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Last active November 6, 2017 17:23
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"posts": [
{{ $list := .Data.Pages -}}
{{ $len := (len $list) -}}
{{ if lt 0 $len -}}
{{ range first 1 $list -}}
"id" : {{ .Date.Format "20060102150405" | jsonify }},
"date" : {{ if .Date }}{{ .Date.Format "2006.01.02" | jsonify }}{{else}}""{{end}},
"title" : {{ .Title | jsonify }},
"summary" : {{ .Summary | jsonify }},
"body" : {{ .Content | jsonify }},
"tags" : {{ if .Params.tags }}{{ .Params.tags | jsonify }}{{ else }}[]{{ end }},
"some-ex-param" : {{ if .Params.someexparam }}{{ .Params.someexparam | jsonify }}{{ else }}false{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if lt 1 $len -}}
{{- range after 1 $list -}}
"id" : {{ .Date.Format "20060102150405" | jsonify }},
"date" : {{ if .Date }}{{ .Date.Format "2006.01.02" | jsonify }}{{else}}""{{end}},
"title" : {{ .Title | jsonify }},
"summary" : {{ .Summary | jsonify }},
"body" : {{ .Content | jsonify }},
"tags" : {{ if .Params.tags }}{{ .Params.tags | jsonify }}{{ else }}[]{{ end }},
"some-ex-param" : {{ if .Params.sameexparam }}{{ .Params.sameexparam | jsonify }}{{ else }}false{{ end }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end }}
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