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Last active March 6, 2023 00:00
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Little UDP test

UDP test

(Note: taken further in a proper repo:

This is a quick thing I put together for testing UDP packet sending behaviours.

Interestingly, if a message is delayed by the server and sent after the client times out, the message is still received client side. An actual client would need to proactively manage response validity.

I did try randomly generating multiple identical repsonses from the server, that only caused confusion for this simple client. Writing a more complex client capable of recognising and discarding duplicate server packets, and tracking those for which no response was received, would become necessary.


The other exercise I wanted to attempt was NAT traversal. To mock this out, I run the client from within a docker container:

The Dockerfile (replacing <HOST IP> with the IP of my machine):

FROM ubuntu:22.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3 busybox

CMD python3 / client <HOST IP>

The test:

docker build -t nattest:latest .
docker run -d --rm --name=nattest_container nattest:latest
python3 server
docker stop nattest_container

The server responds successfully to the client (with the appropriate firewall port opened!).

import socket
import random
import time
import sys
def server(port):
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
print(f"Listening on port {port}")
server_socket.bind(('', port))
while True:
message, address = server_socket.recvfrom(1024)
message = str(message, 'utf-8')
delay = 0.1 * random.randint(1,14)
print(f"Response in {delay:.2f}s | {message} from {address}")
response = bytes(f"I got your '{message}'", 'utf-8')
server_socket.sendto(response, address)
def client(host, port):
TICK = 1/5.0
emitting = True
messages = ["Hi", "hello", "ciao", "aloha", "salutations", "greetings", "yo"]
print(f"Using {host}:{port}")
addr = (host, port)
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
i = 0
while True:
if emitting:
i += 1
message = bytes(f"{i}: {random.choice(messages)}", 'utf-8')
client_socket.sendto(message, addr)
data, server = client_socket.recvfrom(1024)
print(f"{data} returned from {server}")
except TimeoutError:
if emitting:
print(f"(Dropped {message})")
if emitting:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if emitting:
print("\nStopped emitting new messages. Here are the remainder responses:\n")
emitting = False
def main():
if not sys.argv[1:]:
print("Specify 'client' or 'server'")
elif sys.argv[1] == "server":
port = int(sys.argv[2]) if sys.argv[2:] else 12000
elif sys.argv[1] == "client":
host = sys.argv[2] if sys.argv[2:] else ""
port = int(sys.argv[3]) if sys.argv[3:] else 12000
client(host, port)
print("Unknown mode")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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