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Created April 24, 2014 06:33
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Updated Homebrew from 7f62b4a4 to 28f1fee6.
==> New Formulae
ant-contrib homebrew/science/barrnap homebrew/science/r-gui tmux-cssh
gcc homebrew/science/openbr homebrew/science/sais
==> Updated Formulae
ansible homebrew/science/circos lilypond
arangodb homebrew/science/ensembl-tools lv2
autogen homebrew/science/htslib mda-lv2
awscli homebrew/science/igvtools multimarkdown
cabal-install homebrew/science/maker ncrack
cadaver homebrew/science/opencv neon
chisel homebrew/science/picard-tools nexus
dos2unix homebrew/science/pocl open-ocd
dovecot homebrew/science/prodigal opensc
elixir homebrew/science/prokka postgres-xc
freetds homebrew/science/qgis predictionio
ggobi homebrew/science/repeatmasker pyenv-virtualenv
ghc homebrew/science/repeatmodeler qemu
gifsicle homebrew/science/scalapack rakudo-star
go homebrew/science/snap rdesktop
grass homebrew/versions/gcc49 redis
gst-libav influxdb rethinkdb
gst-plugins-bad ispell subversion
gst-plugins-base lensfun tinyxml2
gst-plugins-good libgpg-error unison
gst-plugins-ugly libmowgli webp
gstreamer librtlsdr x264
homebrew/science/beetl libsvm
==> Deleted Formulae
apple-gcc42 shogun
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==> Upgrading 5 outdated packages, with result:
elixir 0.13.0, libgpg-error 1.13, qemu 2.0.0_1, redis 2.8.9, x264 r2412

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