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Created May 30, 2018 14:01
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Google Maps popup
definePopupClass = ->
# A customized popup on the map.
# @param {!google.maps.LatLng} position
# @param {!Element} content
# @constructor
# @extends {google.maps.OverlayView}
class Popup
# NOTE: google.maps.OverlayView is only defined once the Maps API has
# loaded. That is why Popup is defined inside initMap().
@::= Object.create(google.maps.OverlayView.prototype)
constructor: (position, content) ->
@position = position
content.classList.add 'popup-bubble-content'
pixelOffset = document.createElement('div')
pixelOffset.classList.add 'popup-bubble-anchor'
pixelOffset.appendChild content
@anchor = document.createElement('div')
@anchor.classList.add 'popup-tip-anchor'
@anchor.appendChild pixelOffset
# Optionally stop clicks, etc., from bubbling up to the map.
###* Called when the popup is added to the map. ###
onAdd: ->
@getPanes().floatPane.appendChild @anchor
###* Called when the popup is removed from the map. ###
onRemove: ->
if @anchor.parentElement
@anchor.parentElement.removeChild @anchor
###* Called when the popup needs to draw itself. ###
draw: ->
divPosition = @getProjection().fromLatLngToDivPixel(@position)
# Hide the popup when it is far out of view.
display = if Math.abs(divPosition.x) < 4000 and Math.abs(divPosition.y) < 4000 then 'block' else 'none'
if display == 'block' = divPosition.x + 'px' = divPosition.y + 'px'
if != display = display
###* Stops clicks/drags from bubbling up to the map. ###
stopEventPropagation: ->
anchor = @anchor = 'auto'
].forEach (event) ->
anchor.addEventListener event, (e) ->
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