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Yannick Assogba tafsiri

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import scala.util.Random
class Game{
val board = Array(Array("_", "_", "_"),
Array("_", "_", "_"),
Array("_", "_", "_"))
var currentPlayer = "X"
//Experimenting with traits.
trait Volume {
//define some methods we need to use to implement the functionality of
//this trait, the class using this trait will need to implement these methods
def area() : Int
def height : Int //this can also be a val
//the functionality provided by this trait
def volume() = {
val words = List("this", "is", "a", "list", "of", "strings")
//foldLeft function (curried)
var size = words.foldLeft(0)((sum, word) => sum + 1)
var charCount = words.foldLeft(0)((sum, word) => sum + word.length())
//foldleft operator
object Censor{
val defaultReplacements = Map("shoot" -> "pucky", "darn" -> "beans")
def replace(input:String):String = {
replace(input, defaultReplacements)
def replace2(input:String):String = {
replaceWithPattern(input, defaultReplacements)
import scala.actors._
import scala.actors.Actor._
import ddf.minim._;
import ddf.minim.ugens._
val minim = new Minim(this.applet)
size(400, 250)
% 1. Write a function that uses recursion to count the number of words in a string
list_len([]) -> 0;
list_len(Input) ->
[H | Tail] = Input,
% 1. Consider a list of keyword-value tuples. Write a function that accepts
% the list and a keyword and returns the associated value for that keyword
get(List, Key) ->
%filter the list and select the first tuple by destructuring
[{ MatchKey, MatchVal} | _ ] = lists:filter(fun({K, V}) -> K == Key end, List),
getOrElse(List, Key, Default) ->
%filter the list and select the first tuple by destructuring
% 2. Consider a shopping list that looks like [{item, quantity, price}, ...]
% Write a list comprehension that adds the total price of each item i.e. quantity * price
q2() ->
List = [{pencil, 5, 0.25}, {pen , 3, 1}, {paper, 10, 0.1}],
[{Item, Quantity, Price, Quantity * Price} || {Item, Quantity, Price} <- List].
% [{pencil,5,0.250000,1.25000},
% {pen,3,1,3},
% {paper,10,0.100000,1.00000}]
%3 Write a board that takes a tic-tac-toe board presented as a list or tuple
% Return the current state of the game (winner, no winner yet, tie, incomplete)
tictactoe(Board) ->
[S11, S12, S13,
S21, S22, S23,
S31, S32, S33] = Board,
Rows = [[S11, S12, S13], [S21, S22, S23], [S31, S32, S33]],
Cols = [[S11, S21, S31], [S12, S22, S32], [S13, S23, S33]],
% 1. Monitor the translator service and restart it if it dies.
% (this is pretty much directly from the book)
-export([loop/0, translate/2]).
% the translator service
loop() ->