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John Rawls 1971 A Theory of Justice 48
Willard Van Orman Quine 1960 Word and Object 32
David K. Lewis 1986 On the Plurality of Worlds 31
Saul A. Kripke 1980 Naming and Necessity 27
Derek Parfit 1984 Reasons and Persons 24
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1953 Philosophical Investigations 23
Robert Nozick 1974 Anarchy, State, and Utopia 23
Saul A. Kripke 1972 Naming and Necessity 22
Thomas M. Scanlon 1998 What We Owe to Each Other 20
George Edward Moore 1903 Principia Ethica 20
David J. Chalmers 1996 The Conscious Mind 19
David A. Hume 1739 A Treatise of Human Nature 19
Joseph Raz 1986 The Morality of Freedom 16
Robert Nozick 1981 Philosophical Explanations 16
John L. Mackie 1977 Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong 16
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1905 On Denoting 16
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1912 The Problems of Philosophy 15
Donald Davidson 1980 Essays on Actions and Events 15
Thomas Hobbes 1651 Leviathan 15
Willard Van Orman Quine 1951 Two Dogmas of Empiricism 14
Gilbert Ryle 1949 The Concept of Mind 14
John McDowell 1994 Mind and World 14
W.David Ross 1930 The Right and the Good 14
John Rawls 1993 Political Liberalism 14
David H. Kaplan 1989 Demonstratives 13
Jonathan Barnes 1982 The Presocratic Philosophers 13
Crispin J. Wright 1983 Frege's Conception of Numbers as Objects 13
Alvin C. Plantinga 1974 The Nature of Necessity 13
Richard M. Hare 1952 The Language of Morals 13
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1903 The Principles of Mathematics 13
Henry Sidgwick 1907 The Methods of Ethics 13
Daniel C. Dennett 1991 Consciousness Explained 13
Michael N. Smith 1994 The Moral Problem 13
Simon Blackburn 1984 Spreading the Word 12
Terence Parsons 1980 Nonexistent Objects 12
John Locke 1975 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 12
David K. Lewis 1973 Counterfactuals 12
Edward N. Zalta 1983 Abstract Objects: An Introduction to Axiomatic Metaphysics 12
Nathan U. Salmon 1986 Frege's Puzzle 12
Iris Marion. Young 1990 Justice and the Politics of Difference 12
Frank Jackson 1982 Epiphenomenal Qualia 11
Rudolf Carnap 1947 Meaning and Necessity 11
Timothy Williamson 1994 Vagueness 11
Christine M. Korsgaard 1996 The Sources of Normativity 11
Peter A. Singer 1993 Practical Ethics 11
Simon Blackburn 1993 Essays in Quasi-Realism 11
Simon Blackburn 1998 Ruling Passions 11
Hilary Putnam 1981 Reason, Truth and History 11
Michael A.E. Dummett 1973 Frege: Philosophy of Language 11
Richard B. Brandt 1979 A Theory of the Good and the Right 11
Peter van Inwagen 1990 Material Beings 11
Fred Dretske 1981 Knowledge and the Flow of Information 10
Timothy Williamson 2000 Knowledge and its Limits 10
David Gauthier 1986 Morals by Agreement 10
David K. Lewis 1991 Parts of Classes 10
Tyler Burge 1979 Individualism and the Mental 10
David O. Brink 1989 Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics 10
John Rawls 1999 The Law of Peoples 10
Gareth R. Evans 1982 The Varieties of Reference 10
David R.P. Wiggins 1980 Sameness and Substance 10
Robert C. Stalnaker 1984 Inquiry 10
Allan Gibbard 1990 Wise Choices, Apt Feelings 10
William C. Kneale and Martha Kneale 1962 The Development of Logic 10
Karl R. Popper 1959 The Logic of Scientific Discovery 10
Julia E. Annas 1993 The Morality of Happiness 9
Michael A.E. Dummett 1991 The Logical Basis of Metaphysics 9
David A. Hume 1978 A Treatise of Human Nature 9
Nelson Goodman 1955 Fact, Fiction, and Forecast 9
Nathan U. Salmon 1981 Reference and Essence 9
Ronald M. Dworkin 1986 Law's Empire 9
Jack J.C. Smart 1959 Sensations and Brain Processes 9
Willard Van Orman Quine 1970 Philosophy of Logic 9
Jerry A. Fodor 1975 The Language of Thought 9
Peter F. Strawson 1959 Individuals 9
Herbert Paul Grice 1989 Studies in the Way of Words 9
Charles L. Stevenson 1944 Ethics and Language 9
Donald Davidson 1984 Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation 9
David K. Lewis 1979 Scorekeeping in a Language Game 8
Fred Dretske 1995 Naturalizing the Mind 8
W.K.C. Guthrie 1962 A History of Greek Philosophy 8
Immanuel Kant 1781 Critique of Pure Reason 8
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1903 Principles of Mathematics 8
Thomas Nagel 1991 Equality and Partiality 8
David Malet Armstrong 1997 A World of States of Affairs 8
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1918 The Philosophy of Logical Atomism 8
John R. Searle 1992 The Rediscovery of the Mind 8
Thomas S. Kuhn 1962 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 8
Frank Jackson 1998 From Metaphysics to Ethics 8
Martin Heidegger 1962 Being and Time 8
David K. Lewis 1983 New Work for a Theory of Universals 8
René Descartes 1985 The Philosophical Writings of Descartes 8
John Locke 1689 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 8
Richard Joyce 2001 The Myth of Morality 8
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1919 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 8
Stephen Schiffer 1972 Meaning 8
Peter Railton 1986 Moral Realism 8
Richard M. Hare 1963 Freedom and Reason 8
Clark Glymour 1980 Theory and Evidence 8
Edmund L. Gettier 1963 Is Justified True Belief Knowledge? 8
Michael N. Smith 1987 The Humean Theory of Motivation 8
William James 1890 The Principles of Psychology 8
John Rawls 1955 Two Concepts of Rules 8
Hillel Steiner 1994 An Essay on Rights 8
John R. Searle 1983 Intentionality 8
Nancy Cartwright 1983 How the Laws of Physics Lie 8
Gilbert H. Harman 1973 Thought 8
Amie L. Thomasson 1999 Fiction and Metaphysics 8
Willard Van Orman Quine 1969 Epistemology Naturalized 8
Alfred J. Ayer 1936 Language, Truth and Logic 8
John Barwise, J. Etchemendy 1990 The Concept of Logical Consequence 8
John Rawls 2001 Justice as Fairness: A Restatement 8
Jerry A. Fodor 1987 Psychosemantics 8
David J. Furley 1967 Two Studies in the Greek Atomists 8
Hud Hudson 2001 A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person 8
David J. Chalmers 1996 The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory 7
George Bealer 1982 Quality and Concept 7
David T. Miller 1995 On Nationality 7
Trenton Merricks 2001 Objects and Persons 7
Angus Charles Graham 1989 Disputers of the Tao 7
Richard C. Jeffrey 1983 The Logic of Decision 7
Jesse J. Prinz 2007 The Emotional Construction of Morals 7
Allan Gibbard 2003 Thinking How to Live 7
Ernest Nagel 1961 The Structure of Science 7
David A. McNaughton 1988 Moral Vision 7
Saul A. Kripke 1982 Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language 7
G.S. Kirk, J.E. Raven and Malcolm A. Schofield 1983 The Presocratic Philosophers 7
John P. Hawthorne 2004 Knowledge and Lotteries 7
Bernard A.O. Williams 1985 Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy 7
David R.P. Wiggins 2001 Sameness and Substance Renewed 7
Stephen Schiffer 1987 Remnants of Meaning 7
Jonathan Dancy 1993 Moral Reasons 7
C.(trans.),  Cicero Brittain 2001 Philo of Larissa 7
Rudolf Carnap 1950 Logical Foundations of Probability 7
Hilary Putnam 1975 The Meaning of ‘Meaning’ 7
Peter F. Strawson 1959 Individuals: An Essay in Descriptive Metaphysics 7
Edward N. Zalta 1988 Intensional Logic and the Metaphysics of Intentionality 7
Donald Davidson 1970 Mental Events 7
Michael (forthcoming): Devitt 1981 Designation 7
Plato Plato 1997 Complete Works 7
Roderick M. Chisholm 1976 Person and Object 7
Ronald M. Dworkin 1977 Taking Rights Seriously 7
Thomas R. Reid 1785 Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man 7
Jeremy Bentham 1789 An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation 7
John Stuart. Mill 1859 On Liberty 7
Lynne Rudder Baker 2000 Persons and Bodies: A Constitution View 7
Timothy Williamson 2007 The Philosophy of Philosophy 7
Scott Soames 1999 Understanding Truth 7
Diogenes Laertius 1925 Lives of Eminent Philosophers 7
William J. Rapaport 1978 Meinongian Theories and a Russellian Paradox 7
Yael Tamir 1993 Liberal Nationalism 7
Arthur N. Prior 1967 Past, Present, and Future 7
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1927 The Analysis of Matter 7
John Locke 1690 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 7
Rosanna Keefe 2000 Theories of Vagueness 7
Robert B. Brandom 1994 Making It Explicit 7
Noam N. Chomsky Chomsky 2000 New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind 7
David K. Lewis 1969 Convention: A Philosophical Study 6
Thomas W. Pogge 1989 Realizing Rawls 6
Harry G. Frankfurt 1971 Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person 6
Willard Van Orman Quine 1953 Two Dogmas of Empiricism 6
Charles H. Kahn 2001 Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans 6
Brian Barry 1995 Justice as Impartiality 6
Hans Reichenbach 1947 Elements of Symbolic Logic 6
Crispin J. Wright 1992 Truth and Objectivity 6
Friedrich A. von Hayek 1960 The Constitution of Liberty 6
David Malet Armstrong 1978 Universals and Scientific Realism 6
Robert Merrihew Adams 1974 Theories of Actuality 6
Willard Van Orman Quine 1948 On What There Is 6
David Malet Armstrong 1989 A Combinatorial Theory of Possibility 6
William G. Lycan 1996 Consciousness and Experience 6
Thomas S. Kuhn 1970 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 6
Michael Tye 1995 Ten Problems of Consciousness 6
Jaegwon Kim 1998 Mind in a Physical World 6
David K. Lewis 1972 Psychophysical and Theoretical Identifications 6
Herbert Paul Grice 1957 Meaning 6
Ian Hacking 1975 The Emergence of Probability 6
Will Norman W. Kymlicka 1995 Multicultural Citizenship 6
Immanuel Kant 1785 Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 6
David A. Hume 1779 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion 6
Chad Hansen 1992 A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought 6
John Stuart. Mill 1843 A System of Logic 6
David K. Lewis 1970 How to Define Theoretical Terms 6
Paul M. Churchland 1981 Eliminative Materialism and the Propositional Attitudes 6
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1922 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 6
John Rawls 1996 Political Liberalism 6
David Malet Armstrong 1968 A Materialist Theory of the Mind 6
Kenneth F. Schaffner 1993 Discovery and Explanation in Biology and Medicine 6
Herbert L.A. Hart 1994 The Concept of Law 6
Roderick Firth 1952 Ethical Absolutism and the Ideal Observer 6
Richard R.K. Sorabji 1983 Time, Creation and the Continuum 6
David K. Lewis 1978 Truth in Fiction 6
A.A. Long and David N. Sedley 1987 The Hellenistic Philosophers 6
Thomas Nagel 1986 The View from Nowhere 6
Michael A. Friedman 1999 Reconsidering Logical Positivism 6
Stephen Yablo 1992 Mental Causation 6
C.D. Broad 1925 The Mind and Its Place in Nature 6
William G. Lycan 1987 Consciousness 6
Derek Parfit 2011 On What Matters 6
Frank Jackson 1998 From Metaphysics to Ethics: A Defence of Conceptual Analysis 6
Hilary Putnam 1987 The Many Faces of Realism 6
Hermann DK = Diels and W. Kranz 1952 Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker 6
Elizabeth E. Anderson 1999 What is the Point of Equality? 6
Joel Feinberg 1986 Harm to Self 6
Galen Strawson 1994 Mental Reality 6
Frank Jackson 1986 What Mary Didn't Know 6
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1921 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 6
Brian Ellis 2001 Scientific Essentialism 6
Carl Ginet 1990 On Action 6
Bas Van Fraassen 1980 The Scientific Image 6
Stich P. Stich 1983 From Folk Psychology to Cognitive Science 6
Margaret Gilbert 1989 On Social Facts 6
Carl Gustav Hempel 1965 Aspects of Scientific Explanation 6
Jonathan Bennett 1995 The Act Itself 6
Allan Gibbard 1975 Contingent Identity 6
Wesley C. Salmon 1984 Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World 6
Shelly Kagan 1989 The Limits of Morality 6
C.I. Lewis 1929 Mind and the World Order 6
John L. Austin 1962 Sense and Sensibilia 6
Ned Block 1980 Troubles with Functionalism 6
Keith DeRose 1995 Solving the Skeptical Problem 6
Paul Benacerraf 1973 Mathematical Truth 6
Stephen L. Darwall 2006 The Second-Person Standpoint: Morality, Respect, and Accountability 5
François Recanati 2004 Literal Meaning 5
Bernard A.O. Williams 1973 A Critique of Utilitarianism 5
Brian Leftow 1991 Time and Eternity 5
René Descartes 1644 Principles of Philosophy 5
Gilbert H. Harman 1975 Moral Relativism Defended 5
John MacFarlane 2002 Frege, Kant, and the Logic in Logicism 5
Michael Rea (ed.) 1997 Material Constitution 5
Jacqueline Broad 2002 Women Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century 5
Richard G. Swinburne 1977 The Coherence of Theism 5
Jack J.C. Smart 1973 An Outline of a System of Utilitarian Ethics 5
David A. Hume 1740 A Treatise of Human Nature 5
Hartry H. Field 1989 Realism, Mathematics and Modality 5
Harry G. Frankfurt 1969 Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility 5
Willard Van Orman Quine 1981 Theories and Things 5
Jerry A. Fodor 1998 Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong 5
Michael A.E. Dummett 1993 The Seas of Language 5
John L. Pollock 1986 Contemporary Theories of Knowledge 5
Roderick M. Chisholm 1957 Perceiving: A Philosophical Study 5
Rudolf Carnap 1936 Testability and Meaning 5
David K. Lewis 1975 Languages and Language 5
Robert Merrihew Adams 1981 Actualism and Thisness 5
Alfred J. Ayer 1936 Language, Truth, and Logic 5
John N. Findlay 1963 Meinong's Theory of Objects and Values 5
Michael A.E. Dummett 1959 Truth 5
Thomas M. Scanlon 2008 Moral Dimensions: Permissibility, Meaning, Blame 5
Paul Horwich 1990 Truth 5
Ned Block 1986 Advertisement for a Semantics for Psychology 5
Christopher Peacocke 1992 A Study of Concepts 5
Paul M. Churchland 1979 Scientific Realism and the Plasticity of Mind 5
Donald Davidson 1967 The Logical Form of Action Sentences 5
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1914 Our Knowledge of the External World 5
Alonzo Church 1956 Introduction to Mathematical Logic 5
Hilary Putnam 1978 Meaning and the Moral Sciences 5
Dean W. Zimmerman 1995 Theories of Masses and Problems of Constitution 5
Wolfgang Künne 2003 Conceptions of Truth 5
Charles Siewert 1998 The Significance of Consciousness 5
Michael A.E. Dummett 1981 Frege: Philosophy of Language 5
Theodore R. Sider 1993 Van Inwagen and the Possibility of Gunk 5
Peter A. Singer 1972 Famine, Affluence, and Morality 5
W.David Ross 1939 Foundations of Ethics 5
Harry G. Frankfurt 1988 The Importance of What We Care About 5
C.D. Broad 1925 The Mind and its Place in Nature 5
Ted Honderich 1982 The Argument for Anomalous Monism 5
U.T. Place 1956 Is Consciousness a Brain Process? 5
Laurence BonJour 1985 The Structure of Empirical Knowledge 5
W. Burkert 1972 Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism 5
Kurt Gödel 1944 Russell's Mathematical Logic 5
David Malet Armstrong 2004 Truth and Truthmakers 5
Gottlob Frege 1884 Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik 5
John L. Mackie 1982 The Miracle of Theism 5
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 1986 Epistemology and Cognition 5
Brian F. Loar 1981 Mind and Meaning 5
Peter M. Simons 1987 Parts: A Study in Ontology 5
John Stuart. Mill 1861 Utilitarianism 5
Joel Feinberg 1970 The Nature and Value of Rights 5
Charles E. Larmore 1987 Patterns of Moral Complexity 5
John R. Searle 1969 Speech Acts 5
L. Zhmud 1997 Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion im frühen Pythagoreismus 5
Jonathan Dancy 2000 Practical Reality 5
Thomas M. Scanlon 1982 Contractualism and Utilitarianism 5
Kathrin Koslicki 2008 The Structure of Objects 5
Fred Feldman 2004 Pleasure and the Good Life 5
Franz Brentano 1874 Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint 5
David K. Lewis 1976 Survival and Identity 5
Benjamin Schwartz 1985 The World of Thought in Ancient China 5
Gottlob Frege 1884 The Foundations of Arithmetic 5
E.Jonathan Lowe 2006 The Four-Category Ontology: A Metaphysical Foundation for Natural Science 5
Peter van Inwagen 1983 An Essay on Free Will 5
Edmund Husserl 1900 Logical Investigations 5
George Edward Moore 1912 Ethics 5
David Malet Armstrong 1989 Universals: An Opinionated Introduction 5
John Finnis 1980 Natural Law and Natural Rights 5
Herbert Paul Grice 1975 Logic and Conversation 5
Thomas Nagel 1970 The Possibility of Altruism 5
David B. Wong 1984 Moral Relativity 5
Charles E. Larmore 1996 The Morals of Modernity 5
Frank P. Ramsey 1926 Truth and Probability 5
Brian Skyrms 1996 Evolution of the Social Contract 5
Michael A.E. Dummett 1981 The Interpretation of Frege's Philosophy 5
Jonathan Bennett 2003 A Philosophical Guide to Conditionals 5
Russ Shafer-Landau 2003 Moral Realism: A Defence 5
Gilbert H. Harman 1977 The Nature of Morality 5
Noam N. Chomsky Chomsky 1957 Syntactic Structures 5
Sahotra Sarkar 1998 Genetics and Reductionism 5
Rudolf Carnap 1939 Foundations of Logic and Mathematics 5
John H. Hick 1989 An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent 5
Bas van Fraassen 1989 Laws and Symmetry 5
Donald Davidson 1969 The Individuation of Events 5
Michael A.E. Dummett 1991 Frege: Philosophy of Mathematics 5
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 1976 Discrimination and Perceptual Knowledge 5
Peter Thomas Geach 1972 Logic Matters 5
Isaac Levi 1980 The Enterprise of Knowledge 5
D. Murphy 2006 Psychiatry in the Scientific Image 5
Penelope Maddy 1990 Realism in Mathematics 5
Peter F. Strawson 1950 On Referring 5
Norwood Russell Hanson 1958 Patterns of Discovery 5
Jason Stanley 2000 Context and Logical Form 5
Stathis Psillos 1999 Scientific Realism: How Science Tracks Truth 5
Daniel C. Dennett 1987 The Intentional Stance 5
Jaakko Hintikka 1962 Knowledge and Belief 5
Russell Hardin 1982 Collective Action 5
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1969 On Certainty 5
Nathan U. Salmon 1998 Nonexistence 5
David Marr 1982 Vision 5
Fred Dretske 1988 Explaining Behavior: Reasons in a World of Causes 5
Nicholas Wolterstorff 1980 Works and Worlds of Art 5
Jeff McMahan 2002 The Ethics of Killing: Problems at the Margins of Life 5
Robert Pasnau 1997 Theories of Cognition in the Later Middle Ages 5
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 1999 Knowledge in a Social World 5
E.Jonathan Lowe 1996 Subjects of Experience 5
Aristotle Aristotle 1984 The Complete Works of Aristotle 5
C.A. Huffman 1993 Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic 5
Robert Axelrod 1984 The Evolution of Cooperation 5
Samuel Scheffler 1982 The Rejection of Consequentialism 5
Hilary Putnam 1988 Representation and Reality 5
George S.; Burgess Boolos 1998 Logic, Logic, and Logic 5
Peter F. Strawson 1962 Freedom and Resentment 5
David Malet Armstrong 1973 Belief, Truth and Knowledge 5
David K. Lewis 1996 Elusive Knowledge 5
C.D. Broad 1930 Five Types of Ethical Theory 5
Michael Tye 2000 Consciousness, Color, and Content 5
Kit Fine 1994 Essence and Modality 5
David J. Chalmers 1999 Materialism and the Metaphysics of Modality 5
Thomas W. Pogge 2002 World Poverty and Human Rights 5
Donald Davidson 1963 Actions, Reasons, and Causes 5
Timothy Williamson 2000 Knowledge and Its Limits 5
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1958 Philosophical Investigations 5
David Braun 1993 Empty Names 5
Keith S. Donnellan 1966 Reference and Definite Descriptions 5
Charles C.W. Taylor 1989 Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity 5
David Papineau 1987 Reality and Representation 5
Amartya K. Sen 1970 Collective Choice and Social Welfare 5
Adam D. Smith 1776 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations 5
Noam N. Chomsky Chomsky 1965 Aspects of the Theory of Syntax 5
Allan Gibbard 1990 Wise Choices, Apt Feelings: A Theory of Normative Judgment 4
Rudolf Carnap 1950 Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology 4
Peter W. Hylton 1990 Russell, Idealism and the Emergence of Analytic Philosophy 4
W. Burkert 1961 Hellenistische Pseudopythagorica 4
W. Burkert 1972 Zur geistesgeschichtlichen Einordnung einiger Pseudopythagorica 4
Helen E. “Feminist Epistemology.” In Greco Longino 1990 Science as Social Knowledge 4
S. Svavarsdottir 1999 Moral Cognitivism and Motivation 4
George Bealer 2002 Modal Epistemology and the Rationalist Renaissance 4
E.J. Dijksterhuis 1961 The Mechanization of the World Picture 4
Daniel M. Wegner 2002 The Illusion of Conscious Will 4
Fred Dretske 1988 Explaining Behavior 4
Jonathan Bennett 1984 A Study of Spinoza's Ethics 4
Hilary Putnam 1967 Psychological Predicates 4
John Dupré 1993 The Disorder of Things: Metaphysical Foundations of the Disunity of Science 4
Jonathan Bennett 1971 Locke, Berkeley, Hume: Central Themes 4
Keith Campbell 1990 Abstract Particulars 4
Michael Della Rocca 2008 Spinoza 4
Nicholas L. Sturgeon 1985 Moral Explanations 4
Richard G. Swinburne 1993 The Coherence of Theism 4
Daniel C. Dennett 1978 Brainstorms 4
James F. Woodward 2003 Making Things Happen: A Theory of Causal Explanation 4
Kendall L. Walton 1990 Mimesis as Make-Believe: On the Foundations of the Representational Arts 4
David A. Hume 1751 An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals 4
Jonathan Bennett 1988 Events and Their Names 4
Fred Dretske 1970 Epistemic Operators 4
Amartya K. Sen 1999 Development as Freedom 4
Imre Lakatos 1970 Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes 4
Carol Gilligan 1982 In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women's Development 4
Ronald N. Giere 1988 Explaining Science: A Cognitive Approach 4
Ralph Barton Perry 1935 The Thought and Character of William James 4
Kris McDaniel 2007 Extended Simples 4
Theodore R. Sider 2007 Parthood 4
Bernard A.O. Williams 1981 Moral Luck 4
Willard Van Orman Quine 1956 Quantifiers and Propositional Attitudes 4
Will Norman W. Kymlicka 1989 Liberalism, Community and Culture 4
Franz Brentano 1874 Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt 4
Graham Oddie 1986 Likeness to Truth 4
Peter Thomas Geach 1960 Ascriptivism 4
Gregory Landini 1998 Russell's Hidden Substitutional Theory 4
Donald Davidson 1967 Truth and Meaning 4
Mark Balaguer 1998 Platonism and Anti-Platonism in Mathematics 4
Peter F. Strawson 1949 Truth 4
Jonathan Schaffer 2007 From Nihilism to Monism 4
Greg Restall 2000 An Introduction to Substructural Logics 4
Jeremy Waldron 1992 Superseding Historic Injustice 4
Roderick M. Chisholm 1986 Brentano and Intrinsic Value 4
Paul Horwich 1998 Meaning 4
Peter Railton 1984 Alienation, Consequentialism, and the Demands of Morality 4
John Stuart. Mill 1979 Utilitarianism 4
Stewart M. Cohen 1988 How to be a Fallibilist 4
Nathan U. Salmon 1987 Existence 4
René Descartes 1964 Oeuvres de Descartes 4
Robert B. Brandom 1994 Making it Explicit 4
Ian Hacking 1983 Representing and Intervening 4
Keith S. Donnellan 1972 Proper Names and Identifying Descriptions 4
Mark Kaplan 1996 Decision Theory as Philosophy 4
Saul A. Kripke 1971 Identity and Necessity 4
Arthur N. Prior 1968 Papers on Time and Tense 4
Brian Barry 2001 Culture and Equality 4
Charles R. Beitz 1979 Political Theory and International Relations 4
Michael Walzer 1983 Spheres of Justice 4
David J. Chalmers 2002 Does Conceivability Entail Possibility? 4
Kit Fine 2002 The Limits of Abstraction 4
Aristotle Aristotle 1984 Nicomachean Ethics 4
Wilfrid Sellars 1956 Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind 4
Jerry A. Fodor 1990 A Theory of Content and Other Essays 4
Gottlob Frege 1892 On Sense and Reference 4
Alan Donagan 1977 The Theory of Morality 4
John McDowell 1979 Virtue and Reason 4
Judith Jarvis Thomson 1983 Parthood and Identity Across Time 4
Willard Van Orman Quine 1986 Philosophy of Logic 4
James M. Joyce 1999 The Foundations of Causal Decision Theory 4
Michael J. Zimmerman 1988 An Essay on Moral Responsibility 4
Sydney Shoemaker 1980 Causality and Properties 4
René Descartes 1641 Meditations on First Philosophy 4
Gilbert H. Harman 1986 Change in View 4
G.E. M. Anscombe 1963 Intention 4
Saul A. Kripke 1959 A Completeness Theorem in Modal Logic 4
William K. Frankena 1939 The Naturalistic Fallacy 4
I. Mueller 1997 Greek arithmetic, geometry and harmonics: Thales to Plato 4
Daniel C. Dennett 1991 Real Patterns 4
M.E. Kalderon 2005 Moral Fictionalism 4
Gregory S. Kavka 1986 Hobbesian Moral and Political Theory 4
Rudolf Carnap 1937 The Logical Syntax of Language 4
Timothy Williamson 1998 Bare Possibilia 4
Amartya K. Sen 2009 The Idea of Justice 4
P. Lipton 2004 Inference to the Best Explanation 4
Jonathan Glover 1977 Causing Death and Saving Lives 4
Dan Sperber and Deirdre B. Wilson 1986 Relevance: Communication and Cognition 4
John Broome 1991 Weighing Goods 4
John Haugeland 1985 Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea 4
Herbert Spiegelberg 1982 The Phenomenological Movement 4
Kris McDaniel 2004 Modal Realism with Overlap 4
Charles Travis 2005 A Sense of Occasion 4
Robert Nozick 1974 Anarchy, State and Utopia 4
Malcolm Budd 1985 Music and the Emotions: The Philosophical Theories 4
Amartya K. Sen 1982 Rights and Agency 4
William C. Kneale, Kneale Kneale and Mitchell M 1962 The Development of Logic 4
R.M. Sainsbury 1995 Paradoxes 4
C.A. Huffman 1999 The Pythagorean Tradition 4
Colin McGinn 1991 The Problem of Consciousness 4
Marilyn McCord. Adams 1987 William Ockham 4
Keith Lehrer 1990 Theory of Knowledge 4
Peter Van Inwagen 1990 Material Beings 4
James P. Griffin 1986 Well-Being: Its Meaning, Measurement, and Moral Importance 4
Terence Parsons 1990 Events in the Semantics of English 4
Susanne Bobzien 1998 Determinism and Freedom in Stoic Philosophy 4
Jonathan Barnes 1989 Antiochus of Ascalon 4
Gabriel Uzquiano 2004 Plurals and Simples 4
John Earman 1992 Bayes or Bust? 4
Robert C. Stalnaker 1974 Pragmatic Presuppositions 4
Peter A. Singer 2005 Ethics and Intuitions 4
Shulamith Firestone 1970 The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution 4
David Malet Armstrong 1983 What is a Law of Nature? 4
Ralph Cudworth 1678 The True Intellectual System of the Universe 4
Hilary Putnam 1962 The Analytic and the Synthetic 4
Roy A. Sorensen 1988 Blindspots 4
David K. Lewis 1990 What Experience Teaches 4
Kevin (ed) Mulligan, Peter M. Simons and Barry C. Smith 1984 Truth-Makers 4
David A. Hume 1748 An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 4
Peter F. Strawson 1952 Introduction to Logical Theory 4
Hanna Fenichel Pitkin 1967 The Concept of Representation 4
Alvin C. Plantinga 2000 Warranted Christian Belief 4
Thomas S. Kuhn 2000 The Road Since Structure 4
Willard Van Orman Quine 1953 From a Logical Point of View 4
Colette s.v. Saadiah Gaon Sirat 1985 A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages 4
Richard L. Cartwright 1975 Scattered Objects 4
David K. Lewis 1986 Against Structural Universals 4
John McDowell 1998 Mind, Value, and Reality 4
Mark Johnston 1992 How to Speak of the Colors 4
Jaegwon Kim 1992 Multiple Realization and the Metaphysics of Reduction 4
Charles L. Stevenson 1937 The Emotive Meaning of Ethical Terms 4
Irving M. Copi 1971 The Theory of Logical Types 4
Carl Gustav Hempel and Paul Oppenheim 1948 Studies in the Logic of Explanation 4
Jerry A. Fodor 1994 The Elm and the Expert 4
Loren E. Lomasky 1987 Persons, Rights, and the Moral Community 4
Maurice Merleau-Ponty 1962 Phenomenology of Perception 4
Timothy Schroeder 2004 Three Faces of Desire 4
James Pryor 2000 The Skeptic and the Dogmatist 4
Ronald de Sousa 1987 The Rationality of Emotion 4
Peter Unger 1975 Ignorance: A Case for Scepticism 4
William James 1890 Principles of Psychology 4
Derk Pereboom 2001 Living Without Free Will 4
Paul Smolensky 1988 On the Proper Treatment of Connectionism 4
Thomas Hurka 1993 Perfectionism 4
Joel Feinberg 1984 Harm to Others 4
Donald Davidson 1974 On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme 4
Stephen Neale 2001 Facing Facts 4
David Robb 1997 The Properties of Mental Causation 4
George E. Karamanolis 2006 Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry 4
Philip Kitcher 1993 The Advancement of Science 4
Hartry H. Field 2008 Saving Truth from Paradox 4
Huw H. Price 1932 Perception 4
George Edward Moore 1942 A Reply to My Critics 4
Laurie A. Paul 2002 Logical Parts 4
A. Melnyk 2003 A Physicalist Manifesto: Thoroughly Modern Materialism 4
Roy A. Sorensen 2001 Vagueness and Contradiction 4
Peter Thomas Geach 1980 Reference and Generality 4
Joseph Raz 1979 The Authority of Law 4
David K. Lewis 1966 An Argument for the Identity Theory 4
Joseph Raz 1990 Facing Diversity: The Case of Epistemic Abstinence 4
Tyler Burge 1993 Mind-Body Causation and Explanatory Practice 4
Michael Tooley 1977 The Nature of Laws 4
Irene Heim 1982 The Semantics of Definite and Indefinite Noun Phrases 4
Amartya K. Sen 1992 Inequality Reexamined 4
Thomas Nagel 1979 Panpsychism 4
Willard Van Orman Quine 1969 Ontological Relativity and Other Essays 4
Michael Ridge 2006 Ecumenical Expressivism: Finessing Frege 4
Jaegwon Kim 1976 Events as Property Exemplifications 4
John McDowell 1985 Values and Secondary Qualities 4
Katherine Hawley 2001 How Things Persist 4
David Papineau 2002 Thinking about Consciousness 4
