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Day 19~20 Reading CSS Grid Layout Module 1 - Chapter 7~8
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Study Notes: CSS Grid Layout Module 1 - Chapter 7~8

Original post by tae: Day 19~20 Reading CSS Grid Layout Module 1 - Chapter 7~8

#TIL - Reading CSS Grid Layout Module 1 - Chapter 7~8

Grid consists of two area, Explicit Grid and Implicit Grid

The three properties grid-template-rows, grid-template-columns, and grid-template-areas together define the explicit grid of a grid container.

The final grid may end up larger due to grid items placed outside the explicit grid; in this case implicit tracks will be created, these implicit tracks will be sized by the grid-auto-rows and grid-auto-columns properties.

There're a lot of ways to use grid style.

Explict Grid

Explicit Track Sizing: the grid-template-rows and grid-template-columns properties

These properties specify, as a space-separated track list, the line names and track sizing functions of the grid. these properties determine Explicit grid area.

Authors also can name grid lines with the [<custom-ident>*] syntax

  #grid { 
    display : grid;
    grid-template-columns : [first nav-start] 150px [main-start] 1fr [last]; /*the ident that has space means that line has multiple names.*/
    grid-template-rows: [first header-start] 50px [main-start] 1fr [footer-start] 50px [last];


with repeat() notation, authors don't need to write down repeted fragment.

  grid-template-columns: 10px [col-start] 250px [col-end]
                         10px [col-start] 250px [col-end]
                         10px [col-start] 250px [col-end]
                         10px [col-start] 250px [col-end] 10px;
  /* same as above, except easier to write */
  grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 10px [col-start] 250px [col-end]) 10px;

Authors may not be able to know how much area will remain, then use auto-fill and auto-fit repetitions

.wrapper {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 200px);

In this example, the following code will create 200px grids that can fill columns

The auto-fit keyword behaves the same as auto-fill, except that after grid item placement any empty repeated tracks are collapsed.

these two properties are resolved value special case properties. [CSSOM] It means, authors can access to these values with js.

  var gridElement = document.getElementById("grid");
  // [a] 50px [b] 320px [b c d] repeat(2, [e] 40px) repeat(4, 0px) 50px

Named Areas: the grid-template-areas property

This property specifies named grid areas, which are not associated with any particular grid item, but can be referenced from the grid-placement properties.

#grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-areas: "head head"
                       "nav  main"
                       "foot ...."
#grid > header { grid-area: head; }
#grid > nav    { grid-area: nav; }
#grid > main   { grid-area: main; }
#grid > footer { grid-area: foot; }

this property creates implicit named lines from the named grid areas in the template.

the grid-template property : Explicit Grid Shorthand

The grid-template property is a shorthand for setting grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, and grid-template-areas in a single declaration.

grid-template: auto 1fr / auto 1fr auto;
/*is equivalent to*/

grid-template-rows: auto 1fr;
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto;
grid-template-areas: none;

grid-template: [header-top] "a   a   a"     [header-bottom]
                 [main-top] "b   b   b" 1fr [main-bottom]
                          / auto 1fr auto;
/*is equivalent to*/
grid-template-areas: "a a a"
                     "b b b";
grid-template-rows: [header-top] auto [header-bottom main-top] 1fr [main-bottom];
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr auto;

Implicit Grid

Simply, it's area that outside of explicit grid bound. Implict Grid is set by 3 properties : grid-auto-rows, grid-auto-columns, grid-auto-flow. also grid shorthand affects, too.

the grid-auto-rows and grid-auto-columns properties :Implicit Track Sizing

  #grid {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: 20px;
    grid-auto-columns: 40px;
    grid-template-rows: 20px;
    grid-auto-rows: 40px;
  #A { grid-column: 1; grid-row: 1; }
  #B { grid-column: 2; grid-row: 1; }
  #C { grid-column: 1; grid-row: 2; }
  #D { grid-column: 2; grid-row: 2; }

<div id="grid">
  <div id="A">A</div>
  <div id="B">B</div>
  <div id="C">C</div>
  <div id="D">D</div>


the grid-auto-flow property | Automatic Placement

Value : [ row | column ] || dense

  grid-auto-flow: row dense;
  • dense : If specified, the auto-placement algorithm uses a “dense” packing algorithm, which attempts to fill in holes earlier in the grid if smaller items come up later.

