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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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import Data.Char
ex0 :: GenericIO ()
ex0 = do
mapM_ putCh "Hello, Haskeller! Please input a character:"
ch <- getCh
mapM_ putCh "The ordinal of the character is:"
mapM_ putCh (show (ord ch))
mapM_ putCh ".\n Thank you!\n"
data Free f a = Pure a
| Free (f (Free f a))
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return = Pure
Pure a >>= k = k a
Free fm >>= k = Free (fmap (>>=k) fm)
data CharIO a = GetCh (Char -> a)
| PutCh Char a
instance Functor CharIO where
fmap f (GetCh g) = GetCh (f . g)
fmap f (PutCh c a) = PutCh c (f a)
getCh :: Free CharIO Char
getCh = Free $ GetCh $ \ch -> Pure ch
putCh :: Char -> Free CharIO ()
putCh ch = Free $ PutCh ch (Pure ())
type GenericIO = Free CharIO
runStdIO :: Free CharIO a -> IO a
runStdIO (Pure a) = return a
runStdIO (Free (GetCh f)) = getChar >>= (\ch -> runStdIO (f ch))
runStdIO (Free (PutCh x count)) = putChar x >> runStdIO count
runList :: Free CharIO a -> [Char] -> (a, [Char])
runList (Pure a) s = (a, s)
runList (Free (GetCh f)) (c:cs) = runList (f c) cs
runList (Free (PutCh x count)) s = runList count (s ++ [x])
-- *Main> runList ex0 "a"
-- ((),"Hello, Haskeller! Please input a character:The ordinal of the character is:97.\n Thank you!\n")
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