Larry S. Temkin 1993 Inequality 4
Jeremy Waldron 1999 Law and Disagreement 4
Graeme H. Forbes 1985 The Metaphysics of Modality 4
Scott Soames 1998 The Modal Argument: Wide Scope and Rigidified Descriptions 4
John Rawls 2000 Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy 4
Susan Moller. Okin 1989 Justice, Gender, and the Family 4
Quentin Skinner 1978 The Foundations of Modern Political Thought 4
A.D. Conti 2008 Categories and Universals in the Later Middle Ages 4
Ian Hacking 1999 The Social Construction of What? 4
Richard M. Hare 1981 Moral Thinking: Its Levels, Method, and Point 4
C.A. Huffman 1999 Limite et illimité chez les premiers philosophes grecs 4
D.H. Mellor 1998 Real Time II 4
Edward N. Zalta 1992 On Mally's Alleged Heresy: A Reply 4
Stephen Neale 1990 Descriptions 4
Thomas C. Schelling 1960 The Strategy of Conflict 4
Arthur N. Prior 1971 Objects of Thought 4
Holger Thesleff 1961 An Introduction to the Pythagorean Writings of the Hellenistic Period 4
Carl Gustav Hempel 1966 Philosophy of Natural Science 4
Stephen Mumford 2004 Laws in Nature 4
Judith Jarvis Thomson 1998 The Statue and the Clay 4
Paul K. Feyerabend 1962 Explanation, Reduction, and Empiricism 4
Richard M. Hare 1981 Moral Thinking 4
John McDowell 1978 Are Moral Requirements Hypothetical Imperatives? 4
Michael A.E. Dummett 1978 Truth and Other Enigmas 4
Tamar Szabó Gendler and John Hawthorne (eds.) 2002 Conceivability and Possibility 4
Bob Hale 1987 Abstract Objects 4
Hans Reichenbach 1938 Experience and Prediction 4
C.A. Huffman 2001 The Philolaic Method: The Pythagoreanism behind the <em>Philebus</em> 4
Peter M. Simons 1987 Parts. A Study in Ontology 4
Robert C. Stalnaker 1978 Assertion 4
John Rawls 1999 A Theory of Justice 4
David K. Lewis 1994 Reduction of Mind 4
Holger Thesleff 1965 The Pythagorean Texts of the Hellenistic Period 4
Thomas Nagel 1987 Moral Conflict and Political Legitimacy 4
John Locke 1689 Two Treatises of Government 4
Bas van Fraassen 1980 The Scientific Image 4
R.A. Duff 1986 Trials and Punishments 4
Thomas Nagel 1986 The View From Nowhere 4
Richard Wollheim 1984 The Thread of Life 4
Willard Van Orman Quine 1936 Truth by Convention 4
David Gauthier 1986 Morals By Agreement 4
George Edward Moore 1953 Some Main Problems of Philosophy 4
Michael J. Sandel 1982 Liberalism and the Limits of Justice 4
Ilkka Niiniluoto 1987 Truthlikeness 4
Ronald M. Dworkin 2000 Sovereign Virtue: The Theory and Practice of Equality 4
Peter van Inwagen 1981 The Doctrine of Arbitrary Undetached Parts 4
W.K.C. Guthrie 1965 A History of Greek Philosophy 4
Stephen C. Levinson 1983 Pragmatics 4
Michael Fara 2008 Masked Abilities and Compatibilism 4
Daniel W. Graham 2006 Explaining the Cosmos: The Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophy 4
Susan Moller. Okin 1989 Justice, Gender and the Family 4
Alfred Tarski 1983 Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics 4
Stephen L. Darwall 1983 Impartial Reason 4
Saul A. Kripke 1977 Speaker's Reference and Semantic Reference 4
Peter Thomas Geach 1965 Assertion 4
Ned Markosian 1998 Brutal Composition 4
Peter Goldie 2000 The Emotions: A Philosophical Exploration 4
David K. Lewis 1999 Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology 4
A.M. Turing 1950 Computing Machinery and Intelligence 4
Michael A. Friedman 2001 Dynamics of Reason 4
David K. Lewis 1984 Putnam's Paradox 4
Stewart Shapiro (ed.) 2005 The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic 4
Philip Pettit 1997 Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government 4
John L. Austin 1832 The Province of Jurisprudence Determined 4
J. Sneed 1971 The Logical Structure of Mathematical Physics 4
Herbert L.A. Hart 1968 Punishment and Responsibility 4
John T. Sanders 1998 The God Who Risks: A Theology of Providence 3
Antoine Arnauld 1990 On True and False Ideas 3
John Perry 2001 Reference and Reflexivity 3
Robert Paul. Wolff 1970 In Defense of Anarchism 3
Ned Block 1990 Inverted Earth 3
David H. Kaplan 1975 How to Russell a Frege-Church 3
Pierre M.M. Duhem 1954 The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory 3
Peter F. Strawson 1950 Truth 3
Alfred North Whitehead 1933 Adventures of Ideas 3
John Stuart. Mill 1861 Considerations on Representative Government 3
Michael B. Burke 1992 Copper Statues and Pieces of Copper: A Challenge to the Standard Account 3
Gilbert Ryle 1954 Pleasure 3
C.L. Hardin 1988 Color for Philosophers 3
Gisela Striker 1996 Essays on Hellenistic Epistemology and Ethics 3
Simo Knuuttila 1993 Modalities in Medieval Philosophy 3
David K. Lewis 1990 Noneism or Allism? 3
Jan Woleński 1989 Logic and Philosophy in the Lvov-Warsaw School 3
Hannah Arendt 1958 The Human Condition 3
Stephen R. Munzer 1990 A Theory of Property 3
Philip Kitcher 1993 The Advancement of Science: Science without Legend, Objectivity without Illusions 3
Joseph Schumpeter 1954 History of Economic Analysis 3
Jeremy Bentham 1970 Of Laws in General 3
Richard C. Jeffrey 1965 The Logic of Decision 3
F. Hirsch 1976 The Social Limits to Growth 3
Stewart M. Cohen 1999 Contextualism, Skepticism, and the Structure of Reasons 3
John W. Yolton 1984 Perceptual Acquaintance from Descartes to Reid 3
J.W.N. Watkins 1984 Science and Scepticism 3
Gideon Rosen 1994 What is Constructive Empiricism? 3
Harry Austryn. Wolfson 1934 The Philosophy of Spinoza 3
Jürgen Habermas 1984 The Theory of Communicative Action 3
Richard Henry Popkin 1979 The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza 3
David J. Chalmers 2003 The Content and Epistemology of Phenomenal Belief 3
David K. Lewis 1968 Counterpart Theory and Quantified Modal Logic 3
Hud Hudson 2005 The Metaphysics of Hyperspace 3
Amartya K. Sen 1970 The Impossibility of a Paretian Liberal 3
Ernst Mally 1912 Gegenstandstheoretische Grundlagen der Logik und Logistik 3
Kit Fine 1975 Vagueness, Truth and Logic 3
Maria Timpanaro Cardini 1958 Pitagorici, Testimonianze e frammenti 3
William J. Wainwright 1996 Jonathan Edwards, William Rowe, and the Necessity of Creation 3
David L. Hull 1978 A Matter of Individuality 3
Hilary Putnam 1975 Mind, Language, and Reality 3
Ernan McMullin 1985 Galilean Idealization 3
Dominic Hyde 2008 Vagueness, Logic and Ontology 3
Alfred J. Ayer 1946 Language, Truth, and Logic 3
C.I. Lewis 1946 An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation 3
Armand A. Maurer 1984 Ockham's Razor and Chatton's Anti-Razor 3
Christoph Harbsmeier 1998 Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. 7, Part 1: Language and Logic 3
Howard M. Robinson 1994 Perception 3
John L. Pollock 1985 Plantinga on Possible Worlds 3
Alfred North Whitehead, Bertr Bertr and Russell Russell 1910 Principia Mathematica 3
Paul M. Churchland 1981 Eliminative materialism and the propositional attitudes 3
David R.P. Wiggins 1987 A Sensible Subjectivism? 3
Philippa Foot 1972 Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives 3
W.E. Johnson 1921 Logic 3
Elizabeth E. Anderson 1993 Value in Ethics and Economics 3
Sylvain Bromberger 1966 Why Questions 3
Jürgen Habermas 1990 Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action 3
Ned Markosian 1998 Simples 3
Christopher Peacocke 1983 Sense and Content 3
Richard B. Brandt 1959 Ethical Theory 3
John McDowell 1977 On the Sense and Reference of a Proper Name 3
Zeno Vendler 1972 Res Cogitans 3
Stanley I. Benn 1988 A Theory of Freedom 3
Nicholas L. Sturgeon 1988 Moral Explanations 3
John E. Murdoch 1982 Infinity and Continuity 3
David Davies 2004 Art as Performance 3
J.David. Velleman 2000 The Possibility of Practical Reason 3
Justin D'Arms and Daniel Jacobson 2000 Sentiment and Value 3
Arthur N. Prior 1957 Time and Modality 3
Carole Pateman 1988 The Sexual Contract 3
David N. Sedley 1999 Parmenides and Melissus 3
Scott Soames 2002 Beyond Rigidity: The Unfinished Semantic Agenda of Naming and Necessity 3
Jeremy Waldron 1993 Special Ties and Natural Duties 3
Rudolf Carnap 1963 Replies and Systematic Expositions 3
Norman Malcolm 1963 Knowledge and Certainty 3
Michael with Hegeman Stocker 1990 Plural and Conflicting Values 3
Ilkka Niiniluoto 1999 Critical Scientific Realism 3
Michael C. Rea 1997 Supervenience and Co-Location 3
Keith DeRose 1999 Contextualism: An Explanation and Defense 3
Paul A. Samuelson 1947 Foundations of Economic Analysis 3
David Held 1995 Democracy and the Global Order 3
Michael Hallett 1984 Cantorian Set Theory and Limitation of Size 3
Achille C. Varzi 2007 Spatial Reasoning and Ontology: Parts, Wholes, and Locations 3
Christopher S. Hill 1991 Sensations: A Defense of Type Materialism 3
Bernard A.O. Williams 1981 Persons, Character, and Morality 3
Zeno Vendler 1967 Linguistics in Philosophy 3
Stephen Jay Gould 2002 The Structure of Evolutionary Theory 3
Gabriele Taylor 1985 Pride, Shame, and Guilt: Emotions of Self-Assessment 3
C.A. Huffman 2009 The Pythagorean Conception of the Soul from Pythagoras to Philolaus 3
James Shelley 2003 The Problem of Non-Perceptual Art 3
Michael (forthcoming): Devitt 2005 There is No <em>A Priori</em> 3
Willard Van Orman Quine 1953 On What There Is 3
Thomas Christiano 2004 The Authority of Democracy 3
Ian Hacking 1979 What is Logic? 3
David Sosa 2001 Rigidity in the Scope of Russell's Theory 3
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1908 Mathematical Logic as Based on the Theory of Types 3
Brad W. Hooker 2000 Ideal Code, Real World 3
Alonzo Church 1974 Russellian Simple Type Theory 3
Paul Oskar Kristeller 1964 Eight Philosophers of the Italian Renaissance 3
David Bell 1990 Husserl 3
Michael E. Bratman 1999 Faces of Intention: Selected Essays on Intention and Agency 3
Susan Carey 1985 Conceptual Change in Childhood 3
Robert Merrihew Adams 1979 Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity 3
Robert Nozick 1971 On the Randian Argument 3
Fred C. Doepke 1982 Spatially Coinciding Objects 3
Hartry H. Field 1972 Tarski's Theory of Truth 3
Fred Feldman 1986 Doing the Best We Can 3
Karl R. Popper 1934 The Logic of Scientific Discovery 3
Alvin C. Plantinga 1967 God and Other Minds 3
Lawrence A. Blum 1980 Friendship, Altruism, and Morality 3
Paul K. Feyerabend 1975 Against Method 3
Daniel C. Dennett 2003 Freedom Evolves 3
William K. Frankena 1973 Ethics 3
Stewart Shapiro 2006 Vagueness in Context 3
Gary Gutting 2001 French Philosophy in the Twentieth Century 3
Bas C. van Fraassen 1980 The Scientific Image 3
Edward N. Zalta 1983 Abstract Objects. An Introduction to Axiomatic Metaphysics 3
Adam Elga 2000 Self-Locating Belief and the Sleeping Beauty Problem 3
John Duns Scotus 1962 Philosophical Writings 3
Anthony Kenny 1979 The God of the Philosophers 3
Nancy Cartwright 1989 Nature's Capacities and their Measurement 3
William C. Wimsatt 1987 False Models as Means to Truer Theories 3
P.N. Johnson-Laird 1983 Mental Models 3
Aristotle Aristotle 1963 Categories 3
Thomas Nagel 1974 What is it like to be a bat? 3
Bernard R. Boxill 1992 Blacks and Social Justice 3
Kit Fine 1975 Vagueness, truth and logic 3
Harry Beran 1987 The Consent Theory of Political Obligation 3
C.R. Gallistel 1990 The Organization of Learning 3
Chris Swoyer 1982 The Nature of Natural Laws 3
David K. Lewis 2004 Void and Object 3
John Barwise, J. Etchemendy 2008 Reflections on Consequence 3
Jerry A. Fodor 1981 The Present Status of the Innateness Controversy 3
Gilbert H. Harman 1965 The Inference to the Best Explanation 3
Georges Rey 1997 Contemporary Philosophy of Mind: A Contentiously Classical Approach 3
John Martin Fischer 1999 Recent Work on Moral Responsibility 3
Sydney Shoemaker 1998 Causal and Metaphysical Necessity 3
D. Boisvert 2008 Expressive-Assertivism 3
Stephen C. Levinson 2000 Presumptive Meanings: The Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature 3
Bas van Fraassen 1995 Belief and the Problem of Ulysses and the Sirens 3
Agnieska Jaworska 1999 Respecting the Margins of Agency: Alzheimer's Patients and the Capacity to Value 3
Linda Trinkaus. Zagzebski 1991 The Dilemma of Freedom and Foreknowledge 3
Timothy Williamson 2000 The Necessary Framework of Objects 3
Marshall Swain 1981 Reasons and Knowledge 3
Michael Walzer 1973 Political Action: The Problem of Dirty Hands 3
Thomas Christiano 1996 The Rule of the Many 3
Stephen Yablo 1987 Identity, Essence, and Indiscernibility 3
William A. Edmundson 1998 Three Anarchical Fallacies 3
Brian Skyrms 1990 The Dynamics of Rational Deliberation 3
Roy A. Sorensen 1992 Thought Experiments 3
Jerome B. Schneewind 1998 The Invention of Autonomy 3
Nelson Goodman 1951 The Structure of Appearance 3
Fred Dretske 1969 Seeing and Knowing 3
Jerry A. Fodor 1978 Propositional Attitudes 3
Christopher Peacocke 1987 Understanding Logical Constants: A Realist's Account 3
Arthur N. Prior, Fine Fine and K.-H.; Mojsisch K 1977 Worlds, Times and Selves 3
Geoffrey Sayre-McCord 1988 Moral Theory and Explanatory Impotence 3
Plotinus Plotinus 1966 Enneads 3
Theodore R. Sider 2001 Four-Dimensionalism 3
Kent Greenawalt 1987 Conflicts of Law and Morality 3
Galen Strawson 1986 Freedom and Belief 3
Jonathan Schaffer 2009 Spacetime the One Substance 3
Saul A. Kripke 1982 Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language: An Elementary Exposition 3
Michael E. Bratman 1987 Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason 3
George Ainslie 2001 Breakdown of Will 3
Edwin L. Minar 1942 Early Pythagorean Politics in Practice and Theory 3
John R. Searle 1992 The Rediscovery of Mind 3
Joseph Raz 1994 Ethics in the Public Domain 3
John M. Doris 2002 Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior 3
Michael S. Pritchard 1991 On Becoming Responsible 3
Gisela Striker 1980 Sceptical Strategies 3
Mary B. Hesse 1974 The Structure of Scientific Inference 3
Jonathan Bennett 1976 Linguistic Behaviour 3
David Canon 1999 Race, Redistricting, and Representation: The Unintended Consequences of Black Majority Districts 3
Gregory Currie 1990 The Nature of Fiction 3
Gottlob Frege 1879 Begriffsschrift 3
David C. Makinson 1965 The Paradox of the Preface 3
Benedictus de (Baruch) Spinoza 1677 Ethics 3
Paul Teller 1973 Conditionalization and Observation 3
Katherine H. Tachau 1987 Wodeham, Crathorn, and Holcot: The Development of the <em>complexe significabile</em> 3
John Sutton 1998 Philosophy and Memory Traces: Descartes to Connectionism 3
George S.; Burgess Boolos 1985 Nominalist Platonism 3
W.D. Hart 1988 The Engines of the Soul 3
Geoffrey Nunberg 1993 Indexicality and Deixis 3
Dale Jacquette 1989 Mally's Heresy and the Logic of Meinong's Object Theory 3
Paul Benacerraf 1965 What Numbers Could Not Be 3
Paul F. Snowdon 1990 Persons, Animals, and Ourselves 3
Terence H. Irwin 1995 Plato's Ethics 3
Michael Huemer 2005 Ethical Intuitionism 3
Ernest Sosa 1999 Existential Relativity 3
Iamblichus Iamblichus 1991 On the Pythagorean Way of Life 3
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 1970 A Theory of Human Action 3
Alan Wertheimer 1987 Coercion 3
Frank Jackson 1977 Perception: A Representative Theory 3
A.D. Conti 2010 Realism 3
Thomas Nagel 2005 The Problem of Global Justice 3
Laurence Nemirow 1990 Physicalism and the Cognitive Role of Acquaintance 3
Crawford L. Elder 2008 Against Universal Mereological Composition 3
David K. Lewis 1994 Humean Supervenience Debugged 3
Robin D. Rollinger 1999 Husserl's Position in the School of Brentano 3
Theodore R. Sider 2002 The Ersatz Pluriverse 3
George Berkeley 1948 The Works of George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne 3
M.J. Cresswell 1973 Logics and Languages 3
Louise M. Antony and Joseph Levine 1997 Reduction With Autonomy 3
Rudolf Carnap 1952 The Continuum of Inductive Methods 3
Mark A. Bedau 1997 Weak Emergence 3
Alfred J. Ayer 1952 Language, Truth and Logic 3
Hans Reichenbach 1920 Relativitätstheorie und Erkenntnis Apriori 3
Edmund Husserl 2001 Logical Investigations 3
A.M. Turing 1936 On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem 3
Erica Harth 1992 Cartesian Women: Versions and Subversions of Rational Discourse in the Old Regime 3
Amélie A. Long (ed.) 1999 The Cambridge Companion to Early Greek Philosophy 3
Anna-Sofia -S. Maurin 2002 If Tropes 3
Jonathan Bennett 1966 Kant's Analytic 3
Daniel C. Dennett 1984 Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting 3
John Earman 1986 A Primer on Determinism 3
Herbert A. Davidson 1987 Proofs for Eternity, Creation and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy 3
Richard B. Brandt 1992 Morality, Utilitarianism, and Rights 3
Michael C. Rea 1995 The Problem of Material Constitution 3
Jerry A. Fodor 1981 Representations 3
M.L. West 1971 Early Greek Philosophy and the Orient 3
Roderick M. Chisholm 1957 Perceiving 3
Michael D. Resnik 1997 Mathematics as a Science of Patterns 3
Charles J. McCracken 1983 Malebranche and British Philosophy 3
Alison M. Jaggar 1983 Feminist Politics and Human Nature 3
Ned Block 1996 Mental Paint and Mental Latex 3
Saul A. Kripke 1979 A Puzzle About Belief 3
Evan Fales 1990 Causation and Universals 3
John Deigh 1994 Cognitivism in the Theory of Emotions 3
Carl Gustav Hempel 1965 Aspects of Scientific Explanation and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Science 3
Hartry H. Field 1978 Mental representation 3
Susan Wolf 1990 Freedom Within Reason 3
Charles C.W. Taylor 1992 The Politics of Recognition 3
Mark Heller 1990 The Ontology of Physical Objects: Four-Dimensional Hunks of Matter 3
Mark Johnston 1992 Constitution is not Identity 3
Bas van Fraassen 1984 Belief and the Will 3
Georges B.J. Dreyfus 1997 Recognizing Reality: Dharmakīrti's Philosophy and its Tibetan Interpretations 3
Nicholas Griffin 1985 Russell's Critique of Meinong's Theory of Objects 3
Peter M. Simons 1994 Particulars in Particular Clothing: Three Trope Theories of Substance 3
T.A.F. Kuipers 2000 From Instrumentalism to Constructive Realism 3
Alan Gewirth 1978 Reason and Morality 3
Donald Davidson 1968 On Saying That 3
Alexandre Koyré 1957 From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe 3
John R. Searle 1995 The Construction of Social Reality 3
Richard W. Miller 1998 Cosmopolitan Respect and Patriotic Concern 3
Theodore R. Sider 2001 Four-Dimensionalism: An Ontology of Persistence and Time 3
Alonzo Church 1937 Journal of Symbolic Logic 3
Selim Berker 2009 The Normative Insignificance of Neuroscience 3
Bernard (forthcoming): Linsky, Zalta Zalta and E. E 1994 In Defense of the Simplest Quantified Modal Logic 3
Andy E. Clark 1997 Being There: Putting Brain, Body and World Together Again 3
Richard Henry Popkin 1960 The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Descartes 3
Iris Marion. Young 2000 Inclusion and Democracy 3
Karen Bennett 2003 Why the Exclusion Problem Seems Intractable, and How, Just Maybe, to Tract It 3
Lewis R. Gordon 1995 Bad Faith and Antiblack Racism 3
John R. Searle 1990 Collective Intentions and Actions 3
Rudolf Carnap 1942 Introduction to Semantics 3
Jack J.C. Smart 1963 Philosophy and Scientific Realism 3
Philip Pettit 1996 Freedom as Antipower 3
Jack J.C. Smart 1981 Physicalism and Emergence 3
Bennett W. Helm 2001 Emotional Reason: Deliberation, Motivation and the Nature of Value 3
Peter Kingsley 1995 Ancient Philosophy, Mystery and Magic 3
John Bickle 1998 Psychoneural Reduction: The New Wave 3
C.A. Huffman 2008 Another Incarnation of Pythagoras 3
Peter (trans.) King 1982 Peter Abailard and the Problem of Universals in the Twelfth Century 3
I.Bernard Cohen 1985 Revolution in Science 3
Thomas M. Scanlon 1998 What We Owe Each Other 3
Kathrin Koslicki 2003 The Crooked Path from Vagueness to Four-Dimensionalism 3
Fred Dretske 1971 Conclusive Reasons 3
Alan W. Richardson 1998 Carnap's Construction of the World 3
Derek Parfit 1971 Personal Identity 3
Joseph (forthcoming): LaPorte 2004 Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change 3
Rudolf Carnap 1932 Psychology in Physical Language 3
Alan Hájek 2003 What Conditional Probability Could Not Be 3
Jonathan Schaffer 2010 Monism: The Priority of the Whole 3
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1980 Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology 3
Robert Kane 1996 The Significance of Free Will 3
Amie L. Thomasson 2007 Ordinary Objects 3
David J. Chalmers 2004 The Representational Character of Experience 3
Immanuel Kant 1787 Critique of Pure Reason 3
Judson B. Allen 1997 Carneadean argument in Cicero's Academic books 3
Colin McGinn 1989 Mental Content 3
John Corvino 2005 Homosexuality and the PIB Argument 3
Thomas McKay 2006 Plural Predication 3
Josh Parsons 2000 Must a Four-Dimensionalist Believe in Temporal Parts? 3
David A. Hume 1748 An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding 3
James M. Buchanan 1975 The Limits of Liberty: Between Anarchy and Leviathan 3
Amartya K. Sen 1987 On Ethics and Economics 3
Elisabeth A. Lloyd 1994 The Structure and Confirmation of Evolutionary Theory 3
R.J. Hankinson 1998 Cause and Explanation in Ancient Greek Thought 3
Kit Fine 2002 The Varieties of Necessity 3
J.A. Philip 1966 Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism 3
Fred Feldman 1995 Justice, Desert, and the Repugnant Conclusion 3
Alice G. Walker 1947 Durées et instants 3
Kent Bach 1987 Thought and Reference 3
Henrik Lagerlund 2000 Modal Syllogistics in the Middle Ages 3
Norman Malcolm 1968 The Conceivability of Mechanism 3
Roger Penrose 1989 The Emperor's New Mind 3
Robert C. Stalnaker 1976 Possible Worlds 3
John E. Roemer 1982 A General Theory of Exploitation and Class 3
Alison John. Simmons 2001 Justification and Legitimacy: Essays on Rights and Obligations 3
Frances A. Yates 1964 Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition 3
Arthur Fine 1993 Fictionalism 3
Donald Davidson 1993 Thinking Causes 3
Ines Hacking (ed.) 1981 Scientific Revolutions 3
Sally Haslanger 1989 Endurance and Temporary Intrinsics 3
Moritz Schlick 1918 Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre 3
James Dreier 1990 Internalism and Speaker Relativism 3
Richard L. Cartwright 1962 Propositions 3
Russell B. Goodman 1990 American Philosophy and the Romantic Tradition 3
Andrew Oldenquist 1982 Loyalties 3
Rachel A. Ankeny 2000 Fashioning Descriptive Models in Biology: Of Worms and Wiring Diagrams 3
Walter Benjamin 1996 The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism 3
Moritz Schlick 1936 Meaning and Verification 3
Gilbert H. Harman 1990 The Intrinsic Quality of Experience 3
Richard Routley 1980 Exploring Meinong's Jungle and Beyond 3
Jaegwon Kim 1999 Making Sense of Emergence 3
Bas C. van Fraassen 1989 Laws and Symmetry 3
Michael Walzer 2004 Arguing about War 3
Sextus Empiricus 2000 Outlines of Scepticism 3
Donald Davidson 1985 Deception and Division 3
Brian P. McLaughlin 1992 The Rise and Fall of British Emergentism 3
Charles L. Stevenson 1963 Facts and Values 3
John R. Searle 1975 Indirect Speech Acts 3
Cécile Laborde 2008 Critical Republicanism: The Hijab Controversy and Political Philosophy 3
George Molnar 2003 Powers: A Study in Metaphysics 3
Keith Hossack 2000 Plurals and Complexes 3
John Knoblock 1988 Xunzi: A Translation and Study of the Complete Works 3
Willard Van Orman Quine 1940 Mathematical Logic 3
Angelika Kratzer 1977 What ‘Must’ and ‘Can’ Must and Can Mean 3
Charles W. Mills 1997 The Racial Contract 3
Jonathan Dancy 2004 Ethics without Principles 3
David Malet Armstrong 1961 Perception and the Physical World 3
Brian Ellis, Lierse Lierse and Crockford C 1994 Dispositional Essentialism 3
David K. Lewis 1980 A Subjectivist's Guide to Objective Chance 3
Roderick M. Chisholm 1981 The First Person 3
Rudolf Carnap 1950 Empiricism, Semantics and Ontology 3
Gideon Rosen 1990 Modal Fictionalism 3
L. Bonjour 1998 In Defense of Pure Reason 3
George A. Wilson 1989 The Intentionality of Human Action 3
Thomas L. Heath 1921 A History of Greek Mathematics 3
Herbert L.A. Hart 1961 The Concept of Law 3
Allen E. Buchanan 1985 Ethics, Efficiency, and the Market 3
Charles P. Jones 1999 Global Justice: Defending Cosmopolitanism 3
Timothy Williamson 2013 Modal Logic as Metaphysics 3
Jane Mansbridge 2003 Rethinking Representation 3
John Heil 2003 From an Ontological Point of View 3
John McDowell 1987 Projection and Truth in Ethics 3
Amy Gutmann and Dennis F. Thompson 1996 Democracy and Disagreement 3
Theodore R. Sider 2009 Ontological Realism 3
Robert R. Brandon 1990 Adaptation and Environment 3
Richard G. Swinburne 1994 The Christian God 3
Vann McGee 1992 Two Problems with Tarski's Theory of Consequence 3
Jerrold J. Katz 1990 The Metaphysics of Meaning 3
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1967 The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell 3
Gerald A. Cohen 2008 Rescuing Justice and Equality 3
Theodore R. Sider 2004 Replies to Gallois, Hirsch and Markosian 3
Richard J. Arneson 1989 Equality and Equal Opportunity for Welfare 3
Daniel Nolan 2005 David Lewis 3
Michael Walzer 2004 Arguing About War 3
Michael (forthcoming): Devitt 1991 Realism and Truth 3
Robert M. May 1985 Logical Form: Its Structure and Derivation 3
Ruth Garrett Millikan 2000 On Clear and Confused Ideas 3
J.David. Velleman 1989 Practical Reflection 3
Morris Weitz 1956 The Role of Theory in Aesthetics 3
Andy E. Clark 1993 Sensory Qualities 3
Hermann DK = Diels 1879 Doxographi Graeci 3
G.W. Fitch 1996 In Defense of Aristotelian Actualism 3
Christopher S. Hill 1997 Imaginability, Conceivability, Possibility and the Mind-Body Problem 3
Nelson Goodman 1978 Ways of Worldmaking 3
Michael Tye 1990 Vague Objects 3
J.A. Palmer 2009 Parmenides and Presocratic Philosophy 3
W.H. Newton-Smith 1981 The Rationality of Science 3
Judith Jarvis Thomson 1990 The Realm of Rights 3
Peter van Inwagen 1977 Creatures of Fiction 3
Seumas L. Miller 2010 The Moral Foundations of Social Institutions: A Philosophical Study 3
Jeroen Groenendijk and Martin Stokhof 1991 Dynamic Predicate Logic 3
Stephen M. Kosslyn 1980 Image and Mind 3
Frank P. Ramsey 1929 Theories 3
Gottlob Frege 1892 On sense and reference 3
Laurence BonJour 1998 In Defense of Pure Reason 3
R.H. Coase 1960 The Problem of Social Cost 3
Mark Johnston 2006 Hylomorphism 3
Isaiah Berlin 1969 Two Concepts of Liberty 3
Richard C. Taylor 1992 Metaphysics 3
David T. Miller 2000 Citizenship and National Identity 3
Anna Sierszulska 2005 Meinong on Meaning and Truth 3
Sydney Shoemaker 1994 Phenomenal Character 3
Arthur N. Prior 1967 Past, Present and Future 3
James M. Joyce 1998 A Nonpragmatic Vindication of Probabilism 3
Russell Wahl 2011 The Axiom of Reducibility 3
J.Alberto Coffa 1991 The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap 3
Douglas Ehring 2011 Tropes: Properties, Objects, and Mental Causation 3
David K. Lewis 1989 Dispositional Theories of Value 3
David N. Sedley 1998 Lucretius and the Transformation of Greek Wisdom 3
Kenneth J. Arrow 1951 Social Choice and Individual Values 3
Bernard (forthcoming): Linsky, Zalta Zalta and E. E 1996 In Defense of the Contingently Concrete 3
Richard Rorty 1979 Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature 3
Richard Rorty 1989 Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity 3
Kenneth P. Winkler 1989 Berkeley: An Interpretation 3
Jules S. Coleman 2001 The Practice of Principle 3
Rudolf Carnap 1928 Der logische Aufbau der Welt 3
Donald Davidson 1973 Freedom to Act 3
John M. Cooper (ed.) 1997 Plato: Complete Works 3
Jaegwon Kim 1989 Mechanism, Purpose, and Explanatory Exclusion 3
H. Sankey 1994 The Incommensurability Thesis 3
Ryan Wasserman 2002 The Standard Objection to the Standard Account 3
Tyler Burge 1986 Individualism and Psychology 3
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1921 The Analysis of Mind 3
Amartya K. Sen 1980 Equality of What? 3
David K. Lewis 1986 Philosophical Papers 3
W. Deuse 1983 Untersuchungen zur mittelplatonischen und neuplatonischen Seelenlehre 3
Justin D'Arms and Daniel Jacobson 2000 The Moralistic Fallacy: On the ‘Appropriateness’ of Emotions 3
Carl Gustav Hempel 1949 The Logical Analysis of Psychology 3
Peter Unger 1996 Living High and Letting Die 3
David O. Brink 1986 Externalist Moral Realism 3
Hilary Putnam 1994 Words and Life 3
Gottlob Frege 1893 Grundgesetze der Arithmetik 3
Willard Van Orman Quine 1961 From a Logical Point of View 3
Alfred J. Ayer 1956 The Problem of Knowledge 3
David T. Miller 1974 Popper's Qualitative Theory of Verisimilitude 3
John Stuart. Mill 1863 Utilitarianism 3
Peter K. Machamer, Lindley Darden and Carl F. Craver 2000 Thinking About Mechanisms 3
Alfred Tarski 2002 On the Concept of Following Logically 3
Christoph Riedweg 2005 Pythagoras: His Life, Teaching, and Influence 3
Thomas W. Pogge 1992 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty 3
W.David Ross 1930 The Right and The Good 3
Robert C. Stalnaker 1968 A Theory of Conditionals 3
S.A. Kauffman 1993 The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution 3
Patrick Devlin 1965 The Enforcement of Morals 3
James Fitzjames Stephen 1873 Liberty, Equality, Fraternity 3
Jaegwon Kim 1993 Supervenience and Mind: Selected Philosophical Essays 3
Joshua D. Greene 2008 The Secret Joke of Kant's Soul 3
Daniel C. Dennett 1988 Quining Qualia 3
Roderick M. Chisholm 1977 Theory of Knowledge 3
