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Last active November 17, 2015 11:26
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XPath CheatSheet
// To test XPath in your Chrome Debugger: $x('/html/body')

// 0. XPath Examples.
// More:

'//hr[@Class="edge" and position()=1]' // every first hr of 'edge' class
'//table[count(tr)=1 and count(tr/td)=2]' // all tables with 1 row and 2 cols
'//div/form/parent::' // all divs that have form
'./div/b' // a relative path
'//table[parent::div[@Class="pad"] and not(@id)]//a' // any anchor in a table without id, contained in a div of "pad" class
[preceding-sibling::h4]' // give me whatever after h4
'//tr/td[font[@Class="head" and text()="TRACK"]]' // all td that has font of a "head" class and text "TRACK"
'./table/tr[last()]' // the last row of a table
'//rdf:Seq/rdf:li/em:id' // using namespaces
'//a/@href' // hrefs of all anchors
'//[count()=3]' // all nodes with 3 children
'//var|//acronym' // all vars and acronyms

// 1. General.

'/html' // whole web page (css: html)
'/html/body' // whole web page body (css: body)
'//text()' // all text nodes of web page
'/html/body/.../.../.../E' // element by absolute reference (css: body > … > … > … > E)

// 2. Tag.

'//E' // element by relative reference (css: E)
'(//E)[2]' // second element anywhere on page
'//img' // image element (css: img)
'//E[@A]' // element with attribute A (css: E[A])
'//E[@A="t"]' // element with attribute A containing text 't' exactly (css: E[A='t'])
'//E[contains(@A,"t")]' // element with attribute A containing text 't' (css: E[A*='t'])
'//E[starts-with(@A, "t")]' // element whose attribute A begins with 't' (css: E[A^='t'])
'//E[ends-with(@A, "t")]' // element whose attribute A ends with 't' (css: E[A$='t'])
'//E[contains(concat(" ", @A, " "), " w ")' // element with attribute A containing word 'w' (css: E[A~='w'])
'//E[matches(@A, "r")]' // element with attribute A matching regex ‘r’
'//E1[@id=I1] | //E2[@id=I2]' // element with id I1 or element with id I2 (css: E1#I1, E2#I2)
'//E1[@id=I1 or @id=I2]' // element with id I1 or id I2 (css: E1#I1, E1#I2)

// 3. Attribute.

'//E/@A' // attribute A of element (css: E@A)
'///@A' // attribute A of any element (css: *@A)
'//E[@a2="t"]/@A1' // attribute A1 of element where attribute A2 is 't' exactly (css: E[A2='t']@A1)
'//E[contains(@A,"t")]/@A' // attribute A of element where A contains 't' (css: E[A

// 4. ID & Name.

'//[@id="I"]' // element with id I (css: #I)
'//E[@id="I"]' // element with id I (css: E#I)
[@name="N"]' // element with name (css: [name='N'])
'//E[@name="N"]' // element with name (css: E[name='N'])
'//[@id="X" or @name="X"]' // element with id X or, failing that, a name X
[@name="N"][v+1]' // element with name N & specified 0-based index ‘v’ (css: [name='N']:nth-child(v+1))
'//*[@name="N"][@value="v"]' // element with name N & specified value ‘v’ (css: *[name='N'][value='v’])

// 5. Lang & Class.

'//E[@lang="L" or starts-with(@lang, concat("L", "-"))]' // element is explicitly in language L or subcode (css: E[lang|=L])
'//*[contains(concat(" ", @Class, " "), " C ")]' // element with a class C (css: .C)
'//E[contains(concat(" ", @Class, " "), " C ")]' // element with a class C (css: E.C)

// 6. Text & Link.

'//*[.="t"]' // element containing text 't' exactly
'//E[contains(text(), "t")]' // element containing text 't' (css: E:contains('t'))
'//a' // link element (css: a)
'//a[.="t"]' // element containing text 't' exactly
'//a[contains(text(), "t")]' // element containing text 't' (css: a:contains('t'))
'//a[@href="url"]' // with target link 'url' (css: a[href='url'])
'//a[.="t"]/@href' // link URL labeled with text 't' exactly

// 7. Parent & Child.

'//E/[1]' // first child of element (css: E > *:first-child)
'//E[1]' // first child (css: E:first-of-type)
[last()]' // last child of element E (css: E :last-child)
'//E[last()]' // last child (css: E:last-of-type)
'//E[2]' // second child (css: E:nth-of-type(2))
[2][name()="E"]' // second child that is an element (css: E:nth-child(2))
'//E[last()-1]' // second-to-last child (css: E:nth-last-of-type(2))
'//[last()-1][name()="E"]' // second-to-last child that is an element (css: E:nth-last-child(2))
'//E1/[E2 and not( *[not(self::E2)])]' // element with only children
'//E/..' // parent of element
[@id="I"]/.../.../.../E' // descendant of element with id I using specific path (css: #I > … > … > … > E)
'//[@id="I"]//E' // descendant of element with id I using unspecified path (css: #I E)
)=0]' // element with no children (E:empty)
'//E[count()=1]' // element with an only child
)+count(following-sibling::*)=0]' // element that is an only child (css: E:only-child)
'//E[count(../E) = 1]' // element with no siblings (css: E:only-of-type)
'//E[position() mod N = M + 1]' // every Nth element starting with the (M+1)th (css: E:nth-child(Nn+M))

// 8. Sibling.

'//E2/following-sibling::E1' // element following some sibling (css: E2 ~ E1)
'//E2/following-sibling::[1][name()="E1"]' // element immediately following sibling (css: E2 + E1)
[2][name()="E1"]' // element following sibling with one intermediary (css: E2 + * + E1)
'//E/following-sibling::' // sibling element immediately following (css: E + *)
'//E2/preceding-sibling::E1' // element preceding some sibling
[1][name()="E1"]' // element immediately preceding sibling
'//E2/preceding-sibling::[2][name()="E1"]' // element preceding sibling with one intermediary
[1]' // sibling element immediately preceding

// 9. Table Cell.

