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Created August 21, 2011 16:55
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Option Explicit On
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim count As Long
Sub Main()
Dim cell As String
Dim x, y As Long
Dim a, b, c As Long
Dim align As Integer
Dim mode As Integer
Set sheet = ActiveSheet
count = 1
align = 0
mode = 0
x = 1
y = 2
Do While True
cell = sheet.Cells(y, x)
sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(y, x), sheet.Cells(y, x)).Activate
If cell = "" Then
GoTo Skip
End If
If mode = 1 Then
mode = 0
GoTo Skip
End If
If mode = 2 Then
If cell = Chr(&H22) Then
mode = 0
GoTo Skip
Push (Asc(cell))
GoTo Skip
End If
End If
Select Case cell
Case "<"
align = 1
Case ">"
align = 0
Case "^"
align = 2
Case "v"
align = 3
Case "_"
If Pop() = 0 Then
align = 0
align = 1
End If
Case "|"
If Pop() = 0 Then
align = 2
align = 3
End If
Case "?"
align = Int(4 * Rnd)
Case " "
align = align
Case "#"
mode = 1
Case "@"
Exit Do
Case Chr(&H22)
mode = 2
Case "&"
Push (Val(InputBox("Input Number")))
Case "~"
Push (Val(InputBox("Input Char")))
Case "."
MsgBox (Str(Pop()) + " ")
Case ","
MsgBox (Chr(Val(Pop())))
Case 0
Push (cell)
Case 1
Push (cell)
Case 2
Push (cell)
Case 3
Push (cell)
Case 4
Push (cell)
Case 5
Push (cell)
Case 6
Push (cell)
Case 7
Push (cell)
Case 8
Push (cell)
Case 9
Push (cell)
Case "+"
a = Pop()
b = Pop()
Push (Val(a) + Val(b))
Case "-"
a = Pop()
b = Pop()
Push (Val(a) - Val(b))
Case "*"
a = Pop()
b = Pop()
Push (Val(a) * Val(b))
Case "/"
a = Pop()
b = Pop()
Push (Val(a) / Val(b))
Case "%"
a = Pop()
b = Pop()
Push (Val(a) Mod Val(b))
Case "`"
a = Pop()
b = Pop()
If a > b Then
Push (1)
Push (0)
End If
Case "!"
If Pop = 0 Then
Push (1)
Push (0)
End If
Case ":"
a = Pop()
Push (a)
Push (a)
Case "\"
a = Pop()
b = Pop()
Push (b)
Push (a)
Case "$"
a = Pop()
Case "g"
a = Pop()
b = Pop()
Push (Val(sheet.Cells(a, b)))
Case "p"
a = Pop()
b = Pop()
c = Pop()
Sheet1.Cells(a, b) = Str(c)
End Select
Select Case align
Case 0
x = (((x + 1) - 1) Mod sheet.Cells.width) + 1
Case 1
x = (((x - 1) - 1) Mod sheet.Cells.width) + 1
Case 2
y = (((y - 1) - 1) Mod sheet.Cells.Height) + 1
Case 3
y = (((y + 1) - 1) Mod sheet.Cells.Height) + 1
End Select
End Sub
Sub Push(Value As Integer)
sheet.Cells(1, count) = Value
count = count + 1
End Sub
Function Pop() As Integer
count = count - 1
Pop = sheet.Cells(1, count)
sheet.Cells(1, count) = ""
End Function
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