James P. Griffin 1986 Well-Being 3
Terence E. Horgan 1984 Jackson on Physical Information and Qualia 3
George Sher 1996 Did Tarski Commit ‘Tarski's Fallacy’? 3
Hans Kamp and Uwe Reyle 1993 From Discourse to Logic 3
Henryk Mehlberg 1958 The Reach of Science 3
Gottlob Frege 1980 Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence 3
C.A. Huffman 2005 Archytas of Tarentum: Pythagorean, Philosopher and Mathematician King 3
Maureen Donnelly 2009 Mereological Vagueness and Existential Vagueness 3
Bernard (forthcoming): Linsky 2002 The Resolution of Russell's Paradox in <em>Principia Mathematica</em> 3
John Locke 1690 An Essay concerning Human Understanding 3
Bernard (forthcoming): Linsky 1999 Russell's Metaphysical Logic 3
Frederick C. (ed. Beiser 1987 The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte 3
G.E. M. Anscombe 1958 Modern Moral Philosophy 3
L.W. Sumner 1996 Welfare, Happiness, and Ethics 3
Simon Caney 2005 Justice Beyond Borders: A Global Political Theory 3
Alain de Libera 1996 La querelle des universaux. De Platon à la fin du Moyen Age 3
Richard N. Boyd 1988 How to be a Moral Realist 3
John P. Hawthorne 2002 Blocking Definitions of Materialism 3
Edward N. Zalta 1993 Twenty-Five Basic Theorems in Situation and World Theory 3
Michael Billig 1995 Banal Nationalism 3
Martha (tr. Nussbaum 1999 Sex and Social Justice 3
Donald Davidson 1990 The Structure and Content of Truth 3
David Held 1995 Democracy and the Global Order: From the Modern State to Cosmopolitan Governance 3
Thomas S. Kuhn 1957 The Copernican Revolution 3
Frederick C. (ed. Beiser 2011 The German Historicist Tradition 3
Lynne Rudder Baker 1997 Why Constitution is not Identity 3
M. Gómez-Torrente 2002 The Problem of Logical Constants 3
Robert Merrihew Adams 1972 Must God Create the Best? 3
Frank Jackson 1993 Armchair Metaphysics 3
Peter D. Klein 1981 Certainty: A Refutation of Scepticism 3
Harold W. Noonan 1993 Constitution is Identity 3
Jeff McMahan 2005 Our Fellow Creatures 3
Harold W. Noonan 2003 Personal Identity 3
Samuel Scheffler 2003 What is Egalitarianism? 3
Colin Howson 2000 Hume's Problem: Induction and the Justification of Belief 3
Aristotle Aristotle 1984 Metaphysics 3
Denis Bonnay 2008 Logicality and Invariance 3
Matthew Hanser 1990 Harming Future People 3
Graham Priest 2005 Towards Non-Being. The Logic and Metaphysics of Intentionality 3
Michael T. Ghiselin 1974 A Radical Solution to the Species Problem 3
Brian Skyrms 1981 Tractarian Nominalism 3
Troy A. Jollimore 2011 Love's Vision 3
Hans D. Sluga 1993 Heidegger's Crisis: Philosophy and Politics in Nazi Germany 3
Stephen Gersh 1978 From Iamblichus to Eriugena: An Investigation of the Prehistory and Evolution of the Pseudo-Dionysian Tradition 3
William Hasker 1989 God, Time, and Knowledge 3
Gregory Vlastos 1991 Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher 3
Alasdair MacIntyre 1984 Is Patriotism a Virtue? 3
Stephan Satris 1987 Ethical Emotivism 3
Edwin Mares 2007 The Fact Semantics for Ramified Type Theory and the Axiom of Reducibility 3
T. Yagisawa 2010 Worlds and Individuals, Possible and Otherwise 3
Matti Eklund 2002 Peter van Inwagen on Material Beings 3
Max Scheler 1954 The Nature of Sympathy 3
A.B. Emden 1957 A Biographical Register of the University of Oxford to A.D. 1500 3
J.David. Velleman 2000 The possibility of practical reason 3
Terence E. Horgan 1993 From Supervenience to Superdupervenience: Meeting the Demands of a Material World 3
Margaret Gilbert 2000 Sociality and Responsibility: New Essays in Plural Subject Theory 3
James F. Woodward 1986 The Non-Identity Problem 3
J.A. Palmer 1999 Plato's Reception of Parmenides 3
Jonathan Schaffer 2009 On What Grounds What 3
Immanuel Kant 1781 Kritik der reinen Vernunft 3
Richard Joyce 2006 The Evolution of Morality 3
Mark Johnston 1992 Constitution Is Not Identity 3
Patrick Maher 1993 Betting on Theories 3
David H. Kaplan 1986 Opacity 3
Godehard Link (ed.) 2004 One Hundred Years of Russell's Paradox 3
David K. Lewis 1980 Index, Context, and Content 3
Ernst Mally 1912 Gegenstandtheoretische Grundlagen der Logik und Logistik 3
Alasdair MacIntyre 1988 Whose Justice? Which Rationality? 3
Joel Feinberg 1988 Harmless Wrongdoing 3
Peter Unger 1980 The Problem of the Many 3
Susan Mendus 2002 Impartiality in Moral and Political Philosophy 3
Michael Freeden 1978 The New Liberalism: An Ideology of Social Reform 3
Aristotle Aristotle 1984 Fragments 3
Sydney Shoemaker 1999 Self, Body, and Coincidence 3
Gottlob Frege 1892 Über Sinn und Bedeutung 3
Tyler Burge 1975 On Knowledge and Convention 3
John Perry 2001 Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness 3
Leonard J. Savage 1954 The Foundations of Statistics 3
Lauri Karttunen 1977 Syntax and Semantics of Questions 3
John Rawls 1980 Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory 3
Lawrence Sklar 1975 Methodological Conservatism 3
Stephen Laurence 1996 A Chomskian Alternative to Convention-Based Semantics 3
Alvin C. Plantinga 1974 God, Freedom, and Evil 3
Bas C. Van Fraassen 1980 The Scientific Image 3
Nicholas Griffin and Bernard Linsky (eds.) 2013 The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematica 3
Peter F. Strawson 1964 Intention and Convention in Speech Acts 3
Jan Narveson 1988 The Libertarian Idea 3
Michael A. Slote 1989 Beyond Optimizing 3
E.J . Ashworth and Paul Vincent. Spade 1992 Logic in Late Medieval Oxford 3
Larry Laudan 1990 Demystifying Underdetermination 3
Stephen Mumford 1998 Dispositions 3
Richard Feldman 2003 Epistemology 3
Bruno Centrone 1990 Pseudopythagorica Ethica 3
Richard Dawkins 1976 The Selfish Gene 3
Hans D. Sluga 1980 Gottlob Frege 3
Timothy Williamson 2003 Everything 3
Susan Wolf 1982 Moral Saints 3
David Braun 2005 Empty Names, Fictional Names, Mythical Names 3
Peter Thomas Geach 1956 Good and Evil 3
William Hasker 1999 The Emergent Self 3
G.E. M. Anscombe 1957 Intention 3
Russ Shafer-Landau 2003 Moral Realism: A Defense 3
Paul Helm 1988 Eternal God 3
Ernest Sosa 2000 Skepticism and Contextualism 3
Deborah G. Mayo 1996 Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge 3
Fred Dretske 1977 Laws of Nature 3
Hartry H. Field 1980 Science Without Numbers 3
Robert Merrihew Adams 1977 Middle Knowledge and the Problem of Evil 3
Daniel Pickering Walker 1972 The Ancient Theology: Studies in Christian Platonism from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Century 3
John Bickle 2003 Philosophy and Neuroscience: A Ruthlessly Reductive Account 3
Francis Fukuyama 1992 The End of History and the Last Man 3
Donald Davidson 1973 Radical Interpretation 3
Gail C. Stine 1976 Skepticism, Relevant Alternatives, and Deductive Closure 3
Kent Greenawalt 1995 Private Consciences and Public Reasons 3
Alfred Tarski 1944 The semantic conception of truth 3
David R.P. Wiggins 1967 Identity and Spatio-Temporal Continuity 3
Richard G. Swinburne 1979 The Existence of God 3
Roderick M. Chisholm 1989 Theory of Knowledge 3
J. Divers 2002 Possible Worlds 3
William P. Alston 1993 The Reliability of Sense Perception 3
Sonam Thakchoe 2007 The Two Truths Debate: Tsongkhapa and Gorampa on the Middle Way 3
David R.P. Wiggins 1968 On Being in the Same Place at the Same Time 3
David T. Miller 2007 National Responsibility and Global Justice 3
Richard K. Larson and G.M.A. Segal 1995 Knowledge of Meaning 3
R. Titmuss 1971 The Gift Relationship: From Human Blood to Social Policy 3
Michael A. Friedman 1992 Kant and the Exact Sciences 3
Fred Dretske 1999 The Mind's Awareness of Itself 3
Rudolf Carnap 1928 Der Logische Aufbau der Welt 3
Harold (ed. Cherniss and trans in English) 1976 Plutarch's Moralia 3
Graham Oppy 2006 Arguing about Gods 3
Gabriel Uzquiano 2011 Mereological Harmony 3
Garrett Hardin 1968 The Tragedy of the Commons 3
Graham Priest 2006 In Contradiction 3
Laurence R. Horn 1989 A Natural History of Negation 3
Bernard A.O. Williams 1981 Internal and External Reasons 3
Jerry A. Fodor 1989 Making Mind Matter More 3
Holger Thesleff 1972 On the Problem of the Doric Pseudo-Pythagorica. An Alternative Theory of Date and Purpose 3
Kendall L. Walton 1970 Categories of Art 3
Alice D.M. Walker 1988 Political Obligation and the Argument from Gratitude 3
Jerry A. Fodor 1987 Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind 3
Arthur Coleman Danto 1981 The Transfiguration of the Commonplace 3
David H. Kaplan 1989 Afterthoughts 3
Mary Garrett 1993 Classical Chinese Conceptions of Argumentation and Persuasion 3
James Mill 1829 Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind 3
Gerald A. Cohen 1989 On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice 3
Charles H. Kahn 2001 Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans: A Brief History 3
Lenny Moss 2003 What Genes Can't Do 3
Roger Crisp 2006 Reasons and the Good 3
Ronald M. Dworkin 1981 What is Equality? Part 2: Equality of Resources 3
Gerald A. Cohen 1995 Self-Ownership, Freedom, and Equality 3
Charles H. Kahn 1979 The Art and Thought of Heraclitus 3
Bernard (forthcoming): Linsky 1990 Was the Axiom of Reducibility a Principle of Logic? 3
Philippa Foot 1978 Virtues and Vices 3
Leslie ‘Pornographies’ Green 1988 The Authority of the State 3
Nelson Goodman 1976 Languages of Art 3
Ned Block 1981 Psychologism and Behaviorism 3
Alasdair Urquhart 2003 The Theory of Types 3
Robert C. Stalnaker 2002 What is it Like to Be a Zombie? 3
Alasdair Urquhart 1988 Russell's Zig-Zag Path to the Ramified Theory of Types 3
Reinhardt Grossmann 1974 Meinong 3
Laurence R. Horn 2004 Implicature 3
Jonathan Schaffer 2001 The Individuation of Tropes 3
Anthony Everett 2005 Against Fictional Realism 3
Michael Polanyi 1958 Personal Knowledge 3
Martha (tr. Nussbaum 1990 Love's Knowledge 3
Norman Kretzmann 1982 et al 3
George Bealer 1998 Intuition and the Autonomy of Philosophy 3
Brian Barry 1989 Theories of Justice 3
Hu Shih 1922 The Development of the Logical Method in Ancient China 3
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1923 Vagueness 3
Alvin C. Plantinga 1993 Warrant: The Current Debate 3
T.M. Porter 1986 The Rise of Statistical Thinking: 1820–1900 2
Alan Musgrave 1988 The Ultimate Argument for Scientific Realism 2
Edward Bradford Titchener 1908 Lectures on the Elementary Psychology of Feeling and Attention 2
Robert Audi 1998 Epistemology 2
Keith Frankish 2004 Mind and Supermind 2
David Copp 1995 Morality, Normativity, and Society 2
Richard Tieszen 2011 After Gödel: Platonism and Rationalism in Mathematics and Logic 2
John Dewey 1927 The Public and Its Problems 2
Paul Grice 1957 Meaning 2
Richard Sharvy 1980 A More General Theory of Definite Descriptions 2
Christopher Burton Martin 1980 Substance Substantiated 2
James Warren 2004 Facing Death: Epicurus and his Critics 2
Ernest Lepore and Barry Loewer 1989 You can say that again 2
Thomas C. Brickhouse and Nicholas D. Smith 1994 Plato's Socrates 2
Nicholas Wolterstorff 1970 On Universals 2
David Held 1980 Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas 2
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 1979 What Is Justified Belief? 2
Shelly Kagan 1999 Equality and Desert 2
Kent Bach, Harnish Harnish and Ruth R 1979 Linguistic Communication and Speech Acts 2
John L. Mackie 1974 The Cement of the Universe 2
D.Alan Cruse 1986 Lexical Semantics 2
Thomas Baldwin 1990 G.E. Moore 2
Neil McKinnon 2003 Vague Simples 2
H-J J. Mette 1986 Philon von Larisa und Antiochus von Askalon 2
Rudolf Carnap 1956 Meaning and Necessity: A Study in Semantics and Modal Logic 2
Howard M. Robinson 1983 Aristotelian dualism 2
E. Sachs 1917 Die fünf Platonischen Körper 2
Richard G. Swinburne 1998 Providence and the Problem of Evil 2
Robert Kane (ed.) 2002 The Oxford Handbook of Free Will 2
Willard Van Orman Quine 1953 Reference and Modality 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1957 Metaphysica 2
G.S. Hall 1912 Founders of Modern Psychology 2
A.M. Turing 1936 On Computable Numbers, With an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem 2
Simon Blackburn 1988 Supervenience Revisited 2
Nicola Lacey 1988 State Punishment: Political Principles and Community Values 2
George Berkeley 1710 Principles of Human Knowledge 2
Warren S. Quinn 1985 The Right to Threaten and the Right to Punish 2
Jonathan Bennett 1980 Accountability 2
Charles C.W. Taylor 1985 Self-Interpreting Animals 2
John Stuart. Mill 1988 The Subjection of Women 2
Eric T. Olson 1997 The Human Animal: Personal Identity Without Psychology 2
S.E. Kingsland 2002 Creating a Science of Nature Reserve Design: Perspectives from History 2
Robert J. Fogelin 1994 Pyrrhonian Reflections on Knowledge and Justification 2
Theokritos Kouremenos, George M. Parássoglou and Kyriakos Tsantsanoglou 2006 Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini 2
Robert Sugden 1986 The Economics of Rights, Co-operation and Welfare 2
Hans Kamp 1971 Formal Properties of ‘Now’ 2
Thomas L. Heath 1956 Euclid: The Thirteen Books of the Elements 2
Gary C. Hatfield 1990 The Natural and the Normative: Theories of Spatial Perception from Kant to Helmholtz 2
Richard R.K. Sorabji 1988 Matter, Space and Motion 2
John R. Searle 1979 Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts 2
Carl Ginet 1980 The Conditional Analysis of Freedom 2
Andrew von Hirsch 1976 Doing Justice: The Choice of Punishments 2
James Van Cleve 1979 Foundationalism, Epistemic Principles, and the Cartesian Circle 2
Gilbert Ryle 1971 Collected Papers 2
Peter Raedts 1987 Richard Rufus of Cornwall and the Tradition of Oxford Theology 2
J.David. Velleman 1999 Love as a Moral Emotion 2
Dana Scott 1970 Advice on Modal Logic 2
Susan Wendell 1996 The Rejected Body: Feminist Philosophical Reflections on Disability 2
R. Macken 1977 Heinrich von Gent im Gespräch mit seinen Zeitgenossen über die menschliche Freiheit 2
Alfred R. Mele 2001 Self-Deception Unmasked 2
James Higginbotham 1985 On Semantics 2
John C. Harsanyi 1977 Morality and the Theory of Rational Behavior 2
George Boole 1847 The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, Being an Essay Towards a Calculus of Deductive Reasoning 2
Robert J. Wallace 1994 Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments 2
Tyler Burge 1979 Individualism and the mental 2
Mark Platts 1979 Ways of Meaning 2
Debra Nails 1995 Agora, Academy, and the Conduct of Philosophy 2
Thomas R. Reid 1764 An Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense 2
Morton J. White 1992 The Continuous and the Discrete: Ancient Physical Theories from a Contemporary Perspective 2
P. Noordhof 1998 Do Tropes Resolve the Problem of Mental Causation? 2
Susan Dimock 1997 Retributivism and Trust 2
Stich P. Stich 1990 The Fragmentation of Reason 2
R.T. Wallis 1972 Neoplatonism 2
John B. Jr. Cobb and David Ray Griffin 1976 Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition 2
John L. Austin 1950 Truth 2
Stephen Yablo 1999 Concepts and consciousness 2
Margaret Urban. Walker 1998 Moral Understandings: A Feminist Study in Ethics 2
Hilary Putnam 1960 Minds and Machines 2
René Descartes 1984 The Philosophical Writings of Descartes 2
Lauri Karttunen 1974 Presupposition and linguistic context 2
Ronald J. Fiscus 1992 The Constitutional Logic of Affirmative Action 2
Gershom Gerhard Scholem 1946 Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism 2
Robert J. Yanal 1999 Paradoxes of Emotion and Fiction 2
M.J. Cresswell 1996 Semantic Indexicality 2
Susan Wolf 1990 Freedom within Reason 2
Amartya K. Sen, Bernard A.O. Williams and eds eds 1982 Utilitarianism and Beyond 2
Donald Davidson 1969 True to the Facts 2
Agnieska Jaworska 2007 Caring and Full Moral Standing 2
Plutarch Plutarch 1949 Moralia 2
Stanley Cavell 2004 Cities of Words: Pedagogical Letters on a Register of the Moral Life 2
Maurice Natanson 1986 Anonymity: A Study in the Philosophy of Alfred Schutz 2
Angus Charles Graham 1967 The Background of the Mencian Theory of Human Nature 2
Eamonn Callan 1997 Creating Citizens: Political Education and Liberal Democracy 2
Kit Fine 1985 Plantinga on the Reduction of Possibilist Discourse 2
H.A. Prichard 1949 Moral Obligation: Essays and Lectures 2
Eddy Nahmias, Stephen Morris, Thomas Nadelhoffer and Jason C. Turner 2006 Is Incompatibilism Intuitive? 2
F. Tersman 2006 Moral Disagreement 2
Antonio R. Damasio 1994 Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain 2
Jaap Mansfeld 1999 Sources 2
A. Chakravartty 2008 What You Don't Know Can't Hurt You: Realism and the Unconceived 2
David Dolinko 1991 Some Thoughts about Retributivism 2
Daniel Nolan 1996 Recombination Unbound 2
Alva Noë 2005 Against Intellectualism 2
C. Whitbeck 1977 Causation in Medicine: The Disease Entity Model 2
Richard Holton 1999 Intention and Weakness of Will 2
Robert D. Putnam 1995 Bowling Alone 2
Bas C. van Fraassen 1968 Presupposition, implication, and self-reference 2
C. Boorse 1977 Health as a Theoretical Concept 2
Hilary Putnam 1994 The Question of Realism 2
Frederick Neuhouser 2000 Foundations of Hegel's Social Theory: Actualizing Freedom 2
Katherine Hawley 2006 Principles of Composition and Criteria of Identity 2
Nathan U. Salmon 1986 Modal Paradox: Parts and Counterparts, Points and Counterpoints 2
George S.; Burgess Boolos 1975 On Second-Order Logic 2
J. Gibbons 2006 Mental Causation without Downward Causation 2
A. Bird 2007 Nature's Metaphysics: Laws and Properties 2
Bob Hale, Wright Wright and Crockford C 2001 The Reason's Proper Study 2
Edmund Husserl 1913 Logical Investigations 2
David F. Pears 1984 Motivated Irrationality 2
Jason C. Turner 2011 Ontological Nihilism 2
Alfred L. Ivry 1974 Al-Kindi's Metaphysics 2
Robert E. Goodin 1987 Exploiting a Situation and Exploiting a Person 2
Friedrich W. Nietzsche 1969 On the Genealogy of Morals 2
Brad (trans.) Inwood 2001 The Poem of Empedocles 2
Tad M. Schmaltz 2008 Occasionalism and Mechanism: Fontenelle's Objections to Malebranche 2
Terence Parsons 1975 A Meinongian Analysis of Fictional Objects 2
Lisa Gannett 2003 The Normal Genome in Twentieth-Century Evolutionary Thought 2
Gregory Landini 2011 Russell 2
Bart Geurts 1999 Presuppositions and Pronouns 2
Gottlob Frege 1984 Thoughts 2
Immanuel Kant 1797 The Metaphysics of Morals 2
Irene Heim 1982 On the Semantics of Definite and Indefinite Noun Phrases 2
Laurence Thomas 1992 Moral Deference 2
W.David Ross 1923 Aristotle 2
Roger N. Shepard, Cooper Cooper and L. L 1982 Mental Images and their Transformations 2
B.L. Packer 1982 Emerson's Fall 2
Christopher Menzel 1991 The True Modal Logic 2
Benjamin Barber 1984 Strong Democracy 2
David A. Hume 1978 Treatise of Human Nature 2
Abner Shimony 1970 Scientific Inference 2
Lawrence C. Becker 1974 Criminal Attempts and the Theory of the Law of Crimes 2
Wilfrid Sellars 1963 Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind 2
A.A. Markov 1960 The Theory of Algorithms 2
Ernst Cassirer 1910 Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff 2
John MacFarlane 2003 Future Contingents and Relative Truth 2
G.K. Meffe, Carroll Carroll and Claassen R 1994 Principles of Conservation Biology 2
Mary B. Hesse 1966 Models and Analogies in Science 2
Owen Flanagan 1992 Consciousness Reconsidered 2
Alan K.L. Chan 1991 Two Visions of the Way: A Study of the Wang Pi and Ho-shang Kung Commentaries on the Lao-tzu 2
Barry Loewer 2007 Mental Causation, or Something Near Enough 2
John A. Burgess and Gideon Rosen 1997 A Subject with no Object 2
A.D. Barker 2007 The Science of Harmonics in Classical Greece 2
Marc Ereshefsky 1998 Species Pluralism and Anti-Realism 2
Chris D. Frith 1992 The Cognitive Neuropsychology of Schizophrenia 2
Marleen Rozemond 1998 Descartes's Dualism 2
John Cohen (ed.) 1996 For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism 2
Gabriel Nuchelmans 1973 Theories of the Proposition: Ancient and Medieval Conceptions of the Bearers of Truth and Falsity 2
Alfred North Whitehead 1920 The Concept of Nature 2
Marjorie Grene 1985 Descartes 2
Trenton Merricks 2005 Composition and Vagueness 2
David Christensen 2009 Disagreement as Evidence: The Epistemology of Controversy 2
Willard Van Orman Quine 1954 Quantification and the Empty Domain 2
Hans Reichenbach 1938 Experience and Prediction. An Analysis of the Foundations and the Structure of Knowledge 2
Anneliese L. Maier 1949 Die Vorläufer Galileis im 14. Jahrhundert 2
John Finnis 1994 Law, Morality, and ‘Sexual Orientation’ 2
Simon Blackburn 1990 Hume and Thick Connexions 2
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 1992 Liaisons: Philosophy Meets the Cognitive and Social Sciences 2
Alfred J. Ayer 1946 A Critique of Ethics 2
Kit Fine 1999 Things and Their Parts 2
W. Köhler 1925 The Mentality of Apes 2
John Braithwaite and Philip Pettit 1990 Not Just Deserts 2
Joseph Raz 2005 The Myth of Instrumental Rationality 2
Jerry A. Fodor 2003 Hume Variations 2
D.D. Hoffman, Richards J. Richards and Weissman Gordon A 1985 Parts of Recognition 2
Charles Hartshorne 1972 Whitehead's Philosophy: Selected Essays, 1935–1970 2
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1961 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 2
Richard Moran 2001 Authority and Estrangement: An Essay on Self-Knowledge 2
Eli Hirsch 1999 The Vagueness of Identity 2
Christopher Menzel 1990 Actualism, Ontological Commitment, and Possible Worlds Semantics 2
S. Sadik 2011 The definition of Place in the Thought of Abner of Burgos and Rabbi Hasdai 2
Nicholas Griffin 1991 Russell's Idealist Apprenticeship 2
William James 1897 The Will to Believe 2
Kris McDaniel 2003 No Paradox of Multi-Location 2
William L. Rowe 1979 The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism 2
Stephen L. Read 1994 Formal and Material Consequence 2
C. Boorse 1976 What A Theory of Mental Health Should Be 2
Christopher Shields 2007 Aristotle 2
W.S. Parker 2009 Does Matter Really Matter? Computer Simulations, Experiments and Materiality 2
C. Strang 1963 The Physical Theory of Anaxagoras 2
Patricia K. Curd 2004 The Legacy of Parmenides: Eleatic Monism and Later Presocratic Thought 2
Stephen C. Kleene 1952 Introduction to Metamathematics 2
Nuel D.J. Belnap 1962 Tonk, Plonk and Plink 2
George S.; Burgess Boolos 1971 The Iterative Conception of Set 2
David Malet Armstrong 1968 A materialist theory of the mind 2
Henry M. Wellman 1990 The Child's Theory of Mind 2
Anthony Kenny 1963 Action, Emotion and Will 2
David Woodruff Smith 2007 Husserl 2
David C. Stove 1986 The Rationality of Induction 2
Richard Heinze 1892 Xenokrates 2
Jeff McMahan 2009 Asymmetries in the Morality of Causing People to Exist 2
Patricia K. Curd 1998 The Legacy of Parmenides: Eleatic Monism and Later Presocratic Thought 2
Willard Van Orman Quine 1969 Natural Kinds 2
Jason Stanley 1997 Names and Rigid Designation 2
Herbert Paul Grice 1975 Logic and conversation 2
Terence E. Horgan, Tienson Tienson and James J 2002 The Intentionality of Phenomenology and the Phenomenology of Intentionality 2
Hermann DK = Diels 1965 Antike Technik 2
Daniel Nolan 2006 Vagueness, Multiplicity and Parts 2
Ian Hacking 1972 The Logic of Pascal's Wager 2
S.E. Marshall and R.A. Duff 1998 Criminalization and Sharing Wrongs 2
Karl R. Popper 1972 Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach 2
James W. Boettcher 2007 Respect, Recognition, and Public Reason 2
Luis de Molina 1988 On Divine Foreknowledge (Part IV of the Concordia) 2
Mark Johnston 1987 Human Beings 2
George Rudebusch 2009 Socrates 2
Anneliese L. Maier 1955 Metaphysische Hintergründe der spätscholastischen Naturphilosophie 2
Julian Dodd 2000 Musical Works as Eternal Types 2
Kent Bach 1994 Conversational impliciture 2
Hartry H. Field 1989 Realism, Mathematics, and Modality 2
Kris McDaniel 2001 Tropes and Ordinary Physical Objects 2
Roger Scruton 1997 The Aesthetics of Music 2
Marc Bekoff, Pierce Pierce and James J 2009 Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals 2
Nathan U. Salmon 1979 How <em>Not</em> to Derive Essentialism from the Theory of Reference 2
Herbert Paul Grice 1969 Utterer's Meaning and Intentions 2
Neil L. Wilson 1959 Substances without Substrata 2
Harry Brighouse 2006 On Education 2
Alonzo Church 1976 Comparison of Russell's Resolution of the Semantical Antinomies with That of Tarski 2
David Archard 2004 Children: Rights and Childhood 2
Fred Feldman 2004 Pleasure and the Good Life: Concerning the Nature, Varieties, and Plausibility of Hedonism 2
Arthur Versluis 1993 American Transcendentalism and Asian Religions 2
Géraud de Cordemoy 1968 Oeuvres philosophiques 2
E. Telfer 1970 Friendship 2
A. Bird 2005 The Dispositionalist Conception of Laws 2
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1905 On denoting 2
Sextus Empiricus 1933 Outlines of Pyrrhonism 2
C. Guignon 1993 Authenticity, Moral Values, and Psychotherapy 2
Mark Platts 1979 Moral Reality 2
Alex Byrne 2001 Intentionalism Defended 2
Allen W. Wood 1990 Hegel's Ethical Thought 2
S. Lecce 2008 Against Perfectionism: Defending Liberal Neutrality 2
Joshua Dever 1999 Compositionality as methodology 2
Daniel A. Dombrowski 1991 Christian Pacifism 2
John R. Searle 1984 Minds, Brains, and Science 2
Alfred J. Ayer 1963 The concept of a person 2
Arthur N. Prior 1956 Modality and Quantification in S5 2
Keith Lehrer 1974 Knowledge 2
Karl R. Popper 1963 Conjectures and Refutations 2
John Rawls 1964 Legal Obligation and the Duty of Fair Play 2
Paul A. Boghossian 1997 Analyticity 2
Paul Weithman 2002 Religion and the Obligations of Citizenship 2
Alfred L. Ivry 1983 Remnants of Jewish Averroism in the Renaissance 2
Werner Heisenberg 1958 Physics and Philosophy 2
Alan McMichael 1983 A Problem for Actualism about Possible Worlds 2
Elliott Sober and Deirdre S. Wilson 1998 Unto Others 2
Maria J. Falco (ed.) 1996 Feminist Interpretations of Mary Wollstonecraft 2
Hastings Rashdall 1907 The Theory of Good and Evil 2
Donald Davidson 1982 Rational Animals 2
Peter A. Singer 2002 One World: The Ethics of Globalization 2
R.(trans.) Bett 2005 Sextus Empiricus: Against the Logicians 2
H.L. Dreyfus 1992 What Computers Still Can't Do 2
Henri Poincaré 1905 Science and Hypothesis 2
Jonathan Dancy 1985 The Role of Imaginary Cases in Ethics 2
D. Steel 2009 Testability and Ockham's Razor: How Formal and Statistical Learning Theory Converge in the New Riddle of Induction 2
Joel Feinberg 1985 Offense to Others 2
George Sher 1987 Desert 2
Frances Myrna Kamm 1989 Harming Some to Save Others 2
Philip Kitcher 1984 1953 and All That: A Tale of Two Sciences 2
Ernest Sosa 1999 How to Defeat Opposition to Moore 2
Laurence Thomas 1993 Friendship and Other Loves 2
Derek Parfit 1987 Reasons and Persons 2
A. Martin and O. Primavesi 1999 L'Empédocle de Strasbourg 2
Robert Nozick 1989 Love's Bond 2
Iris Murdoch 1970 The Sovereignty of Good 2
Peter Winch 1958 The Idea of a Social Science 2
Hilary Putnam 1965 How Not to Talk about Meaning 2
Eric T. Olson 2006 Temporal Parts and Timeless Parthood 2
Rudolf Carnap 1932 The Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language 2
William R. Carter 1989 How to Change Your Mind 2
Marc Fleurbaey 2008 Fairness, Responsibility, and Welfare 2
Elizabeth E. Anderson 1999 What Is the Point of Equality? 2
David Benatar 2006 Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence 2
Roger J. White 2001 Love's Philosophy 2
Julia E. Annas 2011 Intelligent Virtue 2
Michael Rea (ed.) 1997 Material Constitution: A Reader 2
Paul Grice 1969 Utterer's Meaning and Intentions 2
Gareth R. Evans 1980 Pronouns 2
Dermot Moran 2000 Introduction to Phenomenology 2
Willard Van Orman Quine 1956 Quantifiers and propositional attitudes 2
Timothy Williamson 2002 Necessary Existents 2
Ishtiyaque Haji 1998 Moral Appraisability 2
Ross P. Cameron 2010 From Humean Truthmaker Theory to Priority Monism 2
Richard N. Boyd 1988 How to Be a Moral Realist 2
Jonathan Dancy 1996 Real Values in a Humean Context 2
George Klosko 1989 Political Obligation and Gratitude 2
Matthew Sharp Lipman 1991 Thinking in Education 2
Noel Ignatiev 1995 How the Irish Became White 2
Charles S. Chihara 1973 Ontology and the Vicious Circle Principle 2
Andrew Mason 1997 Special Obligations to Compatriots 2
C. Boorse 1997 A rebuttal on health 2
Alvin C. Plantinga 1976 Actualism and Possible Worlds 2
Stewart M. Cohen 1984 Justification and Truth 2
William P. Alston 1980 Level Confusions in Epistemology 2
Kadri Vihvelin 1996 What time travelers cannot do 2
Laurence Thomas 1989 Living Morally: A Psychology of Moral Character 2
Robert J. Wallace 1999 Three Conceptions of Rational Agency 2
Robert J. Provine 2000 Laughter: A Scientific Investigation 2
Jan Narveson 1976 Moral Problems of Population 2
Hubert Hudson (ed.) 2004 Simples 2
Martha (tr. Nussbaum 1994 The Therapy of Desire 2
Alfred J. Ayer 1967 Has Austin Refuted the Sense-Datum Theory? 2
Joseph Raz 1996 Liberty and Trust 2
Anita Silvers 1998 Formal Justice 2
Ted Honderich 1988 A Theory of Determinism 2
Peter Gay 1977 The Enlightenment: An Interpretation 2
D.R. Dicks 1970 Early Greek Astronomy to Aristotle 2
William Ewald 1996 From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics 2
S. Boër and William G. Lycan 1986 Knowing Who 2
