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Last active October 14, 2020 10:05
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Syntax for MinIO and MongoEngine

Setup MinIO and MongoEngine

(Move to next part if you just want to know MinIO and MongoEngine syntax)

These services were setting up using docker-compose. Please refer to this link for the its content.

Setup steps:

  • Download file from the link above and save as docker-compose.yaml
  • Change environment variables for:
  • Change ports of physical machine to map ports of new containers. E.g: 11038:27017 change the left port
  • Change volume path to mount container's data to our physical machine. E.g: /database/mongodb:/data change the left path
  • Install docker and docker-compose if your computer doesn't have them
  • Run docker-compose up (add sudo if needed)

(You can deploy and run this on your server)

Let's code

  • Install minio for Python: pip3 install minio
  • Install mongoengine for Python: pip3 install mongoengine


Connect to MinIO server

from minio import Minio

minioClient = Minio('host:port',

Create bucket

minioClient.make_bucket('local')  # bucket name

Set policy for MinIO bucket

import json

config = {
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [  # uncomment if you allow anonymous users to access to your resource
        # {
        #     "Effect": "Allow",
        #     "Principal": {"AWS": ["*"]},
        #     "Action": ["s3:GetObject"],
        #     "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::local/*"]
        # }
minioClient.set_bucket_policy('local', json.dumps(config))

Put object to MinIO server by url

minioClient.fput_object('local',  # bucket name
                        'video.MP4',  # file path
                        'video.MP4',  # destination path

Put existing numpy image to server

import io
import cv2
import PIL.Image as Image

img = cv2.imread('inference/images/bus.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
img = Image.fromarray(img)
out_img = io.BytesIO(), format='jpeg')

minioClient.put_object('local',  # bucket name
                       'test.jpg',  # destination path
                       out_img,  # image content
                       length=out_img.getbuffer().nbytes,  # size of image


from mongoengine import *

# database configuration
database_name = 'traffic_flows'
username = 'root'
password = 'example'
port = 11038
connection_url = 'mongodb://{}:{}'.format(username, password)

# connect to mongodb
connect(database_name, host=connection_url, port=port, authentication_source='admin')

# define schema (to create collection - table in sql)
class Camera(Document):
    name = StringField(required=True)
    url = StringField(max_length=50)
    createdAt = DateTimeField()

    meta = {'collection': 'cameras'}  # collection should have a plural form

# Init and save new document
camera = Camera(name='test', url='hello world')

# Query document
Camera.objects(name='Test')  # finding condition
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