_lvl}% Global.ExpEarned &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
setPlayerdata(arg-1, "level", "%{_lvl}%")
else if {_lvl} is less than 40:
set {_temp} to "&9%{_lvl}%"
set {mineplex.level.%arg-1%} to "%{_temp}%"
send "&9Stats> &7Applied &e%{_lvl}% Global.ExpEarned &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
setPlayerdata(arg-1, "level", "%{_lvl}%")
else if {_lvl} is less than 60:
set {_temp} to "&2%{_lvl}%"
set {mineplex.level.%arg-1%} to "%{_temp}%"
send "&9Stats> &7Applied &e%{_lvl}% Global.ExpEarned &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
setPlayerdata(arg-1, "level", "%{_lvl}%")
else if {_lvl} is less than 80:
set {_temp} to "&6%{_lvl}%"
set {mineplex.level.%arg-1%} to "%{_temp}%"
send "&9Stats> &7Applied &e%{_lvl}% Global.ExpEarned &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
setPlayerdata(arg-1, "level", "%{_lvl}%")
else if {_lvl} is less than or equal to 100:
set {_temp} to "&c%{_lvl}%"
set {mineplex.level.%arg-1%} to "%{_temp}%"
send "&9Stats> &7Applied &e%{_lvl}% Global.ExpEarned &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
setPlayerdata(arg-1, "level", "%{_lvl}%")
else if arg 2 is "Global.GemsEarned":
set {_num} to arg 3 parsed as a number
set {_get} to getPlayerdata(arg-1, "")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
add {_num} to {_cur}
setPlayerdata(arg-1, "", "%{_cur}%")
send "&9Stats> &7Applied &e%{_num}% Global.GemsEarned &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
else if arg 2 is "Global.GamesPlayed":
set {_num} to arg 3 parsed as a number
set {_get} to getPlayerdata(arg-1, "")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
add {_num} to {_cur}
setPlayerdata(arg-1, "", "%{_cur}%")
send "&9Stats> &7Applied &e%{_num}% Global.GamesPlayed &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
else if arg 2 is "Global.DailyRewards":
set {_num} to arg 3 parsed as a number
set {_get} to getPlayerdata(arg-1, "")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
add {_num} to {_cur}
setPlayerdata(arg-1, "", "%{_cur}%")
send "&9Stats> &7Applied &e%{_num}% Global.DailyRewards &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
else if arg 2 is "Global.TimesVoted":
set {_num} to arg 3 parsed as a number
set {_get} to getPlayerdata(arg-1, "")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
add {_num} to {_cur}
setPlayerdata(arg-1, "", "%{_cur}%")
send "&9Stats> &7Applied &e%{_num}% Global.TimesVoted &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
else if arg 2 is "Global.ChestsOpened":
set {_num} to arg 3 parsed as a number
set {_get} to getPlayerdata(arg-1, "")
set {_cur} to {_get} parsed as a number
add {_num} to {_cur}
setPlayerdata(arg-1, "", "%{_cur}%")
send "&9Stats> &7Applied &e%{_num}% Global.ChestsOpened &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
send "&9Stats> &e/givestat (player) (stat) (amount)"
send "&9Stats> &e/givestat (player) (stat) (amount)"
send "&9Stats> &e/givestat (player) (stat) (amount)"
command /stats [<offline player>] [<string>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
set {_p} to player
set {_good} to true
if arg 1 is online:
set {_p} to arg 1
set {_good} to true
send "&9Online Player Search> &e0 &7matches for [&e%arg-1%&7]."
if {_good} is true:
open chest with 5 rows named "%{_p}%'s Stats" to player
wait 1 tick
set {_tm} to {mineplex.time.%{_p}%}
if {_tm} is less than 60:
set {_global.time} to "%{_final}%.0 Seconds"
else if {_tm} is less than 3600:
set {_final} to {_tm} / 60
set {_global.time} to "%{_final}% Minutes"
else if {_tm} is less than 86400:
set {_final} to {_tm} / 3600
set {_global.time} to "%{_final}% Hours"
else if {_tm} is less than 604800:
set {_final} to {_tm} / 86400
set {_global.time} to "%{_final}% Days"
set {_final} to {_tm} / 604800
set {_global.time} to "%{_final}% Weeks"
set {_global.gems} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "")
set {} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "")
set {_global.dailyr} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "")
set {_global.voted} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "")
set {_global.chests} to getPlayerdata({_p}, "")
format slot 2 of player with emerald named "&a&lGlobal" with lore "||&eGems Earned: &f%{_global.gems}%|| ||&eGames Played: &f%{}%||&eTime In Game: &f%{_global.time}%|| ||&eDaily Rewards: &f%{_global.dailyr}%||&eTimes Voted: &f%{_global.voted}%|| ||&eChests Opened: &f%{_global.chests}%" to be unstealable
command /mcr:
send "&9Plugin> &7Mineplex Core"
send "&9Plugin> &7Running MCR: &e{@MCRVER}"
send "&9Plugin> &7Hotfix/Release Cycle: &e{@MCRHOTFIX}"
send "&9Plugin> &7by &aWheezyGold7931&7, &eOttelino&7, &eTheSkripterDK&7, &eTorksi&7, &7and &eItzRenderman"
send "&9Plugin> &7GitHub Contributors: NaiculS, termanator1128, IsGeorgeCurious, Techno3600, TreyRuffy, and WilliePlaysMC."
send "&9Plugin> &7Special thanks to SoftBreeze, Rezz, Boobah, TonyMaster21, LimeGlass, and Citrin_"
send ""
send "&9Patreon> &7Huge Thanks to my Patreons:"
send "&9Patreon> &eNone, anymore"
send "&9Patreon> &7If you want to be listed there than support me on Patreon!:"
send "&9Patreon> &b"
command /a [<text>]:
aliases: /admin
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9Admin> &7Corect Usage: /a (message)"
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
send "&9Admin> &7Disguised users cannot use /a while disguised!"
set {_p} to player
set {_get} to getPlayerdata(player, "muted")
if {_get} is "yes":
if {muted::%player%::type} is "perm":
send "&9Punish> &7Shh, you're muted because %{muted::%player%::reason}% by %{muted::%player%::by}% for Permanent."
if {muted::%player%::type} is "temp":
set {_waited} to difference between {muted::%player%::when} and now
if {_waited} is less than {muted::%player%::time}:
send "&9Punish> &7Shh, you're muted because %{muted::%player%::reason}% by %{muted::%player%::by}% for &a%{muted::%player%::time}%."
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "":
set {_display} to "Player %{_p}%"
set {_display} to "%{mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%}% %{_p}%"
if player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "%{_display}% &d%arg-1%" to loop-player
play "NOTE_PLING" to loop-player at volume 0.5
send "%{_display}% &d%arg-1%"
play "NOTE_PLING" to player at volume 0.5
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "%{_display}% &d%arg-1%" to loop-player
play "NOTE_PLING" to loop-player at volume 0.5
command /ma [<player>] [<text>]:
permission: mineplex.trainee
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
send "&9Admin> &7Disguised users cannot use /a while disguised!"
set {_p} to player
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "":
set {_display} to "&fPlayer %{_p}%"
set {_display} to "%{mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%}% %{_p}%"
if {mineplex.rank.%arg-1%} is "":
set {_display2} to "&fPlayer %arg-1%"
set {_display2} to "%{mineplex.displaya.%arg-1%}% %arg-1%"
if player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
if argument 1 and argument 2 is set:
send "&d-> %{_display2}% &d%arg 2%"
send "&d<- %{_display}% &d%arg 2%" to arg-1
set {mineplex.lasta.%player%} to arg-1
play "NOTE_PLING" to player at volume 0.5
play "NOTE_PLING" to arg-1 at volume 0.5
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
if loop-player is not player or arg-1:
send "%{_display}% &d-> %{_display2}% &d%arg 2%" to loop-player
send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
send "&9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that."
command /ra [<text>]:
permission: mineplex.trainee
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
set {_p} to {mineplex.disguise.%player%}
set {_p} to player
if {mineplex.rank.%{_p}%} is "":
set {_display} to "&fPlayer %{_p}%"
set {_display} to "%{mineplex.displaya.%{_p}%}% %{_p}%"
if {mineplex.rank.%{mineplex.lasta.%player%}%} is "":
set {_display2} to "&fPlayer %{mineplex.lasta.%player%}%"
set {_display2} to "%{mineplex.displaya.%{mineplex.lasta.%player%}%}% %{mineplex.lasta.%player%}%"
if {mineplex.lasta.%player%} is not set:
send "&9Message> &7You have not messaged anyone recently."
if argument 1 is set:
send "&d-> %{_display2}% &d%arg 1%"
send "&d<- %{_display}% &d%arg-1%" to {mineplex.lasta.%player%}
play "NOTE_PLING" to player at volume 0.5
play "NOTE_PLING" to {mineplex.lasta.%player%} at volume 0.5
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
if loop-player is not player or {mineplex.lasta.%player%}:
send "%{_display}% &d-> %{_display2}% &d%arg 1%" to loop-player
send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
command /vanish:
aliases: /incognito
permission: mineplex.trainee
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if {mineplex.vanish.%player%} is true:
loop all players:
loop-value doesn't have permission "mineplex.admin"
add loop-value to {_vanishto::*}
reveal player from all players
set {mineplex.vanish.%player%} to false
send "&9Moderation> &7Disabled moderator mode."
send "&9Incognito> &7You are no longer incognito. Your status will only change when you run &e/vanish &7again."
loop all players:
loop-value doesn't have permission "mineplex.admin"
add loop-value to {_vanishto::*}
hide player from {_vanishto::*}
set {mineplex.vanish.%player%} to true
send "&9Moderation> &7Enabled moderator mode."
send "&9Incognito> &7You are now incognito. Your status will only change when you run &e/vanish &7again."
function friendButtons(p: player) :: number:
set {_t} to "Steve" parsed as an offline player
set slot 0 of {_p}'s current inventory to {_t}'s skull named "&fFriends" with lore ""
set slot 2 of {_p}'s current inventory to rose named "&fFriend Requests" with lore ""
set slot 4 of {_p}'s current inventory to tnt named "&fDelete Friends" with lore ""
set slot 6 of {_p}'s current inventory to book and quill named "&fSend Friend Request" with lore ""
set slot 8 of {_p}'s current inventory to sign item named "&7Toggle friends to display in chat" with lore ""
function friendClean(p: player) :: number:
set {_s} to 18
loop 27 times:
set slot {_s} of {_p}'s current inventory to air
add 1 to {_s}
if {_s} = 44:
exit loop
function friendMain(p: player) :: number:
open chest with 6 rows named "Friends" to {_p}
set {_s} to 18
loop {friends.list.%{_p}%::*}:
set {_t} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offline player
if {_t} is online:
set {_a} to "&2Online"
set {_w} to "&e%{_t}'s world%"
set slot {_s} of {_p}'s current inventory to {_t}'s skull named "&f&l%{_t}%" with lore "&7&lStatus: %{_a}%||&7&lServer: %{_w}%|| ||&7Left click to teleport to their server"
set {_a} to "&cOffline"
set slot {_s} of {_p}'s current inventory to {_t}'s skull named "&f&l%{_t}%" with lore "&7&lStatus: %{_a}%||&7Last seen N/A Days ago"
add 1 to {_s}
if {_s} = 44:
exit loop
function friendDel(p: player) :: number:
open chest with 6 rows named "Delete Friends" to {_p}
set {_s} to 18
loop {friends.list.%{_p}%::*}:
set {_t} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offline player
if {_t} is online:
set {_a} to "&2Online"
set {_w} to "&e%{_t}'s world%"
set slot {_s} of {_p}'s current inventory to {_t}'s skull named "&f&l%{_t}%" with lore "&7&lStatus: %{_a}%||&7&lServer: %{_w}%|| ||&7Left click to teleport to their server"
set {_a} to "&cOffline"
set slot {_s} of {_p}'s current inventory to {_t}'s skull named "&f&l%{_t}%" with lore "&7&lStatus: %{_a}%||&7Last seen N/A Days ago"
add 1 to {_s}
if {_s} = 44:
exit loop
function friendReq(p: player) :: number:
open chest with 6 rows named "Friend Requests" to {_p}
set {_s} to 18
loop {friends.request.%{_p}%::*}:
set {_t} to "%loop-value%" parsed as offline player
set slot {_s} of {_p}'s current inventory to paper named "&7Friend request from &f&l%{_t}%" with lore "||&7Left click to accept friend request"
add 1 to {_s}
if {_s} = 44:
exit loop
command /friend [<string>] [<string>]:
aliases: /f
if arg 1 is not set:
if arg 1 is "%player%":
send "&9Friends> &7You cannot friend yourself!"