'//*[@id="TestTable"]//tr[3]//td[2]' // cell by row and column (e.g. 3rd row, 2nd column) (css: #TestTable tr:nth-child(3) td:nth-child(2))
'//td[preceding-sibling::td="t"]' // cell immediately following cell containing 't' exactly
'td[preceding-sibling::td[contains(.,"t")]]' // cell immediately following cell containing 't' (css: td:contains('t') ~ td)

// 10. Dynamic.

'//E[@disabled]' // user interface element that is disabled (css: E:disabled)
'//[not(@disabled)]' // user interface element that is enabled (css: E:enabled)
[@checked]' // checkbox (or radio button) that is checked (css: *:checked)

// 11. XPath Functions.

// 11.1. Conversion.

boolean(expression) // evaluates an expression and returns true or false.
string([object]) // converts the given argument to a string.
number([object]) // converts an object to a number and returns the number.

// 11.2. Math.

ceiling(number) // evaluates a decimal number and returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the decimal number.
floor(number) // evaluates a decimal number and returns the largest integer less than or equal to the decimal number.
round(decimal) // returns a number that is the nearest integer to the given number.
sum(node-set) // returns a number that is the sum of the numeric values of each node in a given node-set.

// 11.3. Logic.

true() // returns a boolean value of true.
false() // returns boolean false.
not(expression) // evaluates a boolean expression and returns the opposite value.

// 11.4. Node.

lang(string) // determines whether the context node matches the given language and returns boolean true or false.
name([node-set]) // returns a string representing the QName of the first node in a given node-set.
namespace-uri([node-set]) // returns a string representing the namespace URI of the first node in a given node-set.

// 11.5. Context.

count(node-set) // counts the number of nodes in a node-set and returns an integer.
function-available(name) // determines if a given function is available and returns boolean true or false.
last() // returns a number equal to the context size from the expression evaluation context.
position() // returns a number equal to the context position from the expression evaluation context.

// 11.6. String.

contains(haystack-string, needle-string) // determines whether the first argument string contains the second argument string and returns boolean true or false.
concat(string1, string2 [stringn]*) // concatenates two or more strings and returns the resulting string.
normalize-space(string) // strips leading and trailing white-space from a string, replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single space, and returns the resulting string.
starts-with(haystack, needle) // checks whether the first string starts with the second string and returns true or false.
string-length([string]) // returns a number equal to the number of characters in a given string.
substring(string, start [length]) // returns a part of a given string.
substring-after(haystack, needle) // returns a string that is the rest of a given string after a given substring.
substring-before(haystack, needle) // returns a string that is the rest of a given string before a given substring.
translate(string, abc, XYZ) // evaluates a string and a set of characters to translate and returns the translated string.

// 12. XPath Axes.

ancestor // indicates all the ancestors of the context node beginning with the parent node and traveling through to the root node.
ancestor-or-self // indicates the context node and all of its ancestors, including the root node.
attribute (@) // indicates the attributes of the context node. Only elements have attributes. This axis can be abbreviated with the at sign (@).
child (/) // indicates the children of the context node. If an XPath expression does not specify an axis, this is understood by default. Since only the root node or element nodes have children, any other use will select nothing.
descendant (//) // indicates all of the children of the context node, and all of their children, and so forth. Attribute and namespace nodes are not included - the parent of an attribute node is an element node, but attribute nodes are not the children of their parents.
descendant-or-self // indicates the context node and all of its descendants. Attribute and namespace nodes are not included - the parent of an attribute node is an element node, but attribute nodes are not the children of their parents.
following // indicates all the nodes that appear after the context node, except any descendant, attribute, and namespace nodes.
following-sibling // indicates all the nodes that have the same parent as the context node and appear after the context node in the source document.
parent(..) // indicates the single node that is the parent of the context node. It can be abbreviated as two periods (..).
preceding // indicates all the nodes that precede the context node in the document except any ancestor, attribute and namespace nodes.
preceding-sibling // indicates all the nodes that have the same parent as the context node and appear before the context node in the source document.
self (.) // indicates the context node itself. It can be abbreviated as a single period (.).

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open file:

each_element( xpath=nil ) {|Element| ...}
each_element_with_attribute( key, value=nil, max=0, name=nil ) {|Element| ...}
each_element_with_text( text=nil, max=0, name=nil ) {|Element| ...}
get_elements( xpath )
get_text(path = nil)
text( path = nil )


find element - []

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ruby text processing:

lib strscan


tr (str, str)


strip - delete ' '


squeeze - sub 2 chars

delete, #count - chars

concat - obj, int

chop, #chomp

test - file

gets - file ARGV

tap {} - return self



sub - replacement, search

slice - search

scanf - scans string

block_scanf -

scan - matching

index - find first occurence





[] - search

[]= replace

lines - to_a


each_codepoint - char2integer





bytes - set bytes


rpartition - split on parts



select - interested example with state

scrub - replace code chars


intern - to sym


rjust, #ljust - format tab output













loop do
print "Input: "
line = gets
break if !line or line =~ /^qQ/
# ...

select - interested example with state

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def do_at_exit(str1)
at_exit { print str1 }
at_exit { puts "cruel world" }
do_at_exit("goodbye ")

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foreach dir





cp, copy

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CLI Options:
The GetoptLong class allows you to parse command line options similarly to the GNU getopt_long() C library call.
OptionParser is a class for command-line option analysis. It is much more advanced, yet also easier to use, than GetoptLong, and is a more Ruby-oriented solution.

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