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Last active August 18, 2016 09:43
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Save taey16/e4c2f2317eb386bebea0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require 'loadcaffe'
require 'nn'
local model_root = '/storage/models/vgg'
local deploy_file = paths.concat(model_root, 'vgg_layer16_deploy.prototxt')
local weight_file = paths.concat(model_root, 'vgg_layer16.caffemodel')
local model = loadcaffe.load(deploy_file, weight_file, nn)
return model
-- Imagemodel classification with Torch7 demo
require 'torch'
require 'loadcaffe'
require 'image'
require 'nn'
-- Helper functions
-- Loads the mapping from model outputs to human readable labels
function load_synset()
local file = '/storage/ImageNet/ILSVRC2012/synset_words.txt'
local list = {}
while true do
local line = file:read()
if not line then break end
table.insert(list, string.sub(line,11))
return list
function save_images(x, n, file)
file = file or "./out.png"
local input = x:narrow(1, 1, n)
local view = image.toDisplayTensor({input = input, padding = 2, nrow = 9, symmetric = true}), view)
function augment_image(input)
local oH = 224
local oW = 224
local iW = 256
local iH = 256
local w1 = math.ceil((iW-oW)/2)
local h1 = math.ceil((iH-oH)/2)
local output = torch.DoubleTensor(10, 3, 224, 224)
output[{1 ,{},{},{}}] = image.crop(input, 1, 1, 225, 225)
output[{2 ,{},{},{}}] = image.crop(input, iW-oW, 1, 256, 225)
output[{3 ,{},{},{}}] = image.crop(input, 1, iH-oH, 225, 256)
output[{4 ,{},{},{}}] = image.crop(input, iW-oW, iH-oH, 256, 256)
output[{5 ,{},{},{}}] = image.crop(input, w1, h1, w1+oW, h1+oW)
output[{6 ,{},{},{}}] = image.hflip(output[{1,{},{},{}}])
output[{7 ,{},{},{}}] = image.hflip(output[{2,{},{},{}}])
output[{8 ,{},{},{}}] = image.hflip(output[{3,{},{},{}}])
output[{9 ,{},{},{}}] = image.hflip(output[{4,{},{},{}}])
output[{10,{},{},{}}] = image.hflip(output[{5,{},{},{}}])
-- save_images(output, 10)
return output
-- Converts an image from RGB to BGR format and subtracts mean
function preprocess(im)
-- rescale the image
local input = image.scale(im,256,256,'bilinear')*255
if input:dim() == 2 then
input = input:view(1,input:size(1), input:size(2)):repeatTensor(3,1,1)
-- 1-channel image
elseif input:dim() == 3 and input:size(1) == 1 then
input = input:repeatTensor(3,1,1)
elseif input:dim() == 3 and input:size(1) == 3 then
-- 3-channel image
elseif input:dim() == 3 and input:size(1) == 4 then
-- image with alpha
input = input[{{1,3},{},{}}]
error('not 2-channel or 3-channel image')
local output = input:clone()
output[{1,{},{}}] = input[{3,{},{}}]
output[{3,{},{}}] = input[{1,{},{}}]
-- subtract imagemodel mean
return output
-- Setting up modelworks and downloading stuff if needed
proto_name = '/storage/models/vgg/vgg_layer16_deploy.prototxt'
model_name = '/storage/models/vgg/vgg_layer16.caffemodel'
backend = 'nn'
print '==> Loading modelwork'
model = loadcaffe.load(proto_name, model_name, backend)
-- remove the top softmax
model.modules[#model.modules] = nil
-- as we want to classify, let's disable dropouts by enabling evaluation mode
print '==> Loading synsets'
synset_words = load_synset()
local dataset_root = '/storage/ImageNet/ILSVRC2012/val'
local file = '/storage/ImageNet/ILSVRC2012/val_synset.txt'
local image_list ={}
local label_list ={}
while true do
local line = file:read()
if not line then break end
item = string.split(line, ' ')
table.insert(image_list, item[1])
table.insert(label_list, item[2])
local top1 = 0
local top5 = 0
local trials = 0
for k, fname in ipairs(image_list) do
print(fname .. ' ' .. label_list[k])
filename = paths.concat(dataset_root, fname)
im = image.load(filename)
label = tonumber(label_list[k]) + 1
-- Have to resize and convert from RGB to BGR and subtract mean
input = preprocess(im)
input = augment_image(input)
scores = model:forward(input):float()
scores, classes = torch.mean(scores,1):view(-1):sort(true)
-- Propagate through the modelwork and sort outputs in decreasing order and show 5 best classes
_,classes = model:forward(I):view(-1):float():sort(true)
trials = trials + 1
top1 = top1 + classes[{{1,1}}]:eq(label):sum()
top5 = top5 + classes[{{1,5}}]:eq(label):sum()
print(("%d top1: %d/%d = %.5f, top5: %d/%d = %.5f"):format(
k, top1 , trials, top1 / trials * 100, top5, trials, top5 / trials * 100 )
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