loop {friends.list.%arg-1%::*}:
if loop-value is "%player%":
set {_f} to true
loop {friends.request.%arg-1%::*}:
if loop-value is "%player%":
set {_a} to true
if {_a} is true:
send "&9Friends> &a%arg-1% &7has yet to respond to your friend request."
else if {_f} is true:
send "&9Friends> &7You are already friends with &a%arg-1%"
add "%player%" to {friends.request.%arg-1%::*}
send "&9Friends> &7Added &a%arg-1% &7to your friends list!"
on inventory click:
if inventory name of player's current inventory is "Friends":
if clicked slot is 2:
if clicked slot is 4:
cancel event
if inventory name of player's current inventory is "Friend Requests":
if clicked slot is 0:
if clicked slot is 4:
set {_n} to name of clicked item
if {_n} contains "&7Friend request from ":
replace all "&7Friend request from " with "" in {_n}
set {_f} to uncolored {_n}
remove {_f} from {friends.request.%player%::*}
add {_f} to {friends.list.%player%::*}
add "%player%" to {friends.list.%{_f}%::*}
send "&9Friends> &aYou &7and &a%{_f}% &7are now friends!"
cancel event
if inventory name of player's current inventory is "Delete Friends":
if clicked slot is 0:
if clicked slot is 2:
if "%clicked item%" is "player head":
if clicked slot is not 0:
set {_n} to name of clicked item
set {_f} to uncolored {_n}
replace all " " with "" in {_f}
remove {_f} from {friends.list.%player%::*}
remove {_f} from {friends.list.%{_l}%::*}
send "&9Friends> &7Deleted &a%{_f}% &7from your friends list!"
cancel event
command /chatslow [<integer>]:
aliases: /cs
permission: mineplex.srmod
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
set {_p} to {mineplex.disguise.%player%}
set {_p} to player
if argument 1 is set:
if {mineplex.chatsilence} is set:
send "&9Chat> &7Chat is in silence mode. Disable silence mode to activate slow chat."
if {mineplex.chatslow} is not set:
set {mineplex.chatslow} to "%arg-2% seconds" parsed as timespan
send "&9Chat> &6%{_p}% &7has set the chat delay to &6%arg-1%&7 seconds." to all players
set {mineplex.chatslow} to "%arg-2% seconds" parsed as timespan
send "&9Chat> &6%{_p}% &7has enabled chat slow." to all players
send "&9Chat> &6%{_p}% &7has set the chat delay to &6%arg-1%&7 seconds." to all players
if {mineplex.chatsilence} is set:
send "&9Chat> &7Chat is in silence mode. Disable silence mode to activate slow chat."
if {mineplex.chatslow} is set:
delete {mineplex.chatslow}
send "&9Chat> &6%{_p}% &7has disabled chat slow." to all players
send "&9Message> &cYou didn't enter a time limit! Defaulting to 10 seconds."
set {mineplex.chatslow} to "10 seconds" parsed as timespan
send "&9Chat> &6%{_p}% &7has enabled chat slow." to all players
send "&9Chat> &6%{_p}% &7has set the chat delay to &610 &7seconds." to all players
command /silence:
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if {mineplex.chatslow} is set:
delete {mineplex.chatslow}
send "&9Chat> &6%player% &7has disabled chat slow." to all players
set {mineplex.chatsilence} to true
send "&9Chat> &7The chat has been silenced for &aPermanent&7." to all players
if {mineplex.chatsilence} is set:
delete {mineplex.chatsilence}
send "&9Chat> &7The chat is no longer silenced." to all players
set {mineplex.chatsilence} to true
send "&9Chat> &7The chat has been silenced for &aPermanent&7." to all players
command /locate [<string>]:
aliases: /find, /where
permission: mineplex.trainee
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if argument 1 is set:
set {_tmp} to arg 1 parsed as an offline player
if {_tmp} is online:
set {_mineplex.locate.temp} to "%{_tmp}'s world%"
send "&9Locate> &7Located [&e%arg-1%&7] at &9%{_mineplex.locate.temp}%"
send "&9Locate> &7Failed to locate [&e%arg-1%&7]."
send "&9Locate> &7Player argument missing."
command /rank [<string>] [<offline player>] [<string>]:
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if argument 1 is not set:
send "&9Client Manager> &7Listing Commands:"
send "&4/rank set <player> <rank>: &fSets the target user's rank"
send "&4/rank test <player> <rank>: &fTemporarily sets the target users' rank"
if argument 1 is not "set" or "test":
send "&9Client Manager> &7Listing Commands:"
send "&4/rank set <player> <rank>: &fSets the target user's rank"
send "&4/rank test <player> <rank>: &fTemporarily sets the target users' rank"
if argument 1 is "set":
if argument 2 or argument 3 is not set:
send "&9Client Manager> &7Listing Rank Update Commands:"
send "&f/rank set (player) (rank): &eupdates chosen player's rank to the chosen rank"
send ""
send "&9Rank Update> &7Listing Rank List:"
#send "&9Ranks> &7ULTRA"
#send "&9Ranks> &7HERO"
#send "&9Ranks> &7LEGEND"
#send "&9Ranks> &7TITAN"
#send "&9Ranks> &7ETERNAL"
#send "&9Ranks> &7TRAINEE"
#send "&9Ranks> &7MODERATOR"
#send "&9Ranks> &7SNR_MODERATOR"
#send "&9Ranks> &7CLANS_MOD"
#send "&9Ranks> &7JNR_DEV"
#send "&9Ranks> &7SUPPORT"
#send "&9Ranks> &7ADMIN"
#send "&9Ranks> &7LEADER"
#send "&9Ranks> &7DEVELOPER"
#send "&9Ranks> &7OWNER"
#send "&9Ranks> &7ARTIST"
#send "&9Ranks> &7MAPLEAD"
#send "&9Ranks> &7BUILDER"
#send "&9Ranks> &7MAPPER"
#send "&9Ranks> &7EVENT"
#send "&9Ranks> &7TWITCH"
#send "&9Ranks> &7YOUTUBE"
#send "&9Ranks> &7YT"
set {_uuid} to uuid of arg-2
set {_allcap} to convert arg-3 to all caps
if argument 3 is "ALL":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to ""
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to None!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to None!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "All")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "ULTRA":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&b&lULTRA "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Ultra!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Ultra!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&b&lULTRA &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Ultra")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "HERO":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&d&lHERO "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Hero!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Hero!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&d&lHERO &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Hero")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "LEGEND":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&a&lLEGEND "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Legend!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Legend!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&a&lLEGEND &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Legend")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "TITAN":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&c&lTITAN "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Titan!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Titan!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&c&lTITAN &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Titan")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "ETERNAL":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&3&lETERNAL "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Eternal!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Eternal!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&3&lETERNAL &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Eternal")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "TRAINEE":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&6&lTRAINEE "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Trainee!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Trainee!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&6&lTRAINEE &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Trainee")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "MODERATOR":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&6&lMOD "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Mod!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Mod!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&6&lMOD &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Mod")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "SNR_MODERATOR":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&6&lSR.MOD "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Sr.Mod!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Sr.Mod!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&6&lSR.MOD &e%arg-2%"
set "rank" to "SrMod" in yaml file "plugins/Mineplex-Core-Remake/playerdata/%{_uuid}%.yml"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "SrMod")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "CLANS_MOD":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&6&lC.MOD "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to C.Mod!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to C.Mod!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&6&lC.MOD &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "CMod")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "ADMIN":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&4&lADMIN "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.jrdev" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.builder" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.admin" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Admin!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Admin!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&4&lADMIN &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Admin")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "APEX":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&9&lAPEX "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.jrdev" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.builder" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.admin" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Apex Minecraft Hosting!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Apex Minecraft Hosting!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&9&lAPEX &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Apex")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "LEADER":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&4&lLEADER "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.jrdev" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.builder" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.admin" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.leader" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Leader!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Leader!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&4&lLEADER &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Leader")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "OWNER":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&4&lOWNER "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.admin" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.jrdev" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.builder" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.leader" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.jrdev" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.owner" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Owner!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Owner!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&4&lOWNER &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Owner")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "BUILDER":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&9&lBUILDER "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Builder!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Builder!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&9&lBUIDLER &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Builder")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "MAPPER":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&9&lMAPPER "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.builder" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Mapper!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Mapper!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&9&lMAPPER &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Mapper")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "SUPPORT":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&9&lSUPPORT "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.jrdev" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.builder" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Support!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Support!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&9&lSUPPORT &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Support")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "ARTIST":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&9&lARTIST "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Artist!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Artist!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&9&lARTIST &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Artist")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "MAPLEAD":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&9&lMAPLEAD "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.builder" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to MapLead!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to MapLead!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&9&lMAPLEAD &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Maplead")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "JNR_DEV":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&6&lJR.DEV "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.builder" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.jrdev" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Jr.Dev!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Jr.Dev!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&6&lJR.DEV &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "JrDev")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "DEVELOPER":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&4&lDEV "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.trainee" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.mod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.srmod" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.jrdev" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.2fa" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.admin" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.leader" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.owner" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.builder" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.admin" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Dev!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Dev!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&4&lDEV &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Dev")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "TWITCH":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&5&lTWITCH "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "mineplex.twitch" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
add "" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Twitch!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Twitch!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&5&lTWITCH &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Twitch")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "YOUTUBE":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&c&lYOUTUBE "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to YouTube!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to YouTube!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&c&lYOUTUBE &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Youtube")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "EVENT":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&f&lEVENT "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to Event!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to Event!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&f&lEVENT &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Event")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
else if argument 3 is "YT":
set {_c} to caseSensitive(arg-3, "%{_allcap}%")
if {_c} is true:
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&5&lYT "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
add "" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.legend" to arg-2's permissions
add "mineplex.titan" to arg-2's permissions
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to YT!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to YT!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&5&lYT &e%arg-2%"
setPlayerdata(arg-2, "rank", "Yt")
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
rankLoad(arg-2, 2, 0)
else if argument 1 is "test":
if arg-2 or arg-3 is not set:
send "&4/rank test <player> <rank>: Temporarily sets the target user's rank"
if arg 2 is online:
if {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%} is not set:
if arg 3 is "ULTRA":
set {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%} to {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%}
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&b&lULTRA "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
set {_or} to uncolored {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%}
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to %arg-3%!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank will be reset to %{_or}%on their login!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to %arg-3%!" to arg 2
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank will be reset to %{_or}%on your login!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&b&lULTRA &e%arg-2%"
wait 5 ticks
rankLoad(arg-2, 2, 1)
else if arg 3 is "HERO":
set {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%} to {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%}
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&d&lHERO "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
set {_or} to uncolored {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%}
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to %arg-3%!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank will be reset to %{_or}%on their login!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to %arg-3%!" to arg 2
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank will be reset to %{_or}%on your login!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&d&lHERO &e%arg-2%"
wait 5 ticks
rankLoad(arg-2, 2, 1)
else if arg 3 is "LEGEND":
set {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%} to {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%}
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&a&lLEGEND "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
set {_or} to uncolored {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%}
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to %arg-3%!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank will be reset to %{_or}%on their login!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to %arg-3%!" to arg 2
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank will be reset to %{_or}%on your login!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&a&lLEGEND &e%arg-2%"
wait 5 ticks
rankLoad(arg-2, 2, 1)
else if arg 3 is "TITAN":
set {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%} to {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%}
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&c&lTITAN "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-1%"
set {_or} to uncolored {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%}
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to %arg-3%!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank will be reset to %{_or}%on their login!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to %arg-3%!" to arg 2
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank will be reset to %{_or}%on your login!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&c&lTITAN &e%arg-2%"
wait 5 ticks
rankLoad(arg-2, 2, 1)
else if arg 3 is "ETERNAL":
set {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%} to {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%}
set {mineplex.rank.%arg-2%} to "&3&lETERNAL "
execute console command "/__mp__dp__ %arg-2%"
set {_or} to uncolored {mineplex.testrank.%arg-2%}
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank has been updated to %arg-3%!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7%arg-2%'s rank will be reset to %{_or}%on their login!"
