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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Haskell : Reverse Polish Notation
Reverse Polish Notation
rpn "10 4 3 + 2 * - "
rpn "30 4 +"
rpn "4 3 + 10 *"
import System.IO -- putStrLn
import System.Environment -- getArgs
import Data.Char -- isDigit
main = do
args <- getArgs
dispatch args
dispatch :: [String] -> IO ()
dispatch [expression] = putStrLn $ show $ rpn expression
dispatch _ = help
Command format is ...
help :: IO ()
help = do
putStr $ "The number of arguments is one.\n" ++
"argument ::= <expression>\n" ++
"<expression> :: = {0..9| |+|-|*|/|} \n" ++
"*** Example *** \n" ++
"prn \"10 4 3 + 2 * -\" \n" ++
"-4.0" ++
This program's body definition is ...
rpn :: String -> Double
rpn expression = parse [] $ words expression
{- *** Description ***
The list for the stack should has only one value when input string is empty.
type Stack = [Double]
parse :: Stack -> [String] -> Double
parse [num] [] = num -- finished parse
parse [] [] = error "[???????] Syntax error!!\n" -- maybe not be happned.
parse (num:nums) [] = error "[Operand] Syntax error!!\n"
--parse (num:nums) [] = num
parse stack (x:xs) = parse (operand x stack) xs
-- (L) left side value : older data on stack
-- (R) right side value : newer data on stack
-- "+-*/"
operand :: String -> Stack -> Stack
operand "+" (right:left:stack) = ( left + right ) :stack
operand "+" _ = error "Operand[+] Syntax Error!!"
operand "-" (right:left:stack) = ( left - right ) :stack
operand "-" _ = error "Operand[-] Syntax Error!!"
operand "*" (right:left:stack) = ( left * right ) :stack
operand "*" _ = error "Operand[*] Syntax Error!!"
operand "/" (right:left:stack) = ( left / right ) :stack
operand "/" _ = error "Operand[/] Syntax Error!!"
operand numString stack = read numString : stack
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