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Created July 4, 2019 17:50
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Controlled runner and argument parser

A pair of python3 scripts for importing. I wrote these to facilitate writing wrappers external commands, when replacing some shell scripts. There might be better ways to do it (including checking for libraries in lieu of commands) but in absence of that possibility (looking at you, docker-compose!), these have made things much easier...!

The script allows loading a parser with some defaults, as well as passing your own argparse definitions to it. It then returns a usable dicitonary in which to look up items.

The script provides a convenience set of functions for runnning external commands, as well as a dry run mode predicated on use of --dry-run from the script. It also accepts a simple dict mapping extra environment variables into the existing environment


import runner
import arguments
import sys

my_options = {
    "--server": {"help": "the server to ping"}

parser = arguments.Parser(my_options)
args = parser.parse(sys.argv[1:])
myenv = {"PATH":"/home/user/.local/bin"} # Note - this will overwrite the default path, not append["ping", arguments["server"], "-c", "4"], addenv=myenv)

There. That was easy, right?

(C) Tai Kedzierski Provided under LGPLv3

# (C) Tai Kedzierski
# Provided under LGPLv3
import argparse
import runner
class Parser:
def __init__(self, custom_selectors=None):
self.arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
self.addDefinition("--show-commands", {"help":"print external commands that are run", "action": "store_true"})
self.addDefinition("--config", {"help":"config file path"})
self.addDefinition("--dry-run", {"help":"do not execute commands, just list them", "action": "store_true"})
if custom_selectors:
def addDefinition(self, argname, argparams):
self.arg_parser.add_argument(argname, **argparams)
def addDefinitions(self, paramlist):
for argname in paramlist:
self.addDefinition(argname, paramlist[argname])
def parse(self, effective_arguments):
v = vars(self.arg_parser.parse_args(effective_arguments) )
return v
# (C) Tai Kedzierski
# Provided under LGPLv3
import subprocess
import re
import os
show_commands = False
def run(command_array, cwd='./', dry_run=False, addenv={}, stdout=None, stderr=None, string=False):
Convenience function for controlling command runs
Returns the process handler object (from subprocess.Popen) or None if dry_run is True
Arguments ------
command_array : a string array representing the external command to run
cwd: the working directory to run in
dry_run: if True, does not run. Use --show-commands to print out what would have been run
addenv: a str->str dictionary of environment variables and values to add to the runtime environment
use subprocess.PIPE to capture output
string: if True, treat the output as text-only. Use this if you intend to use .communicate() on the process handler
cwd = os.path.abspath(cwd)
if show_commands:
print("Add env: "+"".join(
[ "\n %s=%s"%(x,addenv[x]) for x in addenv]
) )
print("CWD: "+cwd)
print("Command: "+quote(command_array) )
myenv = gatherEnv(addenv)
if dry_run != True:
return subprocess.Popen(command_array, cwd=cwd, env=myenv, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, universal_newlines=string)
def irun(command_array, cwd='./', dry_run=False, addenv={}, input=None, timeout=None, string=True):
Interactive runner convenience function
Returns stdout and stderr as text pipes, unless string is False ; returns None if dry_run is True
Arguments ------
command_array : a string array representing the external command to run
cwd: the working directory to run in
dry_run: if True, does not run. Use --show-commands to print out what would have been run
addenv: a str->str dictionary of environment variables and values to add to the runtime environment
input: input string data to write to the process
timeout: see `help(subprocess.Popen.communicate)` in a python interactive session. Presumably, time to wait for process termination until giving up
string: if True, treat the output as text-only. Use this if you intend to use .communicate() on the process handler
_pipe = subprocess.PIPE
ph = run(command_array, cwd=cwd, dry_run=dry_run, addenv=addenv, stdout=_pipe, stderr=_pipe, string=string)
return ph.communicate(input=input, timeout=timeout)
def quote(command_array):
new_array = []
for token in command_array:
if re.match('.*\s+', token):
new_array.append( '"%s"'%token )
return " ".join(new_array)
def gatherEnv(addenv):
myenv = os.environ.copy()
for k in addenv:
myenv[k] = addenv[k]
return myenv
def setShowCommands(show):
global show_commands
show_commands = show
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