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Created January 11, 2012 16:23
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XPDO Classes 'Reverse Engineered' From Database
* @package = CreateXpdoClasses
* Create Xpdo Classes script
* This script creates xPDO-ready classes from existing custom
* database tables. It only needs to be run once.
* It assumes that your custom tables have been imported into
* the MODx DB and use a different table prefix than the MODx tables.
* In theory, you can use a separate DB but this has not been tested
* and the process of using the classes would be more complicated.
* To do this, you would need to set the following variables after
* including the config file, but before creating the $modx object:
* $database_server = 'yourDbServer';
* $database_type = 'mysql';
* $dbase = 'yourDbName';
* $database_user = 'user';
* $database_password = 'password';
* $table_prefix = 'yourPrefix_';
* In the snippets that use the classes, you'd need to instantiate
* a new $xpdo object, and use $xpdo-> rather than $modx-> to call
* the methods.
* $xpdo = new xPDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yourDbName',
* $database_user,$database_password,$table_prefix);
* Note: If you are running this outside of MODx and testing it
* in the Manager, it will log you out when it runs, even though
* the Manager screen will still be visible. Actions taken in the
* Manager (e.g., saving a snippet) will not be successful. After
* running the script, reload the Manager page in your browser
* and you will be prompted to log back in.
/* assume we're in a snippet */
$outsideModx = false;
if (!defined('MODX_CORE_PATH')) {
$outsideModx = true;
/* put the path to your core in the next line to run outside of MODx */
define(MODX_CORE_PATH, 'c:/xampp/htdocs/test/core/');
include_once MODX_CORE_PATH . '/model/modx/modx.class.php';
$modx= new modX();
/* set these if running outside of MODx */
if ($outsideModx) {
$myPackage = 'mypackage';
/* table prefix; must match the prefix of the tables to process */
$myPrefix = 'bobs_';
/* optional -- only if your table prefix is the same as the modx prefix */
// $myTables = 'bobs_quotation';
/* These two switches let you write the schema and/or create the classes;
* useful for debugging and for leaving a manually edited schema file alone*/
$createSchema = $modx->getOption('createSchema',$scriptProperties,true);
$createClasses = $modx->getOption('createClasses',$scriptProperties,true);
/* Used to include the phpDoc templates below or other custom templates */
$includeCustomTemplates = empty($includeCustomTemplates)?
false : $includeCustomTemplates;
/* $myPackage is the name of your package. Use this in your
* addPackage() call to load all classes created by this script.
* The class files will be created under the
* /core/components/$myPackage/model/
* directory.
* Example:
* $myPackage = 'quotes';
* $myPrefix = 'bobs_';
* $path = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/' . $myPackage . '/';
* $result = $modx->addPackage($myPackage, $path . 'model/', $myPrefix);
* if (! $result) {
* return('Failed to add package');
* }
$myPackage = empty($myPackage)? 'myackage' : $myPackage;
/* table prefix; must match the prefix of the tables you want to process */
$myPrefix = empty ($myPrefix)? '' : $myPrefix;
/* Table names to process -- this is only necessary if your table prefix is
* the same as that of the MODx tables. You can send a comma-separated list
* of full table names. In that case the class name will be the table name
* minus the prefix with any underscores removed and any letter after an
* underscore in upper case.
* You can also send an array of arrays of tableName => className,
* which allows you to specify the exact class name rather then letting
* MODx create it from the table name. Each inner array specifies a full
* table name and the class name to use.
* NOTE: This feature may not be implemented yet.
* Examples:
$myTables = 'bobs_quotation';
$myTables = array(
$myTables = empty($myTables)? '' : $myTables;
/* You shouldn't need to modify the code beyond this point
********************************************************** */
$sources = array(
'config' => MODX_CORE_PATH . 'config/',
'package' => MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/' . $myPackage . '/',
'model' => MODX_CORE_PATH. 'components/' . $myPackage . '/model/',
'schema' => MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/' . $myPackage . '/schema/',
if (! file_exists($sources['package'])) {
if (! file_exists($sources['model'])) {
if (! file_exists($sources['schema'])) {
$modx->setLogTarget(XPDO_CLI_MODE ? 'ECHO' : 'HTML');
$manager= $modx->getManager();
$generator= $manager->getGenerator();
if ($includeCustomTemplates) {
$file = $sources['schema'] . $myPackage . '.mysql.schema.xml';
// echo '<br />File: ' . $file;
/* boolean writeSchema (
* string $schemaFile, // Full path to the schema file you want to write
* [string $package = ''], // Name of your component
* [string $baseClass = ''], // xPDO base class to use;
* send '' if using args below
* [string $tablePrefix = ''], // Table prefix (of tables to process)
* [boolean $restrictPrefix = false]), // Process only tables
* with $tablePrefix
* [mixed $tableList = '' // Array of arrays of
* full-table-name=>className or
* a string with a comma-separated
* list of full table names;
* if you send the string the table
* name will be used as the class name.
if ($createSchema) {
$xml= $generator->writeSchema($file,
$myPackage, '',$myPrefix,true,$myTables);
if ($xml) {
'Schema file written to ' . $file);
} else {
'Error writing schema file');
if ($createClasses) {
if ($generator->parseSchema($file, $sources['model'])) {
'Schema file parsed -- Files written to '. $sources['model']);
} else {
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, 'Error parsing schema file');
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_INFO, 'FINISHED');
function customTemplates($generator) {
$generator->classTemplate= <<<EOD
class extends {
$generator->platformTemplate= <<<EOD
require_once (dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/.class.php');
class _ extends {
$generator->mapHeader= <<<EOD
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