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Last active March 17, 2019 11:03
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Day 17~18 Reading CSS Grid Layout Module 1 - Chapter 4~6
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Study Notes: CSS Grid Layout Module 1 - Chapter 4~6

Original post by tae: Day 17~18 Reading CSS Grid Layout Module 1 - Chapter 4~6

#TIL : CSS Grid Layout Module 1

Reordering and Accessibility

Authors must use 'order' and the grid-placement properties only for visual, no logical, reordering of content. Style sheets that use these features to perform logical reordering are non-conforming.

Grid Containers

Establishing Grid Containers: the grid and inline-grid display values

name : 'display' new values : grid | inline-grid

grid - this value causes an element to generate a block-level grid container box. inline-grid - this value causes an element to generate an inline-level grid container box.

A grid container establishes a new grid formatting context for its contents

diffrence grid between block layout

  • floats / clear do not intrude into the grid container
  • grid container’s margins do not collapse with the margins of its contents.
  • vertical-align has no effect on a grid item.
  • the ::first-line and ::first-letter pseudo-elements do not apply to grid containers.

Sizing Grid Containers

A grid container is sized following the rule in which contenxt it is

The max(min)-content size of a grid container is the sum of the grid container’s track sizes (including gutters) in the appropriate axis, when the grid is sized under a max(min)-content constraint

Clamping Overly Large Grids

Due to memory limitation, UAs may clamp the possible size according to some rules.

  • If the grid area would span outside the limited grid, its span is clamped to the last line of the limited grid.
  • If the grid area would be placed completely outside the limited grid, its span must be truncated to 1 and the area repositioned into the last grid track on that side of the grid.
.grid-item {
  grid-row : 500 / 1500;
  grid-column : 2000 / 3000;

If case UA only only supported grids with at most 1000 tracks in each dimesion , UA may : 50 translate it like this.

.grid-item { 
  grid-row : 500 / 1001;
  grid-column : 1000 / 1001;

Grid items

the grid items of a grid container are boxes representing its in-flow contents.

grid item - Each in-flow child of a grid container. each contiguous sequence of child text runs is wrapped in an anonymous block container grid item. when it contains only white space, it's instead not rendered.

<div style="display: grid">

    <!-- grid item: block child -->
    <div id="item1">block</div>

    <!-- grid item: floated element; floating is ignored -->
    <div id="item2" style="float: left;">float</div>

    <!-- grid item: anonymous block box around inline content -->
    anonymous item 3

    <!-- grid item: inline child -->
        item 4
        <!-- grid items do not split around blocks -->
        <q style="display: block" id=not-an-item>item 4</q>
        item 4

When you remove text 'anonymous item 3', You can find out that inter-element white space disappears.

Grid Item Display

The display value of a grid item is blockified: if the specified display of an in-flow child of an element generating a grid container is an inline-level value, it computes to its block-level equivalent.

Grid Item Sizing

Grid item calculations for auto widths and heights vary by their self-alignment values:

alignment Non-replaced Element Size Replaced Element Size
normal Fill grid area Use intrinsic size
stretch Fill grid area Fill grid area
start,center,etc 'fit-content' sizing (like floats) Use intrinsic size

the order property : Reordered Grid Items

As with reordering flex items, the order property must only be used when the visual order needs to be out-of-sync with the speech and navigation order; otherwise the underlying document source should be reordered instead.

Grid Item Margins and Paddings

Percentage margins and paddings on grid items can be resolved against either:

  • their own axis (left/right percentages resolve against width, top/bottom resolve against height)
  • the inline axis (left/right/top/bottom percentages all resolve against width) A User Agent choose one of these two behaviors, so authors are aware of each UAs' different behavior. should avoid using percentages in paddings or margins on grid items entirely

the z-index property : Z-axis Ordering

The painting order of grid items is exactly the same as inline blocks

except that order-modified document order is used in place of raw document order, and z-index values other than auto create a stacking context even if position is static (behaving exactly as if position were relative).

Thus the z-index property can easily be used to control the z-axis order of grid items.

Automatic Minimum Size of Grid Items

The automatic minimum size for a grid item in a given dimension is its specified size if it exists, otherwise its transferred size if that exists, else its content size.

What's more?

Holy Grail Layout

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taejs commented Mar 17, 2019


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