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Created January 9, 2018 21:58
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load("@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf.bzl", "cc_proto_library")
def envoy_package():
native.package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
# Compute the final copts based on various options.
def envoy_copts(repository, test = False):
return [
] + select({
# Bazel adds an implicit -DNDEBUG for opt.
repository + "//bazel:opt_build": [] if test else ["-ggdb3"],
repository + "//bazel:fastbuild_build": [],
repository + "//bazel:dbg_build": ["-ggdb3"],
}) + select({
repository + "//bazel:disable_tcmalloc": [],
"//conditions:default": ["-DTCMALLOC"],
}) + select({
repository + "//bazel:disable_signal_trace": [],
"//conditions:default": ["-DENVOY_HANDLE_SIGNALS"],
}) + select({
# TCLAP command line parser needs this to support int64_t/uint64_t
"@bazel_tools//tools/osx:darwin": ["-DHAVE_LONG_LONG"],
"//conditions:default": [],
}) + envoy_select_hot_restart(["-DENVOY_HOT_RESTART"], repository) + \
envoy_select_google_grpc(["-DENVOY_GOOGLE_GRPC"], repository)
# Compute the final linkopts based on various options.
def envoy_linkopts(repository):
return select({
# OSX provides system and stdc++ libraries dynamically, so they can't be linked statically.
# Further, the system library transitively links common libraries (e.g., pthread).
# TODO(zuercher): build id could be supported via "-sectcreate __TEXT __build_id <file>"
# The file could should contain the current git SHA (or enough placeholder data to allow
# it to be rewritten by tools/
"@bazel_tools//tools/osx:darwin": [
# See note here:
"-pagezero_size 10000", "-image_base 100000000",
"//conditions:default": [
# Force MD5 hash in build. This is part of the workaround for
# Bazel actually
# does this by itself prior to
# Ironically, forcing it here so that in future releases we will
# have the same behavior. When everyone is using an updated version
# of Bazel, we can use linkopts to set the git SHA1 directly in the
# --build-id and avoid doing the following.
}) + envoy_select_exported_symbols(["-Wl,-E"], repository)
# Compute the test linkopts based on various options.
def envoy_test_linkopts():
return select({
"@bazel_tools//tools/osx:darwin": [
# See note here:
"-pagezero_size 10000", "-image_base 100000000",
# TODO(mattklein123): It's not great that we universally link against the following libs.
# In particular, -latomic and -lrt are not needed on all platforms. Make this more granular.
"//conditions:default": ["-pthread", "-latomic", "-lrt", "-ldl"],
# References to Envoy external dependencies should be wrapped with this function.
def envoy_external_dep_path(dep):
return "//external:%s" % dep
# Dependencies on tcmalloc_and_profiler should be wrapped with this function.
def tcmalloc_external_dep(repository):
return select({
repository + "//bazel:disable_tcmalloc": None,
"//conditions:default": envoy_external_dep_path("tcmalloc_and_profiler"),
# As above, but wrapped in list form for adding to dep lists. This smell seems needed as
# SelectorValue values have to match the attribute type. See
def tcmalloc_external_deps(repository):
return select({
repository + "//bazel:disable_tcmalloc": [],
"//conditions:default": [envoy_external_dep_path("tcmalloc_and_profiler")],
# Transform the package path (e.g. include/envoy/common) into a path for
# exporting the package headers at (e.g. envoy/common). Source files can then
# include using this path scheme (e.g. #include "envoy/common/time.h").
def envoy_include_prefix(path):
if path.startswith('source/') or path.startswith('include/'):
return '/'.join(path.split('/')[1:])
return None
# Envoy C++ library targets that need no transformations or additional dependencies before being
# passed to cc_library should be specified with this function. Note: this exists to ensure that
# all envoy targets pass through an envoy-declared skylark function where they can be modified
# before being passed to a native bazel function.
def envoy_basic_cc_library(name, **kargs):
native.cc_library(name = name, **kargs)
# Envoy C++ library targets should be specified with this function.
def envoy_cc_library(name,
srcs = [],
hdrs = [],
copts = [],
visibility = None,
external_deps = [],
tcmalloc_dep = None,
repository = "",
linkstamp = None,
tags = [],
deps = [],
strip_include_prefix = None):
if tcmalloc_dep:
deps += tcmalloc_external_deps(repository)
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
hdrs = hdrs,
copts = envoy_copts(repository) + copts,
visibility = visibility,
tags = tags,
deps = deps + [envoy_external_dep_path(dep) for dep in external_deps] + [
repository + "//include/envoy/common:base_includes",
include_prefix = envoy_include_prefix(PACKAGE_NAME),
alwayslink = 1,
linkstatic = 1,
linkstamp = linkstamp,
strip_include_prefix = strip_include_prefix,
def _git_stamped_genrule(repository, name):
# To workaround, we
# do binary rewriting to replace the linker produced MD5 hash with the
# git SHA1 hash (truncated).
rewriter = repository + "//"