Allan Gibbard and Hal Varian 1978 Economic Models 2
Charles C.W. Taylor 1975 Hegel 2
Otto Stählin 1939 Clemens Alexandrinus 2
Christopher J. Rowe 2007 Plato and the Art of Philosophical Writing 2
Michael Walzer 2006 Terrorism and Just War 2
Ruth (ed) Chang 1997 Incommensurability, Incomparability, and Practical Reason 2
Diana Raffman 1996 Vagueness and context-sensitivity 2
Seyla Benhabib 1986 Critique, Norm, and Utopia: A Study of the Foundations of Critical Theory 2
Herbert Butterfield 1931 The Whig Interpretation of History 2
Richard B. Brandt 1954 Hopi Ethics: A Theoretical Analysis 2
Jc C. Beall 2005 Transparent disquotationalism 2
William K. Clifford 1874 Body and Mind 2
Graham Priest 1995 Beyond the Limits of Thought 2
James Robert G. Williams 2007 Eligibility and Inscrutability 2
Nicomachus Nicomachus 1926 Introduction to Arithmetic 2
Andrew D. Irvine 1992 Gaps, Gluts and Paradox 2
Stephen Yablo 2000 A Paradox of Existence 2
Terence E. Horgan, Tienson Tienson and James J 1996 Connectionism and the Philosophy of Psychology 2
Eugene H. Peters 1970 Hartshorne and Neoclassical Metaphysics 2
Alan P.F. Sell 1995 Philosophical Idealism and Christian Belief 2
D.L. Cheney, Seyfarth Seyfarth and R.M. R.M 1990 How Monkeys See the World: Inside the Mind of Another Species 2
Frank P. Ramsey 1927 Facts and Propositions 2
Michael C. Rea 2001 How to be an Eleatic Monist 2
Donald L.M. Baxter, Cotnoir Cotnoir and Alan J. (eds.) 2014 Composition as Identity 2
Will Norman W. Kymlicka 1995 Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights 2
William Lyons 1980 Emotion 2
Terry M. Robinson 1987 Heraclitus: Fragments 2
Katja Maria Vogt 2008 Law, Reason, and the Cosmic City: Political Philosophy in the Early Stoa 2
David K. Lewis 1970 General Semantics 2
Linus Pauling 1939 The Nature of the Chemical Bond 2
P.K. Stanford 2001 Refusing the Devil's Bargain: What Kind of Underdetermination Should We Take Seriously? 2
Rebecca Copenhaver 2006 Thomas Reid's Theory of Memory 2
L. Robbins 1932 An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science 2
Jacques Derrida 1979 Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles 2
Timothy Williamson 2005 Armchair Philosophy, Metaphysical Modality and Counterfactual Thinking 2
P.W. Hedrick, Lacy Lacy, R. R., C. C., Allendorf Allendorf, F. W., Soulé Soulé and Marcus Patrick E 1996 Directions in Conservation Biology: Comments on Caughley 2
Gilbert H. Harman 1996 Moral Relativism 2
Daniel T. Gilbert 2006 Stumbling on Happiness 2
Friedrich Engels 1884 The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State 2
Philip Wiener 1949 Evolution and the Founders of Pragmatism 2
Stephen Yablo 2001 Go Figure: A Path Through Fictionalism 2
Jon Etchemendy Jon Barwise, Perry Perry and James J 1983 Situations and Attitudes 2
Robert Howell 2002 Types, Indicated and Initiated 2
John McDowell 1985 Functionalism and Anomalous Monism 2
Richard Holton 2009 Willing, Wanting, Waiting 2
Eyójolfur Kjalar Emilsson 2007 Plotinus on Intellect 2
John E. Roemer 1985 Equality of Talent 2
Lois <i>Against Recognition</i>. Cambridge: Polity McNay 2008 Against Recognition 2
Paul Benacerraf 1965 What numbers could not be 2
Peter Forrest 1996 From Ontology to Topology in the Theory of Regions 2
Nicholas Griffin (ed.) 2003 The Cambridge Companion to Bertrand Russell 2
David K. Lewis 1993 Many but almost one 2
Jaegwon Kim 1982 Psychophysical Supervenience 2
Joshua W.C. Cutler Lamrim Chenmo Translation Committee (ed.) 2000 The Great Treatise on the States of the Path to Enlightenment 2
Laurence BonJour 2003 Reply to Sosa 2
Jeffrey Stout 2004 Democracy and Tradition 2
Michael A.E. Dummett 1975 Wang's paradox 2
Gabriel Uzquiano 2006 Receptacles 2
Jonathan Schaffer 2003 The Problem of Free Mass: Must Properties Cluster? 2
Andrew Kania 2008 New Waves in Musical Ontology 2
George Sher 2006 In Praise of Blame 2
Graeme H. Forbes 1989 Languages of Possibility 2
Kenneth J. Arrow 1963 Social Choice and Individual Values 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1984 Politics 2
Mark Heller 1984 Temporal Parts of Four Dimensional Objects 2
G. D'Oro 2002 Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience 2
Denys Turner 1995 The Darkness of God. Negativity in Christian Mysticism 2
Edmund Husserl 1900 Logische Untersuchungen. Erster Teil: Prolegomena zur reinen Logik 2
Anthony Kenny 1989 The Metaphysics of Mind 2
Margaret R. Holmgren 1998 Self-Forgiveness and Responsible Moral Agency 2
Will Norman W. Kymlicka 1990 Contemporary Political Philosophy 2
Norman Daniels and (ed ). (ed.) 1975 Reading Rawls: Critical Studies on John Rawls' 2
E. Schröder 1890 Algebra der Logik, Vols. I–III 2
Thomas M. Scanlon 1998 What We Owe To Each Other 2
Ernst Cassirer 1923 Philosophie der symbolischen Formen 2
Alfred Tarski 1983 On the concept of logical consequence 2
Ruth Benedict 1934 Patterns of Culture 2
Mark Warren and Dario Castiglione 2004 The Transformation of Democratic Representation 2
Judea Pearl 2000 Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference 2
Harold W. Noonan 2010 A Flaw in Sider's Vagueness Argument for Unrestricted Mereological Composition 2
Theodore R. Sider 2008 Yet Another Paper on the Supervenience Argument Against Coincident Entities 2
Lisa Bortolotti 2009 Delusions and Other Irrational Beliefs 2
Michael O. Hardimon 1994 Role Obligations 2
Donald A. Gillies 2000 Philosophical Theories of Probability 2
Charles E. Larmore 1996 The Romantic Legacy 2
Kent Bach 1997 Thinking and Believing in Self-Deception 2
Arthur M. Okun 1975 Equality and Efficiency: The Big Tradeoff 2
Paul K. Moser 2008 The Elusive God: Reorienting Religious Epistemology 2
Kai S. Nielsen 1988 World Government, Security, and Global Justice 2
Samuel Scheffler 2007 Immigration and the Significance of Culture 2
Byeong-Uk -U. Yi 1999 Is Two a Property? 2
Alonzo Church 1936 A Note on the Entscheidungsproblem 2
Lawrence C. Becker 1977 Property Rights: Philosophic Foundations 2
J.G.A. Pocock 1975 The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition 2
Keith Hossack 2007 The Metaphysics of Knowledge 2
Herbert L.A. Hart 1955 Are There any Natural Rights? 2
George Boole 1854 An Investigation of The Laws of Thought on Which are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities 2
W.Stanley Jevons 1871 The Theory of Political Economy 2
David A. Hume 1757 Of the Standard of Taste 2
Keimpe Barnes Algra, Jonathan Barnes, Jaap Mansfeld and Michael Schofield (eds.) 1999 The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy 2
Stewart M. Cohen 1986 Knowledge and Context 2
Fred Feldman 1995 Desert: Reconsideration of Some Received Wisdom 2
Ernst Behler 1992 Frühromantik 2
John Locke 1690 An essay concerning human understanding 2
Thomas Hobbes 1668 Leviathan 2
James Lenman 2008 Against Moral Fictionalism 2
Alfred North Whitehead 1919 An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge 2
Jeffrey S. Bell 1987 Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics 2
John P. Hawthorne 2012 Inductive Logic 2
Simon Blackburn 2004 Lust 2
Seana Valentine Shiffrin 1999 Wrongful Life, Procreative Responsibility, and the Significance of Harm 2
Francis Snare 1980 The Diversity of Morals 2
Frank Jackson 1998 From Metaphysics to Ethics: a Defence of Conceptual Analysis 2
Sharon Street 2006 A Darwinian Dilemma for Realist Theories of Value 2
Pamela Hieronymi 2004 The Force and Fairness of Blame 2
Richard N. Boyd 1984 The Current Status of Scientific Realism 2
Matti Eklund 2005 Fiction, Indifference, and Ontology 2
David K. Lewis 1983 Extrinsic Properties 2
Franz Brentano 1976 Philosophische Untersuchungen zu Raum, Zeit und Kontinuum 2
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 1999 A Priori Warrant and Naturalistic Epistemology 2
P. Moraux 2001 Der Aristotelismus bei den Griechen 2
Glenn R. Morrow and John M. Dillon 1987 Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Parmenides 2
Robert Audi 1973 Intending 2
E.Jonathan Lowe 1998 The Possibility of Metaphysics: Substance, Identity, and Time 2
Judith Jarvis Thomson 1977 Acts and Other Events 2
John R. Searle 1975 A taxonomy of illocutionary acts 2
P. Tichý 1976 Verisimilitude Redefined 2
David R. Hilbert, Ackermann Ackermann and W. W 1928 Grundzüge der Theoretischen Logik 2
Jerry A. Fodor 1984 Observation Reconsidered 2
Dan G. Arnold 2005 Buddhists, Brahmins, and Belief: Epistemology in South Asian Philosophy of Religion 2
Y. Huang 2007 Pragmatics 2
A.W. Price 1989 Love and Friendship in Plato and Arisotle 2
J.E. Whiting 1991 Impersonal Friends 2
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong 1996 Moral Dilemmas and Rights 2
Daniel Stoljar 2007 Two Conceivability Arguments Compared 2
Donald Davidson 1984 On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme 2
Herbert Paul Grice and Peter F. Strawson 1956 In Defense of a Dogma 2
James A: Weisheipl 1969 Repertorium Mertonense 2
Margaret Morrison 2000 Unifying Scientific Theories 2
Gareth R. Evans 1980 Things Without the Mind 2
Matthew Sharp Lipman 2008 A Life Teaching Thinking 2
Henri Bergson 1944 Creative Evolution 2
Jerry A. Fodor 1980 Methodological Solipsism Considered as a Research Strategy in Cognitive Psychology 2
Mark Balaguer 1998 Attitudes Without Propositions 2
Peter Gärdenfors 2000 Conceptual Spaces 2
Gillian Brock 2009 Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account 2
Dallas Willard 1984 Logic and the Objectivity of Knowledge 2
Stephen Yablo 1987 Identity, Essence and Indiscernibility 2
Victor Caston 1997 Epiphenomenalisms, Ancient and Modern 2
Jeffrey (tr.) Hopkins 2008 Tsong-kha-pa's Final Exposition of Wisdom 2
Stephen R. Kellert 1993 In the Wake of Chaos 2
Crispin J. Wright 1993 Realism, Meaning and Truth 2
Thomas W. Pogge 2008 World Poverty and Human Rights 2
David R. Dowty, Robert E. Wall and Stanley Peters 1981 Introduction to Montague Semantics 2
Margaret Gilbert 1990 Walking Together: A Paradigmatic Social Phenomenon 2
Roger S. Woolhouse 1993 Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz: The Concept of Substance in Seventeenth Century Metaphysics 2
Joseph P. Fell 1979 Heidegger and Sartre: An Essay on Being and Place 2
J.H. Moor 2008 Why We Need Better Ethics for Emerging Technologies 2
Sandra D. Mitchell 1997 Pragmatic Laws 2
Johan van Benthem 1983 The Logic of Time 2
Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein 2008 Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness 2
Jürgen Habermas 2006 The Divided West 2
Robert Van Gulick 2001 Reduction, Emergence and Other Recent Options on the Mind/Body Problem: A Philosophic Overview 2
Timothy L.S.. Sprigge 1988 The Rational Foundations of Ethics 2
Paul Hoyningen-Huene 1987 Context of Discovery and Context of Justification 2
Mark Timmons 1999 Morality Without Foundations 2
Michael T. Ghiselin 1969 The Triumph of the Darwinian Method 2
Edward J. Watts 2007 Creating the Academy: Historical Discourse and the Shape of Community in the Old Academy 2
Q. Cassam 1997 Self and World 2
Susan A. Handelman 1991 Fragments of Redemption: Jewish Thought and Literary Theory in Benjamin, Scholem, and Levinas 2
Andy E. Clark 1996 Being There 2
John Rawls 2007 Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy 2
Immanuel Kant 1991 The Metaphysics of Morals 2
Roderick M. Chisholm 1982 Brentano and Meinong Studies 2
Robert C. Stalnaker 1973 Presuppositions 2
Robert J. Aumann 1976 Agreeing to Disagree 2
Rudolf Carnap 1935 Philosophy and Logical Syntax 2
Maria Elisabeth Reicher 2005 Russell, Meinong, and the Problem of Existent Nonexistents 2
C.(forthcoming). Perception O'Callaghan 2007 Sounds 2
Gary S. Becker 1976 The Economic Approach to Human Behavior 2
Michael A.E. Dummett 1975 Wang's Paradox 2
R. Royall 1997 Statistical Evidence: A Likelihood Paradigm 2
B. Friedman and H. Nissenbaum 1996 Bias in Computer Systems 2
Noa Latham 2001 Substance Physicalism 2
Michael Frede 1979 Des Skeptikers Meinungen 2
Immanuel Kant 1963 The Critique of Pure Reason 2
David K. Lewis 1974 Radical Interpretation 2
J. Tomberlin, van Inwagen and Peter Whitten (eds.) 1985 Profiles: Alvin Plantinga 2
Hermann DK = Diels 1958 Doxographi Graeci 2
Mark Crimmins 1998 Hesperus and Phosphorus: Sense, Pretense, and Reference 2
Richard Rorty 1999 Philosophy and Social Hope 2
Judith Jarvis Thomson 1976 Killing, Letting Die, and the Trolley Problem 2
Leon Horsten 2011 The Tarskian Turn: Deflationism and Axiomatic Truth 2
Josh Parsons 2007 Theories of Location 2
William C. Kneale 1956 The Province of Logic 2
in Edited by Sylvana Tomaselli 1995 A Vindication of the Rights of Men with A Vindication of the Rights of Woman and Hints 2
Ruth Barcan Marcus 1947 The Identity of Individuals in a Strict Functional Calculus of Second Order 2
Alan Donagan 1988 Spinoza 2
Stephen E. Lahey 2003 Philosophy and Politics in the Thought of John Wyclif 2
Carl Gustav Hempel 1969 Reduction: Ontological and Linguistic Facets 2
Terence E. Horgan and Matjaž Potrč 2008 Austere Realism: Contextual Semantics Meets Minimal Ontology 2
Amélie Motyl (ed.) 2001 Encyclopedia of Nationalism 2
C.I. Lewis 1952 The Given Element in Empirical Knowledge 2
William P. Alston 1967 Pleasure 2
K. Döring 1972 Die Megariker. Kommentierte Sammlung der Testimonien 2
David O. Brink 1992 Mill's Deliberative Utilitarianism 2
Richard G. Swinburne 1986 The Evolution of the Soul 2
Ernest Gellner 1983 Nations and Nationalism 2
Richard Montague 1973 The Proper Treatment of Quantification in Ordinary English 2
David B. Wong 1984 Taoism and the Problem of Equal Respect 2
Solomon Feferman 1991 Reflecting on incompleteness 2
Noam N. Chomsky Chomsky 1975 Reflections on Language 2
Richard C. Jeffrey 2004 Subjective Probability. The Real Thing 2
D.J. Lasker 1977 Jewish Philosophical Polemics Against Christianity in the Middle Ages 2
David T. Miller 1976 Verisimilitude Redeflated 2
Lucian Lucian 1913 Lucian 2
Donald Davidson 1980 Mental Events 2
Alan Donagan 1966 The Popper-Hempel Theory Reconsidered 2
David Lyons 1965 Forms and Limits of Utilitarianism 2
Theodore Crowley 1950 Roger Bacon: The Problem of the Soul in his Philosophical Commentaries 2
Charles C.W. Taylor 1985 Philosophy and the Human Sciences: Philosophical Papers 2 2
J.Angelo Corlett 2003 Race, Racism, and Reparations 2
L. Reznek 1987 The Nature of Disease 2
James Dreier 2004 Why Ethical Satisficing Makes Sense and Rational Satisficing Doesn't 2
James F. Woodward 2008 Mental Causation and Neural Mechanisms 2
Christopher S. Hill 1991 Sensations 2
L.Jonathan Cohen 1992 An essay on belief and acceptance 2
William H. Dray 1957 Laws and Explanation in History 2
Trudy Govier 1993 Self-Trust, Autonomy, and Self-Esteem 2
Martha C. Nussbaum 1994 The Therapy of Desire: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics 2
Gyula (tr.) Klima 2009 John Buridan 2
Michael D. Resnik 1987 Choices: An Introduction to Decision Theory 2
David A. Hume 1748 Of the Original Contract 2
Brook Ziporyn 2003 The Penumbra Unbound: The Neo-Taoist Philosophy of Guo Xiang 2
James Ladyman 2009 Structural Realism 2
Irene Heim and Angelika Kratzer 1998 Semantics in Generative Grammar 2
Robert K.C. Forman 1993 The Problem of Pure Consciousness, Mysticism and Philosophy 2
Ramin Jahanbegloo 1992 Conversations with Isaiah Berlin 2
John L. Mackie 1976 Problems from Locke 2
Marilyn Frye 1983 The Politics of Reality: Essays in Feminist Theory 2
Jasper Reid 2012 The Metaphysics of Henry More 2
Michael Tye 1991 The Imagery Debate 2
John R. Searle 1992 The rediscovery of the mind 2
Nicholas Wolterstorff 1982 God Everlasting 2
Francesco Berto 2007 How to Sell a Contradiction. The Logic and Metaphysics of Inconsistency 2
Hestevold Scott Hestevold 1981 Conjoining 2
Jeffrey E. King 2003 Tense, Modality, and Semantic Values 2
Nicholas J.J. Smith 2008 Vagueness and Degrees of Truth 2
Ernst Cassirer 1951 The Philosophy of the Enlightenment 2
Hud Hudson 2009 Omnipresence 2
Martin G.F. Martin 2002 The Transparency of Experience 2
Sung Ho Kim 2002 Max Weber's Liberal Nationalism 2
Laurence Thomas 1987 Friendship 2
P.K. Stanford 2003 No Refuge for Realism: Selective Confirmation and the History of Science 2
C. Boorse 1975 On The Distinction Between Disease and Illness 2
Jean Piaget 1933 Children's Philosophies 2
Randolph Clarke 2009 Dispositions, Abilities to Act, and Free Will: The New Dispositionalism 2
Russell L. Friedman 1997 <em>In principio erat Verbum</em>: The Incorporation of Philosophical Psychology into Trinitarian Theology, 1250–1325 2
Sydney Shoemaker 1963 Self-knowledge and self-identity 2
Amélie Rorty (ed.) 1980 Explaining Emotions 2
Maureen Donnelly 2010 Parthood and Multi-location 2
W.A. Howard 1980 The formulae-as-types notion of construction 2
R.(trans.) Bett 2000 Pyrrho, his Antecedents and his Legacy 2
Wayne C. Davis 2003 Meaning, Expression, and Thought 2
Kwame Anthony Appiah 1996 Race, Culture, Identity: Misunderstood Connections 2
Elizabeth J. Barnes and James R. G. Williams 2011 A Theory of Metaphysical Indeterminacy 2
Richard C. Dales 1990 Medieval Discussions of the Eternity of the World 2
Jonathan G. Wolff 1998 Fairness, Respect, and the Egalitarian Ethos 2
Brian P. McLaughlin 1997 Emergence and Supervenience 2
Mark Heller 1990 The Ontology of Physical Objects: Four Dimensional Hunks of Matter 2
Ronald N. Giere 1999 Science Without Laws 2
Paul Teller 1992 A Contemporary Look at Emergence 2
Michele M. Moody-Adams 1997 Fieldwork in Familiar Places: Morality, Culture, and Philosophy 2
William P. Alston 2000 Illocutionary Acts and Sentence Meaning 2
Brian O'Shaughnessy 1980 The Will 2
Douglas M. Jesseph 1993 Berkeley's Philosophy of Mathematics 2
Michael Saward 2008 Representation and Democracy: Revisions and Possibilities 2
Leonard J. Savage 1972 The Foundations of Statistics 2
Jürgen Habermas 2001 The Postnational Constellation: Political Essays 2
Cody S. Gilmore 2007 Time Travel, Coinciding Objects, and Persistence 2
Elliott Sober 1980 Evolution, Population Thinking and Essentialism 2
Gottlob Frege 1984 Collected Papers on Mathematics, Logic, and Philosophy 2
Carol Gilligan 1982 In a Different Voice 2
C.J. Ducasse 1926 On the Nature and the Observability of the Causal Relation 2
Gerhard Gentzen 1969 The Collected Papers of Gerhard Gentzen 2
Rafał Urbaniak 2013 Leśniewski's Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics 2
Allen W. Wood 1998 Kant on Duties Regarding Nonrational Nature 2
David K. Lewis 1971 Counterparts of Persons and their Bodies 2
Christopher Burton Martin 2004 Logic 2
Alfred Tarski 1941 Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Science 2
Elmar J. Kremer 2000 Malebranche on Human Freedom 2
Harold D. Roth 1999 Original Tao: Inward Training and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism 2
Harry Austryn. Wolfson 1916 Crescas on the Problem of Divine Attributes 2
Annemarie Schimmel 1975 Mystical Dimensions of Islam 2
Theodore R. Sider 2011 Writing the Book of the World 2
Alvin C. Plantinga 1985 Replies 2
J.W. Cook 1999 Morality and Cultural Differences 2
George Bealer 1987 The Philosophical Limits of Scientific Essentialism 2
Gregory Vlastos 1962 Justice and Equality 2
Jonathan Weisberg 2011 Varieties of Bayesianism 2
Wesley C. Salmon 1997 Causality and Explanation: A Reply to Two Critiques 2
Keith DeRose 2002 Assertion, Knowledge and Context 2
Sydney Shoemaker 1979 Identity, Properties, and Causality 2
Alfred J. Ayer 1940 The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge 2
Tyler Burge 1988 Individualism and Self-Knowledge 2
R.I. Causey 1977 Unity of Science 2
Gregory S. Kavka 1982 The Paradox of Future Individuals 2
Michael Tye 2006 Pain: New Essays on Its Nature and the Methodology of Its Study 2
Jon Elster 1999 Alchemies of the Mind: Rationality and the Emotions 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1963 Categories and De Interpretatione 2
Margaret Canovan 2000 Patriotism Is Not Enough 2
John M. Cooper 1977 Aristotle on the Forms of Friendship 2
R. Kumar 2003 Who can be wronged? 2
J.H. Fetzer 1981 Scientific Knowledge: Causation, Explanation, and Corroboration 2
Shaun Gallagher 2009 Delusional realities 2
Peter M. S. Hacker 1996 Wittgenstein's Place in Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy 2
Patrick Suppes 1970 A Probabilistic Theory of Causality 2
Jeff McMahan 2008 Challenges to Human Equality 2
Paul M. Pietroski 2003 The Character of Natural Language Semantics 2
Roderick M. Chisholm 1987 Brentano's Theory of Pleasure and Pain 2
Dean W. Zimmerman 1997 Immanent Causation 2
Karola Stotz, Paul E. Griffiths and Rob E. Knight 2004 How Biologists Conceptualize Genes: An Empirical Study 2
Richard Routley 1979 Dialectical Logic, Semantics and Metamathematics 2
Fred Feldman 1997 Utilitarianism, Hedonism, and Desert 2
Simon Keller 2005 Patriotism as Bad Faith 2
Isaiah Berlin 1976 Vico and Herder 2
F. Gregory 1977 Scientific Materialism in Nineteenth Century Germany 2
Jan Narveson 2002 Respecting Persons in Theory and Practice 2
H-N N. Castañeda 1989 Thinking, Language, and Experience 2
Jerrold Levinson 1980 What a Musical Work Is 2
Jeroen Groenendijk and Martin Stokhof 1997 Questions 2
Allen W. Wood 1981 Karl Marx 2
Alan Donagan 1992 Sidgwick and Whewellian Intuitionism: Some Enigmas 2
Gilbert H. Harman 1990 The intrinsic quality of experience 2
David T. Miller 2008 Immigrants, Nations, and Citizenship 2
D. Scott-Kakures 2002 At Permanent Risk: Reasoning and Self-Knowledge in Self-Deception 2
Otto Neurath 1931 Physicalism: The Philosophy of the Vienna Circle 2
Charles S. Chihara 1998 Tarski's Thesis and the Ontology of Mathematics 2
Dirk Baltzly 2003 Stoic Pantheism 2
Peter Unger 1979 I Do Not Exist 2
John Rawls 1997 The Idea of Public Reason Revisited 2
John M. Cooper 2012 Pursuits of Wisdom 2
Jason Stanley 2003 Context, interest-relativity, and the sorites 2
Margaret Dauler Wilson 2008 Beware of the Blob: Cautions for Would-Be Metaphysicians 2
John Broome 2004 Reasons 2
Philip Pettit 1997 Republican Theory and Criminal Punishment 2
Arthur N. Prior 1962 Formal Logic 2
Immanuel Kant 1964 Critique of Pure Reason 2
A. Bird 1998 Dispositions and Antidotes 2
John Stuart. Mill 1998 Utilitarianism 2
J.R. Spencer 2010 A Tale of Two Simples 2
Eli Hirsch 2008 Ontological Arguments: Interpretive Charity and Quantifier Variance 2
D. Lanza 1966 Anassagora: Testimonianze e Frammenti 2
Robin D. Rollinger 2008 Austrian Phenomenology: Brentano, Husserl, Meinong, and Others on Mind and Object 2
Alfred Tarski 1941 Introduction to Logic and to the Methodology of Deductive Sciences 2
W. Görler 1994 Älterer Pyrrhonismus – Jüngere Akademie, Antiochos aus Askalon, § 47 Arkesilaos 2
Stephen Jay Gould 1977 Ontogeny and Phylogeny 2
Terence Parsons 1982 Fregean Theories of Fictional Objects 2
Thoralf Skolem 1970 Selected Works in Logic 2
Theodore R. Sider 2001 Maximality and Intrinsic Properties 2
R.A. Eberle 1970 Nominalistic Systems 2
Alan Musgrave 1981 ‘Unreal Assumptions’ in Economic Theory: The F-Twist Untwisted 2
Alvin C. Plantinga 2003 Essays in the Metaphysics of Modality 2
Gregory Vlastos 1950 The Physical Theory of Anaxagoras 2
Paul Ricoeur 1992 Oneself as Another 2
Brian Skyrms 1987 Dynamic Coherence and Probability Kinematics 2
Rachel Cooper 2007 Psychiatry and Philosophy of Science 2
Armstrong H. (ed. Armstrong and trans in English) 1966 Plotinus 2
Stephen Yablo 1999 Intrinsicness 2
David Beaver 2002 Presupposition in DRT 2
Jacques Brunschwig 1994 Papers in Hellenistic Philosophy 2
E.A. Burtt 1924 The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science 2
D. Miéville 1984 Un développement des systèmes logiques de Stanisław Leśniewski. Protothétique - Ontologie - Méréologie 2
A. Bird 2000 Thomas Kuhn 2
Stefano Predelli 1995 Against Musical Platonism 2
James Bohman 1996 Public Deliberation: Pluralism, Complexity, and Democracy 2
Peter W. Hylton 1990 Russell, Idealism, and the Emergence of Analytic Philosophy 2
Ross P. Cameron 2010 How to Have a Radically Minimal Ontology 2
Peter M. Simons 1985 Coincidence of Things of a Kind 2
Frank P. Ramsey 1931 Theories 2
Amie L. Thomasson 2005 The Ontology of Art and Knowledge in Aesthetics 2
Nikk Effingham 2011 Undermining Motivations for Universalism 2
Gerald A. Cohen 1979 Capitalism, Freedom and the Proletariat 2
Melinda A. Roberts 2002 A New Way of Doing the Best That We Can: Person-Based Consequentialism and the Equality Problem 2
Peter M. Simons 2003 The Universe 2
A.D. Barker 1989 Greek Musical Writings, Vol. II: Harmonic and Acoustic Theory 2
Jerry A. Fodor 1983 The Modularity of Mind 2
Matt Cavanagh 2002 Against Equality of Opportunity 2
John Stuart. Mill 1865 An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy 2
George S.; Burgess Boolos 1997 Is Hume's Principle Analytic? 2
David Malet Armstrong 2005 Four Disputes About Properties 2
Giacomo Sillari 2008 Common Knowledge and Convention 2
Nicomachus Nicomachus 1989 Enchiridion 2
A. Brannigan 1981 The Social Basis of Scientific Discoveries 2
Scott Soames 1987 Direct Reference, Propositional Attitudes, and Semantic Content 2
John Gardner 1998 On the Ground of Her Sex(uality) 2
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong 2006 Moral Skepticisms 2
Martha (tr. Nussbaum 2000 Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach, 2
Terry Pinkard 2000 Hegel: A Biography 2
Hilary Kornblith 1998 The Role of Intuition in Philosophical Inquiry: An Account with No Unnatural Ingredients 2
Annette C. Baier 1995 Moral Prejudices: Essays on Ethics 2
A.E. Magurran 1988 Ecological Diversity and Its Measurement 2
Jason Stanley, Williamson Williamson and Toffoli T 2001 Knowing How 2
Eleonore Stump 1989 Dialectic and Its Place in the Development of Medieval Logic 2
Nelson Goodman 1955 Fact, Fiction and Forecast 2
John M. Dillon 2003 The Heirs of Plato 2
Cécile Laborde 2010 Republicanism and Global Justice: A Sketch 2
David Woodruff Smith and Ronald McIntyre 1982 Husserl and Intentionality 2
Parrott Godfrey Smith 1998 Explaining Chaos 2
Neil Levy 2007 Neuroethics 2
Arash Abizadeh 2010 Democratic Legitimacy and State Coercion: A Reply to David Miller 2
Kieran Setiya 2007 Reasons without Rationalism 2
David K. Lewis 1993 Many, but Almost One 2
Thomas Cole 1967 Democritus and the Sources of Greek Anthropology 2
Laurence Thomas 1989 Friends and Lovers 2
M.E. Kalderon and (ed ). (ed.) 2005 Fictionalism in Metaphysics 2
Wayne D. Riggs 2002 Reliability and the Value of Knowledge 2
Gerard Debreu 1959 Theory of Value 2
Jeffrey E. Brower and Michael C. Rea 2005 Understanding the Trinity 2
Saul A. Kripke 1975 Outline of a Theory of Truth 2
Immanuel Kant 1929 Critique of Pure Reason 2
Eric T. Olson 2007 What Are We? A Study in Personal Ontology 2
Jennifer M. Saul 1997 Substitution and simple sentences 2
S. Kanger 1957 Provability in Logic 2
P. Tichý 1974 On Popper's Definitions of Verisimilitude 2
Paul Horwich 1982 Probability and Evidence 2
Mark Hinchliff 1996 The Puzzle of Change 2
Russell B. Goodman 2008 Emerson, Romanticism, and Classical American Pragmatism 2
Eduard Zeller 1923 Die Philosophie der Griechen in ihrer Geschichtlichen Entwicklung 2
Cyril B. Bailey 1928 The Greek Atomists and Epicurus 2
Sahotra Sarkar 1996 Ecological Theory and Anuran Declines 2
Alfred J. Ayer 1952 Language, Truth, and Logic 2
R.G. Bury 1935 Sextus Empiricus 2
Patricia K. Curd and David H. Graham (eds.) 2008 The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy 2
E.Jonathan Lowe 1982 The Paradox of the 1,001 Cats 2
D. Elgesem 1996 Privacy, Respect for Persons, and Risk 2
Sten Ebbesen 1979 The Dead Man is Alive 2
P. Mongin 2006 Value Judgments and Value Neutrality in Economics 2
Michael Jubien 1993 Ontology, Modality, and the Fallacy of Reference 2
A. Chakravartty 1998 Semirealism 2
Ruth Barcan Marcus 1986 Possibilia and Possible Worlds 2
P. Elbourne 2005 Situations and Individuals 2
Iris Einheuser 2006 Counterconventional Conditionals 2
Roland Hissette 1977 Enquête sur les 219 articles condamnés à Paris le 7 mars 1277 2
John D. Norton 1991 Thought Experiments in Einstein's Work 2
David N. Sedley 2008 Atomism's Eleatic Roots 2
Jason Stanley 2011 Know How 2
Adam D. Smith 1759 The Theory of Moral Sentiments 2
Nathan U. Salmon 1982 Reference and Essence 2
Laura Waddell Ekstrom 2000 Free Will: A Philosophical Study 2
J.V. Field 1988 Kepler's Geometrical Cosmology 2
Cressida J. Heyes 2007 Self-Transformations: Foucault, Ethics, and Normalized Bodies 2
Paolo Mancosu 1996 Philosophy of Mathematics and Mathematical Practice in the Seventeenth Century 2
Ronald M. Dworkin 1985 A Matter of Principle 2
Iris Marion. Young 1995 Mothers, Citizenship, and Independence: A Critique of Pure Family Values 2
Yuri Balashov 2008 Persistence and Multilocation in Spacetime 2
Allen E. Buchanan 2004 Justice, Legitimacy, and Self-Determination 2
Anthony Kenny 1973 Wittgenstein 2
David Braddon-Mitchell, Jackson Jackson and Fiorentino P. F 1996 Philosophy of Mind and Cognition 2
Brad (trans.) Inwood and Lloyd P. Gerson 1997 Hellenistic Philosophy: Introductory Readings 2
Philip Pettit 2010 A Republican Law of Peoples 2
John Neville Keynes 1906 Studies and Exercises in Formal Logic 2