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank has been updated to %arg-3%!" to arg 2
send "&9Client Manager> &7Your rank will be reset to %{_or}%on your login!" to arg 2
set arg-2 tab name to "&3&lETERNAL &e%arg-2%"
wait 5 ticks
rankLoad(arg-2, 2, 1)
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lInvalid rank!"
send "&9Client Manager> &c&lThis player already has a test rank!"
send "&9Online Player Search> &e0 &7matches for [&e%arg-2%&7]."
command /powerplay [<offline player>]:
permission: mineplex.jrdev
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is set:
if {mineplex.ppc.%arg-1%} is not set:
set {mineplex.ppc.%arg-1%} to true
send "&9PPC> &7%arg-1% Power Play: &aTrue"
delete {mineplex.ppc.%arg-1%}
send "&9PPC> &7%arg-1% Power Play: &cFalse"
send "&9PPC> &7/powerplay (player)"
command /shard [<offline player>] [<string>] [<string>]:
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9Shard> &7Missing Args: &e/shard <player> <amount>"
if arg 2 is not set:
send "&9Shard> &7Missing Args: &e/shard <player> <amount>"
if arg 1 is not online:
send "&9Shard> &7Could not find player &e%arg-1%"
set {_num} to arg 2 parsed as an integer
if {_num} is an integer:
add {_num} to {mineplex.shards.%arg-1%}
send "&9Shard> &7You gave &e%arg-2% Shards &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
send "&9Shard> &e%player% &7gave you &e%arg-2% Shards&7." to arg-1
addShards(arg-1, {_num})
send "&9Shard> &7Invalid Shards Amount"
command /gem [<offline player>] [<string>] [<string>]:
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9Gem> &7Missing Args: &e/gem <player> <amount>"
if arg 2 is not set:
send "&9Gem> &7Missing Args: &e/gem <player> <amount>"
if arg 1 is not online:
send "&9Gem> &7Could not find player &e%arg-1%"
set {_num} to arg 2 parsed as an integer
if {_num} is an integer:
addGems(arg-1, {_num})
send "&9Gem> &7You gave &e%arg-2% Gems &7to &e%arg-1%&7."
send "&9Gem> &e%player% &7gave you &e%arg-2% Gems&7." to arg-1
send "&9Gem> &7Invalid Gems Amount"
command /getadmin:
permission: mineplex.jrdev
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if {mineplex.rank.%player%} is "&6&lJR.DEV ":
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
set {_p} to {mineplex.disguise.%player%}
set {_p} to player
if {mineplex.adminmode.%player%} is true:
remove "mineplex.admin" from player's permissions
remove "" from player's permissions
remove "mineplex.builder" from player's permissions
remove "" from player's permissions
set {mineplex.adminmode.%player%} to false
send "&9Admin Mode> &7%{_p}% Admin Mode: &cFalse"
set {mineplex.adminmode.%player%} to true
add "mineplex.admin" to player's permissions
add "mineplex.builder" to player's permissions
add "" to player's permissions
add "" to player's permissions
send "&9Admin Mode> &7%{_p}% Admin Mode: &aTrue"
send "&9Admin Mode> &7/getadmin is only for JR.DEV!"
command /__mp__dp__ <player>:
executable by: console
remove "mineplex.trainee" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.legend" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.titan" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.mod" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.srmod" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.admin" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.leader" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.owner" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.jrdev" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.2fa" from arg-1's permissions
remove "" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.twitch" from arg-1's permissions
remove "" from arg-1's permissions
remove "mineplex.builder" from arg-1's permissions
function rawreport(arg1: player , arg2: player , arg3: text , arg4: text , arg5: text) :: string:
if {_arg3} is "Hacking":
set {{}%} to {_arg1}
set {{}%} to {_arg2}
set {{}%} to {_arg3}
set {{}%} to {_arg4}
set {{}%} to {_arg5}
set {{}%} to true
send "&9Report ##%{}%> &aSuccessfully created report." to {_arg2}
else if {_arg3} is "Chat-Abuse":
set {{}%} to {_arg1}
set {{}%} to {_arg2}
set {{}%} to {_arg3}
set {{}%} to {_arg4}
set {{}%} to {_arg5}
set {{}%} to true
send "&9Report ##%{}%> &aSuccessfully created report." to {_arg2}
else if {_arg3} is "Gameplay":
set {{}%} to {_arg1}
set {{}%} to {_arg2}
set {{}%} to {_arg3}
set {{}%} to {_arg4}
set {{}%} to {_arg5}
set {{}%} to true
send "&9Report ##%{}%> &aSuccessfully created report." to {_arg2}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
if {} is true:
send "&9[Report ##%{}%] &7%{_arg2}% has reported %{_arg1}% for a &e%{_arg3}% &7offence with reason &e%{_arg5}%&7!" to loop-player
add 1 to {}
command /report [<offline player>] [<text>]:
permission: mineplex.titan
permission message: &9Report> &cThe report feature is currently in a trial phase for Titan players
if arg-2 is set:
if arg-1 is player:
send "&9Report> &cYou cannot report yourself."
open chest with 3 rows named "Report %arg-1%" to player
format slot 11 of player with red dye named "&c&lHacking" with lore "&7X-ray, Forcefield, Speed, Fly etc" to close then run [send "&9Report ##%{}%> &aSuccessfully created report." to player]->[rawreport(arg-1, player, "Hacking", "%player's world%", arg-2)]
format slot 13 of player with yellow dye named "&e&lChat Abuse" with lore "&7Verbal Abuse, Spam, Harassment, Trolling, etc" to close then run [send "&9Report ##%{}%> &aSuccessfully created report." to player]->[rawreport(arg-1, player, "Chat-Abuse", "%player's world%", arg-2)]
format slot 15 of player with green dye named "&a&lGameplay" with lore "&7Map and Bug Exploits" to close then run [send "&9Report ##%{}%> &aSuccessfully created report." to player]->[rawreport(arg-1, player, "Gameplay", "%player's world%", arg-2)]
send "&9Report> &cInvalid Usage: &e/report <player> <reason>"
command /reporthandle [<string>] [<string>]:
aliases: /rh
permission: mineplex.mod
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9Report> &7Corect Usage: &e/reporthandle <report id>"
set {_id} to arg-1 parsed as a number
if {_id} is a number:
if {{_id}%} is true:
if {{_id}%} is not set:
set {{_id}%} to player
set {_sus} to {{_id}%} parsed as an offline player
set {_ip} to ip address of {_sus}
loop {mineplex.totalaccounts.%{_ip}%::*}:
add 1 to {_accounts}
if {_accounts} is not set:
set {_accounts} to 1
send ""
send "&9Report ##%{_id}%> &bReport Overview"
send "&9Report ##%{_id}%> &bSuspect - &6%{{_id}%}%"
send "&9Report ##%{_id}%> &bType - &6%{{_id}%}%"
send "&9Report ##%{_id}%> &bTeam - &6None"
send "&9Report ##%{_id}%>"
send "&9Report ##%{_id}%> &6SoonTM &btotal reports"
send "&9Report ##%{_id}%>"
send "&9Report ##%{_id}%> &7(1) &6%{{_id}%}% ##1 &7- ""&b%{{_id}%}%&7"""
send "&9Report ##%{_id}%>"
send "&9Report ##%{_id}%> &bView chat log"
mcrjson("%player%", "&9Report ##%{_id}%> ||&bClose this report||ttp:&bClick to close this report||cmd:/reportclose %{_id}% undetermined")
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
if {} is true:
send "&9[Report %{_id}%] &e%player% &7is handling this report." to loop-player
send "&9Report> &7This report is already being handling!"
send "&9Report> &7This report has already been closed or does not exsit!"
send "&9Report> &cYour arguments are inappropriate for this command!"
send "&9Report> &e/reporthandle (id)"
command /reportclose [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]:
aliases: /rc
permission: mineplex.mod
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9Report> &7Corect Usage: &e/reportclose (report id)"
send "&9Report> &7Reasons: &eUNDETERMINED MUTED BANNED ABUSE"
if arg 2 is not set:
send "&9Report> &7Corect Usage: &e/reportclose (report id)"
send "&9Report> &7Reasons: &eUNDETERMINED MUTED BANNED ABUSE"
set {_id} to arg-1 parsed as a number
if {{_id}%} is not player:
send "&9Report> &cYou can only close your own report!"
if {_id} is a number:
if {{_id}%} is true:
if arg 2 is "UNDETERMINED":
set {_r} to "&f&lCould not determine"
set {{_id}%} to false
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
if {} is true:
send "&9[Report %{_id}%] &e%player% &7closed this report. (%{_r}%&7)." to loop-player
else if arg 2 is "MUTED":
set {_r} to "&e&lMuted"
set {{_id}%} to false
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
if {} is true:
send "&9[Report %{_id}%] &e%player% &7closed this report. (%{_r}%&7)." to loop-player
else if arg 2 is "BANNED":
set {_r} to "&c&lBanned"
set {{_id}%} to false
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
if {} is true:
send "&9[Report %{_id}%] &e%player% &7closed this report. (%{_r}%&7)." to loop-player
else if arg 2 is "ABUSE":
set {_r} to "&4&lAbuse of report system"
set {{_id}%} to false
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
if {} is true:
send "&9[Report %{_id}%] &e%player% &7closed this report. (%{_r}%&7)." to loop-player
send "&9Report> &cInvalid report reason!"
send "&9Report> &7This report has already been closed or does not exsit!"
send "&9Report> &cYour arguments are inappropriate for this command!"
send "&9Report> &e/reportclose (report id) (reason)"
send "&9Report> &7Reasons: &eUNDETERMINED MUTED BANNED ABUSE"
command /s [<text>]:
permission: mineplex.mod
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
set {_p} to {mineplex.disguise.%player%}
set {_p} to player
if argument 1 is set:
broadcast "&f&l%{_p}% &b%arg-1%"
send "&9Broadcast> &7Corect Usage: /s <message>."
command /gm [<player>]:
permission: mineplex.builder
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
set {_p} to {mineplex.disguise.%player%}
set {_p} to player
if argument 1 is not set:
if player's gamemode is survival:
set the player's gamemode to creative
send "&9Game Mode> &7%{_p}% Creative Mode: &aTrue"
set the player's gamemode to survival
send "&9Game Mode> &7%{_p}% Creative Mode: &cFalse"
if player has permission "mineplex.admin":
if arg-1's gamemode is survival:
set the arg-1's gamemode to creative
send "&9Game Mode> &7%arg-1% Creative Mode: &aTrue"
set the arg-1's gamemode to survival
send "&9Game Mode> &7%arg-1% Creative Mode: &cFalse"
send "&9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that."
command /ignore [<offline player>] [<string>]:
if arg 1 is not set:
if {mineplex.ignorelist.%player%::*} is not set:
send "&b&m=====================[&f&lIgnoring&b&m]======================"
send ""
send "&fWelcome to your Ignore List!"
send ""
send "&fTo ignore people, type &a/ignore <Player Name>"
send ""
send "&fType &a/ignore &fat any time to view the ignored!"
send ""
send "&b&m====================================================="
send "&b&m=====================[&f&lIgnoring&b&m]======================"
loop {mineplex.ignorelist.%player%::*}:
mcrjson("%player%", "&7Ignoring %loop-value% &f - ||&c&lUnignore||ttp:&fStop ignoring %loop-value%||cmd:/unignore %loop-value%||")
send "&b&m====================================================="
loop {mineplex.ignorelist.%player%::*}:
if loop-value is "%arg-1%":
set {_pre} to true
if {_pre} is true:
send "&9Ignore> &a%arg-1% &7has already been ignored."
add "%arg-1%" to {mineplex.ignorelist.%player%::*}
send "&9Ignore> &7Now ignoring &a%arg-1%"
command /unignore [<offline player>] [<string>]:
if arg 1 is set:
send "&9Ignore> &7No longer ignoring &a%arg-1%"
remove "%arg-1%" from {mineplex.ignorelist.%player%::*}
command /message [<player>] [<text>]:
aliases: /tell, /m, /w, /msg, /whisper
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
set {_p} to {mineplex.disguise.%player%}
set {_p} to player
set {_get} to getPlayerdata(player, "muted")
if {_get} is "yes":
if {muted::%player%::type} is "perm":
send "&9Punish> &7Shh, you're muted because %{muted::%player%::reason}% by %{muted::%player%::by}% for Permanent."
