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Created March 3, 2012 06:59
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Enumerator := Object clone do(
current := method(Exception raise("not implemented"))
moveNext := method(Exception raise("not implemented"))
reset := method(Exception raise("not implemented"))
Enumerable := Object clone do(
enumerator := method(Exception raise("not implemented"))
List setProtos(List protos push(Enumerable))
List enumerator := method(
enumerator := Enumerator clone
enumerator index := nil
enumerator current = method(self source at(self index))
enumerator reset = method(self index = 0)
enumerator moveNext = method(
if(self index == nil) then(
self index = 0
) elseif(self index +1 >= self source size) then(
) else(
index = index + 1
enumerator source := self
Enumerable each := method(
enumerator := self enumerator
argCount := call argCount
if ( argCount == 0 ) then(
Exception raise("missing arguments")
) elseif ( argCount > 2 ) then(
Exception raise("too many arguments")
) elseif ( argCount == 1 ) then(
body := call argAt(0)
while(enumerator moveNext,
enumerator current doMessage(body)
) elseif ( argCount == 2 ) then(
name := call argAt(0) name
body := call argAt(1)
while(enumerator moveNext,
call sender setSlot(name,enumerator current)
call sender doMessage(body,call sender)
Enumerable clone do(
enumerator := method(enumerator)
list(1,2,3) each(println)
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