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Last active November 2, 2018 01:47
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[draft]Railsはおまかせ(Rails is omakase翻訳)



default course settingはデフォルトのコース設定としたが、これでいいのかどうか(わざとソフトウェアっぽい言い回しとごちゃまぜにしているという理解で合ってる?)

a "what can I do to help?" directive


but here's an opportunity to paint some signs and get on the barricades

paint some signsのsignsの意味がよくわからない。記号?壁に落書きをするということ?



  • 一人称「おれ」に変更
  • 酒と言ってることから日本料理屋を想定してるっぽいので、キッチン・シェフじゃなくて板場・板前とかに変える

There are lots of à la carte software environments in this world. Places where in order to eat, you must first carefully look over the menu of options to order exactly what you want. I want this for my ORM, I want that for my template language, and let's finish it off with this routing library. Of course, you're going to have to know what you want, and you'll rarely have your horizon expanded if you always order the same thing, but there it is. It's a very popular way of consuming software.


Rails is not that. Rails is omakase. A team of chefs picked out the ingredients, designed the APIs, and arranged the order of consumption on your behalf according to their idea of what would make for a tasty full-stack framework. The menu can be both personal and quirky. It isn't designed to appeal to the taste of everyone, everywhere.


That doesn't mean patrons can't express exceptions. Substitutions are allowed, within reason. So you don't like test/unit? No problem, bring your own rspec. Don't care for CoffeeScript as a dessert? Delete a single line from your Gemfile.

だからと言って、お客がメニューにないことを表現できないわけじゃない。取り替えることは許されるんだ、理由があるなら。test/unitが好きじゃない? 問題ない、自分でrspecを持ってくればいい。CoffeeScriptがお気に召さない? Gemfileから一行削除しよう。

Hell, the menu is even open for suggestions. Good ideas are good ideas regardless of where they come from. But there's a fine line between a friendly suggestion and a belligerent diner. That line is usually exposed when the suggestion is declined: "I'm sorry, but hotdogs don't really fit our sushi menu, and while you may not care for unagi, we picked it for a reason. But thanks for the suggestions!". If only most arguments about the menu would stop there.


But they don't, do they? They usually carry on and on. BUT I REALLY DON'T LIKE UNAGI!!! IT'S OFFENDING MY TASTE BUDS THAT IT'S PART OF THE DEFAULT COURSE SETTING. TAKE IT OOOOOOFFFFF!! Okay, buddy, sit down and have a sake.

でも、これでは終わらない、よね? ふつうは、そのまま続ける。だけど、おれはウナギが嫌いなんだ!!!デフォルトのコース設定にそんなのがあると、舌がおかしくなっちまうよ兄弟!!はずしてくれよおおお!! オーケイ兄弟、座って酒でも飲んでなよ。

When we, or in some cases I — as the head chef of the omakase experience that is Rails — decide to include a dish, it's usually based on our distilled tastes and preferences. I've worked in this establishment for a decade. I've poured well in the excess of ten thousand hours into Rails. This doesn't make my tastes right for you, but it certainly means that they're well formed.


We can disagree about what's a tasty feature, but the conclusion is likely to be "then don't eat that". This is doubly so if you're a first-time patron. The less time you've spent in our establishment, and the further away you are from helping out in the kitchen, the less weight your opinion will carry. Especially if it's expressed in a loud, obnoxious fashion.


This rubs some people the wrong way. "But my opinion is as valid as yours!". No, really, it's not. Your opinion is valid for you, but most certainly not for the menu I've designed in this restaurant. The power you always have is to vote with your feet. If most things on the menu disgust you, what on earth are you still doing at the table? The door is right over there, try not to slam it on your way out.

意外なことに、こういう意見に気分を害する人たちがときどきいる。「しかし、ぼくの意見は、きみのと同じくらい妥当だ!」いいや、ぜんぜんそんなことはない。きみの意見は、きみにとって妥当だが、このレストランでぼくがデザインしたメニューには、ほとんど確実に当てはまらない。きみにはいつでも行使できる力がある、それは店に通わないことで自分の意見を表明することだ。メニューのほとんどのものが気に食わないなら、いったいどうしてまだテーブルに着いてるんだい? ドアはすぐそこだ、出るときはできるだけお静かに。

If you want to have a long-term impact on the design of the menu of Rails, you'll have to work your way up to that. We added three more people to the Rails core group this week who did just that. They either showed up with a "what can I do to help?" directive or with a "here's a dish I've designed, have a taste and see if you like it". Nobody ever got to have a meaningful impact on the direction of Rails by contributing no code and just showing up in a Github comment thread and yelling about the evils of CoffeeScript.


Given the futility of this behavior, it's worth pondering why some people choose to engage in it? My pet theory is that it feels like meaningful activism in the moment. They haven't really paid much attention to how things are run on a day-to-day basis, but here's an opportunity to paint some signs and get on the barricades. Yeah, I've done my part! I've taken a stand! Down with.. uhm.. Turbolinks? Or was it CoffeeScript we're protesting this week? Or Bundler? Oh fuck it, down with SOMETHING! YEAH!!!

この振舞いが無意味だとして、なぜ人々がそのような行為を選択するのか、じっくり考えるのも悪くはないだろう。ぼくのお気に入りの理論は、それがその時点においては意味のある行動に感じられるから、というものだ。かれらは、日々の活動において、ものごとがどのように行われているのかにまったく注意を払っていないのだけど、いくらかの印を塗りたくってバリケードによじ登るチャンスが目の前にある。そう、おれは役目を果たしたぞ!立場を明確にしてやった! あんなもんは要らん…えーっとTurbolinksだっけ? 今週おれらが反対したのはCoffeeScriptだったか? いやBundlerだっけか? とにかくなんかか気に食わん! そうだ!!!

At the end of the day, it's worth looking at the bigger picture. Do I generally like what's being served in this establishment? Can I express my differences as exceptions or substitutions to the few things I don't care for? If so, then maybe I should give the chefs in the kitchen the benefit of assuming that they are working on what they truly think is the best way to go. It doesn't mean I'll have to like everything, but I can give up thinking it's a conspiracy to make the world love unagi as a sick joke.

締め括りとして、大局的な観点から見てみるのは悪くないだろう。ぼくは、この決まったやりかたで提供されているものが、おおむね気に入っているだろうか? 自分の見解の違いを、例外あるいは代替として、好みに合わないくつかのものに対して表現できるか? もしそうなら、調理場のシェフたちに、かれらがほんとうに思ったことに取り組むのが、最良の選択なのだと考えられるようにすることで、助けてあげるべきかもしれない。それは、ぼくが将来なにもかもを好きにならなければならないということではないが、世界中にうなぎを愛させようという、病的な冗談めいた陰謀なのだという考えを止められる。

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