if {muted::%player%::type} is "temp":
set {_waited} to difference between {muted::%player%::when} and now
if {_waited} is less than {muted::%player%::time}:
send "&9Punish> &7Shh, you're muted because %{muted::%player%::reason}% by %{muted::%player%::by}% for &a%{muted::%player%::time}%."
if argument 1 is set:
if argument 2 is set:
if {} is false:
send "&d%arg-1% has private messaging disabled."
loop {mineplex.ignorelist.%player%::*}:
if loop-value is "%arg-1%":
send "&9Ignore> &7You are ignoring that player"
loop {mineplex.ignorelist.%arg-1%::*}:
if loop-value is "%player%":
send "&9Ignore> &7That player is ignoring you"
send "&6&l%{_p}% > %arg-1% &e&l%arg-2%"
send "&6&l%{_p}% > %arg-1% &e&l%arg-2%" to arg-1
play "NOTE_PLING" to player at volume 0.5
play "NOTE_PLING" to arg-1 at volume 0.5
set {mineplex.lastm.%player%} to "%arg-1%" parsed as player
if {mineplex.rank.%arg-1%} is "&4&lDEV ":
send "&d%arg-1% is often AFK or minimized, due to plugin development."
send "&dPlease be patient if they do not reply instantly."
send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
command /ping:
send "&9Chat> &7PONG!"
on command:
command is "minecraft:me":
send "&9Chat> &7Nope, not allowed!"
cancel event
command /me [<string>]:
aliases: /minecraft:me
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&cUsage: /me <action...>"
send "&9Chat> &7Nope, not allowed!"
command /newsconfirm <number>:
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
mcrjson("%player%", "&9Hub Manager>|| &a[CONFIRM]||ttp:Are you absolutely sure???||cmd:/news delete %arg-1%|| &6News Entry %arg-1% &7deletion?")
command /news [<string>] [<string>] [<string>]:
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9News Manager> &7Available news arguments for this command:"
send "&6/news list &7Lists (numbered) stored news messages from database. &4Admin"
send "&6/news add <newsEntry> &7Adds specified news entry string to database at end of table. &4Admin"
send "&6/news delete ## &7Removes specified (numbered) news entry string from database. &4Admin"
send "&6/news set ## <newsEntry> &7Updates specified (numbered) news entry string from database. &4Admin"
send "&4*Please Note: &7Updates to server news entries from the database are on a 4 minute cycle! &4Admin"
if arg 1 is "list":
send "&9Hub Manager> &7Current server news messages:"
mcrjson("%player%", "&9Hub Manager>|| &c[DELETE]||ttp:Deletes News Entry 1 : %{}%||cmd:/newsconfirm 1|| &6News 1 &7: &f%{}%")
mcrjson("%player%", "&9Hub Manager>|| &c[DELETE]||ttp:Deletes News Entry 2 : %{}%||cmd:/newsconfirm 2|| &6News 2 &7: &f%{}%")
mcrjson("%player%", "&9Hub Manager>|| &c[DELETE]||ttp:Deletes News Entry 3 : %{}%||cmd:/newsconfirm 3|| &6News 3 &7: &f%{}%")
mcrjson("%player%", "&9Hub Manager>|| &c[DELETE]||ttp:Deletes News Entry 4 : %{}%||cmd:/newsconfirm 4|| &6News 4 &7: &f%{}%")
else if arg 1 is "add":
if arg 2 is set:
set {_news} to arg-2
if arg 3 is set:
set {_news} to "%arg-2% %arg-3%"
replace all "&" with "§" in {_news}
if {}'s length is 0:
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = '%{_news}%' WHERE newsPosition = '1'"
set {} to {_news}
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry: &6%{_news}% &7has been added to the database!"
else if {}'s length is 0:
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = '%{_news}%' WHERE newsPosition = '2'"
set {} to {_news}
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry: &6%{_news}% &7has been added to the database!"
else if {}'s length is 0:
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = '%{_news}%' WHERE newsPosition = '3'"
set {} to {_news}
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry: &6%{_news}% &7has been added to the database!"
else if {}'s length is 0:
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = '%{_news}%' WHERE newsPosition = '4'"
set {} to {_news}
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry: &6%{_news}% &7has been added to the database!"
send "&9Hub Manager> &c&lNo free news slots!"
send "&9Hub Manager> &cYour arguments are inappropriate for this command!"
else if arg 1 is "delete":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 2 is "1":
set {} to ""
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = ' ' WHERE newsPosition = '1'"
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry at position &61 &7has been deleted!"
else if arg 2 is "2":
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = ' ' WHERE newsPosition = '2'"
set {} to ""
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry at position &62 &7has been deleted!"
else if arg 2 is "3":
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = ' ' WHERE newsPosition = '3'"
set {} to ""
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry at position &63 &7has been deleted!"
else if arg 2 is "4":
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = ' ' WHERE newsPosition = '4'"
set {} to ""
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry at position &64 &7has been deleted!"
send "&9Hub Manager> &cThe specified new position is invalid!"
send "&9Hub Manager> &cYour arguments are inappropriate for this command!"
else if arg 1 is "set":
if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is set:
set {_news} to arg 3
replace all "&" with "§" in {_news}
if arg 2 is "1":
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = '%{_news}%' WHERE newsPosition = '1'"
set {} to {_news}
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry at position &61 &7has been updated to: %{_news}%"
else if arg 2 is "2":
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = '%{_news}%' WHERE newsPosition = '2'"
set {} to {_news}
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry at position &62 &7has been updated to: %{_news}%"
else if arg 2 is "3":
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = '%{_news}%' WHERE newsPosition = '3'"
set {} to {_news}
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry at position &63 &7has been updated to: %{_news}%"
else if arg 2 is "4":
if {mineplex.mode} is "sql":
update "UPDATE `newslist` SET `newsString` = '%{_news}%' WHERE newsPosition = '4'"
set {} to {_news}
send "&9Hub Manager> &7The news entry at position &64 &7has been updated to: %{_news}%"
send "&9Hub Manager> &cThe specified new position is invalid!"
send "&9Hub Manager> &cYour arguments are inappropriate for this command!"
send "&9Hub Manager> &cYour arguments are inappropriate for this command!"
send "&9News Manager> &7Available news arguments for this command:"
send "&6/news list &7Lists (numbered) stored news messages from database. &cAdmin"
send "&6/news add <newsEntry> &7Adds specified news entry string to database at end of table. &cAdmin"
send "&6/news delete ## &7Removes specified (numbered) news entry string from database. &cAdmin"
send "&6/news set ## <newsEntry> &7Updates specified (numbered) news entry string from database. &cAdmin"
send "&c*Please Note: &7Updates to server news entries from the database are on a 4 minute cycle! &cAdmin"
command /r [<text>]:
aliases: /reply
if {mineplex.disguise.%player%} is set:
set {_p} to {mineplex.disguise.%player%}
set {_p} to player
if {mineplex.lastm.%player%} is set:
if argument 1 is set:
if {mineplex.lastm.%player%} is online:
send "&6&l%{_p}% > %{mineplex.lastm.%player%}% &e&l%arg-1%"
send "&6&l%{_p}% > %{mineplex.lastm.%player%}% &e&l%arg-1%" to {mineplex.lastm.%player%}
send "&9Message> &e%{mineplex.lastm.%player%}% &7is no longer online!"
send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
send "&9Message> &7You have not messaged anyone recently."
command /party [<string>] [<player>]:
aliases: /z
if argument 1 is not set:
send "&9Party> &7Listing Party Commands:"
send "&f/party <Player>: &eJoin/Create/Invite Player"
send "&f/party leave: &eLeave your current party"
send "&f/party kick <Player>: &eKick player from your Party"
send "&f/party info: &eDisplays info on the current Party."
if argument 1 is "kick":
if {party.%player%} is not set:
message "&9Party> &7You don't have a party"
if {party.%player%} is not player:
message "&9Party> &7You have to be a party leader to do this"
if player arg is not set:
message "&9Party> &7Player needed. /party kick <player>"
if {party.%player%::*} doesn't contain player arg:
message "&9Party> &7The player needs to be in your party"
message "&9Party> &7You kicked %player arg% from the party"
message "&9Party> &7You've been kicked by %player% from his party" to player arg
loop {party.%player%::*}:
if loop-value = player arg:
delete {party.%player%::%loop-index%}
delete {party.%player arg%}
delete {party.%player}
else if arg 1 is "leave":
if {party.%player%} is not set:
message "&9Party> &7You don't have a party"
if {party.%player%} is player:
message "&9Party> &7You can't leave if you are the leader. Do /party disband"
message "&9Party> &7You left your party"
message "&9Party> &7%player% left your party" to {party.%player%}
set {} to false
loop {party.%{party.%player%}%::*}:
if loop-value = player:
delete {party.%{party.%player%}%::%loop-index%}
delete {party.%player%}
delete {}
else if arg 1 is "disband":
if {party.%player%} is not set:
message "&9Party> &cYou don't have a party"
if {party.%player%} is not player:
message "&9Party> &7You have to be a party leader to do this"
message "&9Party> &7You disband your party"
loop {party.%player%::*}:
loop-value is not player:
message "&9Party> &7Your party has been disbanded" to loop-value
delete {}
delete {party.%loop-value%}
delete {party.%player%}
delete {}
delete {party.%player%::*}
else if arg 1 is "info":
if {party.%player%} is not set:
message "&9Party> &7You don't have a party"
message "&9Party> &7Party Details:"
message "Party Leader: &7%{party.%player%}%"
set {_partyMember} to ""
loop {party.%{party.%player%}%::*}:
set {_partyMember} to "%{_partyMember}% %loop-value%"
message "Your Party: &7%{_partyMember}%"
set {} to arg-1 parsed as player
if {} is online:
if {party.%player%} is set:
add {} to {party.%player%::*}
set {} to true
set {} to true
set {party.%{}%} to player
message "&9Party> &7You invited %{}% to the party."
set {party.%player%} to player
message "&9Party> &7Created a party."
add player to {party.%player%::*}
make player execute command "/party %arg-1%"
send "&9Party> &7That player is not online."
command /announce [<text>]:
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if argument 1 is set:
send all players title "&eAnnouncement" with subtitle "&f%arg-1%" for 10 seconds
broadcast "&9Announcement> &b%arg-1%"
send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
command /global [<text>]:
permission: mineplex.jrdev
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg 1 is not set:
send "&9Message> &cErr...something went wrong?"
broadcast "&9Announcement> &b%arg-1%"
every 3 seconds:
set {mineplex.lag.avg.1} to tps
wait 1 second
set {mineplex.lag.avg.2} to tps
wait 1 second
set {mineplex.lag.avg.3} to tps
command /lag:
if player has permission "mineplex.jrdev":
set {_avg} to {mineplex.lag.avg.1} + {mineplex.lag.avg.2} + {mineplex.lag.avg.3}
set {_avg} to {_avg} / 3
set {_tps} to tps
set {_f} to free ram
set {_m} to max ram
send "&9LagMeter> &7Live-------&e%{_tps}%"
send "&9LagMeter> &7Avg--------&e%{_avg}%"
send "&9LagMeter> &eMEM (RAM)"
send "&9LagMeter> &7Free-------&e%{_f}%MB"
send "&9LagMeter> &7Max--------&e%{_m}%MB"
send "&9Chat> &7PONG!"
