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Last active April 11, 2019 16:37
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from AWS. Lambda@Edge Viewer Request function does image size normalization and checking and determining what to return to the user.
// Taken from:
'use strict';
const querystring = require('querystring');
// defines the allowed dimensions, default dimensions and how much variance from allowed
// dimension is allowed.
const variables = {
allowedDimension : [ {w:100,h:100}, {w:200,h:200}, {w:300,h:300}, {w:400,h:400} ],
defaultDimension : {w:200,h:200},
variance: 20,
webpExtension: 'webp'
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
const headers = request.headers;
// parse the querystrings key-value pairs. In our case it would be d=100x100
const params = querystring.parse(request.querystring);
// fetch the uri of original image
let fwdUri = request.uri;
// if there is no dimension attribute, just pass the request
callback(null, request);
// read the dimension parameter value = width x height and split it by 'x'
const dimensionMatch = params.d.split("x");
// set the width and height parameters
let width = dimensionMatch[0];
let height = dimensionMatch[1];
// parse the prefix, image name and extension from the uri.
// In our case /images/image.jpg
const match = fwdUri.match(/(.*)\/(.*)\.(.*)/);
let prefix = match[1];
let imageName = match[2];
let extension = match[3];
// define variable to be set to true if requested dimension is allowed.
let matchFound = false;
// calculate the acceptable variance. If image dimension is 105 and is within acceptable
// range, then in our case, the dimension would be corrected to 100.
let variancePercent = (variables.variance/100);
for (let dimension of variables.allowedDimension) {
let minWidth = dimension.w - (dimension.w * variancePercent);
let maxWidth = dimension.w + (dimension.w * variancePercent);
if(width >= minWidth && width <= maxWidth){
width = dimension.w;
height = dimension.h;
matchFound = true;
// if no match is found from allowed dimension with variance then set to default
width = variables.defaultDimension.w;
height = variables.defaultDimension.h;
// read the accept header to determine if webP is supported.
let accept = headers['accept']?headers['accept'][0].value:"";
let url = [];
// build the new uri to be forwarded upstream
// check support for webp
if (accept.includes(variables.webpExtension)) {
fwdUri = url.join("/");
// final modified url is of format /images/200x200/webp/image.jpg
request.uri = fwdUri;
callback(null, request);
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