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Created October 28, 2014 10:23
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Updated Homebrew from 9951f2d5 to e7edce99.
==> New Formulae
camlp4 finatra homebrew/science/alglib jenv sslmate
fibjs hashcash homebrew/science/sbagen lastpass-cli yash
==> Updated Formulae
app-engine-java-sdk go-app-engine-64 kyua pgtap
atf google-app-engine launch4j phantomjs
autojump gssdp leptonica pidgin
avidemux gst-libav libass pngcrush
awscli gstreamer libbson poco
babl gtk+3 libcdio postgis
bash-git-prompt guile libebur128 pow
bind hardlink libfreefare pygtkglext
bro haxe libgpg-error pyqt
camlp5 help2man liblwgeom python
capnp heroku-toolbelt libmicrohttpd python3
cassandra homebrew/dupes/diffutils libmongoclient qrencode
ccache homebrew/dupes/fetchmail liboauth rabbitmq
ceylon homebrew/dupes/lsof libopendkim rbenv-bundler
checkstyle homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk libuv rsnapshot
cln homebrew/dupes/whois lilypond ruby
cloog homebrew/science/clustal-w log4shib ruby-build
coccinelle homebrew/science/edirect luajit s3fs
cogl homebrew/science/getdp lzip saltstack
cppcheck homebrew/science/mrbayes mariadb scala
czmq homebrew/science/octave mimms shrewsoft-vpn-client
dar homebrew/science/root miniupnpc sip
dart-lang/dart/dart homebrew/science/swetest miredo ssdeep
dart-lang/dart/dartium homebrew/science/vtk mkvtoolnix stormfs
duply homebrew/versions/ruby193 mongodb swi-prolog
easy-tag homebrew/versions/ruby20 mono syncthing
emacs horndis mosquitto synfig
emscripten iftop mpd synfigstudio
encfs ilmbase mysql-cluster terraform
fish imagemagick nginx the_silver_searcher
fontforge influxdb node ticcutils
frei0r iodine nspr timbl
fribidi iperf3 nss tor
fuse4x ircd-hybrid objective-caml tuntap
fuse4x-kext ircd-irc2 opam tutum
gcc isl openrtsp uriparser
gegl itstool opus uwsgi
git-annex jansson orientdb vcsh
git-flow-avh jenkins osxfuse vim
global josegonzalez/php/php53-ioncubeloader parallel vpnc
globus-toolkit josegonzalez/php/php54-ioncubeloader passenger wget
gmime josegonzalez/php/php55-ioncubeloader pcre wyrd
gnome-doc-utils josegonzalez/php/phpmyadmin pdns xapian
gnu-tar josegonzalez/php/phpunit peervpn xplanetfx
gnupg jpeg-turbo percona-server youtube-dl
gnupg2 kafka perl zenity
gnuplot keybase perlmagick zeromq
go-app-engine-32 knot pgbadger
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==> Upgrading 24 outdated packages, with result:
brew-cask 0.46.0, camlp5 6.12_2, fontforge 20141014, go-app-engine-64 1.9.14, imagemagick 6.8.9-8, influxdb 0.8.5, libass 0.12.0, libgpg-error 1.17, node 0.10.33, nspr 4.10.7, objective-caml 4.02.1_1, pcre 8.36, phantomjs 1.9.8, pig 0.13.0, rabbitmq 3.4.0, ruby 2.1.4, ruby-build 20141027, s3fs 1.76_1, the_silver_searcher 0.26.0, tor, vim 7.4.488, wget 1.16, youtube-dl 2014.10.27, zeromq 4.0.5_1

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