Nelson Pike 1970 God and Timelessness 2
Alonzo Church 1976 Comparison of Russell's Resolution of the Semantical Antinomies with that of Tarski 2
Claudia Card 2007 Gay Divorce: Thoughts on the Legal Regulation of Marriage 2
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1948 Whitehead and <em>Principia Mathematica</em> 2
Steven Wall 1998 Liberalism, Perfectionism and Restraint 2
Peter A. Singer 1974 Sidgwick and Reflective Equilibrium 2
Marc De Lange 2011 Hume and the Problem of Induction 2
Ian Proops 2006 Russell's Reasons for Logicism 2
William A. Edmundson 1998 Three Anarchical Fallacies: An Essay on Political Authority 2
Paul Vincent. Spade 1994 Five Texts on the Mediaeval Problem of Universals 2
Frances Howard-Snyder 1994 The Heart of Consequentialism 2
Chandran Kukathas and (ed ). (ed.) 2003 John Rawls: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers 2
John L. Austin 1979 Philosophical Papers 2
David J. Chalmers 1990 Syntactic Transformations on Distributed Representations 2
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1920 Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 2
Brian Jacobs 1999 Categorical Logic and Type Theory 2
Eli D. Hirsch 2005 Physical-Object Ontology, Verbal Disputes, and Common Sense 2
Jeremy Waldron 1988 The Right to Private Property 2
Paul K. Moser 1985 Empirical Justification 2
Philip J. Stratton-Lake 2000 Kant, Duty, and Moral Worth 2
Richard Tieszen 2005 Phenomenology, Logic, and the Philosophy of Mathematics 2
Pierre M.M. Duhem 1906 The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory 2
Patrick Maher 2010 Explication of Inductive Probability 2
Hans Aarsleff 1982 From Locke to Saussure: Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History 2
Harry G. Frankfurt 1982 Freedom of the Will and the Concept of a Person 2
Livia Kohn (ed.) 2000 Daoism Handbook 2
Paul R. Thagard 1978 The Best Explanation: Criteria for Theory Choice 2
Robert M. Gordon 1986 Folk Psychology as Simulation 2
S.A. Lloyd and (ed ). (ed.) 1994 John Rawls's Political Liberalism 2
Rudolf Carnap 1934 Logische Syntax der Sprache 2
Greg Ray 1996 Logical Consequence: a Defense of Tarski 2
A. Kukla 1998 Studies in Scientific Realism 2
Harry G. Frankfurt 1987 Equality as a Moral Ideal 2
L.J. Snyder 1997 Discoverers' Induction 2
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1821 The Philosophy of Right 2
Bruno de Finetti 1972 Probability, Induction and Statistics 2
William A. Galston 2001 Political Knowledge, Political Engagement, and Civic Education 2
John P. Hawthorne 2005 The Case for Closure 2
Akihiro Kanamori 2009 Set Theory from Cantor to Cohen 2
Aviezer Ravitzky 1982 Crescas' Theory of Human Will: Development and Sources 2
Daniel C. Dennett 1987 The intentional stance 2
L.J. Snyder 2006 Reforming Philosophy: A Victorian Debate on Science and Society 2
Douglas Husak 1992 Why Punish the Deserving? 2
B.J. Copeland 2002 The Genesis of Possible Worlds Semantics 2
Jonathan Schaffer 2003 Overdetermining Causes 2
Herbert Fingarette 1969 Self-Deception 2
Donald Davidson 1982 Paradoxes of Irrationality 2
Gareth R. Evans 1978 Can there be Vague Objects? 2
Nathan U. Salmon 1989 The Logic of What Might Have Been 2
Eli Hirsch 1982 The Concept of Identity 2
Edward O. Wilson 1978 On Human Nature 2
Pekka Väyrynen 2006 Resisting the Buck-Passing Account of Value 2
Theodore R. Sider 2003 Against Vague Existence 2
E.C. Luschei 1965 The Logical Systems of Leśniewski 2
Blaise Pascal 1670 Pensées 2
David B. Hershenov 2008 A Hylomorphic Account of Thought Experiments Concerning Personal Identity 2
Terence H. Irwin 1988 Aristotle's First Principles 2
Michael B. Burke 1994 Preserving the Principle of One Object to a Place: A Novel Account of the Relations among Objects, Sorts, Sortals and Persistence Conditions 2
Larry Laudan 1981 A Confutation of Convergent Realism 2
Mark Johnston 1987 Is there a Problem about Persistence? 2
Alexander Pfänder 1921 Logik 2
Amy Gutmann 1985 Communitarian Critics of Liberalism 2
David Malet Armstrong 1968 A Materialist Theory of Mind 2
Rudolf G. Wagner 2000 The Craft of a Chinese Commentator: Wang Bi on the Laozi 2
Norman Kretzmann 1966 Omniscience and Immutability 2
William Demopoulos 2003 On the Rational Reconstruction of our Theoretical Knowledge 2
William W. Tait 1981 Finitism 2
David K. Lewis 1983 Philosophical Papers 2
James Tully 1995 Strange Multiplicity: Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity 2
James Pryor 2001 Highlights of Recent Epistemology 2
N. Gessler 2005 Introduction à l'oeuvre de S. Leśniewski, Fascicule III: La méréologie 2
Michael A. Friedman 1998 Romantic Love and Personal Autonomy 2
Hilary Putnam 2004 Ethics without Ontology 2
Joel Feinberg 1973 Social Philosophy 2
Porphyry Porphyry 2003 Introduction 2
Hud Hudson 2007 I Am Not an Animal! 2
Richard K. Larson, Segal Segal and Gabriel Gabriel 1995 Knowledge of Meaning 2
Brian F. Loar 1997 Phenomenal States 2
Michael with Hegeman Stocker 1976 The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories 2
F. Stoutland 1970 The Logical Connection Argument 2
H. Bianchi 1994 Justice as Sanctuary: Toward a New System of Crime Control 2
Rudolf Carnap 1928 Scheinprobleme in der Philosophie 2
Judith N. Shklar 1987 Montesquieu 2
Wil J. Waluchow 1994 Inclusive Legal Positivism 2
T.H. Birch 1993 Moral Considerability and Universal Consideration 2
Noah M. Lemos 1994 Intrinsic Value 2
Martin Davies 1981 Meaning, Quantification, Necessity 2
L. Floridi 1999 Information Ethics: On the Theoretical Foundations of Computer Ethics 2
L. Zhmud 2003 Ancient Philosophy 2
Warren S. Quinn 1984 Abortion: Identity and Loss 2
Henry S. Richardson, Weithman Weithman and Peter Whitten (eds.) 1999 The Philosophy of Rawls: A Collection of Essays 2
Richard Routley and Robert K. Meyer 1976 Dialectical Logic, Classical Logic, and the Consistency of the World 2
Kendall L. Walton 1990 Mimesis as Make-Believe 2
W.L. Sumner 1996 Welfare, Happiness, and Ethics 2
Hilary Putnam 1981 Convention: A Theme in Philosophy 2
Neil E. Williams 2010 Puzzling Powers: The Problem of Fit 2
Allan Silverman 2002 The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics 2
Jerry A. Fodor 1975 The language of thought 2
Scott Soames 1989 Presupposition 2
Sally Haslanger 1994 Humean Supervenience and Enduring Things 2
John Earman 1984 Laws of Nature: The Empiricist Challenge 2
Angus Charles Graham 2003 Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science 2
D.H. Mellor 1981 Real Time 2
Daniel C. Dennett 1973 Mechanism and Responsibility 2
James G. McEvoy 1982 The Philosophy of Robert Grosseteste 2
E. Hussey 1982 Epistemology and Meaning in Heraclitus 2
Robert Gooding-Williams 1998 Race, Multiculturalism and Democracy 2
P. Thom 2007 Logic and Ontology in the Syllogistic of Robert Kilwardby 2
Trenton Merricks 2006 Split Brains and the Godhead 2
Dag Prawitz 1985 Remarks on Some Approaches to the Concept of Logical Consequence 2
Richard Holton 2008 Partial Belief, Partial Intention 2
Jean Hampton 1984 The Moral Education Theory of Punishment 2
James J. Gibson 1979 The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception 2
Hilary Putnam 1975 Mathematics, Matter and Method 2
P. Oppenheimer, Zalta Zalta and E. E 1991 On the Logic of the Ontological Argument 2
Gisela Striker 1997 Academics fighting Academics 2
Colin McGinn 1999 The Mysterious Flame: Conscious Minds in a Material World 2
Jorge Luis Nobo 1986 Whitehead's Metaphysics of Extension and Solidarity 2
Graham Oddie 1982 Armstrong on the Eleatic Principle and Abstract Entities 2
A.J.M. Milne 1962 The Social Philosophy of English Idealism 2
Jaakko Hintikka 1973 Time and Necessity 2
Phil Dowe 2000 Physical Causation 2
Paul Weirich 1984 The St. Petersburg Gamble and Risk 2
Michael Tooley 1987 Causation 2
U.T. Place 1960 Materialism as a Scientific Hypothesis 2
JC C. Beall and Greg Restall 2006 Logical Pluralism 2
Georg H. Von Wright 1971 Explanation and Understanding 2
Robert G. Frey (ed.) 1984 Utility and Rights 2
John Bishop 1989 Natural Agency 2
Y. Iwakuma 2004 Influence 2
D. Clayman 2010 Timon of Phlius: Pyrrhonism into Poetry 2
Dennis McKerlie 1989 Equality and Time 2
Richard Fumerton 1995 Metaepistemology and Skepticism 2
Peter F. Strawson 1971 Logico-Linguistic Papers 2
Paul E. Griffiths and Eva M. Neumann-Held 1999 The Many Faces of the Gene 2
Aelian Aelian 1997 Historical Miscellany 2
David Malet Armstrong, Martin W. Martin, C.B. C.B., Place Place and U.T. U.T 1996 Dispositions: A Debate 2
Allen E. Buchanan 2003 Justice, Legitimacy and Self-Determination 2
David B. Wong 2006 Natural Moralities: A Defense of Pluralistic Relativism 2
H. Tajfel 1981 Human groups and social categories 2
Hilary Putnam 1975 Mind, Language and Reality 2
Jürgen Habermas 1996 Between Facts and Norms 2
Christopher J. Eberle 2002 Religious Conviction in Liberal Politics 2
Jürgen Habermas 1998 The Inclusion of the Other: Studies in Political Theory 2
J. Nicod 1924 Geometry in the Sensible World 2
Jeffrie G. Murphy, Hampton Hampton and James J 1988 Forgiveness and Mercy 2
J.H. Lesher 1992 Xenophanes of Colophon: Fragments 2
Bruce A. Ackerman 1980 Social Justice in the Liberal State 2
Hasok Chang 2003 Preservative Realism and Its Discontents: Revisiting Caloric 2
Eric T. Olson 2003 An Argument for Animalism 2
James C. O'Flaherty 1967 Hamann's Socratic Memorabilia. A Translation and a Commentary 2
Jan Łukasiewicz 1970 Selected Works 2
Richard Gaskin 2008 The Unity of the Proposition 2
Ian Carter 2011 Respect and the Basis of Equality 2
Mark Schroeder 2008 Being For: Evaluating the Semantic Program of Expressivism 2
Alison McIntyre 1990 Is Akratic Action Always Irrational? 2
H.T. Tavani 2007 Philosophical Theories of Privacy: Implications for an Adequate Online Privacy Policy 2
Malcolm A. Schofield 1999 Academic epistemology 2
Richard C. Jeffrey 1969 Statistical Explanation vs. Statistical Inference 2
Stephen Yablo 2000 Apriority and Existence 2
Immanuel Kant 1998 Critique of Pure Reason 2
Ned Block 1995 On a Confusion about a Function of Consciousness 2
Stephen Phillips 2002 Does Classicism Explain Universality? 2
M.E. Kalderon 2008 Moral Fictionalism, the Frege-Geach Problem, and Reasonable Inference 2
T.A. Szlezak 1972 Pseudo-Archytas über Die Kategorien 2
Hector-Neri N. Castañeda 1974 Thinking and the Structure of the World 2
Robert Nozick 1993 The Nature of Rationality 2
Amélie Smith (ed.) 1993 Porphyrius Fragmenta 2
Fred Dretske 1967 Can Events Move? 2
Richard A. Cohen 1994 Elevations: The Height of the Good in Rosenzweig and Levinas 2
Richard Feldman 2001 Skeptical Problems, Contextualist Solutions 2
Katherine H. Tachau 1988 Vision and Certitude in the Age of Ockham 2
Andrew Rehfeld 2005 The Concept of Constituency: Political Representation, Democratic Legitimacy and Institutional Design 2
Crispin J. Wright 1985 Facts and Certainty 2
L. Hulsman 1986 Critical Criminology and the Concept of Crime 2
Josh Parsons 2004 Dion, Theon, and DAUP 2
Robert Ladenson 1980 In Defense of a Hobbesian Conception of Law 2
William L. Rowe 1964 Augustine on Foreknowledge and Free Will 2
Stephen Brock 2004 The Ubiquitous Problem of Empty Names 2
Mark van Atten 2004 On Brouwer 2
Gabriel Uzquiano 2004 The Supreme Court and the Supreme Court Justices: A Metaphysical Puzzle 2
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1831 Wissenschaft der Logik 2
Steve Shapin 1996 The Scientific Revolution 2
Stephen D. Dumont 1995 The Origin of Scotus's Theory of Synchronic Contingency 2
Amélie D. Conti (ed.) 1990 Studio storico-critico 2
Rudolf Carnap 1947 Meaning and Necessity: A Study in Semantics and Modal Logic 2
James Van Cleve 1990 Supervenience and Closure 2
William A. Galston 1980 Justice and the Human Good 2
J. Burnet 1930 Early Greek Philosophy 2
Jaegwon Kim 1993 Mind and Supervenience 2
Roger Penrose 1990 The Emperor's New Mind 2
Gary Gutting 1982 Religious Belief and Religious Skepticism 2
Sydney Shoemaker 1984 Identity, Cause, and Mind 2
Paul Smith Churchland 1986 Neurophilosophy: Toward a Unified Science of the Mind/Brain 2
Frank P. Ramsey 1931 The Foundations of Mathematics 2
Yemima Ben-Menahem 2006 Conventionalism 2
Jaegwon Kim 1990 Supervenience as a Philosophical Concept 2
Amartya K. Sen 1985 Commodities and Capabilities 2
Malcolm A. Schofield 1980 An Essay on Anaxagoras 2
Harry G. Frankfurt 2004 The Reasons of Love 2
James Bohman 2004 Republican Cosmopolitanism 2
Susan Sherwin 1992 No Longer Patient: Feminist Ethics and Health Care 2
Keith Butler 1991 Towards a Connectionist Cognitive Architecture 2
David T. Miller 2001 Principles of Social Justice 2
Thomas Bradwardine 2010 Insolubilia 2
Trenton Merricks 2003 Replies 2
Robert R. Williams 1997 Hegel's Ethics of Recognition 2
Johan van Benthem 1986 Essays in Logical Semantics 2
Peter D. Klein 1999 Human Knowledge and the Infinite Regress of Reasons 2
Jeff Jordan (ed.) 1994 Gambling on God: Essays on Pascal's Wager 2
William P. Alston 1994 Illocutionary Acts and Linguistic Meaning 2
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1968 Philosophical Investigations 2
Monroe C. Beardsley 1982 The Aesthetic Point of View 2
Fred Landman 2000 Events and Plurality 2
David K. Lewis 1988 Statements Partly About Observation 2
Robert J. Fogelin 1976 Wittgenstein 2
R.H. Tawney 1931 Equality 2
C.Kenneth Waters 1994 Genes Made Molecular 2
Rudolf Carnap 1963 Intellectual autobiography 2
Thomas W. Pogge 1994 An Egalitarian Law of Peoples 2
Michael (forthcoming): Devitt 1996 Coming to Our Senses: A Naturalistic Program for Semantic Localism 2
Tamara Horowitz 1998 Philosophical Intuitions and Psychological Theory 2
Stewart M. Cohen 2002 Basic Knowledge and the Problem of Easy Knowledge 2
Gerasimos Santas 1979 Socrates: Philosophy in Plato's Early Dialogues 2
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1959 My Philosophical Development 2
Roger Crisp 1997 Mill on Utilitarianism 2
Robert B.B. Wardy 1988 Eleatic Pluralism 2
Michael Huemer 2001 Skepticism and the Veil of Perception 2
Kit Fine 1995 Senses of Essence 2
Thomas Hurka 2010 Underivative Duty: Prichard on Moral Obligation 2
Gareth R. Evans 1979 Reference and Contingency 2
Alfred Tarski 1986 What are Logical Notions? 2
Harry Austryn. Wolfson 1943 The Kalam Arguments for Creation in Saadia, Averroes, Maimonides and St. Thomas 2
A.C. Ewing 1948 The Definition of Good 2
Mary Leng 2010 Mathematics and Reality 2
R. Wachbroit 1994 Normality As A Biological Concept 2
John M. Rist 1969 Stoic Philosophy 2
Daniel Brudney 1998 Marx's Attempt to Leave Philosophy 2
Giuseppe Cambiano 1998 Archimede Meccanico et La Meccanica di Archita 2
Nicholas Rescher 1955 Axioms for the Part Relation 2
M. Tuominen 2009 The Ancient Commentators on Plato and Aristotle 2
Norman Kretzmann, Kretzmann Kretzmann and B.E. <em>The 1990 Sophismata 2
Liam B. Murphy 2000 Moral Demands in Nonideal Theory 2
Lotfi A. Zadeh 1975 Fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning 2
Jarrett Leplin 1997 A Novel Defense of Scientific Realism 2
Charles Parsons 1990 The Structuralist View of Mathematical Objects 2
David J. Chalmers 2004 The Foundations of Two-Dimensional Semantics 2
John Skorupski 1989 John Stuart Mill 2
Robert Bork 1990 The Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law 2
R. Dilcher 1995 Studies in Heraclitus 2
Ann E. <i>Analyzing Oppression</i>. New York: Oxford University Press Cudd 2006 Analyzing Oppression 2
Ruby Blondell 2002 The Play of Character in Plato's Dialogues 2
Eleonore Stump 2003 Aquinas 2
Igor Primoratz 1989 Justifying Legal Punishment 2
Steven P. Marrone 1983 William of Auvergne and Robert Grosseteste: New Ideas of Truth in the Early Thirteenth Century 2
William C. Wimsatt 1972 Complexity and Organization 2
Ruth Barcan Marcus 1993 Modalities 2
R.J. Hankinson 1995 The Sceptics 2
M.E. Kalderon 2008 The Trouble with Terminology 2
Jack Zupko 2003 John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master 2
H.W.B. Joseph 1916 An Introduction to Logic 2
George Berkeley 1713 Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous 2
W.J. Freeman 2000 How Brains Make Up Their Minds 2
G.S. Kirk and J.E. Raven 1957 The Presocratic Philosophers 2
Norman R. Campbell 1920 Physics: The Elements 2
Jerome B. Schneewind 1977 Sidgwick's Ethics and Victorian Moral Philosophy 2
M.E. Soulé, Simberloff Simberloff and David S 1986 What Do Genetics and Ecology Tell Us about the Design of Nature Reserves? 2
Graham Priest 1987 In Contradiction 2
Jeffrey (tr.) Hopkins 2002 Reflections on Reality 2
Nelson Goodman 1968 Languages of Art: An Approach to a Theory of Symbols 2
Hans Vaihinger 1911 As If 2
David K. Lewis 1972 Psychophysical and theoretical identifications 2
R.D. (ed. Hicks 1925 Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers 2
Joseph Raz 1998 Disagreement in Politics 2
Robert C. Stalnaker 1996 Varieties of Supervenience 2
David Malet Armstrong 1986 In Defense of Structural Universals 2
Diskin Clay 1983 Lucretius and Epicurus 2
Charles Darwin 1859 On the Origin of Species 2
David N. Sedley 1977 Diodorus Cronus and Hellenistic Philosophy 2
Peter van Inwagen 1987 When Are Objects Parts? 2
Theodosius Dobzhansky 1937 Genetics and the Origin of Species 2
Julien A. Deonna and Fabrice Teroni 2012 The Emotions: A Philosophical Introduction 2
Noam N. Chomsky Chomsky 1966 Cartesian Linguistics: A Chapter in the History of Rationalist Thought 2
Robin forthcoming. Jeshion 2002 Acquaintanceless <em>de re</em> belief 2
Gottlob Frege 1914 Letter to Jourdain 2
Jerrold Levinson 2006 Contemplating Art: Essays in Aesthetics 2
D. Grether and C.R. Plott 1979 Economic Theory of Choice and the Preference Reversal Phenomenon 2
Patrick Maher 1996 Subjective and Objective Confirmation 2
Wolfgang Spohn 2009 A Survey of Ranking Theory 2
Graeme H. Forbes 1984 Two Solutions to Chisholm's Paradox 2
George Santayana 1896 The Sense of Beauty 2
B. Maund 2003 Perception 2
Daniel W. Graham 2002 Heraclitus and Parmenides 2
Ishtiyaque Haji 2002 Compatibilist Views of Freedom and Responsibility 2
Michael A. Slote 2010 Moral Sentimentalism 2
Willard Van Orman Quine 1966 Ways of Paradox 2
Peter Thomas Geach 1957 Mental Acts 2
Jack Zupko 1993 Buridan and Skepticism 2
Gisela Striker 1981 Über den Unterschied zwischen den Pyrrhoneern und den Akademikern 2
T.M. Osborne 2005 Love of Self and Love of God in Thirteenth-Century Ethics 2
Gareth E.L. Owen 1960 Eleatic Questions 2
Carl Heath Wellman 1985 A Theory of Rights 2
Sabine Roeser 2011 Moral Emotions and Intuitions 2
Fritz Wehrli 1945 Aristoxenos 2
Philip Soper 2002 The Ethics of Deference: Learning from Law's Morals 2
Edwin M. Curley 1988 Behind the Geometric Method 2
Evelyn Fox. Keller 2000 The Century of the Gene 2
Dale Jacquette 1996 Meinongian Logic. The Semantics of Existence and Nonexistence 2
M. Elsamahi 2005 A Critique of Localised Realism 2
Paul Benacerraf 1981 Frege: The Last Logicist 2
David B. Hershenov 2005 Do Dead Bodies Pose a Problem for Biological Approaches to Personal Identity? 2
David K. Lewis 1986 On The Plurality of Worlds 2
H.T. Tavani and J.H. Moor 2001 Privacy Protection, Control of Information, and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies 2
Erich Frauwallner 1961 Landmarks in the History of Indian Logic 2
John Cottingham 1984 Rationalism 2
Mark Schroeder 2007 Slaves of the Passions 2
M.M. Dempsey 2009 Prosecuting Domestic Violence 2
John McDowell 1981 Non-Cognitivism and Rule-Following 2
Eric Winsberg 2010 Science in the Age of Computer Simulation 2
John L. Mackie 1976 Sidgwick's Pessimism 2
Michael A. Friedman 1983 Foundations of Space-Time Theories 2
U.T. Place 1954 The Concept of Heed 2
Jeffrey L. Bell 2000 Hermann Weyl on intuition and the continuum 2
Philippa Foot 2001 Natural Goodness 2
Jason Stanley 1997 Rigidity and Content 2
M.-A. Glendon 1991 Rights Talk: The Impoverishment of Political Discourse 2
Julius R. Weinberg 1964 A Short History of Medieval Philosophy 2
Ezio Vailati 1997 Leibniz and Clarke: A Study of their Correspondence 2
John Tasioulas 2006 Punishment and Repentance 2
Russell Hardin 1985 One for All, The Logic of Group Conflict 2
Daniel Z. Korman 2008 Unrestricted Composition and Restricted Quantification 2
Bas van Fraassen 2002 The Empirical Stance 2
Werner Jaeger 1934 Aristotle: Fundamentals of the History of his Development 2
David Lyons 1976 Ethical Relativism and the Problem of Incoherence 2
Julia E. Annas 1990 Stoic Epistemology 2
David R.P. Wiggins 1976 Truth, Invention, and the Meaning of Life 2
Adam D. Smith 2002 The Problem of Perception 2
John L. Austin 1962 How to Do Things with Words 2
Susan Griffiths Oyama 1985 The Ontogeny of Information: Developmental Systems and Evolution 2
Russell B. Goodman 1990 East-West Philosophy in Nineteenth Century America: Emerson and Hinduism 2
Thomas Nagel 1979 War and Massacre 2
Otto Liebmann 1865 Kant und die Epigonen. Eine kritische Abhandlung 2
Gary Watson 2004 Asserting and Promising 2
L.W. Sumner 1987 The Moral Foundations of Rights 2
Carl Ginet 1975 Knowledge, Perception, and Memory 2
C. Hare 2007 Voices from Another World: Must We Respect the Interests of People Who Do Not, and Will Never, Exist? 2
Jon Elster 1989 Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences 2
J.M.M.H. Thijssen 1998 Censure and Heresy at the University of Paris, 1200–1400 2
Robert E. Kohler 1994 Lords of the Fly: Drosophila Genetics and the Experimental Life 2
Philip Pettit 2003 Groups with Minds of Their Own 2
Stephen L. Darwall 1977 Two Kinds of Respect 2
L.E. Navia 1990 Pythagoras: An Annotated Bibliography 2
Robert Gooding-Williams 2009 In the Shadow of Du Bois: Afro-Modern Political Thought in America 2
Michael (ed. Beaney 1997 The Frege Reader 2
Moore S. Moore 1997 Placing Blame: A Theory of Criminal Law 2
Charles Sanders Peirce 1931 Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce 2
Kevin Davies 2001 Cracking the Genome: Inside the Race to Unlock Human DNA 2
Stewart M. Cohen 2005 Contextualism Defended” and “Contextualism Defended Some More 2
Hilary Bok 1998 Freedom and Responsibility 2
Jean Hampton 1998 The Authority of Reason 2
John R. Searle 1975 Indirect speech acts 2
Miles Rind 2002 The Concept of Disinterestedness in Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetics 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1941 Nichomachean Ethics 2
A. Meirav 2003 Wholes, Sums and Unities 2
Roberto Casati, Varzi Varzi and Alan C. (eds.) 1996 Events 2
Czeslaw Lejewski 1954 Logic and Existence 2
Sarah Hutton 2004 Anne Conway. A Woman Philosopher 2
Howard Ducharme 1986 Personal Identity in Samuel Clarke 2
J.H. Lesher 1995 Mind's Knowledge and Powers of Control in Anaxagoras DK B12 2
William L. Rowe 1991 Thomas Reid on Freedom and Morality 2
John Heil and David Robb 2003 Mental Properties 2
David Davies 2009 The Primacy of Practice in the Ontology of Art 2
Thomas S. Kuhn 1977 The Essential Tension 2
Hartry H. Field 1994 Deflationist views of meaning and content 2
Elizabeth Anscombe 2000 Intention 2
D. DeGrazia 2005 Human Identity and Bioethics 2
G.F. Marcus 2001 The Algebraic Mind: Integrating Connectionism and Cognitive Science 2
Alfred R. Mele 1997 Real Self-Deception 2
Jeremy Waldron 1995 Minority Cultures and the Cosmopolitan Alternative 2
L. Linsky 1971 Reference and Modality 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1984 Physics 2
Thomas Nagel 1965 Physicalism 2
Nelson Pike 1992 Mystic Union: An Essay in the Phenomenology of Mysticism 2
John L. Pollock, Cruz Cruz and Joseph Joseph 1999 Contemporary Theories of Knowledge 2
Stuart Hampshire 1959 Thought and Action 2
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 2006 Simulating Minds: The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Mindreading 2
Derek Parfit 1997 Reasons and Motivation 2
E.Jonathan Lowe 2000 Causal Closure Principles and Emergentism 2
Alan F. Chalmers 2009 The Scientist's Atom and the Philosopher's Stone: How Science Succeeded and Philosophy Failed to Gain Knowledge of Atoms 2
Will Norman W. Kymlicka 1989 Liberalism, Community, and Culture 2
E.Jonathan Lowe 1998 The Possibility of Metaphysics 2
Peter M. Simons 2004 Extended Simples: A Third Way Between Atoms and Gunk 2
Immanuel Kant 1785 Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals 2
Norman Daniels 1979 Wide Reflective Equilibrium and Theory Acceptance in Ethics 2
Leora Batnitzky 2006 Leo Strauss and Emmanuel Levinas: Philosophy and the Politics of Revelation 2
Willard Van Orman Quine 1948 On what there is 2
Margaret Gilbert 1996 Living Together: Rationality, Sociality, and Obligation 2
Gerald F. Gaus 1983 The Modern Liberal Theory of Man 2
Peter Thomas Geach 1957 Mental Acts: Their Content and Their Objects 2
John A. Burgess 2005 Fixing Frege 2
Arthur Coleman Danto 1964 The Artworld 2
W.S. Parker 2008 Franklin, Holmes and the Epistemology of Computer Simulation 2
Max Weber 1958 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 2
Joël Biard 1989 Les sophismes du savoir: Albert de Saxe entre Jean Buridan et Guillaume Heytesbury 2
James M. Joyce 2009 Accuracy and Coherence: Prospects for an Alethic Epistemology of Partial Belief 2
Randall Curren 2000 Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education 2
Quentin Smith 1989 The Multiple Uses of Indexicals 2
Pierre M.M. Duhem 1914 The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory 2
Boethius Boethius 1969 The Consolation of Philosophy 2
Wouter Goris 1999 Dietrich von Freiberg und Meister Eckhart über das Gute 2
A. Nygren 1953 Agape and Eros 2
D. Gallop 1984 Parmenides of Elea: Fragments 2
Peter M. S. Hacker 1987 Appearance and Reality 2
Philip Pettit 2001 Deliberative Democracy and the Discursive Dilemma 2
Daniel Pickering Walker 1958 Spiritual and Demonic Magic from Ficino to Campanella 2
G. Fine 1993 On Ideas: Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Theory of Forms 2
Scott Soames 2002 Beyond Rigidity: The Unfinished Semantic Agenda of 2
John R. Searle 1980 Minds, Brains and Programs 2
Paul Bartha 2010 By Parallel Reasoning: The Construction and Evaluation of Analogical Arguments 2
Paul K. Moser 1989 Knowledge and Evidence 2
John R. Searle 1985 Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts 2
Elizabeth Asmis 1984 Epicurus' Scientific Method 2
Thomas P. Flint 1998 Divine Providence: The Molinist Account 2
Lawrence B. Lombard 1986 Events: A Metaphysical Study 2
N. Sesardic 2005 Making Sense of Heritability 2
Richard Dagger 1997 Civic Virtues: Rights, Citizenship, and Republican Liberalism 2
Derek Parfit 1986 Overpopulation and the Quality of Life 2
Richard Routley 1966 Some Things Do Not Exist 2
K.N. Jayatilleke 1963 Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge 2
Paul K. Feyerabend 1975 Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge 2
Jerry A. Fodor 1992 A Theory of Content and Other Essays 2
Peter M. S. Hacker 1990 Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind, Volume 3 of an Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations 2
Jesse J. Prinz 2006 The Emotional Basis of Moral Judgments 2
Peter Vanderschraaf 1995 Convention as Correlated Equilibrium 2
Edward Grant 1981 Much ado about Nothing. Theories of Space and Vacuum from the Middle Ages to the Scientific Revolution 2
Zenon W. Pylyshyn 1984 Computation and Cognition 2
Gareth R. Evans 1973 The Causal Theory of Names 2
Luca Obertello 1974 Severino Boezio 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1984 De Interpretatione 2
Sydney Shoemaker 1975 Functionalism and Qualia 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1984 The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation 2
David H. Kaplan 1977 Demonstratives 2
Christopher Peacocke 1999 Being Known 2
Amy Gutmann 1999 Democratic Education 2
A. Pickering 1984 Constructing Quarks: A Sociological History of Particle Physics 2
Edward N. Zalta 1983 Abstract Objects 2
Cicero Cicero 1914 De finibus 2
Ned Markosian 2008 Restricted Composition 2
M.C. Stokes 1971 One and Many in Presocratic Philosophy 2
Georges Rey 1992 Sensational Sentences Switched 2
Polymnia Athanassiadi and Michael Frede (eds.) 1999 Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity 2
Jonathan L. And HcCann Kvanvig 2003 The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding 2
Tim Maudlin 2007 The Metaphysics Within Physics 2
Robin Attfield 1977 Clarke, Collins and Compounds 2
David L. Hull 1974 Philosophy of Biological Science 2
Peter Van Inwagen 2000 Quantification and Fictional Discourse 2
Ross P. Cameron 2008 Turtles All the Way Down: Regress, Priority and Fundamentality 2
Earl Conee 2005 Contextualism Contested 2
Alan Sidelle 1989 Necessity, Essence, and Individuation 2
S.J. Wagner 1987 The Rationalist Conception of Logic 2
Oskar Kraus 1919 Franz Brentano. Zur Kenntnis seines Lebens und seiner Lehre 2
Maurice Merleau-Ponty 1973 Adventures of the Dialectic 2
Martin Davies 1981 Meaning, Quantification, Necessity: Themes in Philosophical Logic 2
Patrick Maher 2002 Joyce's Argument for Probabilism 2
Uwe Meixner 1997 Axiomatic Formal Ontology 2
Miroslav Marcovich 1999 Diogenis Laertii Vitae philosophorum 2
