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Created June 26, 2011 03:47
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Save tafsiri/1047205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
%3 Write a board that takes a tic-tac-toe board presented as a list or tuple
% Return the current state of the game (winner, no winner yet, tie, incomplete)
tictactoe(Board) ->
[S11, S12, S13,
S21, S22, S23,
S31, S32, S33] = Board,
Rows = [[S11, S12, S13], [S21, S22, S23], [S31, S32, S33]],
Cols = [[S11, S21, S31], [S12, S22, S32], [S13, S23, S33]],
Diag = [[S11, S22, S33], [S13, S22, S31]],
Lines = lists:append([Rows, Cols, Diag]),
%look for winners
HasWinner = fun(Line) ->
case same(Line) of
{true, x} -> io:format("Winner is X~n"), true; %print and return true
{true, o} -> io:format("Winner is O~n"), true;
{_, _} -> nil, false
Winners = lists:dropwhile(fun(Line) -> HasWinner(Line) == false end, Lines),
case Winners of
[] ->
%look for space to play
case lists:any(fun(S) -> e == S end, lists:flatten(Lines)) of
true -> io:format("No Winner~n");
false -> io:format("Tie~n")
_ -> done
%check if all vals are the same and return true or false
%as well as the first val in that list
same(List) ->
First = lists:nth(1, List),
{lists:all(fun(X) -> First == X end, List), First}.
%tic-tac-toe driver function
tt1() ->
B = [x, x, o,
o, o, e,
x, o, x],
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