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Created July 5, 2018 12:20
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カリキュラマシーン 〜 第3回 ESM オフラインどう書くの問題を OCaml で解いてみたやつ
open Core
type exp_t =
| Num of Big_int.big_int
| Add of exp_t * exp_t
| Sub of exp_t * exp_t
| Mul of exp_t * exp_t
| Div of exp_t * exp_t
| Pow of exp_t * exp_t
| Mod of exp_t * exp_t
let to_tuple xs = (Int.of_string (List.nth_exn xs 0)), List.nth_exn xs 1
let to_bin_str n =
let rec iter digits n =
match n with
| 0 | 1 -> Printf.sprintf "%04d" (Int.of_string ((Int.to_string n) ^ digits))
| _ -> iter ((Int.to_string (n % 2)) ^ digits) (n / 2)
in iter "" (Int.of_string ("0x" ^ n))
let to_char = function
"00" -> '0'
| "01" -> '1'
| "100" -> '2'
| "1010" -> '3'
| "1011" -> '4'
| "1100" -> '5'
| "11010" -> '6'
| "11011" -> '7'
| "111000" -> '8'
| "111001" -> '9'
| "1110100" -> '+'
| "1110101" -> '-'
| "1110110" -> '*'
| "1110111" -> '/'
| _ -> '?'
let to_bin = function
'0' -> "00"
| '1' -> "01"
| '2' -> "100"
| '3' -> "1010"
| '4' -> "1011"
| '5' -> "1100"
| '6' -> "11010"
| '7' -> "11011"
| '8' -> "111000"
| '9' -> "111001"
| '+' -> "1110100"
| '-' -> "1110101"
| '*' -> "1110110"
| '/' -> "1110111"
| _ -> "?"
let rec zero_pad bin_str =
if (String.length bin_str = 4) then
zero_pad (bin_str ^ "0")
let prepare input =
let (bit_length, hex) = String.split ~on:':' input |> to_tuple in
String.to_list hex
|> ~f:Char.to_string
|> ~f:to_bin_str
|> String.concat
|> String.to_list
|> (Fn.flip List.take) bit_length
|> String.of_char_list
let decode bin_str =
let bins = String.to_list bin_str in
let rec loop acc part_of_bins n =
if (List.is_empty part_of_bins || List.length bins = n) then
match List.take part_of_bins n |> String.of_char_list |> to_char with
| '?' -> loop acc part_of_bins (n + 1)
| c -> loop (acc ^ String.of_char c) (List.drop part_of_bins n) 2
loop "" bins 2
let tokenize str =
let rec loop tokens rest_chars = match rest_chars with
| [] -> tokens
| '0' :: _ | '1' :: _ | '2' :: _ | '3' :: _ | '4' :: _
| '5' :: _ | '6' :: _ | '7' :: _ | '8' :: _ | '9' :: _ ->
(tokens @ [List.take_while ~f:Char.is_digit rest_chars |> String.of_char_list])
(List.drop_while ~f:Char.is_digit rest_chars)
| ('*' as c) :: _ | ('/' as c) :: _ ->
(tokens @ [List.take_while ~f:((=) c) rest_chars |> String.of_char_list])
(List.drop_while ~f:((=) c) rest_chars)
| x :: xs -> loop (tokens @ [String.of_char x]) xs
loop [] (String.to_list str)
let rec parse tokens =
match (List.rev_filter_mapi ~f:(fun i t -> if (t = "+" || t = "-") then Some i else None) tokens) with
| i :: _ ->
match (List.nth_exn tokens i) with
| "+" -> Add (parse (List.take tokens i), parse (List.drop tokens (i + 1)))
| _ -> Sub (parse (List.take tokens i), parse (List.drop tokens (i + 1)))
| [] ->
match (List.rev_filter_mapi ~f:(fun i t -> if (t = "*" || t = "/" || t = "//") then Some i else None) tokens) with
| i :: _ ->
match (List.nth_exn tokens i) with
| "*" -> Mul (parse (List.take tokens i), parse (List.drop tokens (i + 1)))
| "/" -> Div (parse (List.take tokens i), parse (List.drop tokens (i + 1)))
| _ -> Mod (parse (List.take tokens i), parse (List.drop tokens (i + 1)))
| [] ->
match (List.filter_mapi ~f:(fun i t -> if (t = "**") then Some i else None) tokens) with
| i :: _ -> Pow (parse (List.take tokens i), parse (List.drop tokens (i + 1)))
| [] -> Num (List.hd_exn tokens |> Big_int.big_int_of_string)
let rec eval = function
| Num f ->
| Add (e1, e2) ->
Big_int.add_big_int (eval e1) (eval e2)
| Sub (e1, e2) ->
Big_int.sub_big_int (eval e1) (eval e2)
| Mul (e1, e2) ->
Big_int.mult_big_int (eval e1) (eval e2)
| Div (e1, e2) ->
Big_int.div_big_int (eval e1) (eval e2)
| Pow (e1, e2) ->
Big_int.power_big_int_positive_big_int (eval e1) (eval e2)
| Mod (e1, e2) ->
Big_int.mod_big_int (eval e1) (eval e2)
let encode n =
Big_int.string_of_big_int n
|> String.to_list
|> ~f:to_bin
|> String.concat
let disorganize bin_str =
let rec loop result = function
| [] -> ~f:(fun s -> "0b" ^ s) result
|> ~f:Int.of_string
|> ~f:(Printf.sprintf "%X")
|> String.concat
|> Printf.sprintf "%d:%s" (String.length bin_str)
| rest ->
(List.append result [(zero_pad (String.of_char_list (List.take rest 4)))])
(List.drop rest 4)
loop [] (String.to_list bin_str)
let solve input =
|> prepare
|> decode
|> tokenize
|> parse
|> eval
|> encode
|> disorganize
let test input output =
assert (solve input = output)
let () =
test "27:675AED8" "11:EB4";;
test "21:BCE8E0" "7:D0";;
test "21:D1D760" "11:EA8";;
test "22:E676A0" "15:9BD0";;
test "22:E4EFB0" "2:4";;
test "29:AE3B76D8" "44:5BB733899CC";;
test "26:B7BF76C" "6:68";;
test "34:D3D2E7490" "9:660";;
test "41:E4EAF1D79D0" "14:EB2C";;
test "45:BAED9AEDC720" "20:8DD30";;
test "52:C33B769DFBEF9" "6:68";;
test "54:64EDC671DFBAEC" "11:DF0";;
test "49:D35D752FA66E0" "11:CD2";;
test "51:ACD76A39EF354" "12:B78";;
test "58:E2F3BDE73DB5BE4" "16:D6F9";;
test "66:68EDC39D666BBBC6C" "24:4CE6F9";;
test "63:ACB3AF172BBCE2B6" "18:ACAE0";;
test "50:E6FB71C77DE84" "2:4";;
test "94:A26BAEB9E6FAEB8D4EBC1BE0" "29:EAF1C9C0";;
test "63:B9DBB5D77EF57CF0" "12:9A4";;
test "49:6BB47AF13BE50" "11:9B8";;
test "58:E5E9C6BB66FAF30" "14:BE44";;
test "41:E3B76CEDDA0" "103:ADEF7C734F1A9CE6DD3B39CD70";;
test "53:95ACEFDD3BF780" "4:C";;
test "23:9DBB20" "116:66B7AC341271273637CEB65432B7A";;
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