Andrea Poma 1997 The Critical Philosophy of Hermann Cohen 2
Saul Smilansky 2000 Free Will and Illusion 2
Evelyn Fox. Keller 1999 Understanding Development 2
G.S. Kirk, Raven Raven, J. E., Schofield Schofield and Mitchell M 1983 The Presocratic Philosophers 2
Athenaeus Athenaeus 1927 The Deipnosophists 2
Harold Hodes 1984 Logicism and the Ontological Commitments of Arithmetic 2
Bernard (forthcoming): Linsky 2011 The Evolution of Principia Mathematica: Bertrand Russell's Manuscripts and Notes for the Second Edition 2
Julia E. Annas 1977 Plato and Aristotle on Friendship and Altruism 2
Howard M. Robinson 1982 Matter and Sense 2
Gilbert Ryle 1949 The concept of mind 2
Melissa C. Williams 1998 Voice, Trust, and Memory: Marginalized Groups and the Failings of Liberal Representation 2
Anita M. Superson 2009 The Moral Skeptic 2
Robert C. Stalnaker 1976 Propositions 2
Barbara Abbott 2008 Issues in the semantics and pragmatics of definite descriptions in English 2
Steven M. Nadler 2006 Spinoza's Ethics: An Introduction 2
A. Chakravartty 2007 A Metaphysics for Scientific Realism: Knowing the Unobservable 2
Kenneth Aizawa 1994 Representations without Rules, Connectionism and the Syntactic Argument 2
Richard Montague 1974 Formal Philosophy 2
Bernard A.O. Williams 1973 Problems of the Self 2
Derek Parfit 1995 The Unimportance of Identity 2
T.M.V. Janssen 1997 Compositionality 2
Jeffrey Reiman 1990 Justice and Modern Moral Philosophy 2
Michael A. Friedman 2000 A Parting of the Ways: Carnap, Cassirer, and Heidegger 2
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1977 Phenomenology of Spirit 2
Malcolm A. Schofield 1997 The Ionians 2
Hilary Putnam 1987 Truth and Convention: On Davidson's Refutation of Conceptual Relativism 2
Eva Fiesel 1927 Die Sprachphilosophie der deutschen Romantik 2
Kelly Trogdon 2010 Intrinsicality for Monists (and Pluralists) 2
N. Winkler 1999 Dietrich von Freiberg und Meister Eckhart in der Kontroverse mit Thomas von Aquin. Intellektnatur und Gnade in der Schrift <em>Von der wirkenden und der vermögenden Vernunft</em>, die Eckhart von Gründig zugeschrieben wird 2
Frank Jackson 1987 Conditionals 2
T. Jager 1982 An Actualist Semantics for Quantified Modal Logic 2
Anthony M. Honore 1961 Ownership 2
Saul A. Kripke 1963 Semantical Analysis of Modal Logic I: Normal Modal Propositional Calculi 2
John Finnis 1997 The Good of Marriage and the Morality of Sexual Relations 2
J. Glucker 1978 Antiochus and the Late Academy 2
David H. Kaplan 1990 Words 2
Terence Parsons 1982 Are There Nonexistent Objects? 2
Sarah Paul 2009 How We Know What We're Doing 2
Barry L. Whitney 1985 Evil and the Process God 2
Richard J. Bernstein 2010 The Pragmatic Turn 2
Kris McDaniel 2008 Against Composition as Identity 2
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 1979 What is Justified Belief? 2
Alexander R. Pruss 2006 The Principle of Sufficient Reason: A Reassessment 2
Axel Honneth 1995 The Struggle for Recognition: The Moral Grammar of Social Conflicts 2
Francis Herbert Bradley 1922 The Principles of Logic 2
Michael Thau 2002 Consciousness and Cognition 2
Stewart M. Cohen 1988 How to Be a Fallibilist 2
Jonathan K. Foster 1982 The Case for Idealism 2
Alfred Tarski 1944 The Semantic Conception of Truth 2
Eva Jablonka and Marion J. Lamb 2005 Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life 2
Tamar Szabó Gendler 2007 Self-Deception as Pretense 2
George Mavrodes 1986 Religion and the Queerness of Morality 2
Alain de Libera 1996 La querelle des universaux: De Platon à la fin du Moyen Age 2
Jason Stanley 2002 Modality and What is Said 2
Daniel C. Dennett 1988 Quining qualia 2
Kurt Gödel 1944 Russell's mathematical logic 2
F.H. Knight 1935 Economics and Human Action 2
Porphyry Porphyry 1965 The Life of Pythagoras 2
Margaret Canovan 1996 Nationhood and Political Theory 2
John C. Lyons 2006 In Defense of Epiphenomenalism 2
Jonathan Haidt 2001 The Emotional Dog and Its Rational Tail: A Social Intuitionist Approach to Moral Judgment 2
Glenn Shafer 1976 A Mathematical Theory of Evidence 2
Paul R. Thagard 1999 How Scientists Explain Disease 2
David J. Chalmers 2003 The content and epistemology of phenomenal belief 2
Donald Davidson 1963 Actions, Reasons and Causes 2
Lloyd P. Gerson 2005 Aristotle and Other Platonists 2
Maxine Sheets-Johnstone 1999 The Primacy of Movement 2
David S. Nivison 1999 The Classical Philosophical Writings 2
Paul E. Griffiths and Karola Stotz 2006 Genes in the Postgenomic Era 2
Galen Strawson 1997 The Self 2
Michael R. DePaul 1993 Balance and Refinement: Beyond Coherence Methods of Moral Inquiry 2
Charles W. Mills 1998 Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race 2
Paget Henry, Schwyzer Schwyzer and H-R Douglas (ed.) 1964 Porphyrius, Vita Plotini 2
Hilary Putnam 1975 Philosophy and our mental life 2
Timothy L.S.. Sprigge 1993 James and Bradley: American Truth and British Reality 2
Alfred Tarski 1933 The concept of truth in the languages of the deductive sciences 2
Jeremy Fantl and Matthew McGrath 2009 Knowledge in an Uncertain World 2
Michael Blake 2001 Distributive Justice, State Coercion, and Autonomy 2
Stewart M. Cohen 1987 Knowledge, Context, and Social Standards 2
François Recanati 2002 Unarticulated constituents 2
Frederick Maurice Powicke 1931 The Medieval Books of Merton College 2
Lani Guinier 1994 The Tyranny of the Majority: Fundamental Fairness in Representative Democracy 2
Frederick Lihoreau (ed.) 2010 Truth in Fiction 2
Cody S. Gilmore 2006 Where in the Relativistic World Are We? 2
Philip Kitcher 1989 Explanatory Unification and the Causal Structure of the World 2
Geneviève Rodis-Lewis 1998 Descartes: His Life and Thought 2
Ruth Barcan Marcus 1961 Modalities and Intensional Languages 2
M.R. Wright 1981 Empedocles: The Extant Fragments 2
Wesley C. Salmon 1989 Four Decades of Scientific Explanation 2
Steven M. Nadler 2011 Occasionalism: Causation Among the Cartesians 2
Anton C. Pegis 1934 St. Thomas and the Problem of the Soul in the Thirteenth Century 2
M.St. John Packe 1954 The Life of John Stuart Mill 2
Nigel Walker 1991 Why Punish? 2
Barbara Herman 1993 The Practice of Moral Judgment 2
Derek Parfit 1982 Future Generations: Further Problems 2
Michael C. Rea 2001 How to Be an Eleatic Monist 2
M. Scala 2002 Homogeneous Simples 2
Barry Loewer 2001 From Physics to Physicalism 2
Jack J.C. Smart 1978 The Content of Physicalism 2
Carl Gustav Hempel 1942 The Function of General Laws in History 2
M. Tomasello 1999 The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition 2
Herbert L.A. Hart 1955 Are There Any Natural Rights? 2
Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand A.W. Russell 1910 Principia Mathematica 2
Frank Arntzenius 2003 Some Problems for Conditionalization and Reflection 2
John Earman 2000 Hume's Abject Failure: The Argument Against Miracles 2
N.J. Green-Pedersen 1984 The Tradition of the Topics in the Middle Ages 2
Peter Achinstein 2001 The Book of Evidence 2
Roman Murawski 2011 On Chwistek's Philosophy of Mathematics 2
Benson Mates 1953 Stoic Logic 2
Franz Brentano 1995 Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint 2
Eli D. Hirsch 1982 The Concept of Identity 2
Nicholas P. White 2006 A Brief History of Happiness 2
Ryan Wasserman 2004 The Constitution Question 2
Nicholas Rescher, Urquhart Urquhart and Aertsen A 1971 Temporal Logic 2
Amartya K. Sen 1970 Collective Welfare and Social Choice 2
Amartya K. Sen 1971 Choice Functions and Revealed Preference 2
James Rachels 1978 What People Deserve 2
Jonathan Bennett 1966 Whatever the Consequences 2
Elizabeth V. Spelman 1988 Inessential Woman: Problems of Exclusion in Feminist Thought 2
William Jaeger (ed.) 1957 Aristotelis Metaphysica 2
David O. Brink 1992 Sidgwick and the Rationale for Rational Egoism 2
C.R. Margules 1989 Introduction to Some Australian Developments in Conservation Evaluation 2
Michael McKenna 1998 The Limits of Evil and the Role of Moral Address: A Defense of Strawsonian Compatibilism 2
William of Ockham 1974 Summa logicae 2
Joseph Levine 2001 Purple Haze 2
C. Wildberg 1990 Three Neoplatonic Introductions to Philosophy: Ammonius, David, Elias 2
Thomas E. Hill and Jr Jr 1991 Autonomy and Self-Respect 2
William James 1890 The Principles of Psychology. 2
Lawrence A. Blum 1993 Friendship as a Moral Phenomenon 2
C.R. Margules, Higgs Higgs, A. J., Rafe Rafe and Richard W 1982 Modern Biogeographic Theory: Are There Lessons for Nature Reserve Design? 2
Richard F. Gombrich 2009 What the Buddha Thought 2
Wilfrid Hodges 1997 A Shorter Model Theory 2
Daniel Diener Kahneman 1999 Objective Happiness 2
Jan Łukasiewicz 1957 Aristotle's Syllogistic from the Standpoint of Modern Formal Logic 2
David Ray Griffin 1992 Animal Minds 2
Michael Thau 2004 What is Disjunctivism? 2
Richard Routley 1979 The Semantical Structure of Fictional Discourse 2
Elizabeth Harman 2004 Can We Harm and Benefit in Creating? 2
Adam D. Smith 1976 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations 2
David T. Miller 1994 Critical Rationalism: A Restatement and Defence 2
Charles Hartshorne 1967 A Natural Theology for Our Time 2
Theodor W. Adorno 1973 Negative Dialectics 2
Daniel C. Dennett 1984 Elbow Room 2
David Papineau 1993 Philosophical Naturalism 2
H.A. Prichard 2002 Moral Writings 2
D.D. Leitao 2012 The Pregnant Male as Myth and Metaphor in Classical Greek Literature 2
Stephen Yablo 1993 Paradox without self-reference 2
Achille C. Varzi 2001 Vagueness in Geography 2
Kent Bach and Robert M. Harnish 1979 Linguistic Communication and Speech Acts 2
L. Outlaw 1996 On Race and Philosophy 2
Alfred North Whitehead 1919 An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Natural Knowledge 2
Herbert L.A. Hart 1963 Law, Liberty and Morality 2
Conor Mayo-Wilson 2011 Russell on Logicism and Coherence 2
Paul Needham 2000 What is Water? 2
Descartes A. R, ell ell, Cui Cui, Z. Z., Cohn Cohn and A. G 1992 A Spatial Logic Based on Regions and Connection 2
Frank Veltman 1996 Defaults in Update Semantics 2
Stephen Schiffer 2006 Two Perspectives on Knowledge of Language 2
Terence E. Horgan 1993 On What There Isn't 2
David A. Hume 1975 An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals 2
S.D. Krasner 1999 Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy 2
Brian Skyrms 1984 Pragmatics and Empiricism 2
Robert C. Stalnaker 1970 Pragmatics 2
Eileen O'Neill 1998 Disappearing Ink: Early Modern Women Philosophers and Their Fate in History 2
Ernst Cassirer 1953 The Platonic Renaissance in England 2
Peter Thomas Geach 1962 Reference and Generality 2
Kathleen V. Wilkes 1988 Real People: Personal Identity without Thought Experiments 2
Wilfried Sieg 1999 Hilbert's Programs: 1917–1922 2
Scott Soames 1987 Substitutivity 2
Michael Frede 1983 Stoics and Skeptics on Clear and Distinct Impressions 2
Brian Weatherson 2003 Many Many Problems 2
Daniel Stoljar 2001 The Conceivability Argument and Two Conceptions of the Physical 2
Owen Flanagan 1991 Varieties of Moral Personality: Ethics and Psychological Realism 2
David B. Wong 1989 Universalism vs. Love with Distinctions: An Ancient Debate Revived 2
Dennis (with J. Frère). O'Brien 1969 Empedocles' Cosmic Cycle 2
Stuart L. White 1986 Curse of the Qualia 2
W.K.C. Guthrie 1969 A History of Greek Philosophy 2
Michael Scriven 1962 Explanations, Predictions, and Laws 2
Timothy Williamson 1996 Knowing and asserting 2
Adam Przworksi, Susan C. Stokes and Bernard Manin (eds.) 1999 Democracy, Accountability, and Representation 2
Robert C. Stalnaker 1972 Pragmatics 2
Richard G. Heck 1997 Tarski, truth, and semantics 2
Brian F. Loar 1999 David Chalmers's <em>The Conscious Mind</em> 2
Thomas Nagel 1974 What Is It Like to Be a Bat? 2
Augustus De Morgan 1847 Formal Logic: or, the Calculus of Inference, Necessary and Probable 2
Edward Grant 1981 Much Ado About Nothing: Theories of Space and Vacuum from the Middle Ages to the Scientific Revolution 2
Nicholas Griffin, Bernard (forthcoming): Linsky and Kenneth Blackwell (eds.) 2011 Principia Mathematica at 100 2
Jeffrey (tr.) Hopkins 1980 Tantra in Tibet: 2
Patricia Hill. Collins 1991 Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment 2
Robert Holmes 1989 On War and Morality 2
Peter F. Strawson 1980 Reply to Evans 2
David Christensen 2007 Epistemology of Disagreement: The Good News 2
Seumas L. Miller 2001 Social Action: A Teleological Account 2
Alexander “Saadya's Conception of the Law”. <i>BJRL</i> 28 Altmann 1979 Creation and Emanation in Isaac Israeli: A Reappraisal 2
Edmund Burke 1790 Reflections on the Revolution in France 2
Saul A. Kripke 1975 Outline of a theory of truth 2
Paul F. Snowdon 1996 Persons and Personal Identity 2
A.D. Conti 1989 Essenza ed essere nel pensiero della tarda scolastica (Burley, Wyclif, Paolo Veneto) 2
Linda Wetzel 2009 Types and Tokens: On Abstract Objects 2
Christine M. Korsgaard 1986 Skepticism About Practical Reason 2
Robert P. George 1993 Making Men Moral 2
Maurizio Viroli 2002 Republicanism 2
Michael A.E. Dummett 1991 Frege and Other Philosophers 2
Peter D. Klein 2000 Contextualism and the Real Nature of Academic Skepticism 2
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1910 Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description 2
Carl Gustav Hempel 1945 Studies in the Logic of Confirmation 2
Joseph Raz 1977 Promises and Obligations 2
David K. Lewis 1979 Attitudes <em>De Dicto</em> and <em>De Se</em> 2
Carl Heath Wellman 1995 Real Rights 2
Ian Hacking 1995 Rewriting the Soul 2
Philippe Van Parijs 1995 Real Freedom for All: What (if Anything) Can Justify Capitalism? 2
Michael A. Friedman 1962 Capitalism and Freedom 2
Friedrich W. Nietzsche 1974 The Gay Science 2
Martin Heidegger 1927 Sein und Zeit 2
Joel Feinberg 1970 Justice and Personal Desert 2
Frederic B. Fitch 1963 A Logical Analysis of Some Value Concepts 2
Baron de (Charles-Louis de Secondat) Montesquieu 1748 The Spirit of the Laws 2
Jonathan K. Foster 1991 The Immaterial Self: A Defence of the Cartesian Dualist Conception of the Mind 2
James Higginbotham 1986 Linguistic Theory and Davidson's Program in Semantics 2
Hedley Bull 1977 The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics 2
Gwen Griffith. Dickson 1995 Johann Georg Hamann's Relational Metacriticism 2
G.S. Kirk 1954 Heraclitus: The Cosmic Fragments 2
Jeffrey E. Brower and Michael C. Rea 2005 Material Constitution and the Trinity 2
Edna Ullmann-Margalit 1977 The Emergence of Norms 2
Roland Puccetti 1973 Brain Bisection and Personal Identity 2
D. Gutas 1988 Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition 2
John Horton 1992 Political Obligation 2
Jeffrey (tr.) Hopkins 1999 Emptiness in the Mind-Only School of Buddhism 2
Louis Menand 2001 The Metaphysical Club 2
Amie L. Thomasson 2003 Realism and Human Kinds 2
Mark Richard 1990 Propositional Attitudes 2
J.M. Epstein 1999 Agent-based computational models and generative social science 2
William J. Rapaport 1981 How to Make the World Fit Our Language: An Essay in Meinongian Semantics 2
David J. Furley 1987 The Greek Cosmologists 2
L. Carroll 1895 What the Tortoise Said to Achilles 2
George A. Reisch 1991 Did Kuhn Kill Logical Empiricism? 2
P. Moraux 1984 Der Aristotelismus bei den Griechen von Andronikos bis Alexander von Aphrodisias, Zweiter Band: Der Aristotelismus im I. und II. Jh. n. Chr. 2
R.A. Duff 2001 Punishment, Communication, and Community 2
Bas Van Fraassen 1995 Belief and the Problem of Ulysses and the Sirens 2
Howard S. Jones 1989 The Epicurean Tradition 2
Gregory S. Kavka 1983 The Toxin Puzzle 2
É. (ed. Des Places and trans in French) 1982 Porphyre Vie de Pythagore, Lettre à Marcella 2
Philip Pettit 1997 The Consequentialist Perspective 2
Fritz Wehrli 1944 Dikaiarchos 2
John Perry 1979 The Problem of the Essential Indexical 2
John Bishop 2007 Believing by Faith: An Essay in the Epistemology and Ethics of Religious Belief 2
George A. Reisch 2005 How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science. To the Icy Slopes of Logic 2
K. Stanford 2009 Underdetermination of Scientific Theory 2
Daniel A. Callus 1943 Introduction of Aristotelian Learning to Oxford 2
Rom Harré 1986 The Social Construction of Emotions 2
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1913 Theory of Knowledge 2
Geoffrey J. Warnock 1964 A Problem about Truth 2
John P. Hawthorne 2001 Causal Structuralism 2
Sergio Tenenbaum 2007 Appearances of the Good: An Essay on the Nature of Practical Reason 2
Gary Iseminger 2004 The Aesthetic Function of Art 2
Alexander P.D. Mourelatos 1978 Events, Processes, and States 2
David K. Lewis 1986 Events 2
William L. Rowe 1975 The Cosmological Argument 2
Peter van Inwagen 1977 Ontological Arguments 2
H. Maibom 2005 Moral Unreason: The Case of Psychopathy 2
Stewart Shapiro 1998 Logical Consequence: Models and Modality 2
Neal W. Gilbert 1960 Renaissance Concepts of Method 2
Jaakko Hintikka 1984 Are There Nonexistent Objects? Why Not? But Where Are They? 2
David K. Lewis 1971 Counterparts of Persons and Their Bodies 2
Michael Frede 1999 Stoic Epistemology 2
H.H. Joachim 1906 The Nature of Truth 2
Gottlob Frege 1884 Foundations of Arithmetic 2
A. Westin 1967 Privacy and Freedom 2
Martha (tr. Nussbaum 2000 Women and Human Development: The Capabilities Approach 2
Keith DeRose 1992 Contextualism and Knowledge Attributions 2
Jean Hampton 1998 Political Philosophy 2
Ned Block 2007 Consciousness, accessibility, and the mesh between psychology and neuroscience 2
Roger Penrose 1994 Shadows of the Mind 2
Erwin Schrödinger 1944 What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell 2
Michael J. Loux 1998 Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction 2
Haim Gaifman 1988 Operational pointer semantics: Solution to self-referential puzzles I 2
Hugo Adam. Bedau 1978 Retribution and the Theory of Punishment 2
Mark R. Sainsbury 1991 Logical Forms 2
Lucas Swaine 2006 The Liberal Conscience 2
Jerome I. Gellman 1997 Experience of God and the Rationality of Theistic Belief 2
Torbjörn Tännsjö 1998 Hedonistic Utilitarianism 2
Joel Porte, Morris S. Morris and Saundra Simonetta (eds.) 1999 The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson 2
Paul E. Griffiths 2001 Genetic Information: A Metaphor in Search of a Theory 2
Alonzo Church 1936 An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theory 2
Stephen Schiffer 2003 The Things We Mean 2
Peter W. Hylton 2007 Quine 2
John Keim Campbell 2002 Berkeley's Puzzle 2
Scott Soames 1992 Truth, meaning, and understanding 2
Sigmund Freud 1927 The Future of an Illusion 2
S. Jacobs 1991 Science and British Liberalism: Locke, Bentham, Mill and Popper 2
François Recanati 1989 The Pragmatics of What is Said 2
Tamar Szabó Gendler 2008 Alief and Belief 2
Hilary Putnam 1981 Reason, Truth, and History 2
David Lyons 1994 Rights, Welfare and Mill's Moral Theory 2
Allen E. Buchanan 2002 Political Legitimacy and Democracy 2
Emma Borg 2004 Minimal Semantics 2
Steven E. French 2006 Structure as a Weapon of the Realist 2
Malcolm Budd 1995 Values of Art: Painting, Poetry, and Music 2
Barbara Von Eckardt 2005 Connectionism and the Propositional Attitudes 2
P. Mongin 1995 Consistent Bayesian aggregation 2
David Wasserman 2005 The Nonidentity Problem, Disability, and the Role Morality of Prospective Parents 2
Harry Austryn. Wolfson 1973 Studies in the History of Philosophy and Religion 2
Lindley Darden 1991 Theory Change in Science: Strategies from Mendelian Genetics 2
Matthew Sharp Lipman 1974 Harry Stottlemeier's Discovery 2
Robert Gibbs 1992 Correlations in Rosenzweig and Levinas 2
Bernard Gert 1998 Morality: Its Nature and Justification 2
Deborah Boyle 2009 Descartes on Innate Ideas 2
Dominic J. O'Meara 1989 Pythagoras Revived. Mathematics and Philosophy in Late Antiquity 2
Eva Feder. Kittay 1999 Love's Labor 2
Joram Graf Haber 1991 Forgiveness 2
Genevieve E.R. Lloyd 1966 Polarity and Analogy 2
Yuri Balashov 2010 Persistence and Spacetime 2
Thomas Hobbes 1994 Leviathan 2
Robyn Carston 2002 Thoughts and Utterances: The Pragmatics of Explicit Communication 2
Jean-Jacques -J. Rousseau 1762 The Social Contract 2
Clive Bell 1914 Art 2
Richard Dawkins 1976 The selfish gene 2
Plutarch Plutarch 1993 Moralia 2
Tamar Meisels 2009 Territorial Rights 2
Jonathan Glover 1970 Responsibility 2
Nikk Effingham 2011 Universalism and Classes 2
David T. Miller 2010 Why Immigration Controls Are Not Coercive: A Reply to Arash Abizadeh 2
Alex Rosenberg 1997 Reductionism Redux: Computing the Embryo 2
Brian Tierney 1997 The Idea of Natural Rights 2
John Greco, Sosa Sosa and Ernest Köhler (eds.) 1999 The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology 2
John R. Searle 1983 Intentionality: An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind 2
Bernard R. Boxill 1972 The Morality of Reparation 2
Stephen Davies 1991 Definitions of Art 2
Gareth B. Matthews 1994 The Philosophy of Childhood 2
John Locke 1988 Two Treatises of Government 2
John L. Mackie 1973 Truth, Probability and Paradox 2
Peter F. Strawson 1950 On referring 2
Richard C. Cross 1999 Duns Scotus 2
M. Graver 2007 Stoicism and Emotion 2
Gareth R. Evans 1981 Understanding Demonstratives 2
Geoffrey Sayre-McCord 1991 Being a Realist About Relativism (in Ethics) 2
George Ainslie 1992 Picoeconomics: The Strategic Interaction of Successive Motivational States Within the Person 2
Kenneth Aizawa 1997 Exhibiting versus Explaining Systematicity: A Reply to Hadley and Hayward 2
Bernard A.O. Williams 1976 Morality 2
Jean-Paul -P. Sartre 1956 Being and Nothingness 2
Bernard Harrison 1973 Form and Content 2
Peter Thomas Geach 1968 What Actually Exists 2
Franz Brentano 1933 Kategorienlehre 2
Steven B. Smith 2006 Reading Leo Strauss: Politics, Philosophy, Judaism 2
Alfred North Whitehead 1929 Process and Reality. An Essay in Cosmology 2
Barry Schein 1993 Plurals and Events 2
John Locke 1690 Second Treatise on Civil Government 2
Harold Hodes 2004 On the Sense and Reference of a Logical Constant 2
M.M. Falls 1987 Retribution, Reciprocity, and Respect for Persons 2
Paul M. Pietroski 2005 Meaning Before Truth 2
Plato Plato 1961 The Collected Dialogues of Plato 2
William A. Galston 1991 Liberal Purposes 2
Jerry A. Fodor, Lepore Lepore and E. E 1992 Holism: A Shopper's Guide 2
P. Moraux 1973 Der Aristotelismus bei den Griechen 2
Lynne Rudder Baker 2000 Persons and Bodies: a Constitution View 2
Michael C. Rea 1998 In Defense of Mereological Universalism 2
Alan Hájek 2008 Arguments For—Or Against—Probabilism? 2
Ishtiyaque Haji 1998 Moral Appraisability: Puzzles, Proposals, and Perplexities 2
Michael N. Forster, Sober Sober and E. E 1994 How to Tell when Simpler, More Unified, or Less Ad Hoc Theories will Provide More Accurate Predictions 2
Joseph Raz 1975 Practical Reason and Norms 2
Galen Strawson 1994 The Impossibility of Moral Responsibility 2
Wayne Proudfoot 1985 Religious Experience 2
Peter Kivy 1983 Platonism in Music: A Kind of Defense 2
Robert Nozick 1969 Coercion 2
Mark Schroeder 2009 Hybrid Expressivism: Virtues and Vices 2
Noam N. Chomsky Chomsky 1959 Review of Verbal Behavior 2
Ned Markosian 1993 How Fast Does Time Pass? 2
Samir Okasha 2002 Darwinian Metaphysics: Species and the Question of Essentialism 2
Kit Fine 1984 Critical Review of Parsons' <em>Nonexistent Objects</em> 2
David H. Kaplan 1989 Demonstratives: An Essay on the Semantics, Logic, Metaphysics, and Epistemology of Demonstratives and Other Indexicals 2
Suzanne Dovi 2007 The Good Representative 2
Alfred J. Ayer 1963 The Concept of a Person 2
Paul A. Schilpp (ed.) 1974 The Philosophy of Karl Popper 2
Kevin (ed) Mulligan 2006 Ascent, Propositions and other Formal Objects 2
Porphyry Porphyry 2003 Vie de Pythagore, Lettre à Marcella 2
Immanuel Kant 1787 Critique of Pure Reason. 2
Aulus see Marshall Gellius 1927 The Attic Nights 2
Jaap Mansfeld 1990 Studies in the Historiography of Greek Philosophy 2
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1956 Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics 2
Kevin Falvey 2000 Knowledge in Intention 2
C. McLarty 1992 Elementary Categories, Elementary Toposes 2
Robert C. Stalnaker 1988 Vague Identity 2
Alastair Hannay 1982 Kierkegaard 2
J. Bacon 1990 Van Cleve Versus Closure 2
K. Rothschild 1993 Ethics and Economic Theory 2
Roderick Firth 1978 Are Epistemic Concepts Reducible to Ethical Concepts? 2
Stephen L. Darwall 2002 Welfare and Rational Care 2
Paul M. Churchland 2007 Neurophilosophy at Work 2
Anthony Hatsimoysis and ed ed 2003 Philosophy and the Emotions 2
Simon Keller 2007 The Limits of Loyalty 2
Charles S. Chihara 1998 The Worlds of Possibility 2
Max Weber 1904 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 2
A.A. Long 1978 Timon of Phlius: Pyrrhonist and Satirist 2
International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium 2001 Initial Sequencing and Analysis of the Human Genome 2
P. D'Hoine 2004 Four problems concerning the theory of ideas: Proclus, Syrianus and the ancient commentaries on the Parmenides 2
John R. Searle 1980 Minds, Brains, and Programs 2
Patrick Horace Nowell-Smith 1954 Ethics 2
John Rawls 1974 The Independence of Moral Theory 2
Richard Joyce 2005 Moral Fictionalism 2
Jerry A. Fodor 2008 LOT 2: The Language of Thought Revisited 2
Georg Kreisel 1967 Informal Rigour and Completeness Proofs 2
Antonio R. Damasio 1999 The Feeling of What Happens 2
Hud Hudson 2007 Simples and Gunk 2
Abner Shimony 1988 An Adamite Derivation of the Calculus of Probability 2
Jerrold Levinson 2007 Artworks as Artifacts 2
Lily E. Kay 2000 Who Wrote the Book of Life? A History of the Genetic Code 2
Nikk Effingham 2010 Mereological Explanation and Time Travel 2
John Earman 1995 Recent Work on Time Travel 2
Tad Brennan 1996 Reasonable Impressions in Stoicism 2
Ernest LePore, Loewer Loewer and Barry M. B 1987 Mind Matters 2
Isocrates Isocrates 1945 Busiris 2
Philip Kitcher 1982 Genes 2
Jon Elster 1985 Making Sense of Marx 2
Thomas E. Uebel 2003 On the Austrian Roots of Logical Empiricism: The Case of the First Vienna Circle 2
Daniel Nolan 1997 Impossible Worlds: A Modest Approach 2
Godehard Link 1998 Algebraic Semantics in Language and Philosophy 2
Terence H. Irwin 1992 Eminent Victorians and Greek Ethics: Sidgwick, Green, and Aristotle 2
Cass R. Sunstein 2008 Democracy and the Internet 2
E.Jonathan Lowe 1995 The Problem of the Many and the Vagueness of Constitution 2
Max Weber 1949 The Methodology of the Social Sciences 2
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1902 Letter to Frege 2
Isaiah Berlin 1999 The Roots of Romanticism 2
Brian Skyrms 1980 Causal Necessity 2
Wayne C. Davis 1981 A Theory of Happiness 2
Brad W. Hooker 2000 Ideal Code, Real World: A Rule-consequentialist Theory of Morality 2
Robert J. Aumann 1987 Correlated Equilibrium as an Expression of Bayesian Rationality 2
A.A. Long and (ed ). (ed.) 1999 The Cambridge Companion to Early Greek Philosophy 2
James G. Tabery 2009 Difference Mechanisms: Explaining Variation with Mechanisms 2
J. Divers and Joseph Melia 2002 The Analytic Limit of Genuine Modal Realism 2
Calvin G. Normore 1982 Future Contingents 2
Saam Trivedi 2002 Against Musical Works as Eternal Types 2
Daniel Stoljar 2001 Two Conceptions of the Physical 2
Paul A. Samuelson 1954 The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure 2
John Abromeit 2011 Max Horkheimer and the Foundations of the Frankfurt School 2
Stuart L. White 2008 Milesian Measures 2
Andrej N. Kolmogorov 1965 Three Approaches to the Quantitative Definition of Information 2
Daniel M. Haybron 2008 The Pursuit of Unhappiness: The Elusive Psychology of Well-Being 2
Alfred North Whitehead, Russell Russell and Barry M. B 1925 Principia Mathematica 2
Odon Lottin 1932 La composition hylémorphique des substances spirituelles. Les débuts de la controverse 2
Julian Dodd 2007 Works of Music: An Essay in Ontology 2
Immanuel Kant 1964 Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals 2
Fred Feldman 2010 What Is This Thing Called Happiness? 2
A. Delatte 1922 La vie de Pythagore de Diogène Laërce 2
Richard Dawkins 1986 The Blind Watchmaker 2
David K. Lewis 1969 Convention 2
M.E. Gilpin, Soulé Soulé and Marcus Patrick E 1986 Minimum Viable Populations: Processes of Species Extinction 2
C.C. Mann, Plummer Plummer and Millstein R. L 1995 Noah's Choice: The Future of Endangered Species 2
Richard A. Watson 1966 The Downfall of Cartesianism 1673–1712 2
Anthony Gutmann Kwame Anthony Appiah 1985 Assertion and Conditionals 2
Quentin Skinner 1998 Liberty Before Liberalism 2
Saul A. Kripke 1973 Reference and Existence 2
David J. Furley 1989 Cosmic Problems: Essays on Greek and Roman Philosophy of Nature 2
Dean W. Zimmerman 1998 Temporary Intrinsics and Presentism 2
Paul Redding 2007 Analytic Philosophy and the Return of Hegelian Thought 2
P. Lipton 1993 Is the Best Good Enough? 2
Jonathan Bennett 1974 The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn 2
David K. Lewis 1983 Philosophical Papers Volume I 2
Christopher Bobonich 2002 Plato's Utopia Recast: His Later Ethics and Politics 2
Pamela Hieronymi 2001 Articulating an Uncompromising Forgiveness 2
Gareth R. Evans 1982 The varieties of reference 2