#Punish Systems/Commands
function punishWarn(s: player , p: offline player , r: text) :: player:
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% issued a friendly warning to you." to {_p}
send "&9Punish> &7&lReason: &7%{_r}%" to {_p}
add 1 to {mineplex.punish.past.warn.%{_p}%}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% issued a friendly warning to %{_p}%." to loop-player
function punishReportBan(s: player , p: offline player , r: text) :: player:
set {banned::%{_p}%} to true
set {banned::%{_p}%::type} to "report"
set {banned::%{_p}%::reason} to {_r}
set {banned::%{_p}%::staff} to {_s}
set {banned::%{_p}%::now} to now
setPlayerdata({_p}, "banned", "yes")
kick {_p} due to "&c&lYou are banned for Permanent by %{_s}%%nl%&f%{banned::%{_p}%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &a%{mineplex.config.appealwebsite}%"
add 1 to {mineplex.punish.past.reportban.%{_p}%}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% report banned %{_p}% for Permanent." to loop-player
function punishBan(s: player , p: offline player , r: text) :: player:
set {banned::%{_p}%} to true
set {banned::%{_p}%::type} to "perm"
set {banned::%{_p}%::reason} to {_r}
set {banned::%{_p}%::staff} to {_s}
set {banned::%{_p}%::now} to now
setPlayerdata({_p}, "banned", "yes")
kick {_p} due to "&c&lYou are banned for Permanent by %{_s}%%nl%&f%{banned::%{_p}%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &a%{mineplex.config.appealwebsite}%"
add 1 to {mineplex.punish.past.permban.%{_p}%}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% banned %{_p}% for Permanent." to loop-player
function punishDTempBan(s: player , p: offline player, r: text, d: number) :: player:
set {_duration} to "%{_d}% days" parsed as timespan
set {banned::%{_p}%} to true
set {banned::%{_p}%::type} to "temp"
set {banned::%{_p}%::time} to {_duration}
set {banned::%{_p}%::reason} to {_r}
set {banned::%{_p}%::staff} to {_s}
set {banned::%{_p}%::when} to now
add 1 to {mineplex.punish.past.tempban.%{_p}%}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "banned", "yes")
kick {_p} due to "&c&lYou are banned for %{banned::%{_p}%::time}% by %{_s}%%nl%&f%{banned::%{_p}%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &a%{mineplex.config.appealwebsite}%"
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% banned %{_p}% for %{_duration}%" to loop-player
function punishHTempBan(s: player , p: offline player, r: text, d: number) :: player:
set {_duration} to "%{_d}% hours" parsed as timespan
set {banned::%{_p}%} to true
set {banned::%{_p}%::type} to "temp"
set {banned::%{_p}%::time} to {_duration}
set {banned::%{_p}%::reason} to {_r}
set {banned::%{_p}%::staff} to {_s}
set {banned::%{_p}%::when} to now
setPlayerdata({_p}, "banned", "yes")
kick {_p} due to "&c&lYou are banned for %{banned::%{_p}%::time}% by %{_s}%%nl%&f%{banned::%{_p}%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &a%{mineplex.config.appealwebsite}%"
add 1 to {mineplex.punish.past.tempban.%{_p}%}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% banned %{_p}% for %{_duration}%" to loop-player
function punishMute(s: player, p: offline player, r: text) :: player:
set {muted::%{_p}%} to true
set {muted::%{_p}%::type} to "perm"
set {muted::%{_p}%::reason} to {_r}
set {muted::%{_p}%::by} to {_s}
add 1 to {mineplex.punish.past.permmute.%{_p}%}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "muted", "yes")
send "&9Punish> &7&lReason: &r&7%{_r}%" to {_p}
send "&9Punish> &7%{muted::%{_p}%::by}% muted %{_p}% for Permanent." to {_p}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% muted %{_p}% for Permanent." to loop-player
function punishHTempMute(s: player, p: offline player, r: text, d: number) :: player:
set {_duration} to "%{_d}% hours" parsed as timespan
set {muted::%{_p}%} to true
set {muted::%{_p}%::type} to "temp"
set {muted::%{_p}%::reason} to {_r}
set {muted::%{_p}%::time} to {_duration}
set {muted::%{_p}%::by} to {_s}
set {muted::%{_p}%::when} to now
add 1 to {mineplex.punish.past.permmute.%{_p}%}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "muted", "yes")
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% muted you for %{_duration}%." to {_p}
send "&9Punish> &7&lReason: &r&7%{_r}%" to {_p}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% muted %{_p}% for %{_duration}%." to loop-player
function punishDTempMute(s: player, p: offline player, r: text, d: number) :: player:
set {_duration} to "%{_d}% days" parsed as timespan
set {muted::%{_p}%} to true
set {muted::%{_p}%::type} to "temp"
set {muted::%{_p}%::reason} to {_r}
set {muted::%{_p}%::time} to {_duration}
set {muted::%{_p}%::by} to {_s}
set {muted::%{_p}%::when} to now
add 1 to {mineplex.punish.past.permmute.%{_p}%}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "muted", "yes")
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% muted you for %{_duration}%." to {_p}
send "&9Punish> &7&lReason: &r&7%{_r}%" to {_p}
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% muted %{_p}% for %{_duration}%." to loop-player
function punishUnban(s: string, p: string) :: player:
delete {banned::%{_p}%}
delete {banned::%{_p}%::*}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "banned", "no")
function punishUnmute(s: player, p: string) :: player:
delete {muted::%{_p}%}
delete {muted::%{_p}%::*}
setPlayerdata({_p}, "muted", "no")
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "mineplex.trainee":
send "&9Punish> &7%{_s}% unmuted %{_p}%" to loop-player
on connect:
set {_get} to getPlayerdata(player, "banned")
if {_get} is "yes":
if player has permission "mineplex.admin":
if {mineplex.config.unbanadmin} is "true":
punishUnban("Expired", "%player%")
if {banned::%player%::type} is "perm":
kick player due to "&c&lYou are banned for Permanent%nl%&f%{banned::%player%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &a%{mineplex.config.appealwebsite}%"
if {banned::%player%::type} is "report":
kick player due to "&c&lYou are banned for Permanent%nl%&f%{banned::%player%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &a%{mineplex.config.appealwebsite}%"
if {banned::%player%::type} is "temp":
set {_waited} to difference between {banned::%player%::when} and now
if {_waited} is less than {banned::%player%::time}:
kick player due to "&c&lYou are banned for %{banned::%player%::time}%%nl%&f%{banned::%player%::reason}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &a%{mineplex.config.appealwebsite}%"
punishUnban("Expired", "%player%")
on inventory click:
if inventory name of player's current inventory is " Punish":
cancel event
clicked slot >= 45
set {_clickedslot.%player%} to (clicked slot - 44)
if {reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_clickedslot.%player%}%} is set:
if "%{reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_clickedslot.%player%}%}%" contains "&eRemoved by: ":
send "" to console
set {_reasonchanger.%player%} to "%{reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_clickedslot.%player%}%}% ||||&eRemoved by: &f%player%||&eRemove Reason: &f%{punishgui.%player%::2}%"
set {reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_clickedslot.%player%}%} to "%{_reasonchanger.%player%}%"
close player's inventory
delete {p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::*}
set {_slot} to 0
loop {reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::*}:
add 1 to {_slot}
set {_reversedslot} to 1
loop {reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::*}:
set {p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_reversedslot}%} to "%{reversed.p.%{punishgui.%player%::1}%::history::%{_slot}%}%"
remove 1 from {_slot}
add 1 to {_reversedslot}
if "%{_reasonchanger.%player%}%" contains "ChatOffense":
punishUnmute(player, {punishgui.%player%::1})
if "%{_reasonchanger.%player%}%" contains "Hacking" or "Exploiting" or "Other":
punishUnban("memes", {punishgui.%player%::1})
if "%{_reasonchanger.%player%}%" contains "Warning":
command /p [<offline player>] [<text>]:
aliases: /punish
permission: mineplex.trainee
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
if arg-2 is not set:
send "&9Punish> &7Commands List:"
send "&6/punish &7<player> <reason> &6Mod"
if arg-2 is set:
if {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} is not set:
set {p.%arg-1%::Client3} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 30"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL3} to "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days"
set {p.%arg-1%::Client2} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 30"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL2} to "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e1.0 Days"
set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 1"
set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "__mp__htempban__ %arg-1% 4 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e4.0 Hours"
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "__mp__htempmute__ %arg-1% 2 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e2.0 Hours"
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 1 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e1.0 Days"
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat3} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 30 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL3} to "&fMute Duration: &e30.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 1:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "__mp__htempmute__ %arg-1% 4 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e4.0 Hours"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 2:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "__mp__htempmute__ %arg-1% 10 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e10.0 Hours"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 3:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 1 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e1.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 4:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 1 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e1.4 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 5:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 3 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e2.8 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 6:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 7 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e7.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 7:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 14 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e14.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 8:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 30 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &e30.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is 9:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat1} to "__mp__mute__ %arg-1% %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL1} to "&fMute Duration: &ePermanent"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 1:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 2 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e2.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 2:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 4 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e4.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 3:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 7 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 7 %player%"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 4:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 14 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e14.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 5:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "__mp__tempmute__ %arg-1% 30 %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &e30.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} is 6:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat2} to "__mp__mute__ %arg-1% %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL2} to "&fMute Duration: &ePermanent"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat3} is 1:
set {p.%arg-1%::Chat3} to "__mp__mute__ %arg-1% %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ChatL3} to "&fMute Duration: &ePermanent"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 1:
set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "__mp__htempban__ %arg-1% %player% 8"
set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e8.0 Hours"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 2:
set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "__mp__htempban__ %arg-1% %player% 16"
set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e16.0 Hours"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 3:
set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 1"
set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e1.4 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 4:
set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 3"
set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e3.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 5:
set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 7"
set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e7.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 6:
set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 14"
set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e14.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 7:
set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 30"
set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} is 8:
set {p.%arg-1%::General} to "__mp__ban__ %arg-1% %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::GeneralL} to "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 1:
set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 2"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e2.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 2:
set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 4"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e4.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 3:
set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 7"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e7.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 4:
set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 16"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e16.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 5:
set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "__mp__tempban__ %arg-1% %player% 30"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &e30.0 Days"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} is 6:
set {p.%arg-1%::Client1} to "__mp__ban__ %arg-1% %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL1} to "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client2} is 1:
set {p.%arg-1%::Client2} to "__mp__ban__ %arg-1% %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL2} to "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client3} is 1:
set {p.%arg-1%::Client3} to "__mp__ban__ %arg-1% %player%"
set {p.%arg-1%::ClientL3} to "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent"
if {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} is not set:
set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1} to 0
set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2} to 0
set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat3} to 0
set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General} to 0
set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1} to 0
set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client2} to 0
set {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client3} to 0
if player has permission "mineplex.trainee" or "mineplex.mod":
delete {reversed.p.%arg-1%::history::*}
set {_slot} to 0
loop {p.%arg-1%::history::*}:
add 1 to {_slot}
set {_reversedslot} to 1
loop {p.%arg-1%::history::*}:
set {reversed.p.%arg-1%::history::%{_reversedslot}%} to "%{p.%arg-1%::history::%{_slot}%}%"
remove 1 from {_slot}
add 1 to {_reversedslot}
open chest with 6 rows named " Punish" to player
wait 1 tick
format slot 4 of player with arg-1's skull named "&a&l%arg-1%" with lore "&r%arg-2%" to be unstealable
format slot 10 of player with book and quill named "&a&lChat Offense" with lore "&7Verbal Abuse, Spam, Harrassment, Trolling, etc" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ChatL1}%||||&7Light Spam||&f Sending the same message 2-5 times||||&7Light Advertising||&f 'anyone want to play on minecade?'||||&7Light Abuse/Harassment||&f 'you suck at this game'||||&7Hackusations||&f 'you're such a hacker!'||||&7Trolling||||&2Give Warning if 0 Past Offences and 0 Warnings." to close then run [punishHTempMute(sender, arg-1, arg-2, 4)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fChatOffense||&eSeverity: &f1||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat1}]
format slot 12 of player with hopper named "&a&lGeneral Offense" with lore "&7Command/Map/Class/Skill exploits, etc" to be unstealable
format slot 21 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General}%||%{p.%arg-1%::GeneralL}%||||&7Team Killing||&f Intentionally killing your team mates||||&7Trolling (Gameplay)||&f Using abilities to trap players in spawn||||&7Map/Bug Exploiting||&f Abusing an exploit to gain an advantage" to close then run [punishHTempBan(sender, arg-1, arg-2, 8)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fExploiting||&eSeverity: &f1||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.General}]
format slot 14 of player with iron sword named "&a&lClient Mod" with lore "&7X-ray, Forcefield, Speed, Fly, Inventory Hacks, etc" to be unstealable
format slot 23 of player with cactus green named "&a&lSeverity 1" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ClientL1}%||||&7Examples;||&f Damage Indicators||&f Player Radar" to close then run [punishDTempBan(sender, arg-1, arg-2, 1)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fHacking||&eSeverity: &f1||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client1}]
format slot 25 of player with paper named "&a&lWarning" with lore "||&7Example Warning Input;||&f Spam - Repeatedly writing MEOW||&f Swearing - Saying 'fuck' and 'shit'||&f Hack Accusation - Accused Tomp13 of hacking||&f Trolling - was trying to make bob angry in chat" to close then run [punishWarn(sender, arg-1, arg-2)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fWarning||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]
if player has permission "mineplex.mod": #Access all punishments!
