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Last active May 7, 2024 02:37
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export type TabsOptions = {
tablistSelector: string | undefined
tabSelector: string | undefined
tabpanelSelector: string | undefined
firstView?: number
const defaultOptions: TabsOptions = {
tablistSelector: undefined,
tabSelector: undefined,
tabpanelSelector: undefined,
firstView: 1,
const initializeTabs = (root: HTMLElement, options: TabsOptions = defaultOptions): void => {
if (!root) {
console.error('initializeTabs: Root element is not found.')
const mergedOptions = { ...defaultOptions, ...options }
const tablist = root.querySelector(`${mergedOptions.tablistSelector}`) as HTMLElement
const tabs = root.querySelectorAll(`${mergedOptions.tabSelector}`) as NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>
const tabpanels = root.querySelectorAll(`${mergedOptions.tabpanelSelector}`) as NodeListOf<HTMLElement>
if (!tablist || tabs.length === 0 || tabpanels.length === 0) {
console.error('initializeTabs: Required elements for tabs are missing or invalid.')
const initialIndex = Math.max(0, (mergedOptions.firstView ?? 1) - 1)
setTabAttributes(tablist, tabs, tabpanels)
activateTab(tabs, tabpanels, initialIndex)
tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {
tab.addEventListener('click', (event) => handleClick(event, tabs, tabpanels, index), false)
tab.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => handleKeyNavigation(event, tablist, tabs, tabpanels, index), false)
tabpanels.forEach((panel) => {
panel.addEventListener('beforematch', (event) => handleBeforeMatch(event, tabs, tabpanels), true)
const setTabAttributes = (
tablist: HTMLElement,
tabs: NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>,
tabpanels: NodeListOf<HTMLElement>,
): void => {
tablist.setAttribute('role', 'tablist')
tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {
tab.setAttribute('role', 'tab')
tab.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false')
tab.setAttribute('aria-controls', tabpanels[index].id)
tab.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1')
tabpanels.forEach((tabpanel) => {
tabpanel.setAttribute('role', 'tabpanel')
const activateTab = (tabs: NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>, tabpanels: NodeListOf<HTMLElement>, index: number): void => {
tabs.forEach((tab, i) => {
const isSelected = i === index
tab.setAttribute('aria-selected', String(isSelected))
tab.setAttribute('tabindex', isSelected ? '0' : '-1')
tabpanels.forEach((tabpanel, i) => {
if (i !== index) {
tabpanel.setAttribute('hidden', 'until-found')
} else {
tabpanel.setAttribute('tabindex', '0')
const handleClick = (
event: MouseEvent,
tabs: NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>,
tabpanels: NodeListOf<HTMLElement>,
index: number,
): void => {
activateTab(tabs, tabpanels, index)
const handleKeyNavigation = (
event: KeyboardEvent,
tablist: HTMLElement,
tabs: NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>,
tabpanels: NodeListOf<HTMLElement>,
currentIndex: number,
): void => {
const orientation = tablist.getAttribute('aria-orientation') || 'horizontal'
const keyActions: Record<string, () => number> = {
[orientation === 'vertical' ? 'ArrowUp' : 'ArrowLeft']: () =>
currentIndex - 1 >= 0 ? currentIndex - 1 : tabs.length - 1,
[orientation === 'vertical' ? 'ArrowDown' : 'ArrowRight']: () => (currentIndex + 1) % tabs.length,
Home: () => 0,
End: () => tabs.length - 1,
const action = keyActions[event.key]
if (action) {
const newIndex = action()
activateTab(tabs, tabpanels, newIndex)
const handleBeforeMatch = (
event: Event,
tabs: NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement>,
tabpanels: NodeListOf<HTMLElement>,
): void => {
const panel = event.currentTarget as HTMLElement
const tabIndex = [...tabpanels].indexOf(panel)
if (tabIndex !== -1) {
activateTab(tabs, tabpanels, tabIndex)
export default initializeTabs
<div id="tabmenu">
<div class="tablist">
<a class="tab" id="tab1" href="#tabpanel1">Tab1</a>
<a class="tab" id="tab2" href="#tabpanel2">Tab2</a>
<a class="tab" id="tab3" href="#tabpanel3">Tab3</a>
<div class="tabpanel" id="tabpanel1" aria-labelledby="tab1">コンテンツ1</div>
<div class="tabpanel" id="tabpanel2" aria-labelledby="tab2" hidden="until-found">コンテンツ2</div>
<div class="tabpanel" id="tabpanel3" aria-labelledby="tab3" hidden="until-found">コンテンツ3</div>
import initializeTabs, { type TabsOptions } from '@/scripts/initializeTabs.ts'
document.addEventListener('astro:page-load', () => {
const target = document.getElementById('tabmenu')
const option: TabsOptions = {
tabSelector: '.tab',
tabpanelSelector: '.tabpanel',
tablistSelector: '.tablist',
if (target) {
initializeTabs(target, option)
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