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Last active December 1, 2016 05:15
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Extended Kalman filter sample
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
# 初期化
T = 30 # 観測数
r = 10.0 # 半径
w = 1.0*10/180 * np.pi # 角速度[rad/s]
x = np.mat([[0],[-5]]) # 初期位置
X = [x] # 実際の状態
Y = [x] # 観測
U = np.mat([[r],[w]]) # 操作量(一定)
# state x = f(x_,u,v), v~N(0,Q)
Q = np.mat([[0.5,0.0],[0.0,0.5]])
# observation Y = x + w, w~N(0,R)
R = np.mat([[0.5,0.0], [0.0,0.5]])
def f(t,x,u):
x0 = u[0,0]*u[1,0]*np.cos(u[1,0]*t)+x[0,0]
x1 = u[0,0]*u[1,0]*np.sin(u[1,0]*t)+x[1,0]
return np.mat([[x0],[x1]])
def Jf(t,x,u):
return np.mat([[u[0,0]*u[1,0]*np.cos(u[1,0]*t),0],[0,u[0,0]*u[1,0]*np.sin(u[1,0]*t)]])
# 観測データの生成
for t in range(T):
x = f(t,x,U)+np.random.multivariate_normal([0,0],Q,1).T
y = x + np.random.multivariate_normal([0,0],R,1).T
_x = np.mat([[0],[-5]])
Sigma = np.mat([[1,0],[0,1]])
_X = [_x] # 推定
for t in range(T):
# prediction
A = Jf(t,_x,U)
_x_ = f(t,_x,U)
Sigma_ = Q + A * Sigma * A.T
# update
yi = Y[t+1] - _x_
S = Sigma_ + R
G = Sigma_ * S.I
_x = _x_ + G * yi
Sigma = Sigma_ - G * Sigma_
# 描画
a, b = np.array(np.concatenate(X,axis=1))
plt.plot(a,b,'rs-', label="X_correct")
a, b = np.array(np.concatenate(Y,axis=1))
plt.plot(a,b,'g^-', label="Y (=X+N(0,R))")
a, b = np.array(np.concatenate(_X,axis=1))
plt.plot(a,b,'bo-', label="X_estimate")
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.80, 0.00), loc='lower left', borderaxespad=0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Sample of extended Kalman filter (EKF)

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