format slot 28 of player with dandelion yellow named "&a&lSeverity 2" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ChatL2}%||||&7Medium Spam|| &fSending the same message 6-20 times||||&7Medium Advertising;|| &f'join' - posted once||||&7Medium Abuse/Harassment|| &f'piss off you stupid newb'|| &f'SHIT ADMINS ARE SHIT!!!'|| &f'you're terrible, learn to play'||||&7Avoiding Chat Filter|| &f'F|_|<K YOU'" to close then run [punishDTempMute(sender, arg-1, arg-2, 2)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fChatOffense||&eSeverity: &f2||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat2}]
format slot 37 of player with rose red named "&a&lSeverity 3" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat3}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ChatL3}%||||&7Severe Spam|| &fSending the same message 20+ times|| &fOnly really used for a spam bot||||&7Severe Abuse/Harassment|| &f'go fucking die in a fire you fucking sack of shit'" to close then run [punishMute(sender, arg-1, arg-2)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fChatOffense||&eSeverity: &f3||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Chat3}]
format slot 32 of player with dandelion yellow named "&a&lSeverity 2" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client2}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ClientL2}%||||&7Hacks;|| &fForcefield|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fReach Hack|| &fOther Hack||||&7Hack Reports (SR & FR);|| &fForcefield|| &fSpeed Hack|| &fReach Hack|| &fOther Hack|| &fFly Hack" to close then run [punishDTempBan(sender, arg-1, arg-2, 30)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fHacking||&eSeverity: &f2||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client2}]
format slot 41 of player with rose red named "&a&lSeverity 3" with lore "&fPast Offences: &e%{p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client3}%||%{p.%arg-1%::ClientL3}%||||&7Hacks:|| &fFly Hack||||&c&lWARNING;||&cUse Severity 2 for Forum/Staff Reports" to close then run [punishDTempBan(sender, arg-1, arg-2, 30)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fHacking||&eSeverity: &f3||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]->[add 1 to {p.%arg-1%::pOffences.Client3}]
format slot 43 of player with book and quill named "&a&lPermanent Mute" with lore "&fMute Duration: &ePermanent||||&7Severe Advertising;||&f 'JOIN MINECADE! THIS SUCKS!||&f 'join! FREE ADMIN!||||&2Must supply detailed reason for Mute." to close then run [punishMute(sender, arg-1, arg-2)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fChatOffense||&eSeverity: &f4||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]
format slot 34 of player with redstone block named "&a&lPermanent Ban" with lore "&fBan Duration: &ePermanent||||&2Must supply detailed reason for Ban." to close then run [punishBan(sender, arg-1, arg-2)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &fOther||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]
format slot 26 of player with enchanted book named "&a&lPermanent Report Ban" with lore "&fReport Ban Duration: &ePermanent||||&7Abusing Report Feature|| &r/report SomeUser THE STAFF HERE SUCK|| &r/report SomeUser MINEPLEX IS A F****** PIECE OF S***" to close then run [punishReportBan(sender, arg-1, arg-2)]->[add "&ePunishment Type: &rOther||||&eReason: &f%arg-2%||||&eStaff: &f%player%||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%arg-1%::history::*}]
set {_banned} to getPlayerdata(arg-1, "banned")
set {_muted} to getPlayerdata(arg-1, "muted")
set {_slot} to 45
loop {reversed.p.%arg-1%::history::*}:
set {punishgui.%player%::*} to "%arg 1%"
add arg 2 to {punishgui.%player%::*}
if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &fChatOffense":
if {_muted} is true:
if "%loop-value%" does not contain "&eRemoved by: ":
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to shiny book and quill named "&a&lChat Offense" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to book and quill named "&a&lChat Offense" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to book and quill named "&a&lChat Offense" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &fHacking":
if {_banned} is true:
if "%loop-value%" does not contain "&eRemoved by: ":
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to shiny iron sword named "&a&lClient Mod" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to shiny iron sword named "&a&lClient Mod" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to iron sword named "&a&lClient Mod" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &fExploiting":
if {_banned} is true:
if "%loop-value%" does not contain "&eRemoved by: ":
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to shiny hopper named "&a&lGeneral Offense" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to hopper named "&a&lGeneral Offense" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to hopper named "&a&lGeneral Offense" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &fWarning":
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to paper named "&a&lWarning" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &fOther":
if {_banned} is true:
if "%loop-value%" does not contain "&eRemoved by: ":
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to shiny redstone block named "&a&lPermanent Ban" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to redstone block named "&a&lPermanent Ban" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to redstone block named "&a&lPermanent Ban" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
if "%loop-value%" contains "&ePunishment Type: &rOther":
set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to enchanted book named "&a&lPermanent Report Ban" with lore "%loop-value%"
add 1 to {_slot}
if {_slot} = 54:
exit loop
if {mineplex.rank.%player%} is "&6&LJR.DEV " or "&4&lDEV ":
format slot 0 of player with shiny dandelion named "&a&lDEV WARNING" with lore "&rDevelopers are advised against using the punish system||&runless permitted by LT" to be unstealable
#Prefs System
function prefsSystem(p: player , t: number) :: number:
if {_t} is 1:
if {mineplex.pref.hg.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.hg.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.hg.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 2:
if {mineplex.pref.hpv.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.hpv.%{_p}%} to false
hide all players from {_p}
set {mineplex.pref.hpv.%{_p}%} to true
reveal all players from {_p}
loop all players:
if {mineplex.vanish.%loop-player%} is true:
add loop-player to {%{_p}%.vanishlist::*}
loop all players:
if loop-player does not have permission "mineplex.admin":
hide {%{_p}%.vanishlist::*} from all players
delete {%{_p}%.vanishlist::*}
else if {_t} is 3:
if {mineplex.pref.pc.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.pc.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.pc.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 4:
if {{_p}%} is true:
set {{_p}%} to false
set {{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 5:
if {mineplex.pref.gwen.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.gwen.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.gwen.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 6:
if {{_p}%} is true:
set {{_p}%} to false
set {{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 7:
if {mineplex.pref.ff.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.ff.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.ff.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 8:
if {mineplex.ff.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.ff.%{_p}%} to false
delete {mineplex.ff.list::%{_p}%}
set {mineplex.ff.%{_p}%} to true
set {mineplex.ff.list::%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 9:
if {mineplex.pref.rm.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.rm.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.rm.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 10:
if {mineplex.pref.aj.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.aj.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.aj.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 11:
if {mineplex.pref.daw.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.daw.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.daw.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 12:
if {mineplex.pref.cj.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.cj.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.cj.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 13:
if {mineplex.pref.sct.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.sct.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.sct.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 14:
if {{_p}%} is true:
set {{_p}%} to false
set {{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 15:
if {{_p}%} is true:
set {{_p}%} to false
set {{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 16:
if {mineplex.pref.spfr.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.spfr.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.spfr.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 17:
if {mineplex.pref.dfg.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.dfg.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.dfg.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 18:
if {mineplex.pref.sci.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.sci.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.sci.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 19:
if {mineplex.pref.dpg.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.dpg.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.dpg.%{_p}%} to true
else if {_t} is 20:
if {mineplex.pref.hif.%{_p}%} is true:
set {mineplex.pref.hif.%{_p}%} to false
set {mineplex.pref.hif.%{_p}%} to true
function profile_system(arg1: text , arg2: text , p: player, p2: player) :: number:
set {_wither} to "MHF_WSkeleton" parsed as a player
if {_arg1} is "menu":
if {_arg2} is "profile":
wait 2 ticks
open chest with 3 rows named "My Profile" to {_p}
wait 4 ticks
format slot 11 of {_p} with {_p}'s skull named "&eStats and Achievements" with lore "&f||&fView your Statistics and Achievements||&ffor all of the games on Mineplex!||&f||&fType &a/stats &fto access this anywhere!" to run [profile_system("menu", "stats", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 13 of {_p} with redstone comparator item named "&ePreferences" with lore "&f||&fSet your preferences to your liking||&fso you can enjoy the game more!||&f||&fType &a/prefs &fto access this anywhere!" to run [profile_system("menu", "prefs", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 15 of {_p} with glistering melon named "&eMineplex Player Server" with lore "&f||&fCreate a server where you are the Host.||&fYou can Choose the game, map and much more!||&f||&fType &a/mps &fto access this anywhere!" to be unstealable
if {_arg2} is "prefs":
if {_p} has permission "mineplex.trainee":
open chest with 6 rows named "My Preferences" to {_p}
wait 3 tick
format slot 0 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 1 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 35 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 36 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 44 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 45 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 46 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 47 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 48 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 49 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 50 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 51 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 52 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 53 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of {_p} with paper named "&eUser Preferences" to run [profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 21 of {_p} with diamond named "&eExclusive Preferences" to run [profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 23 of {_p} with redstone comparator item named "&eGame Mechanic Preferences" to run [profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 25 of {_p} with compass named "&eMiscellaneous Preferences" to run [profile_system("menu", "misc", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 31 of {_p} with red flower named "&eSocial Preferences" to run [profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
open chest with 5 rows named "My Preferences" to {_p}
wait 3 tick
format slot 0 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 1 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 35 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 36 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 37 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 38 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 39 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 40 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 41 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 42 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 43 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 44 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 19 of {_p} with paper named "&eUser Preferences" to run [profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 21 of {_p} with redstone comparator item named "&eGame Mechanic Preferences" to run [profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 23 of {_p} with compass named "&eMiscellaneous Preferences" to run [profile_system("menu", "misc", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 25 of {_p} with red flower named "&eSocial Preferences" to run [profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {_arg2} is "user":
open chest with 6 rows named "User Preferences" to {_p}
wait 3 tick
format slot 0 of {_p} with bed named "&7← Go Back" to run [profile_system("menu", "prefs", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 1 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 35 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 36 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 44 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 45 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 46 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 47 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 48 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 49 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 50 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 51 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 52 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 53 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if {mineplex.pref.hg.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 10 of {_p} with fire charge named "&aHub Games" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 1)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 19 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aHub Games" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 1)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 10 of {_p} with fire charge named "&cHub Games" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 1)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 19 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cHub Games" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 1)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.hpv.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 12 of {_p} with eye of ender named "&aHub Player Visibility" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 2)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 21 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aHub Player Visibility" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 2)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 12 of {_p} with eye of ender named "&cHub Player Visibility" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 2)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 21 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cHub Player Visibility" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 2)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.pc.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 14 of {_p} with paper named "&aPlayer Chat" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 3)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 23 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aPlayer Chat" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 3)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 14 of {_p} with paper named "&cPlayer Chat" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 3)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 23 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cPlayer Chat" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 3)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {{_p}%} is true:
format slot 16 of {_p} with map named "&aPrivate Messaging" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 4)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 25 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aPrivate Messaging" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 4)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 16 of {_p} with map named "&CPrivate Messaging" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 4)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 25 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cPrivate Messaging" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 4)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.rm.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 31 of {_p} with command block named "&aSend random messages" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f||&7Got nothing to say? We got you covered!" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 9)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 40 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aSend random messages" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 9)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 31 of {_p} with command block named "&cSend random messages" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f||&7Got nothing to say? We got you covered!" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 9)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 40 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cSend random messages" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 9)]->[profile_system("menu", "user", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {_arg2} is "game":
open chest with 6 rows named "Game Mechanic Preference" to {_p}
wait 3 tick
format slot 0 of {_p} with bed named "&7← Go Back" to run [profile_system("menu", "prefs", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 1 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 35 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 36 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 44 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 45 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 46 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 47 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 48 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 49 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 50 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 51 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 52 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 53 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if {mineplex.pref.aj.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 11 of {_p} with diamond sword named "&aAuto Join Next Game" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f||&7Feel like playing again?||&7Enable this, and when you're you||&7a 15 second timer will start||&7when it ends, it'll send you||&7to another game!" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 10)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 20 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aAuto Join Next Game" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 10)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 11 of {_p} with diamond sword named "&cAuto Join Next Game" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f||&7Feel like playing again?||&7Enable this, and when you're you||&7a 15 second timer will start||&7when it ends, it'll send you||&7to another game!" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 10)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 20 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cAuto Join Next Game" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 10)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.daw.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 13 of {_p} with barrier named "&aDisable Automatic Warning" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f||&7Know what you're doing?||&7Disable this to not receive||&7a message warning you about Auto-Join" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 11)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 22 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aDisable Automatic Warning" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 11)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 13 of {_p} with barrier named "&cDisable Automatic Warning" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f||&7Know what you're doing?||&7Disable this to not receive||&7a message warning you about Auto-Join" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 11)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 22 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cDisable Automatic Warning" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 11)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.cj.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 15 of {_p} with clock named "&aCountdown to Join" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f||&7See that fancy text when you're out?||&7If you click it, and this is enabled||&7a 15 second time will countdown||&7until you are sent to a new game" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 12)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 24 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aCountdown to Join" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 12)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 15 of {_p} with clock named "&cCountdown to Join" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f||&7See that fancy text when you're out?||&7If you click it, and this is enabled||&7a 15 second time will countdown||&7until you are sent to a new game" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 12)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 24 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cCountdown to Join" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 12)]->[profile_system("menu", "game", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {_arg2} is "misc":
