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Last active February 12, 2024 22:37
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Markdown Maintenance status badges

Markdown Maintenance status badges previously displayed badges next to a crate on its website, but that functionality has been removed. Packages should place badges in its README file which will be displayed on


  • actively-developed: New features are being added and bugs are being fixed.



  • passively-maintained: There are no plans for new features, but the maintainer intends to respond to issues that get filed.



  • as-is: The crate is feature complete, the maintainer does not intend to continue working on it or providing support, but it works for the purposes it was designed for.



  • experimental: The author wants to share it with the community but is not intending to meet anyone's particular use case.



  • looking-for-maintainer: The current maintainer would like to transfer the crate to someone else.



  • deprecated: The maintainer does not recommend using this crate (the description of the crate can describe why, there could be a better solution available or there could be problems with the crate that the author does not want to fix).



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