Placing Grid Items

  • grid position : The grid item’s location in the grid in each axis. A grid position can be either definite (explicitly specified) or automatic (determined by auto-placement).
  • grid span : How many grid tracks the grid item occupies in each axis. A grid item’s grid span is always definite, defaulting to 1 in each axis if it can’t be otherwise determined for that axis.


The grid-placement property longhands are organized into three shorthands

  /* 1. Named-area */ {
    grid-area: main;
    /* Places item into the named area "main". */

  /* 2. Numeric Indexes and Spans */
  article.two {
    grid-row: 2 / span 5;
    /* Starts in the 2nd row,
     spans 5 rows down (ending in the 7th row). */
  /* 3. Named Lines and Spans */
  article.three {
    grid-row: text 5 / span text 2;
    /* Same as grid-row: text 5 / text 7; - start at the 5th line named "text",
       then span across two more "text" lines, to the 7th. */
  /* 4.Auto Placement */
  article.four {
    grid-area: auto; /* Initial value */
  article.five {
    grid-area: span 2 / span 3;
    /* Auto-placed item, covering two rows and three columns. */

grid-placement properties are not a substitute for correct source ordering.

the grid-row-start, grid-column-start, grid-row-end, and grid-column-end properties : Line-based Placement

  Value:	<grid-line>
  <grid-line> =
  auto |
  <custom-ident> |
  [ <integer> && <custom-ident>? ] |
  [ span && [ <integer> || <custom-ident> ] ]
Given a single-row, 8-column grid and the following 9 named lines:
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
A  B  C  A  B  C  A  B  C
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
The following declarations place the grid item between the lines indicated by index:

grid-column-start: 4; grid-column-end: auto;
/* Line 4 to line 5 */

grid-column-start: auto; grid-column-end: 6;
/* Line 5 to line 6 */

grid-column-start: C; grid-column-end: C -1;
/* Line 3 to line 9 */

grid-column-start: C; grid-column-end: span C;
/* Line 3 to line 6 */

grid-column-start: span C; grid-column-end: C -1;
/* Line 6 to line 9 */

grid-column-start: span C; grid-column-end: span C;
/* Error: The end span is ignored, and an auto-placed
   item can’t span to a named line.
   Equivalent to grid-column: span 1;. */

grid-column-start: 5; grid-column-end: C -1;
/* Line 5 to line 9 */

grid-column-start: 5; grid-column-end: span C;
/* Line 5 to line 6 */

grid-column-start: 8; grid-column-end: 8;
/* Error: line 8 to line 9 */

grid-column-start: B 2; grid-column-end: span 1;
/* Line 5 to line 6 */

*** Grid Item Placement Algorithm ***

  1. Generate anonymous grid items
  2. Position anything that’s not auto-positioned.
  3. Process the items locked to a given row. - through sparse/dense packing
  4. Determine the columns in the implicit grid.
#grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 100px);
  grid-auto-flow: row;
#grid-item {
  grid-column: 4 / span 3;
The number of columns needed is 6. The explicit grid provides its 5 columns (from grid-template-columns) with lines number 1 through 6, but #grid-item’s column position means it ends on line 7, which requires an additional column added to the end of the implicit grid.
  1. Position the remaining grid items.

What's more?

the fr unit - flexible lenghts

A flexible length or <flex> is a dimension with the fr unit, which represents a fraction of the leftover space in the grid container.

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taejs commented Mar 19, 2019



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taejs commented Mar 19, 2019


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taejs commented Mar 20, 2019


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