open chest with 6 rows named "Miscellaneous Preference" to {_p}
wait 3 tick
format slot 0 of {_p} with bed named "&7← Go Back" to run [profile_system("menu", "prefs", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 1 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 35 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 36 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 44 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 45 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 46 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 47 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 48 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 49 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 50 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 51 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 52 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 53 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if {mineplex.pref.sct.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 12 of {_p} with iron sword named "&aShow Clan Tips" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 13)]->[profile_system("menu", "misc", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 21 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aShow Clan Tips" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 13)]->[profile_system("menu", "misc", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 12 of {_p} with iron sword named "&cShow Clan Tips" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 13)]->[profile_system("menu", "misc", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 21 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cShow Clan Tips" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 13)]->[profile_system("menu", "misc", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {{_p}%} is true:
format slot 14 of {_p} with note block named "&aHub Music" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 14)]->[profile_system("menu", "misc", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 23 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aHub Music" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 14)]->[profile_system("menu", "misc", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 14 of {_p} with note block named "&cHub Music" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 14)]->[profile_system("menu", "misc", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 23 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cHub Music" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 14)]->[profile_system("menu", "misc", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {_arg2} is "social":
open chest with 6 rows named "Social Preferences" to {_p}
wait 3 tick
format slot 0 of {_p} with bed named "&7← Go Back" to run [profile_system("menu", "prefs", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 1 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 35 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 36 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 44 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 45 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 46 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 47 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 48 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 49 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 50 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 51 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 52 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 53 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if {{_p}%} is true:
format slot 10 of {_p} with human head named "&aParty Requests" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 15)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 19 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aParty Requests" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 15)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 10 of {_p} with human head named "&cParty Requests" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 15)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 19 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cParty Requests" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 15)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.spfr.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 12 of {_p} with red flower named "&aShow Pending Friend Requests" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 16)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 21 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aShow Pending Friend Requests" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 16)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 12 of {_p} with red flower named "&cShow Pending Friend Requests" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 16)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 21 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cShow Pending Friend Requests" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 16)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.dfg.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 14 of {_p} with chest named "&aDisplay Friend GUI" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 17)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 23 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aDisplay Friend GUI" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 17)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 14 of {_p} with chest named "&cDisplay Friend GUI" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 17)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 23 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cDisplay Friend GUI" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 17)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.sci.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 16 of {_p} with book named "&aShow Community Invites" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 18)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 25 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aShow Community Invites" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 18)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 16 of {_p} with book named "&cShow Community Invites" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 18)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 25 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cShow Community Invites" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 18)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.dpg.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 31 of {_p} with chest named "&aDisplay Parties GUI" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 19)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 40 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aDisplay Parties GUI" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 19)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 31 of {_p} with chest named "&cDisplay Parties GUI" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 19)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 40 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cDisplay Parties GUI" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 19)]->[profile_system("menu", "social", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {_arg2} is "staff":
open chest with 6 rows named "Exclusive Preferences" to {_p}
wait 3 tick
format slot 0 of {_p} with bed named "&7← Go Back" to run [profile_system("menu", "prefs", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 1 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 2 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 3 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 4 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 5 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 6 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 7 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 8 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 9 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 17 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 18 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 26 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 27 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 35 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 36 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 44 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 45 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 46 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 47 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 48 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 49 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 50 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 51 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 52 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
format slot 53 of {_p} with light blue stained glass pane named "&f" to be unstealable
if {mineplex.pref.hif.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 10 of {_p} with nether star named "&aHub Invisibility & Flight" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 20)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 19 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aHub Invisibility & Flight" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 20)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 10 of {_p} with nether star named "&cHub Invisibility & Flight" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 20)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 19 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cHub Invisibility & Flight" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 20)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.ff.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 12 of {_p} with slimeball named "&aHub Forcefield" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 8)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 21 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aHub Forcefield" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 8)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 12 of {_p} with slimeball named "&cHub Forcefield" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 8)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 21 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cHub Forcefield" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 8)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.gwen.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 14 of {_p} with paper named "&aGlobal GWEN Reports" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 5)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 23 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aGlobal GWEN Reports" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 5)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 14 of {_p} with paper named "&cGlobal GWEN Reports" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 5)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 23 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cGlobal GWEN Reports" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 5)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {{_p}%} is true:
format slot 16 of {_p} with book named "&aUser Reports" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 6)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 25 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aUser Reports" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 6)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 16 of {_p} with book named "&cUser Reports" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 6)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 25 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cUser Reports" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 6)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
if {mineplex.pref.ff.%{_p}%} is true:
format slot 31 of {_p} with saddle named "&aIgnore Hub Velocity" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 7)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 40 of {_p} with light green dye named "&aIgnore Hub Velocity" with lore "&aEnabled||&f||&fClick to Disable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 7)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 31 of {_p} with saddle named "&cIgnore Hub Velocity" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable||&f" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 7)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
format slot 40 of {_p} with gray dye named "&cIgnore Hub Velocity" with lore "&cDisabled||&f||&fClick to Enable" to run [prefsSystem({_p}, 7)]->[profile_system("menu", "staff", {_p}, {_p2})]
command /prefs:
profile_system("menu", "prefs", player, player)
#GWEN CODING!! (Using my old plugin Shield) (I took it down as I was ripping off but wtevr) lol
on damage:
if victim's name is "BeamCow" or "BeamGuar":
cancel event
on death:
if victim's name is "BeamCow" or "BeamGuar":
clear drops
on quit:
delete {forcefield.past.%player%}
function beamGo(p: player) :: number:
apply slowness 255 to {_p} for 7 seconds
set {_p2} to location 3 meters in front of {_p}
add 5 to y-coordinate of {_p2}
set {_p3} to location 3 meters behind {_p}
add 5 to y-coordinate of {_p3}
set {_p4} to location 3 meters left of {_p}
add 5 to y-coordinate of {_p4}
set {_p5} to location 3 meters right of {_p}
add 5 to y-coordinate of {_p5}
spawn a guardian at {_p2}
add "{CustomName:""BeamCow"", NoGravity:1, Silent:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
set {_t2} to last spawned entity
spawn a guardian at {_p3}
add "{CustomName:""BeamCow"", NoGravity:1, Silent:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
set {_t3} to last spawned entity
spawn a guardian at {_p4}
add "{CustomName:""BeamCow"", NoGravity:1, Silent:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
set {_t4} to last spawned entity
spawn a guardian at {_p5}
add "{CustomName:""BeamCow"", NoGravity:1, Silent:1}" to nbt of last spawned entity
set {_t5} to last spawned entity
set {_player} to {_p}
set {_r} to randomize "BHWFEAEG619"
set {_s} to "Chiss" parsed as a player
setPlayerdata({_p}, "banned", "yes")
punishBan({_s} ,{_player} , "[GWEN Cheat Detection]%nl%%nl%Ban Token:%nl%%{_r}%")
set {banned::%{_player}%} to true
set {banned::%{_player}%::type} to "perm"
set {banned::%{_player}%::reason} to "[GWEN Cheat Detection]%nl%%nl%Ban Token:%nl%%{_r}%"
set {banned::%{_player}%::staff} to "Chiss"
set {banned::%{_player}%::when} to now
add "&ePunishment Type: &fOther||||&eReason: &f[GWEN] Token: %{_r}%||||&eStaff: &fChiss||||&eDate: &f%now%" to {p.%{_player}%::history::*}
Beam({_p}, {_t2})
Beam({_p}, {_t3})
Beam({_p}, {_t4})
Beam({_p}, {_t5})
wait 5.2 seconds
broadcast "&9GWEN> &7%{_p}% has been banned. I am always watching"
kick {_player} due to "&c&lYou are banned for Permanent by %{mineplex.config.servername}% Anti-Cheat%nl%&f[GWEN Cheat Detection]%nl%%nl%Ban Token:%nl%%{_r}%%nl%&2Unfairly banned? Appeal at &a%{mineplex.config.appealwebsite}%"
command /gwenban <player>:
permission: mineplex.admin
permission message: &9Permissions> &7You do not have permission to do that.
on shoot:
if projectile is an arrow:
if difference between {bow.%shooter%} and now is less than 2 ticks:
gwenAlert((shooter), ("Fast Bow"))
set {bow.%shooter%} to now
every 4 second :
set {autoclick.check} to true
wait 3 second
set {autoclick.check} to false
loop all players :
delete {}
on left click :
{autoclick.check} is true
add 1 to {}
{} > 69
gwenAlert((player), ("High CPS (%{} / 3% clicks/second)"))
on walk on water:
set {_loc} to location of player
add 2 to y-coordinate of {_loc}
if block at {_loc} is air:
add 1 to {gwen.jesus.%player%}
if {gwen.jesus.%player%} is greater than 6:
gamemode of player is survival
gwenAlert((player), ("Jesus"))
delete {gwen.jesus.%player%}
on consume:
if difference between {fasteat.%player%} and now is less than 10 ticks:
cancel event
set {fasteat.%player%} to now
gwenAlert((player), ("FastEat"))
set {fasteat.%player%} to now
on damage:
if attacker is a player:
if victim is a player:
if attacker's gamemode is survival or adventure:
damage cause isn't thorns or a projectile:
set {_reach.%attacker%} to distance between attacker and victim
set {_ping} to attacker's ping
if {_reach.%attacker%} is greater than 5.67:
if {_ping} is greater than 350:
gwenAlert((attacker), ("Reach"))
if {_ping} is less than 350:
gwenAlert((attacker), ("Reach"))
on damage of a player :
block at victim is not cobweb
victim is not riding
victim is not on fire
victim's y-coordinate is greater than 5
set {_loc9} to block north east victim
set {_loc8} to block south west victim
blocks within {_loc9} to {_loc8} is air
set {_loc} to location of victim
wait 10 ticks
set {_loc2} to location of victim
distance between {_loc} and {_loc2} = 0
victim's ping < 250
gwenAlert((victim), ("Velocity"))
on leftclick holding tnt:
if {mineplex.tntlauncher} is true:
player has 1 tnt
spawn a primed tnt 1 meter above the player
add "{Fuse:60}" to nbt of the spawned entity
push the spawned entity in direction of player at speed 0.9
push the spawned entity upwards at speed 0.2
remove 1 tnt from player
on rightclick holding tnt:
if {mineplex.tntlauncher} is true:
player has 1 tnt
spawn a primed tnt 1 meter above the player
add "{Fuse:60}" to nbt of the spawned entity
push the spawned entity in direction of player at speed 0.9
push the spawned entity upwards at speed 0.2
remove 1 tnt from player
on load:
delete {mineplex::modules::*}
set {} to true
on unload:
delete {mineplex::modules::*}
set {} to false
command /modules:
send "&9Modules> &7Modules API version 0.1"
send "&9Modules> &7Going to *attempt* to list modules."
send "&9Modules> &7This does not mean that your module is not loaded."
loop {mineplex::modules::*}:
send "&9Modules> &e%loop-value%"
#add "Bungee Module" to {mineplex::modules::*}
#remove "Bungee Module" from {mineplex::modules::*}
#on load:
# if {wget} is not set:
# download file from "" to file "./"
#command /mpsconfirm:
# permission: mineplex.op
# trigger:
# if {mineplex.mps.%player%} is not set:
# send "&9Personal Server Manager> &7%player%-1 successfully created. You will be sent to it shortly."
# send "&9Personal Server Manager> &7If you haven't been connected in 20 seconds, type /server %player%-1."
# copy dir "./mps/Mineplex" to "./mps/%player%-1/"
# load world "./mps/%player%-1"
# set {mps.%player%-1} to "yes"
# wait 20 seconds
# else:
# send "&9Personal Server Manager> &7Your server is still being created or already exists. If you haven't been connected in 20 seconds, type /server %player%-1."