Adam D. Smith 1991 National Identity 2
Philip Pettit and Robert Sugden 1989 The Backward Induction Paradox 2
Jane Heal 1996 Simulation, Theory, and Content 2
Jon Etchemendy Jon Barwise and John Perry 1983 Situations and Attitudes 2
Laurence Thomas 1989 Living Morally: A Psychology of Moral Character, 2
William J. Courtenay 1978 Adam Wodeham: An Introduction to His Life and Writings 2
Michael Loux (ed.) 1979 The Possible and the Actual 2
Robin G. Collingwood 1956 The Idea of History 2
R.(trans.) Bett, forthcoming forthcoming and Review of Clayman 2010 Gnomon 2
L.G. (ed. Westerink 1962 Anonymous Prolegomena to Platonic Philosophy 2
Robert Stecker 2009 Methodological Questions about the Ontology of Music 2
Lawrence C. Becker 2005 Reciprocity, Justice, and Disability 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1987 Poetics 2
Kwame Anthony Appiah 1992 In My Father's House: Africa in the Philosophy of Culture 2
Jerrold M. Sadock 1974 Toward a Linguistic Theory of Speech Acts 2
Jerrold Levinson 1990 Music, Art, and Metaphysics 2
Soraya de Chadarevian 2002 Designs for Life: Molecular Biology after World War II 2
Sébastien Gandon 2012 Russell's Unknown Logicism 2
Daniel Kelly 2011 Yuck! The Nature and Moral Significance of Disgust 2
Alfred Tarski 1987 A Philosophical Letter of Alfred Tarski 2
W. Kuklys 2005 Amartya Sen's Capability Approach: Theoretical Insights and Empirical Applications 2
Jeffrey C. King 2006 Semantics for Monists 2
Paul C.W. Davies 2002 How to Build a Time Machine 2
Peter van Inwagen 1981 The doctrine of arbitrary undetached parts 2
Michael Tooley 1972 Abortion and Infanticide 2
Henri Poincaré 1952 Science and Hypothesis 2
Roger Crisp 2002 Sidgwick and the Boundaries of Intuitionism 2
Hal Varian 1974 Equity, Envy, and Efficiency 2
Rene Descartes 1985 The Philosophical Writings of Descartes 2
Robert Merrihew Adams 1999 Finite and Infinite Goods: A Framework for Ethics 2
Sextus Empiricus: see Bury 1935 1935 2
Robert B. Brandom 2008 Between Saying and Doing: Towards an Analytic Pragmatism 2
Neil Lewis 1988 Time and Modality in Robert Grosseteste 2
Richard B. Braithwaite 1932 The nature of believing 2
Michael J. Loux 1974 Ockham's Theory of Terms: Part I of the Summa Logicae 2
Jesse J. Prinz 2002 Furnishing the Mind: Concepts and Their Perceptual Basis 2
Willard Van Orman Quine 1953 Three Grades of Modal Involvement 2
Patricia Smith Churchland 1986 Neurophilosophy 2
Lindley Darden and Nancy Maull 1977 Interfield Theories 2
J.P. Moreland 2001 Universals 2
P. Adamson 2007 Al-Kindi 2
Ronald M. Dworkin 1993 Life's Dominion 2
Gary Watson 1996 Two Faces of Responsibility 2
John E. Roemer 1986 Equality of Resources Implies Equality of Welfare 2
David (trans.) Konstan 1973 Some Aspects of Epicurean Psychology 2
Scott Soames 1989 Direct Reference and Propositional Attitudes 2
Willard Van Orman Quine 1966 Selected Logic Papers 2
Wlodek Rabinowicz and Toni Rönnow-Rasmussen 2004 The Strike of the Demon: On Fitting Pro-Attitudes and Value 2
Thomas Hobbes 1660 Leviathan 2
Delia Graff 2000 Shifting sands: an interest-relative theory of vagueness 2
Christopher W. (editor) Gowans 2003 Philosophy of the Buddha 2
Wayne C. Davis 2003 Meaning, Expression and Thought 2
Joseph H. Carens 1987 Aliens and Citizens: The Case for Open Borders 2
Hermann DK = Diels and W. Kranz 1951 Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker 2
David A. Hume 1739 A treatise of human nature 2
Stewart Shapiro 1991 Foundations without Foundationalism: A Case for Second-order Logic 2
Eva Feder. Kittay 2005 At the Margins of Personhood 2
Andrew von Hirsch 1993 Censure and Sanctions 2
Jerry A. Fodor 2000 The Mind Doesn't Work That Way 2
Charles Sanders Peirce 1880 On the Algebra of Logic 2
John A. Stewart 1878 Review of Lange's <em>Logische Studien</em> 2
Robert C. Stalnaker 1987 Inquiry 2
Nelson Pike 1969 Omnipotence and God's Ability to Sin 2
Niels Bohr 1939 The causality problem in atomic physics 2
Hannes Leitgeb and Richard (forthcoming) Pettigrew 2010 An Objective Justification of Bayesianism I: Measuring Inaccuracy 2
Moreland Perkins 1983 Sensing the World 2
J.E. Raven 1948 Pythagoreans and Eleatics 2
Thomas Nagel 1971 Brain Bisection and the Unity of Consciousness 2
Cheshire Calhoun 2000 Feminism, the Family, and the Politics of the Closet: Lesbian and Gay Displacement 2
Antony Eagle 2010 Duration in Relativistic Spacetime 2
R.E. Clay 1981 Leśniewski's Mereology 2
Peter van Inwagen 1986 Two Concepts of Possible Worlds 2
Peter Unger 1990 Identity, Consciousness, and Value 2
Ernst Tugendhat 1967 Der Wahrheitsbegriff bei Husserl und Heidegger 2
Peter Van Inwagen 1977 Creatures of Fiction 2
H.L. Dreyfus 2008 Why Heideggerian AI Failed and How Fixing It Would Require Making It More Heideggerian 2
David H. Smith 2009 Mereology without Weak Supplementation 2
K. Reinhardt 1916 Parmenides und die Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie 2
John Stuart. Mill 1969 Utilitarianism 2
Harry G. Frankfurt 1987 Identification and Wholeheartedness 2
Oscar W. Firkins 1915 Ralph Waldo Emerson 2
Nicholas Rescher 1977 Methodological Pragmatism 2
B.F. Skinner 1948 Walden Two 2
H.A.S. Tarrant 1985 Scepticism or Platonism. The Philosophy of the Fourth Academy 2
Timothy van Gelder 1990 Compositionality: A Connectionist Variation on a Classical Theme 2
Peter van Inwagen 1994 Composition as Identity 2
Bas van Fraassen 1985 Empiricism in the Philosophy of Science 2
John R. Searle 1983 Intentionality. An Essay in the Philosophy of Mind 2
Samuel Freeman and (ed ). (ed.) 2007 Rawls 2
C.I. Lewis 1923 A Pragmatic Conception of the <em>A Priori</em> 2
David Heyd 1982 Supererogation: Its Status in Ethical Theory 2
D. Cocking, Kennett Kennett and James J 1998 Friendship and the Self 2
Donald Davidson 2001 Essays on Actions and Events 2
Iamblichus Iamblichus 1975 De Communi Mathematica Scientia, 2
Dylan Evans, Peter Cruse and eds eds 2004 Evolution, Rationality, and Emotion 2
Gopal Sreenivasan 2005 A Hybrid Theory of Claim-Rights 2
Ned Block 1990 Can the Mind Change the World? 2
Thomas Hobbes 1968 Leviathan 2
Michael (forthcoming): Devitt 2004 The Case for Referential Descriptions 2
Immanuel Kant 1785 The Metaphysics of Morals 2
Michael A.E. Dummett 1976 What is a Theory of Meaning? (II) 2
John Beatty 1985 Speaking of Species: Darwin's Strategy 2
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 2007 Philosophical Intuitions: Their Target, Their Source, and Their Epistemic Status 2
Daniel C. Dennett 1978 Brainstorms: Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology 2
Jerry A. Fodor and Ernest LePore 1992 Holism: A Shopper's Guide 2
David K. Lewis 1989 Dispositional theories of value 2
Charles Parsons 1983 Mathematics in Philosophy 2
Kok-Chor C. Tan 2004 Justice Without Borders: Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Patriotism 2
David Z. Albert 1996 Elementary Quantum Metaphysics 2
Saul A. Kripke 1963 Semantical Considerations on Modal Logic 2
Steven Pinker 2002 The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature 2
David L. Hull 1987 Genealogical Actors in Ecological Roles 2
Alfred J. Freddoso 1988 Introduction 2
A.D. Conti 2005 Johannes Sharpe's Ontology and Semantics: Oxford Realism Revisited 2
Hilary Putnam 1975 The meaning of ‘meaning’ 2
É. (ed. Des Places and trans in French) 1977 Atticus. Fragments 2
John F. Wippel 1977 The Condemnations of 1270 and 1277 at Paris 2
Bernard Gert 2005 Morality: Its Nature and Justification 2
Russ Shafer-Landau 2006 Oxford Studies in Metaethics 2
Sydney Shoemaker 1994 inner sense 2
Jay L. Garfield and Geshe Ngawang Samten 2006 Ocean of Reasoning 2
Kelly Trogdon 2009 Monism and Intrinsicality 2
D.C. (trans.) Lau 1963 Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching 2
Charles H. Kahn 1960 Anaximander and the Origins of Greek Cosmology 2
Kenneth F. Schaffner 1967 Approaches to Reduction 2
Jonathan Israel 2006 Enlightenment Contested: Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation of Man 1670–1752 2
Alfred R. Mele 2006 Free Will and Luck 2
Scott Soames 2010 Philosophy of Language 2
Gerald C. MacCallum 1967 Negative and Positive Freedom 2
Stephen Yablo 2002 Abstract Objects: A Case Study 2
Alan Nelson 2005 The Rationalist Impulse 2
Derek Parfit 1976 On Doing the Best for Our Children 2
Otto Neurath 1973 Empiricism and Sociology 2
K. Akiba 2004 Vagueness in the World 2
Dominic Hyde 1997 From Heaps and Gaps to Heaps of Gluts 2
Keith E. Yandell 1993 The Epistemology of Religious Experience 2
Brian Skyrms 2004 The Stag Hunt and the Evolution of Social Structure 2
Rebecca Kukla 2005 Mass Hysteria: Medicine, Culture, and Mothers' Bodies 2
Sherry Turkle 1995 Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet 2
Willard Van Orman Quine 1953 Identity, Ostension and Hypostasis 2
Neal A. Tognazzini 2006 Simples and the Possibility of Discrete Space 2
Rupert Gethin 1998 The Foundations of Buddhism 2
C.D. Broad 1953 Religion, Philosophy, and Psychical Research 2
David J. Chalmers 2004 Epistemic Two-Dimensional Semantics 2
Chunpo Zhang and Jialong Zhang 1997 Logic and Language in Chinese Philosophy 2
Rudolf Carnap 1962 Logical Foundations of Probability 2
Ralph Barton Perry 1926 General Theory of Value 2
Tim Crane 2001 The Elements of Mind 2
Daniel C. Dennett 1978 Intentional Systems 2
William A. Galston 2002 Liberal Pluralism: The Implications of Value Pluralism for Political Theory and Practice 2
Andy Egan 2004 Second-order predication and the Metaphysics of Properties 2
William J. Wainwright 1995 Reason and the Heart 2
Leszek Nowak 1980 The Structure of Idealization: Towards a Systematic Interpretation of the Marxian Idea of Science 2
Tim Crane 1995 The Mechanical Mind 2
James T. Russell 2008 The Structure of Gunk: Adventures in the Ontology of Space 2
Vann McGee 1996 Logical Operations 2
Robin G. Collingwood 1938 The Principles of Art 2
Barry C. Smith 1994 Austrian Philosophy. The Legacy of Franz Brentano 2
W.O. Stephens 2007 Epictetus and Happiness as Freedom 2
Susan Gelman 2003 The Essential Child: Origins of Essentialism in Everyday Thought 2
Ian Hacking 1965 Logic of Statistical Inference 2
Scott Sehon 2005 Teleological Realism: Mind, Agency, and Explanation 2
Patrick Todd and Neal A. Tognazzini 2008 A Problem for Guidance Control 2
Kenny Easwaran 2011 Bayesianism I: Introduction and Arguments in Favor 2
Russell B. Goodman 2002 Wittgenstein and William James 2
Gottlob Frege 1976 Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel 2
Ivor A. Richards 1924 Principles of Literary Criticism 2
Tim Crane 1995 The Mental Causation Debate 2
Michael W. Martin 1990 Atheism: A Philosophical Justification 2
Richard Dedekind 1888 Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? 2
Richard K. Larson, Ludlow Ludlow and Pettit P 1993 Interpreted Logical Forms 2
David Novitz 1998 Forgiveness and Self-Respect 2
Clifford A. Hooker 1981 Towards a General Theory of Reduction. Part I: Historical and Scientific Setting. Part II: Identity in Reduction. Part III: Cross-Categorial Reduction 2
Hastings Rashdall 1924 A Theory of Good and Evil 2
Mitchell S. Green 2000 Illocutionary Force and Semantic Content 2
Alfred Tarski and S. Givant 1987 A Formalization of Set Theory without Variables 2
Gottlob Frege 1892 On Concept and Object 2
Søren Kierkegaard 1846 Concluding Unscientific Postscript 2
Thomas McPherson 1967 Political Obligation 2
Ellen Marie Chen 1969 Nothingness and the mother principle in early Chinese Taoism 2
Roderick M. Chisholm 1948 The Problem of Empiricism 2
E.Jonathan Lowe 2005 Vagueness and Endurance 2
Theodore R. Sider 1996 All the World's a Stage 2
P.A. Stadter 1980 Arrian of Nicomedia 2
Ian Hacking 1975 Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy? 2
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong 1988 Moral Dilemmas 2
Joshua L. Golding 2003 Rationality and Religious Theism 2
K.C. Köhnke 1986 Entstehung und Aufstieg des Neukantianismus: Die deutsche Universitätsphilosophie zwischen Idealismus und Positivismus 2
David K. Lewis 1979 Attitudes De Dicto and De Se 2
Rachael Briggs 2009 Distorted Reflection 2
Chad Carmichael 2011 Vague Composition without Vague Existence 2
Peter van Inwagen 1990 Four-Dimensional Objects 2
S. Sturgeon 1998 Physicalism and Overdetermination 2
Peter A. Singer 1973 Democracy and Disobedience 2
Jonathan Dancy 1981 On Moral Properties 2
Jamie Tappenden 1993 The liar and sorites paradoxes: towards a unified treatment 2
James Van Cleve 2008 The Moon and Sixpence: A Defense of Mereological Universalism 2
Roderick M. Chisholm 1964 Human Freedom and the Self 2
Alison John. Simmons 1992 The Lockean Theory of Rights 2
Brian P. McLaughlin 1993 The Connectionism/Classicism Battle to Win Souls 2
Rex M. Martin 1993 A System of Rights 2
Brian Skyrms 1987 Coherence 2
George Edward Moore 1942 A reply to my critics 2
Lawrence Buell 2003 Emerson 2
Nigel Walker 1980 Punishment, Danger and Stigma 2
Jonathan L. And HcCann Kvanvig 1993 The Problem of Hell 2
Salomon Maimon 2010 Essay on Transcendental Philosophy 2
Brian P. McLaughlin 1989 Type Epiphenomenalism, Type Dualism, and the Causal Priority of the Physical 2
Neil McKinnon 2002 Supervaluations and the Problem of the Many 2
Nel Noddings 1984 Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education 2
Jack Zupko 1993 Nominalism Meets Indivisibilism 2
William G. Lycan 1994 Modality and Meaning 2
Einar Duenger Bohn 2012 Monism, Emergence, and Plural Logic 2
William P. Alston 1990 Some Suggestions for Divine Command Theorists 2
Daniel A. Dombrowski 2004 Divine Beauty: The Aesthetics of Charles Hartshorne 2
Imre Lakatos 1978 The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes 2
Julian Dodd 2010 Confessions of an Unrepentant Timbral Sonicist 2
Colin (forthcoming) Tyler 2002 Thomas Hill Green 2
Nick C. Denyer 1981 Time and Modality in Diodorus Cronus 2
William James 1907 Pragmatism 2
Tim Maudlin 1998 Part and Whole in Quantum Mechanics 2
Matteo Morganti 2009 Ontological Priority, Fundamentality and Monism 2
Michael B.E. Smith 1973 Is There a Prima Facie Obligation to Obey the Law? 2
Talcott Parsons 1968 The Structure of Social Action 2
David Malet Armstrong 1978 A Theory of Universals 2
Frances Myrna Kamm 1993 Morality, Mortality 2
Joseph Heath 2001 Communicative Action and Rational Choice 2
Ian Hacking 1990 The Taming of Chance 2
Daniel M. Haybron 2008 The Pursuit of Unhappiness 2
John Rawls 1972 A Theory of Justice 2
Robert B. Brandom 1994 Making It Explicit: Reasoning, Representing, and Discursive Commitment 2
Jean Hampton 1993 Selflessness and the Loss of Self 2
Robert Audi 1997 Moral Knowledge and Ethical Character 2
William P. Alston 1991 Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience 2
Joel Feinberg 1978 Voluntary Euthanasia and the Inalienable Right to Life 2
Murat (forthcoming). Aydede and Güven Güzeldere 2005 Cognitive Architecture, Concepts, and Introspection: An Information-Theoretic Solution to the Problem of Phenomenal Consciousness 2
Jonathan K. Foster 1991 The Immaterial Self 2
G. Betegh 2007 On the Physical Aspect of Heraclitus' Psychology 2
Paul Vincent. Spade 1974 Ockham on Self-Reference 2
Michael McKenna 2012 Conversation and Responsibility 2
David H. Kaplan 1979 Transworld Heir Lines 2
Christian List and Robert E. Goodin 2001 Epistemic Democracy: Generalizing the Condorcet Jury Theorem 2
Fazlur Rahman 1975 The Philosophy of Mulla Sadra 2
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1985 The Philosophy of Logical Atomism 2
John Ladd 1957 The Structure of a Moral Code: A Philosophical Analysis of Ethical Discourse Applied to the Ethics of the Navaho Indians 2
Richard B. Braithwaite 1953 Scientific Explanation 2
Ned Block and Robert C. Stalnaker 1999 Conceptual Analysis, Dualism, and the Explanatory Gap 2
Owen Fiss 1976 Groups and the Equal Protection Clause 2
I. Jané 2006 What Is Tarski's <em>Common</em> Concept of Consequence? 2
Stephen C. Kleene 1967 Mathematical Logic 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1988 The Politics 2
Diogenes Laertius: see Hicks 1925 1925 2
R.F. Hadley 1997 Explaining Systematicity: A Reply to Kenneth Aizawa 2
Desmond M. Clarke 2011 Hypotheses 2
Hilary Putnam 1971 Philosophy of Logic 2
Thomas Christiano 2008 The Constitution of Equality: Democratic Authority and Its Limits 2
Arash Abizadeh 2008 Democratic Theory and Border Coercion: No Right to Unilaterally Control Your Own Borders 2
John N. Findlay 1961 Values and Intentions 2
John C. Harsanyi 1977 Rational Behavior and Bargaining Equilibrium in Games and Social Situations 2
Peter F. Strawson 1974 Freedom and Resentment 2
George Molnar 2003 Powers 2
Christopher Burton Martin 1996 How It Is: Entities, Absences and Voids 2
Paul Horwich 2005 Reflections on Meaning 2
Daniel C. Dennett 1969 Content and Consciousness 2
Michael Walzer 1977 Just and Unjust Wars 2
Hilary Putnam 1975 The Meaning of “Meaning” 2
Michael Otsuka 2003 Libertarianism without Inequality 2
Immanuel Kant 1996 Practical Philosophy 2
R.S. Westman 1975 The Melanchthon Circle, Rheticus, and the Wittenberg Interpretation of the Copernican Theory 2
Lindley Darden 2002 Strategies for Discovering Mechanisms: Schema Instantiation, Modular Subassembly, Forward/Backward Chaining 2
Bernard A.O. Williams 1972 Morality: An Introduction to Ethics 2
M.J. Edwards 1990 Porphyry and the Intelligible Triad 2
E.Jonathan Lowe 2002 A Survey of Metaphysics 2
John Alex, er er, Weinberg Weinberg and James J 2007 Analytic Epistemology and Experimental Philosophy 2
Susan Moller. Okin 1979 Women in Western Political Thought 2
Robert Howell 1979 Fictional Objects: How They Are and How They Aren't 2
Thomas S. Kuhn 1977 Objectivity, Value Judgment, and Theory Choice 2
M.J. Cresswell 1990 Entities and Indices 2
Amie L. Thomasson 2003 Speaking of Fictional Characters 2
Michael B. Burke 1997 Coinciding Objects: Reply to Lowe and Denkel 2
David Copp 2001 Realist Expressivism: A Neglected Option for Moral Realism 2
Stephen L. Darwall 1998 Empathy, Sympathy, and Care 2
Stefano Predelli 2001 Musical Ontology and the Argument from Creation 2
Andrew Schotter 1981 The Economic Theory of Social Institutions 2
G. Caughley 1994 Directions in Conservation Biology 2
Katherin A. Rogers 2000 Perfect Being Theology 2
Robert Merrihew Adams 1994 Leibniz: Determinist, Theist, Idealist 2
Stewart Shapiro 1997 Philosophy of Mathematics: Structure and Ontology 2
Jacob T. Levy 2000 Multiculturalism of Fear 2
Chad Hansen 1983 Language and Logic in Ancient China 2
Frank Jackson 1998 From Metaphysics to Ethics: A Defense of Conceptual Analysis 2
Keith Campbell 1981 The Metaphysic of Abstract Particulars 2
Bas Van Fraassen 1989 Laws and Symmetry 2
Imre Lakatos, Musgrave Musgrave and Alan Sen (eds.) 1970 Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge 2
J.R. Hicks 1939 The Foundations of Welfare Economics 2
Delia Graff Fara 2008 Relative-Sameness Counterpart Theory 2
William James 1902 Varieties of Religious Experience 2
Luis Cabrera 2004 Political Theory of Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Case for the World State 2
Bhikhu Parekh 2000 Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory 2
Gerald Dworkin 1988 The Theory and Practice of Autonomy 2
Gabriele Giannantoni 1983 Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae 2
Stephen C. Kleene 1935 A Theory of Positive Integers in Formal Logic 2
Patricia K. Curd 2007 Anaxagoras of Clazomenae: Fragments. Text and Translation with Notes and Essays 2
John Makeham 1994 Name and Actuality in Early Chinese Thought 2
Charles Babbage 1837 The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise 2
Donald Davidson 1979 Moods and Performances 2
David L. Hull 1980 Individuality and Selection 2
Gerald Gazdar 1979 Pragmatics: Implicature, Presupposition, and Logical Form 2
Jonathan Barnes 1994 Posterior Analytics 2
Herbert L.A. Hart 1958 Legal and Moral Obligation 2
Friederike Moltmann 1997 Parts and Wholes in Semantics 2
Thomas W. Pogge 2002 World Poverty and Human Rights: Cosmopolitan Responsibilities and Reforms 2
R.A. MacArthur, Wilson K. Wilson and E. O 1967 The Theory of Island Biogeography 2
Ian Hacking 1983 Representing and Intervening: Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Natural Science 2
Achille C. Varzi 2006 The Universe Among Other Things 2
G.F. Marcus 1998 Rethinking Eliminative Connectionism 2
Kenneth F. Schaffner 1992 Philosophy of Medicine 2
Brian F. Loar 1990 Phenomenal States 2
Catherine Osborne 1987 Rethinking Early Greek Philosophy: Hippolytus of Rome and the Presocratics 2
Terence Penelhum 1983 God and Skepticism: A Study in Skepticism and Fideism 2
Ned Hall 1994 Correcting the Guide to Objective Chance 2
Richard Foley 1992 The Epistemology of Belief and the Epistemology of Degrees of Belief 2
Eleonore Stump 1982 Obligations: From the Beginning to the Early Fourteenth Century 2
Daniel Z. Korman 2010 The Argument from Vagueness 2
C.A. Huffman 2008 Two Problems in Pythagoreanism 2
Cody S. Gilmore 2010 Coinciding Objects and Duration Properties: Reply to Eagle 2
Robert Van Gulick 1993 Understanding the phenomenal mind: Are we all just armadillos? 2
Michael Otsuka 2003 Libertarianism Without Inequality 2
Eric T. Olson 1997 The Human Animal 2
Nicholas Capaldi 2004 John Stuart Mill: A Biography 2
Samuel Scheffler 1992 Human Morality 2
David K. Lewis 1975 Adverbs of quantification 2
Duncan H. Pritchard 2007 Recent Work on Epistemic Value 2
Dean W. Zimmerman 1996 Could Extended Objects Be Made Out of Simple Parts? An Argument for “Atomless Gunk” 2
Stephen L. Darwall 1988 Self-Deception, Autonomy, and Moral Constitution 2
Paul Russell 1995 Freedom and Moral Sentiment 2
Onora O'Neill 2002 Autonomy and Trust in Bioethics 2
Mary Mothersill 1984 Beauty Restored 2
John Perry 1977 Frege on Demonstratives 2
Alexander P.D. Mourelatos 2008 The Cloud-Astrophysics of Xenophanes and Ionian Material Monism 2
Jaegwon Kim 1966 On the Psycho-Physical Identity Theory 2
Susan Moller. Okin 1999 Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? 2
Alonzo Church 1978 A Comparison of Russell's Resolution of the Semantical Antinomies with that of Tarski 2
Ronald M. Dworkin 2000 Sovereign Virtue. The Theory and Practice of Equality 2
Nicholas J.J. Smith 2005 A Plea for Things That Are Not Quite All There 2
Peter Vanderschraaf 1998 The Informal Game Theory in Hume's Account of Convention 2
Linda Trinkaus. Zagzebski 1999 What is Knowledge? 2
M. Gómez-Torrente 1998 Logical Truth and Tarskian Logical Truth 2
Richard A. Posner 1972 Economic Analysis of Law 2
Robert Cummins 1996 Representations, Targets, and Attitudes 2
Galileo Galilei 1623 Il Saggiatore 2
Jules S. Coleman 1984 Economics and the Law: A Critical Review of the Foundations of the Economic Approach to Law 2
Irene Heim 1992 Presupposition Projection and the Semantics of Attitude Verbs 2
David L. Hull 1988 Science as a Process: An Evolutionary Account of the Social and Conceptual Development of Science 2
Donald W. Baxter 1988 Many-One Identity 2
Paul Humphreys 2004 Extending Ourselves: Computational Science, Empiricism, and Scientific Method 2
Catharine MacKinnon 1987 Feminism Unmodified 2
Anne Conway 1692 The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy 2
Michael B. Burke 1994 Dion and Theon: An Essentialist Solution to an Ancient Puzzle 2
D. Sider 2005 The Fragments of Anaxagoras: Edited with an Introduction and Commentary 2
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1921 Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung 2
Adrienne Rich 1980 Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence 2
Roland J. Teske 1994 William of Auvergne on the Individuation of Human Souls 2
John R. Searle 1990 Is the Brain a Digital Computer? 2
Jonathan Dancy 2004 Ethics Without Principles 2
Hilary Kornblith 2001 Epistemology: Internalism and Externalism 2
John Broome 1992 Counting the Cost of Global Warming 2
Leonard T. Hobhouse 1918 The Metaphysical Theory of the State 2
Peter Galison 1990 Aufbau/Bauhaus: Logical Positivism and Architectural Modernism 2
William James 1909 A Pluralistic Universe: Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy 2
Paul H. Williams 1998 The Reflexive Nature of Awareness 2
Hans Kohn 1930 Martin Buber 2
Stephan Körner 1955 Kant 2
A.-J. Festugière 1945 Les Mémoires Pythagoriques cités par Alexandre Polyhistor 2
M.J. Cresswell 1972 The World is Everything that is the Case 2
Stephen Schiffer 1996 Contextualist Solutions to Skepticism 2
Philip Kitcher 1983 The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge 2
Gareth B. Matthews 1980 Philosophy and the Young Child 2
Jan Narveson 2001 The Libertarian Idea 2
Daniel A. Dombrowski 2006 Rethinking the Ontological Argument: A Neoclassical Theistic Response 2
William James 1884 What is an Emotion? 2
Coleen Macnamara 2011 Holding Others Responsible 2
Edward O. Wilson 1975 Sociobiology 2
Elliott Sober 1999 The Multiple Realizability Argument Against Reductionism 2
Janet Broughton 2002 Descartes's Method of Doubt 2
Einar Duenger Bohn 2009 Must There Be a Top Level? 2
Cristina Bicchieri 1993 Rationality and Coordination 2
Graham Priest 2005 Towards Non-Being: the Logic and Metaphysics of Intentionality 2
Jeremy Waldron 2005 Torture and Positive Law: Jurisprudence for the White House 2
Harry G. Frankfurt 1997 Equality and Respect 2
N.K. Badhwar 1987 Friends as Ends in Themselves 2
David H. Kaplan 1978 Dthat 2
Richard J. Arneson 1982 The Principle of Fairness and Free-Rider Problems 2
Nomy Arpaly 2003 Unprincipled Virtue 2
Simon Blackburn 1998 Ruling Passions: A Theory of Practical Reasoning 2
John Martin Fischer 1994 The Metaphysics of Free Will 2
P. Moraux 1984 Der Aristotelismus bei den Griechen 2
Byeong-Uk -U. Yi 1999 Is Mereology Ontologically Innocent? 2
Chris Schabel 2000 Place, Space, and the Physics of Grace in Auriol's <em>Sentences</em> Commentary 2
K.S. Shrader-Frechette 1990 Island Biogeography, Species-Area Curves, and Statistical Errors: Applied Biology and Scientific Rationality 2
Frank Thakurdas 1978 The English Utilitarians and the Idealists 2
Christine Tappolet 2000 Emotions et Valeurs 2
Immanuel Kant 1781 The Critique of Pure Reason 2
Robert J. Aumann 1995 Backward Induction and Common Knowledge of Rationality 2
W.B. Pillsbury 1908 Attention 2
Philip Kitcher 2001 Science, Truth, and Democracy 2
Lorraine Code 1991 What Can She Know? Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge 2
Stephen Wilkinson 2003 Bodies for Sale: ethics and exploitation in the human body trade 2
Karel Lambert 1983 Meinong and the Principle of Independence. Its Place in Meinong's Theory of Objects and Its Significance in Contemporary Philosophical Logic 2
Amartya K. Sen 1997 On Economic Inequality 2
Ross T. Brady 1989 The non-triviality of dialectical set theory 2
Joseph H. Carens 2000 Culture, Citizenship, and Community. A Contextual Exploration of Justice as Evenhandedness 2
Kenneth J. Arrow 1972 Gifts and Exchanges 2
Nicholas Wolterstorff 1975 God Everlasting 2
Friedrich W. Nietzsche 1889 Twilight of the Idols 2
George Sher 1991 The Bounds of Logic 2
Alexander P.D. Mourelatos 2008 The Route of Parmenides 2
Mark C. Murphy 2001 Natural Law and Practical Rationality 2
S. Wolfram 2002 A New Kind of Science 2
Philip L. Quinn 1978 Divine Commands and Moral Requirements 2
Ned Block 1980 Are Absent Qualia Impossible? 2
Lloyd P. Gerson (ed.) 1996 The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus 2
Stephen Macedo 1995 Homosexuality and the Conservative Mind 2
Jean-Jacques -J. Rousseau 1979 Emile or On Education 2
Charles Hartshorne 1948 The Divine Relativity: A Social Conception of God 2
R. Saucedo 2011 Parthood and Location 2
Timothy O'Connor 1994 Emergent Properties 2
Richard Montague 1974 Formal Philosophy: Selected Papers of Richard Montague 2
Hiralal Hadji Haldar 1927 Neo-Hegelianism 2
Kurt Gödel 1983 What is Cantor's Continuum Problem? 2
Edmund Husserl 1913 Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy 2
Wayne A. Davis 1998 Implicature: Intention, Convention, and Principle in the Failure of Gricean Theory 2
Kit Fine 1982 Acts, Events, and Things 2
Scott Soames 2005 Reference and Description: The Case against Two-Dimensionalism 2
L.M. Harrington 2004 Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism, 2
David Beaver 2001 Presupposition and Assertion in Dynamic Semantics 2
John M. Dillon 2003 The Heirs of Plato: A Study of the Old Academy (347–274 B.C.) 2
Alfred R. Mele 2001 Self-deception unmasked 2
François Recanati 1986 On Defining Communicative Intentions 2
Stephen Neale 1992 Paul Grice and the Philosophy of Language 2
John H. Hick 1990 Philosophy of Religion 2
Risto Hilpinen 1993 Authors and Artifacts 2
W. Gaertner, P.K. Pattanaik and K. Suzumura 1992 Individual Rights Revisited 2
Edward N. Zalta 1983 Abstract Objects: an Introduction to Axiomatic Metaphysics 2
Jerrold Levinson 1996 The Pleasures of Aesthetics 2
John Earman 1995 Bangs, Crunches, Whimpers, and Shrieks: Singularities and Acausalities in Relativistic Spacetimes 2