name = name + "_stamped",
srcs = [name],
outs = [name + ".stamped"],
cmd = "cp $(location " + name + ") $@ && " +
"chmod u+w $@ && " +
"$(location " + rewriter + ") $@",
tools = [rewriter],
# Envoy C++ binary targets should be specified with this function.
def envoy_cc_binary(name,
srcs = [],
data = [],
testonly = 0,
visibility = None,
repository = "",
stamped = False,
deps = [],
linkopts = []):
if linkopts == []:
linkopts = envoy_linkopts(repository)
# Implicit .stamped targets to obtain builds with the (truncated) git SHA1.
if stamped:
_git_stamped_genrule(repository, name)
_git_stamped_genrule(repository, name + ".stripped")
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
data = data,
copts = envoy_copts(repository),
linkopts = linkopts,
testonly = testonly,
linkstatic = 1,
visibility = visibility,
malloc = tcmalloc_external_dep(repository),
# See above comment on MD5 hash, this is another "force MD5 stamps" to make sure our
# rewriting is robust.
stamp = 1,
deps = deps,
# Envoy C++ test targets should be specified with this function.
def envoy_cc_test(name,
srcs = [],
data = [],
# List of pairs (Bazel shell script target, shell script args)
repository = "",
external_deps = [],
deps = [],
tags = [],
args = [],
coverage = True,
local = False):
test_lib_tags = []
if coverage:
name = name + "_lib",
srcs = srcs,
data = data,
external_deps = external_deps,
deps = deps,
repository = repository,
tags = test_lib_tags,
name = name,
copts = envoy_copts(repository, test = True),
linkopts = envoy_test_linkopts(),
linkstatic = 1,
malloc = tcmalloc_external_dep(repository),
deps = [
":" + name + "_lib",
repository + "//test:main"
# from
# 2 - by default, mocks act as StrictMocks.
args = args + ["--gmock_default_mock_behavior=2"],
tags = tags + ["coverage_test"],
local = local,
# Envoy C++ test related libraries (that want gtest, gmock) should be specified
# with this function.
def envoy_cc_test_library(name,
srcs = [],
hdrs = [],
data = [],
external_deps = [],
deps = [],
repository = "",
tags = []):
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
hdrs = hdrs,
data = data,
copts = envoy_copts(repository, test = True),
testonly = 1,
deps = deps + [envoy_external_dep_path(dep) for dep in external_deps] + [
repository + "//test/test_common:printers_includes",
tags = tags,
alwayslink = 1,
linkstatic = 1,
# Envoy Python test binaries should be specified with this function.
def envoy_py_test_binary(name,
external_deps = [],
deps = [],
name = name,
deps = deps + [envoy_external_dep_path(dep) for dep in external_deps],
# Envoy C++ mock targets should be specified with this function.
def envoy_cc_mock(name, **kargs):
envoy_cc_test_library(name = name, **kargs)
# Envoy shell tests that need to be included in coverage run should be specified with this function.
def envoy_sh_test(name,
srcs = [],
data = [],
test_runner_cc = name + ""
name = name + "_gen_test_runner",
srcs = srcs,
outs = [test_runner_cc],
cmd = "$(location // $(SRCS) >> $@",
tools = ["//"],
name = name + "_lib",
srcs = [test_runner_cc],
data = srcs + data,
tags = ["coverage_test_lib"],
deps = ["//test/test_common:environment_lib"],
name = name,
srcs = ["//"],
data = srcs + data,
args = srcs,
def _proto_header(proto_path):
if proto_path.endswith(".proto"):
return proto_path[:-5] + "pb.h"
return None
# Envoy proto targets should be specified with this function.
def envoy_proto_library(name, srcs = [], deps = [], external_deps = []):
# Ideally this would be native.{proto_library, cc_proto_library}.
# Unfortunately, this doesn't work with http_api_protos due to the PGV
# requirement to also use them in the non-native protobuf.bzl
# cc_proto_library; you end up with the same file built twice. So, also
# using protobuf.bzl cc_proto_library here.
cc_proto_deps = []
if "http_api_protos" in external_deps:
if "well_known_protos" in external_deps:
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
default_runtime = "@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf",
protoc = "@com_google_protobuf//:protoc",
deps = deps + cc_proto_deps,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# Envoy proto descriptor targets should be specified with this function.
# This is used for testing only.
def envoy_proto_descriptor(name, out, srcs = [], external_deps = []):
input_files = ["$(location " + src + ")" for src in srcs]
include_paths = [".", PACKAGE_NAME]
if "http_api_protos" in external_deps:
if "well_known_protos" in external_deps:
options = ["--include_imports"]
options.extend(["-I" + include_path for include_path in include_paths])
cmd = "$(location //external:protoc) " + " ".join(options + input_files)
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
outs = [out],
cmd = cmd,
tools = ["//external:protoc"],
# Selects the given values if hot restart is enabled in the current build.
def envoy_select_hot_restart(xs, repository = ""):
return select({
repository + "//bazel:disable_hot_restart": [],
"@bazel_tools//tools/osx:darwin": [],
"//conditions:default": xs,
# Selects the given values if Google gRPC is enabled in the current build.
def envoy_select_google_grpc(xs, repository = ""):
return select({
repository + "//bazel:disable_google_grpc": [],
"//conditions:default": xs,
# Select stuff
def envoy_select_exported_symbols(xs, repository=""):
return select({
repository + "//bazel:enable_exported_symbols": xs,
"//conditions:default": [],
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