#command /hostserver:
# permission: mineplex.op
# trigger:
# if {mineplex.mps.%player%} is not set:
# send "&9Personal Server Manager> &7%player%-1 successfully created. You will be sent to it shortly."
# send "&9Personal Server Manager> &7If you haven't been connected in 20 seconds, type /server %player%-1."
# create folder "./mps/%player%-1"
# load world "./mps/%player%-1"
# wait 20 seconds
# teleport player to spawn of "./mps/%player%-1"
# else:
# send "&9Personal Server Manager> &7Your server is still being created or already exists. If you haven't been connected in 20 seconds, type /server %player%-1."
#command /endserver:
# trigger:
# loop all players:
# loop-player's world is "./mps/%player%-1":
# teleport player to spawn of "%arg-1%"
# unload world "./mps/%player%-1"
# wait 2 seconds
# delete folder "./mps/%player%-1/data/"
# delete folder "./mps/%player%-1/region/"
# delete file "./mps/%player%-1/level.dat"
# delete file "./mps/%player%-1/uid.dat"
# delete file "./mps/%player%-1/session.lock"
# delete dir "./mps/%player%-1"
#command /tpwrd <text>:
# trigger:
# set {_w} to "world"
# teleport player to spawn of {_w}
#command /menu:
# trigger:
# open chest with 3 rows named "Private Server Menu" to player
# wait 1 tick
# format slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&a&lGive Co-Host" with lore "||&e" to close then run [execute console command "say no way hosay"]
# format slot 13 of player with lava bucket named "&aRemove Player" with lore "||&e" to close then run [execute console command "kick Citrin_ lol"]
# format slot 15 of player with redstone comparator item named "&aGame Options" with lore "||&e" to close then run [execute console command "say xd"]
# format slot 20 of player with golden sword named "&a&lRemove Co-Host" with lore "||&e" to close then run [execute console command "say no way hosay"]
# format slot 22 of player with water bucket named "&a&lUn-Remove Player" with lore "||&e" to close then run [execute console command "say no way hosay"]
# format slot 24 of player with tnt named "&a&lKill Private Server" with lore "||&7Shift-Right Click to Kill Private Server" to close then run [execute console command "say xd"]
#skPerms by LimeGlass
#Thanks for Letting Me Bake This In!
prefix: &6[&5SkPerms&6]
maincolour: &6
secondcolour: &7
command: /skperms
aliases: /perm, /permission
permission: skperms.admin
#CMD protection is basically extra security for your server. Only players inside of a list variable can use SkPerms
CMDprotection: false
CMDprotectionMsg: Unknown command. Type ""/help"" for help
#The player list is the list variable that contains players that can use SkPerms if CMDprotection is enabled
PlayerList: {example::players::*}
UseChat: false #use prefix and suffix in the chat
#Chat types:
#Display - Changes the player's display name (Vault will hook if installed)
#Override - !COMING SOON
ChatType: "Display"
version: 1.0.5
on script load:
if file "plugins\SkPerms" exists:
delete {skperms::config::*}
set yaml value "version" from file "plugins\SkPerms\config.yml" to "{@version}"
set yaml value "useYML" from file "plugins\SkPerms\config.yml" to false
set {skperms::config::version} to yaml value "version" from file "plugins\SkPerms\config.yml"
set {skperms::config::useYML} to yaml value "useYML" from file "plugins\SkPerms\config.yml"
if {skperms::config::useYML} is true:
if {skperms::players::*} is not set:
delete file "plugins\SkPerms\players.yml"
loop {skperms::players::*}:
loop {skperms::player::%loop-value%::permissions::*}:
add "%loop-value-2%" to yaml list "players.%loop-value-1%.permissions" from file "plugins\SkPerms\players.yml"
on script unload:
loop {skperms::groups::*}:
if {skperms::group::%loop-value%::*} is not set:
loop {skperms::group::%loop-value-1%::permissions::*}:
loop {skperms::players::*}:
remove "%loop-value-2%" from {skperms::player::%loop-value-3%::permissions::*}
loop {skperms::players::*}:
remove "%loop-value-1%" from {skperms::player::%loop-value-2%::groups::*}
if {skperms::player::%loop-value-2%::groups::*} is not empty:
loop {skperms::player::%loop-value-2%::groups::*}:
loop {skperms::group::%loop-value-1%::permissions::*}:
set {_p} to "%loop-value-2%" parsed as player
add "%loop-value-4%" to {_p}'s permissions
remove "%loop-value%" from {skperms::groups::*}
command {@command} [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
permission: {@permission}
aliases: {@aliases}
if {@CMDprotection} is true:
if command sender is not console:
if {@PlayerList} doesn't contain player or "%player%":
message "{@CMDprotectionMsg}"
if arg 1 is not set:
message ""
message "{@prefix} v{@version}:"
message "{@maincolour}{@command} deleteDefault"
message "{@secondcolour}Deletes default group setting (If set)"
message "{@maincolour}{@command} (d|default) (group)"
if {skperms::default} is set:
message "{@secondcolour}Set the default group {@maincolour}(&7%{skperms::default}%{@maincolour})"
message "{@secondcolour}Set the default group"
message "{@maincolour}{@command} (p|player) (player) (add|remove|list) permission [permission]"
message "{@secondcolour}Add/remove/list a players permissions"
message "{@maincolour}{@command} (p|player) (player) (add|set|remove|list) group [group]"
message "{@secondcolour}Add/remove/set/list a players group"
message "{@maincolour}{@command} (g|group) (group) (add|remove|list) permission [permission]"
message "{@secondcolour}Add/remove/list a group permission"
message "{@maincolour}{@command} (g|group) (group) (add|remove|list) group [group]"
message "{@secondcolour}Add/remove/list a groups connected groups"
message "{@secondcolour}A group is created once it contains a permission"
message "{@maincolour}{@command} (g|group) (group) (prefix|suffix) set (text)"
message "{@secondcolour}Set a suffix or prefix to a group"
message ""
else if arg 1 is "deleteDefault":
delete {skperms::default}
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Removed default group (No group set)"
else if arg 1 is "d", "setdefault" or "default":
if arg 2 is set:
set {skperms::default} to arg 2
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Set default group to &l%arg 2%"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
else if arg 1 is "p" or "player":
if arg 2 is not set:
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Player not specified"
else if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is "a" or "add":
if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
if arg 5 is set:
if {skperms::groups::*} doesn't contain arg 2:
add arg 2 to {skperms::groups::*}
set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as player
add arg 5 to {_player}'s permissions
set {skperms::player::%arg 2%::permissions::*} to {_player}'s permissions
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Added %arg 5% to %arg 2%'s permissions"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Permission not specified"
else if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
if arg 5 is set:
if {skperms::groups::*} doesn't contain arg 2:
add arg 2 to {skperms::groups::*}
if {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*} doesn't contain arg 5:
add arg 5 to {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*}
message "{@prefix} {@secondcolour}%arg 2% already has group %arg 5%"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Added %arg 2% to group %arg 5%"
if {@UseChat} is true:
if {@ChatType} is "Display" or "display":
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains arg 5:
if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix} is set:
if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%"
else if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not set:
set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
else if arg 3 is "s" or "set":
if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
if arg 5 is set:
if {skperms::groups::*} doesn't contain arg 2:
add arg 2 to {skperms::groups::*}
delete {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*}
add arg 5 to {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*}
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Set %arg 2% to group %arg 5%"
if {@UseChat} is true:
if {@ChatType} is "Display" or "display":
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains arg 5:
if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix} is set:
if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%"
else if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not set:
set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
else if arg 3 is "r" or "remove":
if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
if arg 5 is set:
set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as player
remove arg 5 from {_player}'s permissions
set {skperms::player::%arg 2%::permissions::*} to {_player}'s permissions
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Removed %arg 5% from %arg 2%'s permissions"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Permission not specified"
else if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
if arg 5 is set:
if {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*} contains arg 5:
remove arg 5 from {skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*}
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Removed %arg 2% from group %arg 5%"
if {@UseChat} is true:
if {@ChatType} is "Display" or "display":
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains arg 5:
if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix} is set:
if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%"
else if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not set:
set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Player %arg 2% doesn't have that group"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
else if arg 3 is "l" or "list":
if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
set {_player} to arg 2 parsed as player
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}%{_player}'s permissions%"
else if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}%{skperms::player::%arg 2%::groups::*}%"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
else if arg 1 is "g", "group" or "groups":
if arg 2 is not set:
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
else if arg 2 is set:
if arg 3 is "a" or "add":
if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
if arg 5 is set:
if {skperms::groups::*} doesn't contain arg 2:
add arg 2 to {skperms::groups::*}
add arg 5 to {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Added %arg 5% to group %arg 2%'s permissions"
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains arg 2:
loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
add "%loop-value-2%" to loop-player's permissions
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Permission not specified"
else if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
if arg 5 is set:
if {skperms::groups::*} doesn't contain arg 2:
add arg 2 to {skperms::groups::*}
loop {skperms::group::%arg 5%::permissions::*}:
add "%loop-value%" to {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Added %arg 5%'s permissions to group %arg 2%"
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains arg 2:
loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
add "%loop-value-2%" to loop-player's permissions
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
else if arg 3 is "r" or "remove":
if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
if arg 5 is set:
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains arg 2:
loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
remove "%loop-value-2%" from loop-player's permissions
remove arg 5 from {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Removed %arg 5% from group %arg 2%'s permissions"
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains arg 2:
loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
add "%loop-value-2%" to loop-player's permissions
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Permission not specified"
else if arg 4 is "g", "group" or "groups":
if arg 5 is set:
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains arg 2:
loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
remove "%loop-value-2%" from loop-player's permissions
loop {skperms::group::%arg 5%::permissions::*}:
remove "%loop-value%" from {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}
add 1 to {_l}
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Removed %{_l}% of %arg 5%'s permissions from group %arg 2%"
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains arg 2:
loop {skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}:
add "%loop-value-2%" to loop-player's permissions
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Group not specified"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
else if arg 3 is "l" or "list":
if arg 4 is "p", "permission" or "permissions":
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}%{skperms::group::%arg 2%::permissions::*}%"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified"
else if arg 3 is "prefix" or "suffix":
if arg 4 is "set":
if arg 5 is set:
set {skperms::group::%arg 2%::%arg 3%} to arg 5
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}%arg 3% set to %arg 5%"
if {@UseChat} is true:
if {@ChatType} is "Display" or "display":
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} contains arg 5:
if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix} is set:
if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::prefix}%%loop-player%"
else if {skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix} is set:
set loop-player's display name to coloured "%loop-player%%{skperms::group::%arg 5%::suffix}%"
set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not set:
set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Prefix/Suffix not specified"
message "{@prefix} {@maincolour}Error: Type not specified (Type ""set"")"
#on quit:
# set {skperms::player::%player%::permissions::*} to player's permissions
on join:
loop 2 times:
remove "%player%" from {skperms::players::*}
add "%player%" to {skperms::players::*}
loop {skperms::groups::*}:
if player has permission "":
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} doesn't contain "%loop-value%":
add "%loop-value%" to {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*}
if {skperms::default} is set:
loop {skperms::group::%{skperms::default}%::permissions::*}:
add "%loop-value%" to player's permissions
loop {skperms::player::%player%::permissions::*}:
add "%loop-value%" to player's permissions
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not empty:
loop {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*}:
loop {skperms::group::%loop-value%::permissions::*}:
add "%loop-value-2%" to player's permissions
if {@UseChat} is true:
if {@ChatType} is "Display" or "display":
if {skperms::group::%loop-index%::prefix} is set:
if {skperms::group::%loop-index%::suffix} is set:
set player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%loop-index%::prefix}%%player%%{skperms::group::%loop-index%::suffix}%"
set player's display name to coloured "%{skperms::group::%loop-index%::prefix}%%player%"
else if {skperms::group::%loop-index%::suffix} is set:
set player's display name to coloured "%player%%{skperms::group::%loop-index%::suffix}%"
set player's display name to "%player%"
loop all players:
if {skperms::player::%player%::groups::*} is not set:
set loop-player's display name to "%player%"
on load:
set {_time} to difference between {mineplex.starttime} and now
broadcast "&9MCR> &7Mineplex Core &e{@MCRVER} &7has been loaded! (%{_time}%)"
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