Allen E. Buchanan and Robert O. Keohane 2006 The Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions 2
Kenneth P. Winkler 1991 Locke on Personal Identity 2
Werner Beierwaltes 1985 Denken des Einen 2
John M. Cooper 1999 Reason and Emotion 2
Ned Block 1997 Anti-Reductionism Slaps Back 2
Franz Huber 2009 Belief and Degrees of Belief 2
Julian Dodd 2000 An Identity Theory of Truth 2
David O. Brink 1999 Eudaimonism, Love and Friendship, and Political Community 2
David Malet Armstrong 1980 The Nature of Mind 2
Amy Gutmann (ed.) 1994 Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition 2
Nick Zangwill 2001 The Metaphysics of Beauty 2
Robert M. Gordon 2004 Folk Psychology as Mental Simulation 2
Susan Wolf 1981 The Importance of Free Will 2
Donald Davidson 1968 On saying that 2
Robert Cummins 1975 Functional analysis 2
Ernst Des Places (ed.) 1973 Numenius 2
Erhard Scholz 1999 Weyl and the theory of connections 2
Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods (eds.) 2009 Handbook of the History of Logic: Volume 5 — Logic From Russell to Church 2
John Skorupski 1999 Ethical Explorations 2
David K. Lewis 1986 The Plurality of Worlds 2
Thomas Sattig 2006 The Language and Reality of Time 2
Geoffrey Sayre-McCord 1988 Essays on Moral Realism 2
Karen Bennett 2004 Spatio-temporal Coincidence and the Grounding Problem 2
Matti Eklund 2009 The Frege-Geach Problem and Kalderon's Moral Fictionalism 2
H.P. Stapp 1993 Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics 2
Anne Conway 1996 The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy 2
Seyla Benhabib 1992 Situating the Self: Gender, Community, and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics 2
René Descartes 1649 The Passions of the Soul 2
Margaret Dauler Wilson 1978 Descartes 2
Timothy O'Connor 2000 Persons and Causes 2
Ruth M. Kempson 1975 Presupposition and the Delimitation of Semantics 2
Michael C. Rea 2006 Polytheism and Christian Belief 2
A. Delatte 1915 Études sur la littérature pythagoricienne 2
John R. Gibbins 1992 Liberalism, Nationalism and the English Idealists 2
Michael B. Burke 1997 Persons and Bodies: How to Avoid the New Dualism 2
Barry Loewer 1996 Humean Supervenience 2
Robert Merrihew Adams 1987 The virtue of faith 2
Sextus Empiricus 1955 Outlines of Pyrrhonism, Against the Professors 2
C.B. Macpherson 1962 The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism 2
George Sher 1997 Beyond Neutrality: Perfectionism and Politics 2
John Dewey 1934 Art as Experience 2
Peter P. Nicholson 1990 The Political Philosophy of the British Idealists: Selected Studies 2
Roderick M. Chisholm 1966 Theory of Knowledge 2
James Higginbotham 1986 Linguistic theory and Davidson's program in semantics 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1953 Metaphysics 2
Jerry A. Fodor 1974 Special Sciences 2
Immanuel Kant 1788 Critique of Practical Reason 2
John Greco 2000 Putting Skeptics in Their Place: The Nature of Skeptical Arguments and Their Role in Philosophical Inquiry 2
Thomas A. Ryckman 2005 The Reign of Relativity: Philosophy in Physics 1915–1925 2
P. Tichý 1978 Verisimilitude Revisited 2
Michael N. Smith, Stoljar Stoljar and Don D 1998 Global Response-Dependence and Noumenal Realism 2
Karl Jaspers 1968 Reason and Existenz 2
Bernard A.O. Williams 1966 Consistency and Realism 2
Raimo Tuomela 2007 The Philosophy of Sociality: The Shared Point of View 2
Diane Blakemore 1992 Understanding Utterances 2
William Kymlicka (ed.) 1995 The Rights of Minority Cultures 2
Cody S. Gilmore 2008 Persistence and Location in Relativistic Spacetime 2
Alvin C. Plantinga 1986 On Ockham's Way Out 2
Peter Vallentyne 1995 Taking Justice Too Seriously 2
Gottlob Frege 1967 Kleine Schriften 2
Charles Hartshorne 1941 Man's Vision of God and the Logic of Theism 2
Barry Stroud 1968 Transcendental Arguments 2
Simo Knuuttila 2004 Emotions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy 2
Derek Parfit 1997 Equality and Priority 2
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 2006 Simulating minds 2
Jochanan/Gordon Bloch and Hayyim Douglas (ed.) 1983 Martin Buber. Bilanz seines Denkens 2
Alexander Skiles 2009 Trogdon on Monism and Intrinsicality 2
R.A. Duff 2007 Answering for Crime: Responsibility and Liability in the Criminal Law 2
Karel Lambert 1983 Meinong and the Principle of Independence 2
Aristotle Aristotle 1941 The Basic Works of Aristotle 2
Jerome B. Schneewind 1998 The Invention of Autonomy: A History of Modern Moral Philosophy 2
John M. Keynes 1921 A Treatise on Probability 2
Derek Matravers 1998 Art and Emotion 2
Richard M. Gale 1991 On the Nature and Existence of God 2
Tamara Horowitz and Gerald Massey (eds.) 1991 Thought Experiments in Science and Philosophy 2
Christian List and Philip Pettit 2002 Aggregating Sets of Judgments: An Impossibility Result 2
David S. Nivison 1996 The Ways of Confucianism: Investigations in Chinese Philosophy 2
A. Smullyan 1948 Modality and Description 2
David Shoemaker 2007 Moral Address, Moral Responsibility, and the Boundaries of the Moral Community 2
Thomas W. Pogge 2007 John Rawls: His Life and Theory of Justice 2
D. Satz 2010 Why Some Things Should not be for Sale: The Moral Limits of Markets 2
Gregory Vlastos 1967 Zeno of Elea 2
Phillip Mitsis 1988 Epicurus' Ethical Theory: The Pleasures of Invulnerability 2
A.D. Conti 2006 Wyclif's Logic and Metaphysics 2
Mary B. Hesse 1980 Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science 2
Jonathan Schaffer 2003 Is There a Fundamental Level? 2
Nomy Arpaly 2006 Merit, Meaning, and Human Bondage: An Essay on Free Will 2
Pamela Hieronymi 2005 The Wrong Kind of Reason 2
Thomas R. Reid 1788 Essays on the Active Powers of Man 2
Joshua Hoffman and Gary S. Rosenkrantz 1997 Substance: Its Nature and Existence 2
Alan I. (forthcoming). Goldman 1979 Justice and Reverse Discrimination 2
Victor (trans.) Mair 1990 Tao Te Ching: The Classic Book of Integrity and the Way 2
Paul A. Boghossian 1989 Content and Self-Knowledge 2
Herbert A. Simon 1957 Models of Man 2
T.E. Forster 1995 Set Theory with a Universal Set 2
Nicolas Malebranche 1958 Œuvres complètes de Malebranche 2
Allison A.S. Weir 2003 Neo-Fregeanism: An Embarrassment of Riches 2
M.P. Shanahan 1997 Solving the Frame Problem: A Mathematical Investigation of the Common Sense Law of Inertia 2
Gerald F. Gaus 1996 Justificatory Liberalism: An Essay on Epistemology and Political Theory 2
Robert B. Brandom 2000 Articulating Reasons: An Introduction to Inferentialism 2
George Sher 2005 Transgenerational Compensation 2
Michael N. Smith 2003 Rational Capacities, or: How to Distinguish Recklessness, Weakness, and Compulsion 2
David A. McNaughton 1996 An Unconnected Heap of Duties? 2
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1704 New Essays on Human Understanding 2
Lawrence Sklar 1974 Space, Time, and Spacetime 2
Stephen Macedo 1996 Sexual Morality and the New Natural Law 2
William James 1907 Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking 2
Mark Schroeder 2010 Noncognitivism in Ethics 2
George Sayre-McCord (ed.) 1988 Essays on Moral Realism 2
Theodore R. Sider 2001 Four Dimensionalism 2
J.H. Moor 1997 Towards a Theory of Privacy in the Information Age 2
Barry Stroud 1977 Hume 2
George Edward Moore 1922 Philosophical Studies 2
Arthur N. Prior 1955 Diodorean Modalities 2
Allan Gibbard 2002 Normative Concepts and Recognitional Concepts 2
Ruth Garrett Millikan 1984 Language, Thought, and Other Biological Categories: New Foundations for Realism 2
John Taurek 1977 Should the Numbers Count? 2
Angus Charles Graham 1989 Disputers of the Tao: Philosophical Argument in Ancient China 2
Gottlob Frege 1914 Logic in Mathematics 2
Jack J.C. Smart 1949 The River of Time 2
Jesse J. Prinz 2011 Against Empathy 2
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1921 Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung 2
Nelson Goodman 1961 About 2
George Bealer 1992 The Incoherence of Empiricism 2
Amelie Oksenberg Rorty 1986 The Historicity of Psychological Attitudes: Love is Not Love Which Alters Not When It Alteration Finds 2
Peter Thomas Geach 1969 God and the Soul 2
Arthur Coleman Danto 2003 The Abuse of Beauty 2
Tamar Schapiro 1999 What is a Child? 2
D.(tr.). McGarry 1962 The Metalogicon of John of Salisbury 2
S.P. Hubbell 2001 The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography 2
Lynne Rudder Baker 2007 The Metaphysics of Everyday Life 2
Noam N. Chomsky Chomsky 1968 Language and Mind 2
C.D. Broad 1923 Scientific Thought 2
Daniel C. Russell 2005 Plato on Pleasure and the Good Life 2
Stephen L. Read 2002 The Liar Paradox from John Buridan back to Thomas Bradwardine 2
Linda Trinkaus. Zagzebski 2004 Divine Motivation Theory 2
Gustav Bergmann 1992 New Foundations of Ontology 2
Dale Tuggy 2003 The Unfinished Business of Trinitarian Theorizing 2
Seymour Feldman 1984 A Debate Concerning Determinism in Late Medieval Jewish Philosophy 2
John Rawls 1999 Collected Papers 2
Sara Ruddick 1989 Maternal Thinking: Towards a Politics of Peace 2
Michael C. Rea 1999 McGrath on Universalism 2
Elizabeth Karger 1995 William of Ockham, Walter Chatton and Adam Wodeham on the Objects of Knowledge and Belief 2
Odon Lottin 1957 Psychologie et morale aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles 2
Robert Stecker 1997 Artworks: Definition, Meaning, Value 2
Stephan Körner 1960 The Philosophy of Mathematics 2
Kurt Baier 1958 The Moral Point of View 2
Derek B. Heater 1996 World Citizenship and Government: Cosmopolitan Ideas in the History of Western Political Thought 2
Frank P. Ramsey 1926 The foundations of mathematics 2
Thomas S. Maloney 1983 The Semiotics of Roger Bacon 2
Theodore R. Sider 1997 Four-Dimensionalism 2
J.M.E. Moravcsik 1968 Strawson and Ontological Priority 2
David K. Lewis 1994 Lewis, David: Reduction of Mind 2
Thomas Polger 2004 Natural Minds 2
Amie L. Thomasson 2004 The Ontology of Art 2
Roderick M. Chisholm 1976 Person and Object: A Metaphysical Study 2
Rae Langton 1998 Kantian Humility: Our Ignorance of Things in Themselves 2
Raja Ram Dravid 1972 The Problem of Universals in Indian Philosophy 2
Edward N. Zalta 2001 Fregean Senses, Modes of Presentation, and Concepts 2
John Woleński (ed.) 1990 Kotarbiński: Logic, Semantics and Ontology 2
Ronald M. Dworkin 2011 Justice for Hedgehogs 2
Jeff McMahan 1996 Cognitive Disability, Misfortune, and Justice 2
Gottlob Frege 1918 Der Gedanke 2
Antony Eagle 2010 Location and Perdurance 2
Øystein Linnebo 2003 Plural Quantification Exposed 2
F.H. Jacobi 1994 The Main Philosophical Writings and the Novel 2
T. Mulgan 2001 The Demands of Consequentialism 2
Gilbert H. Harman 1977 The Nature of Morality: An Introduction to Ethics 2
Paul Needham 1996 Substitution: Duhem's Explication of a Chemical Paradigm 2
Richard Feldman 1999 Methodological Naturalism in Epistemology 2
Ian Hacking 1998 Mad Travelers: Reflections on the Reality of Transient Mental Illnesses 2
Michael Walzer 1983 Spheres of Justice. A Defense of Pluralism and Equality 2
Proclus Proclus 1992 A Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements 2
Henk Zeevat 1989 A compositional approach to Discourse Representation Theory 2
John Stuart. Mill 1991 Considerations on Representative Government 2
Jean Gayon 2003 From Darwin to Today in Evolutionary Biology 2
Richard G. Swinburne 1989 Responsibility and Atonement 2
Jean Hampton 1993 Feminist Contractarianism 2
Rem B. Edwards 1979 Pleasures and Pains: A Theory of Qualitative Hedonism 2
Werner Beierwaltes 1998 Platonismus im Christentum 2
J.E.J. Altham 1986 The Legacy of Emotivism 2
Eva Illouz 2012 Why Love Hurts 2
C. Tillman 2011 Musical Materialism 2
Eli Franco 1987 Perception, Knowledge and Disbelief: A Study of Jayarāśi's Scepticism 2
S.C. Gibb 2004 The Problem of Mental Causation and the Nature of Properties 2
Maya Eddon 2011 Intrinsicality and Hyperintensionality 2
Robert C. Stalnaker 1998 On the representation of context 2
Augustine Augustine 1991 The Trinity 2
Peter K. Machamer, Lindley Darden and Carl F. Craver 2000 Thinking about Mechanisms 2
J.M.E. McTaggart 1908 The Unreality of Time 2
Daniel Diener Kahneman and Amos Tversky 1979 Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Making under Risk 2
Richard Poirier 1992 Poetry and Pragmatism 2
Ronald M. Dworkin 1993 Life's Dominion: An Argument about Abortion, Euthanasia, and Individual Freedom 2
Scott Soames 2003 Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century 2
Robert J. Aumann 1974 Subjectivity and Correlation in Randomized Strategies 2
Eric Winsberg 2003 Simulated Experiments: Methodology for a Virtual World 2
Susan Haack 1978 Philosophy of Logics 2
Graham Stevens 2005 The Russellian Origins of Analytical Philosophy 2
Peter van Inwagen 2008 McGinn on Existence 2
John Greco 1999 Agent Reliabilism 2
William H. Wilcox 1987 Egoists, Consequentialists, and Their Friends 2
Peter Forrest 1986 Ways Worlds Could Be 2
Avishai Margalit 1996 The Decent Society 2
Roderick M. Chisholm 1973 Parts as Essential to their Wholes 2
J. Folina 1992 Poincaré and the Philosophy of Mathematics 2
Walter T. Stace 1961 Mysticism and Philosophy 2
D. Harker 2008 On the Predilections for Predictions 2
Donald Leslie 1964 Argument by Contradiction in Pre-Buddhist Chinese Reasoning 2
Virginia Sapiro 1992 A Vindication of Political Virtue: The Political Theory of Mary Wollstonecraft 2
David N. Sedley 1982 Two Conceptions of Vacuum 2
Ernest Sosa 1980 The Raft and the Pyramid 2
Scott Soames 2010 What is Meaning? 2
David K. Lewis 2002 Tensing the Copula 2
Thomas McCarthy 1981 The Idea of a Logical Constant 2
Robert N. Bellah 1985 et al 2
John R. Searle 1958 Proper Names 2
I.M. Bocheński 1961 A History of Formal Logic 2
Nathan U. Salmon 1989 Tense and Singular Propositions 2
Henry Sidgwick 1874 Methods of Ethics 2
Kendall L. Walton 1993 Metaphor and Prop Oriented Make-Believe 2
Vann McGee 1997 “Kilimanjaro” 2
Wilfrid Sellars 1954 Presupposing 2
Stephen Schiffer 1996 Language-Created Language-Independent Entities 2
Debra Nails 2002 The People of Plato: A Prosopography of Plato and Other Socratics 2
Annette C. Baier 1970 Act and Intent 2
Leif Wenar 2005 The Nature of Rights 2
Martha (tr. Nussbaum 1990 Aristotelian Social Democracy 2
Maureen Donnelly 2011 Using Mereological Principles to Support Metaphysics 2
George S.; Burgess Boolos 1987 The Consistency of Frege's Foundations of Arithmetic 2
Richard Fumerton 2005 Speckled Hens and Objects of Acquaintance 2
Jaakko Hintikka 2009 Logicism 2
Earl Conee 2001 Friendship and Consequentialism 2
R.W. Sharples 1987 Alexander of Aphrodisias: Scholasticism and Innovation 2
John C. Harsanyi 1982 Morality and the Theory of Rational Behavior 2
Daniel W. Graham 2004 Was Anaxagoras a Reductionist? 2
Michael Bergmann 2006 Justification Without Awareness 2
Timothy DeCamp Wilson, Samuel Lindsey and Tonya T. Schooler 2000 A model of dual attitudes 2
Stephen Yablo 2006 Non-Catastrophic Presupposition Failure 2
Donald Davidson 1978 Intending 2
S. Wagon 1993 The Banach-Tarski Paradox 2
Paul Russell 1992 Strawson's Way of Naturalizing Responsibility 2
James Van Cleve 1986 Mereological Essentialism, Mereological Conjunctivism, and Identity Through Time 2
Alfred Tarski 1935 Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalizierten Sprachen”, <em>Studia Philosophica</em>, 1: 261–405. References are to the translation by J. H. Woodger as “The concept of truth in formalized languages 2
Willard Van Orman Quine 1980 From a Logical Point of View 2
David K. Lewis 1970 Anselm and Actuality 2
Andrew Williams 1998 Incentives, Inequality, and Publicity 2
E. Mendelson 1964 Introduction to Mathematical Logic 2
David M. Rosenthal 1986 Two concepts of consciousness 2
Ben Caplan 2005 Against Widescopism 2
V. Tiberius 2008 The Reflective Life 2
Robin G. Collingwood 1939 An Autobiography 2
G. Marwell and Roger T. Ames 1981 Economists Free Ride. Does Anyone Else? Experiments on the Provision of Public Goods. IV 2
Hermann Usener 1887 Epicurea 2
J. Paulus 1938 Henri de Gand. Essai sur les tendances de sa métaphysique 2
Seyla Benhabib 2004 The Rights of Others: Aliens, Residents and Citizens 2
A. Amir-Móez 1959 Discussion of difficulties in Euclid 2
Terence E. Horgan and Matjaž Potrč 2000 Blobjectivism and Indirect Correspondence 2
Hilary Putnam 1975 The Meaning of Meaning 2
Scott Soames 2002 Beyond Rigidity 2
John Bigelow 1988 The Reality of Numbers: A Physicalist's Philosophy of Mathematics 2
N. Kaldor 1939 Welfare Propositions of Economics and Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility 2
D. DeGrazia 1996 Taking Animals Seriously: Mental Life and Moral Status 2
Stephen Brock 2002 Fictionalism about Fictional Characters 2
Nicholas Rescher 1984 The Limits of Science 2
Anthony Downs 1957 An Economic Theory of Democracy 2
Michael Frede 1987 Essays in Ancient Philosophy 2
Brian P. Copenhaver and Charles B. Schmitt 1992 Renaissance Philosophy 2
Joseph Levine 1983 Materialism and Qualia: The Explanatory Gap 2
John P. Plamenatz 1938 Consent, Freedom, and Political Obligation 2
J. Holl, , Keith J. Holyoak, Richard E. Nisbett and Paul R. Thagard 1986 Induction: Processes of Inference, Learning, and Discovery 2
George Edward Moore 1903 The Refutation of Idealism 2
David K. Lewis 1972 General Semantics 2
Cicero Cicero 1933 De natura deorum, Academica 2
Eva Feder. Kittay 1999 Love's Labor: Essays on Women, Equality, and Dependency 2
Immanuel Kant 1795 Perpetual Peace 2
Colin (forthcoming) Tyler 2006 Idealist Political Philosophy: Pluralism and Conflict in the Absolute Idealist Tradition 2
Jonathan Michael Kaplan 2000 The Limits and Lies of Human Genetic Research 2
James F. Woodward 2003 Making Things Happen 2
John Greco 2003 Knowledge as Credit for True Belief 2
Gennaro Chierchia 1995 Dynamics of Meaning 2
Judea Pearl 2000 Causality 2
Matthew McGrath 2008 Conciliatory Metaontology and the Vindication of Common Sense 2
Solomon Feferman 1999 Logic, Logics, and Logicism 2
Julia Driver 2012 Consequentialism 2
Daniel Diener Kahneman 2000 Evaluation by Moments: Past and Future 2
Eric T. Olson 2001 Material Coincidence and the Indiscernibility Problem 2
P.K. Stanford 2006 Exceeding Our Grasp: Science, History, and the Problem of Unconceived Alternatives 2
Peter Gärdenfors 1988 Knowledge in Flux 2
E.Jonathan Lowe 1988 The Problems of Intrinsic Change: Rejoinder to Lewis 2
Alvin I. (forthcoming). Goldman 1999 Internalism Exposed 2
Richard G. Swinburne 1996 Is There a God? 2
Franz Huber and C. Schmidt-Petri 2009 Degrees of Belief 2
Raimo Tuomela 1995 The Importance of Us: A Philosophical Study of Basic Social Notions 2
G. Betegh 2004 The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation 2
Frederick W. Kroon 1987 Causal Descriptivism 2
Maurizio Viroli 1998 Machiavelli 2
Bernard A.O. Williams 2002 Truth and Truthfulness 2
I. Votsis 2003 Is Structure Not Enough? 2
M.L. Führer 1999 The Agent Intellect in the Writings of Meister Dietrich of Freiberg and its Influence on the Cologne School 2
Brad W. Hooker 2000 Ideal Code, Real World: A Rule-Consequentialist Theory of Morality 2
Michael A.E. Dummett 1993 Seas of Language 2
Evan Fales 1996 Religious Studies 2
H.B. Workman 1926 John Wyclif: A Study of the English Medieval Church 2
Jeremy Bentham 1996 An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation 2
P.A. Brunt 1977 From Epictetus to Arrian 2
John Bricke 1980 Hume's Philosophy of Mind 2
Emiel Krahmer 1998 Presupposition and Anaphora 2
Richard Dagger 1993 Playing Fair with Punishment 2
Timothy Williamson 1999 Existence and Contingency 2
John Locke 1690 Two Treatises of Government 2
Simplicius Simplicius 1990 Commentaire sur les Catégories, 2
Michael Ridge 2007 Anti-Reductionism and Supervenience 2
Robert Audi 2004 The Good in the Right: A Theory of Intuition and Intrinsic Value 2
Daniel M. Haybron 2001 Happiness and Pleasure 2
George Sher 1997 Approximate Justice: Studies in Non-Ideal Theory 2
Rex M. Martin 1977 Historical Explanation: Re-enactment and Practical Inference 2
Peter Carruthers 2000 Phenomenal Consciousness: A Naturalistic Theory 2
Gerard Verbeke 1983 The Presence of Stoicism in Medieval Thought 2
Elizabeth E. Anderson 2004 Animal Rights and the Values of Nonhuman Life 2
Amélie D. Irvine (ed.) 2009 Philosophy of Mathematics 2
H.A. Prichard 1912 Does Moral Philosophy Rest on a Mistake 2
Keith Campbell 1970 Body and Mind 2
Elof A. Carlson 1966 The Gene: A Critical History 2
Richard K. Larson, Segal Segal and G. G 1995 Knowledge of Meaning 2
B.F. Skinner 1957 Verbal Behavior 2
Martin H. Stone 1936 The theory of representations for Boolean algebras 2
Joseph A. Goguen 1969 The logic of inexact concepts 2
Bruno Centrone 1994 Pseudo-Archytas 2
Rex M. Martin, Reidy Reidy and David Wood (eds.) 2006 Rawls's 2
Kenny Easwaran 2011 Bayesianism II: Criticisms and Applications 2
Roderick Firth 1967 The Anatomy of Certainty 2
Henry Shue 1996 Basic Rights: Subsistence, Affluence, and U.S. Foreign Policy 2
S. Sadik 2008 Crescas' critique of Aristotle and the lost book by Abner of Burgos 2
Kenneth Aizawa 1997 Explaining Systematicity 2
Ned Markosian 2004 Two arguments from Sider's <em>Four-Dimensionalism</em> 2
R.F. Hadley 1997 Cognition, Systematicity and Nomic Necessity 2
Brian Leftow 2004 A Latin Trinity 2
Giacomo Sillari 2005 A Logical Framework for Convention 2
Thupten Jinpa 2002 Self, Reality, and Reason in Tibetan Philosophy 2
Kit Fine 2007 Semantic Relationism 2
Donald Davidson 1967 Causal Relations 2
Ned Block 1978 Troubles with Functionalism 2
Dean W. Zimmerman 1996 Could Extended Objects Be Made Out of Simple Parts? An Argument for ‘Atomless Gunk’ 2
W. Hanson 1997 The Concept of Logical Consequence 2
John McDowell 1982 Criteria, Defeasibility and Knowledge 2
William W. Tait 2005 The Provenance of Pure Reason: Essays in the Philosophy of Mathematics and its History 2
Kevin (ed) Mulligan 1998 From Appropriate Emotions to Values 2
Christian List 2006 The Discursive Dilemma and Public Reason 2
John Perry 1993 The Problem of the Essential Indexical 2
Daniel Stoljar 1993 Emotivism and Truth Conditions 2
Rudolf Carnap 1928 The Logical Structure of the World 2
Chaim Gans 2003 The Limits of Nationalism 2
Kenneth S. Sacks 2003 The American Scholar 2
David Bloor 1997 Wittgenstein, Rules and Institutions 2
John P. Hawthorne 2006 Metaphysical Essays 2
Amie L. Thomasson 2006 Debates about the Ontology of Art: What Are We Doing Here? 2
Stephen Mulhall, Swift Swift and Aertsen A 1996 Liberals and Communitarians 2
Armand A. Maurer 1978 Method in Ockham's Nominalism 2
Nelson Goodman 1954 Fact, Fiction and Forecast 2
Alexius Meinong 1904 On Object Theory,” in <em>Realism and the Background of Phenomenology</em>, R. Chisholm (ed.), Glencoe: The Free Press, 1960; translation of “Über Gegenstandstheorie 2
Anil Gupta, Belnap Belnap and N. N 1993 The Revision Theory of Truth 2
Gideon Rosen 2010 Metaphysical Dependence: Grounding and Reduction 2
Martin W. Martin 1986 Self-Deception and Morality 2
Norman L. Torrey 1930 Voltaire and the English Deists 2
E.Jonathan Lowe 2003 Substantial Change and Spatiotemporal Coincidence 2
Robert Merrihew Adams 1979 Moral Arguments for Theistic Belief 2
Christoph Harbsmeier 1993 Conceptions of Knowledge in Ancient China 2
Richard Rudner 1950 The Ontological Status of the Esthetic Object 2
Richard Feldman 1999 Contextualism and Skepticism 2
Ned Block and Jerry A. Fodor 1972 What Psychological States Are Not 2
Kevin A. Vose 2009 Resurrecting Candrakirti: Disputes in the Tibetan Creation of Prasangika 2
J.Craig et al. Venter 2001 The Sequence of the Human Genome 2
Ned Block 1996 Mental paint and mental latex 2
Maurice Cranston 1957 John Locke: A Biography 2
Antony Flew 1966 God and Philosophy 2
Alfred Tarski 1983 Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics: Papers from 1923 to 1938 2
James P. Griffin 1986 Well-being 2
Joseph Levine 2001 Purple Haze: The Puzzle of Consciousness 2
Peter D. Klein 1995 Skepticism and Closure: Why the Evil Genius Argument Fails 2
Jonathan Tallant 2013 Problems of Parthood for Proponents of Priority 2
David Papineau 1996 Theory-Dependent Terms 2
Robert Cook-Deegan 1994 The Gene Wars: Science, Politics, and the Human Genome 2
Laurent Cesalli 2001 Le réalisme propositionnel de Walter Burley 2
Andrew Bowie 1997 From Romanticism to Critical Theory 2
John G. Kemeny 1956 A New Approach to Semantics — Part I 2
Peter F. Strawson 1964 Intention and convention in speech acts 2
Robert C. Roberts 2003 Emotions: An Essay in Aid of Moral Psychology 2
Burton Watson 1968 The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu 2
Shelly Kagan 1988 The Additive Fallacy 2
H. Patsch 1966 Friedrich Schlegels ‘Philosophie der Philologie’ und Schleiermachers frühe Entwürfe zur Hermeneutik 2
Rudolf Carnap 1956 The Methodological Character of Theoretical Concepts 2
Bernard A.O. Williams 1956 Personal Identity and Individuation 2
L.M. Harrington 2004 A Thirteenth-Century Textbook of Mystical Theology at the University of Paris, 2
William K. Clifford 1879 The Ethics of Belief 2
Michael C. Rea 2000 Constitution and Kind Membership 2
William A. Edmundson 2004 An Introduction to Rights 2
David Malet Armstrong 1963 Is introspective knowledge incorrigible? 2
Bennett W. Helm 2002 Felt Evaluations: A Theory of Pleasure and Pain 2
Thomas Nagel 1970 Death 2
Hartry H. Field 2003 No fact of the matter 2
Jonathan Bennett 1996 What Events Are 2
John Keim Campbell 2002 Reference and Consciousness 2
John M. Dillon 1977 The Middle Platonists, 2
Haim Gaifman 1992 Pointers to truth 2
Michael J. Zimmerman 1996 The Concept of Moral Obligation 2
Ira Owen Wade 1941 Voltaire and Madame du Châtelet: An Essay on the Intellectual Activity at Cirey 2
K. Balog 1999 Conceivability, Possibility, and the Mind-Body Problem 2
M. Roth 2005 Program Execution in Connectionist Networks 2
Karen Bennett 2004 Spatio-Temporal Coincidence and the Grounding Problem 2
Frederick C. (ed. Beiser 1992 Enlightenment, Revolution, and Romanticism 2
Stephen Nathanson 1993 Patriotism, Morality, and Peace 2
Bertrand A.W. Russell 1956 The Philosophy of Logical Atomism 2
Jürgen Habermas 1996 Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy 2
H. Andersen 2001 On Kuhn 2
Georg Cantor 1891 Über eine elementare Frage der Mannigfaltigkeitslehre 2
Michael C. Rea 2009 The Trinity 2
Dale Jacquette 1996 Meinongian Logic: the Semantics of Existence and Nonexistence 2
John Broome 2004 Weighing Lives 2
Donald Davidson 2005 Truth and Predication 2
Peter (trans.) King 2004 Metaphysics 2
Norbert Hornstein 1995 Logical Form: From GB to Minimalism 2
H. Nissenbaum 2010 Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life 2
Constant Mews 2005 Abelard and Heloise 2
Nelson Pike 1965 Divine Omniscience and Voluntary Action 2
Daniel O. Dahlstrom 2000 The Aesthetic Holism of Hamann, Herder and Schiller 2
David H. Kaplan 1973 Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice 2
W.David Ross 1939 The Foundations of Ethics 2
Alfred Tarski 1986 What Are Logical Notions? 2
Brian O'Shaughnessy 2000 Consciousness and the World 2
Ruth Garrett Millikan 1993 White Queen Psychology and Other Essays for Alice 2
D. Mackie 1999 Personal Identity and Dead People 2
Michael A.E. Dummett 1977 Elements of Intuitionism 2
John Morrow 1984 Liberalism and British Idealist Political Philosophy: A Reassessment 2
William P. Alston 1996 Belief, acceptance, and religious faith 2
C.L. Morgan 1923 Emergent Evolution 2
Dominik Perler 2002 Theorien der Intentionalität im Mittelalter 2
Donald Davidson 1967 Truth and meaning 2
Guy Rohrbaugh 2003 Artworks as Historical Individuals 2
Daniel A. Dombrowski 1996 Analytic Theism, Hartshorne, and the Concept of God 2
Clifford Geertz 1973 The Interpretation of Cultures 2
Wesley Newcombe Hohfeld 1919 Fundamental Legal Conceptions 2
John A. Passmore 1966 A Hundred Years of Philosophy 2
Richard G. Swinburne 1999 Providence and the Problem of Evil 2
Richmond H. Thomason 1981 Deontic Logic as Founded on Tense Logic 2
Timothy Williamson 2004 Philosophical ‘Intuitions’ and Scepticism about Judgement 2
John W. Carroll 1994 Laws of Nature 2
Joseph Levine 1993 On Leaving Out What It's Like 2
Ned Block 1995 On a confusion about a function of consciousness 2
Frank Jackson 1995 Essentialism, Mental Properties and Causation 2
Sydney Shoemaker 1997 Self and Substance 2
A. Leopold 1949 A Sand County Almanac 2
J. Worrall 1989 Structural Realism: The Best of Both Worlds? 2
Arthur Ripstein 2004 Authority and Coercion 2
Larry Laudan 1980 Why Was the Logic of Discovery Abandoned? 2
Alan Sidelle 1998 A Sweater Unravelled: Following One Thread of Thought for Avoiding Coincident Entities 2
Derek Parfit 2001 Rationality and Reasons 2
Alasdair MacIntyre 1984 After Virtue 2
William Bechtel and Jennifer Mundale 1999 Multiple Realizability Revisited: Linking Cognitive and Neural States 2
Christine M. Korsgaard 1996 Creating the Kingdom of Ends 2
Betty Friedan 1963 The Feminine Mystique 2
David Beaver 1997 Presupposition 2
Ilkka Niiniluoto 1983 Novel Facts and Bayesianism 2
Robert McKim 2001 Religious Ambiguity and Religious Diversity 2
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