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Last active July 17, 2023 15:08
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This script defines a Jenkins pipeline that executes tasks in parallel on multiple nodes based on specified labels, retrieves the operating system of each node, and allows selection of nodes using regular expressions.
This script defines a Jenkins pipeline that executes tasks in parallel on multiple nodes based on specified label expression,
retrieves the operating system of each node, and allows selection of nodes using regular expressions.
[$class: 'LabelParameterDefinition',
allNodesMatchingLabel: true,
name: 'NODE_LABELS',
defaultValue: 'Unity',
description: 'You can use regular expressions, for example: "windows && unity", "windows || mac"',
nodeEligibility: [$class: 'AllNodeEligibility'],
triggerIfResult: 'allCases'
pipeline {
// I prefer to have a dedicated node to execute admin tasks
agent none
stages {
stage('agents-tasks') {
steps {
script {
def execOnNode = { agentName ->
node("${agentName}") {
stage("${agentName}") {
buildParallelOnNodes(NODE_LABELS, execOnNode)
def getNodesByLabelExpression(String labelExpression) {
def label = Jenkins.instance.getLabel(labelExpression)
def nodes = label.getNodes()
if (!(nodes)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find any node matching label expression: '${labelExpression}'!")
def agents = []
for (node in nodes) {
return agents
def buildParallelOnNodes(String labelExpression, Closure execOnNode) {
def buildOnNodeList = [:]
// Get node list with the specified labelExpression
def nodeList = getNodesByLabelExpression(labelExpression)
println("Node list with label Expression ${labelExpression}: ${nodeList}")
for(i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++) {
def agentName = nodeList[i]
// skip the null entries in the nodeList
if (agentName != null) {
println "Prearing task on: " + agentName
buildOnNodeList["node_" + agentName] = { execOnNode(agentName) }
parallel buildOnNodeList
def getNodeOs() {
def nodeOs = Jenkins.instance.getNode(env.NODE_NAME).toComputer().getSystemProperties().get('')
return nodeOs
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