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Created June 3, 2021 17:43
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Hydromac Decrypted strings
encrypted string at 0x100051a6a decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100051b2c decoded to : IOPlatformExpertDevice
encrypted string at 0x100051ff5 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100051ffe decoded to : BadAllocException
encrypted string at 0x100052057 decoded to : -
encrypted string at 0x100052060 decoded to : OutOfRangeException
encrypted string at 0x100051e12 decoded to : -
encrypted string at 0x100051e1b decoded to : BadAllocException
encrypted string at 0x100051e74 decoded to : -
encrypted string at 0x100051e7d decoded to : OutOfRangeException
encrypted string at 0x100051ee0 decoded to : HM_RA_Error_1
encrypted string at 0x1000555b1 decoded to : HM_RA_Init_1
encrypted string at 0x1000520cc decoded to : |sep|
encrypted string at 0x1000520c3 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x10005529a decoded to : .
encrypted string at 0x1000552a3 decoded to : IOPlatformExpertDevice
encrypted string at 0x100055315 decoded to : standard
encrypted string at 0x100055341 decoded to : admin
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encrypted string at 0x100052100 decoded to :
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encrypted string at 0x100052116 decoded to : |sep|
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encrypted string at 0x100052133 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x10005213c decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100052140 decoded to : b=
encrypted string at 0x10005214e decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100052152 decoded to : cg=
encrypted string at 0x100052165 decoded to : sv=
encrypted string at 0x100052178 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x10005217c decoded to : ma=
encrypted string at 0x10005218f decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100052193 decoded to : ov=
encrypted string at 0x1000521a6 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x1000521aa decoded to : sn=
encrypted string at 0x1000521bd decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x1000521c1 decoded to : mi=
encrypted string at 0x1000521d4 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x1000521d8 decoded to : ut=
encrypted string at 0x1000521eb decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x1000521ef decoded to : v=
encrypted string at 0x1000521fd decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100052201 decoded to : bv=
encrypted string at 0x100052214 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100052218 decoded to : ai=
encrypted string at 0x10005222b decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x10005222f decoded to : db=
encrypted string at 0x100052242 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100052246 decoded to : ibs=
encrypted string at 0x10005225e decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100052262 decoded to : pn=
encrypted string at 0x100052275 decoded to : NA
encrypted string at 0x100052283 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100052287 decoded to : dl=
encrypted string at 0x10005229a decoded to : fa=
encrypted string at 0x1000522ad decoded to : Upd
encrypted string at 0x1000522c0 decoded to : A
encrypted string at 0x1000522c9 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x1000522d2 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x1000522db decoded to :
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encrypted string at 0x1000522ed decoded to :
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encrypted string at 0x100053f6d decoded to : /Applications/Bitdefender Virus
encrypted string at 0x100054048 decoded to : Kaspersky
encrypted string at 0x100054079 decoded to : /Applications/Kaspersky Anti-Virus For
encrypted string at 0x100054163 decoded to : KasperskyInternetSecurity
encrypted string at 0x1000541e4 decoded to : /Applications/Kaspersky Internet
encrypted string at 0x1000542c9 decoded to : Norton
encrypted string at 0x1000542eb decoded to : /Applications/Norton
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encrypted string at 0x100054b2b decoded to : /Applications/
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encrypted string at 0x100054bf1 decoded to : /Applications/Mac
encrypted string at 0x100054c8b decoded to : ScanGuard
encrypted string at 0x100054cbc decoded to : /Applications/
encrypted string at 0x100054d47 decoded to : TotalAV
encrypted string at 0x100054d6e decoded to : /Applications/
encrypted string at 0x100054def decoded to : PandaAntivirus
encrypted string at 0x100054e39 decoded to : /Applications/Panda
encrypted string at 0x100054ee2 decoded to : Avira
encrypted string at 0x100054eff decoded to : /Applications/
encrypted string at 0x100054f76 decoded to : SophosAntiVirus
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encrypted string at 0x10005517f decoded to : IntegoVirusBarrier
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encrypted string at 0x1000537ab decoded to : Firefox
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encrypted string at 0x1000537f4 decoded to : .app
encrypted string at 0x100051a6e decoded to : /Applications/
encrypted string at 0x10005380c decoded to : /Applications/
encrypted string at 0x100053856 decoded to : CFBundleShortVersionString
encrypted string at 0x1000538dc decoded to : Contents/Info.plist
encrypted string at 0x10005393f decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100053943 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100053947 decoded to : :5V
encrypted string at 0x100053220 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x1000523e4 decoded to : u
encrypted string at 0x1000523ed decoded to : HM_RA_Update_Started_1
encrypted string at 0x100052ce0 decoded to : HM_RA_Download_Started_1
encrypted string at 0x1000526f3 decoded to : HM_RA_Download_Success_1
encrypted string at 0x1000524fe decoded to : ra
encrypted string at 0x1000522f6 decoded to : /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
encrypted string at 0x10005237c decoded to : uuid_generate_random
encrypted string at 0x10005245f decoded to : HM_RA_Fail_1
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encrypted string at 0x1000527af decoded to : charset=utf-8
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encrypted string at 0x1000527f4 decoded to : Cancelled
encrypted string at 0x100052850 decoded to : PUT
encrypted string at 0x100052825 decoded to : GET
encrypted string at 0x100052863 decoded to : Cant create download file
encrypted string at 0x1000528e4 decoded to : Cancelled
encrypted string at 0x100052915 decoded to : Failed download
encrypted string at 0x100052dcc decoded to : HM_RA_Complete_1
encrypted string at 0x100052e73 decoded to : Pl
encrypted string at 0x100052e81 decoded to : Pl
encrypted string at 0x100052e8f decoded to : Pl
encrypted string at 0x100052e9d decoded to : A
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encrypted string at 0x100052ea6 decoded to :
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encrypted string at 0x100052edc decoded to : A
encrypted string at 0x100052ee5 decoded to : HM_RA_P_Started_1
encrypted string at 0x100052ed3 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100052f3e decoded to : HM_RA_P_Start_Failed_1
encrypted string at 0x100053031 decoded to : HM_RA_P_Download_Failed_1
encrypted string at 0x100055380 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100055389 decoded to : sw_vers -productVersion
encrypted string at 0x100055400 decoded to : r
encrypted string at 0x100055409 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100055559 decoded to : _1Y
encrypted string at 0x100055477 decoded to : HM_RA_Update_Success_1
encrypted string at 0x10005563e decoded to : /private/tmp/
encrypted string at 0x1000556fb decoded to : Error
encrypted string at 0x10005585f decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100055772 decoded to : Unhandled exception
encrypted string at 0x1000557d5 decoded to : Error
encrypted string at 0x1000557f2 decoded to : Unhandled exception:
encrypted string at 0x100055f37 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x10005f4b1 decoded to :
encrypted string at 0x100056074 decoded to : %4d-%2d-%2dT%2d:%2d:%2dZ
encrypted string at 0x100056070 decoded to :
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encrypted string at 0x1000517b8 decoded to :
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encrypted string at 0x100051926 decoded to : ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
encrypted string at 0x100055a70 decoded to : dict
encrypted string at 0x100055a88 decoded to : key
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encrypted string at 0x100055a9b decoded to : array
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encrypted string at 0x100055b36 decoded to : true
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encrypted string at 0x100055b66 decoded to : date
encrypted string at 0x100055b7e decoded to : bplist00
encrypted string at 0x100055baa decoded to : plist
encrypted string at 0x100055bc7 decoded to :
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