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Created March 13, 2023 12:25
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Simple callback to coroutine function.
---Converts a function with callback into coroutine-style wait.
---This function accepts a function which a "resolver" function
---is passed as the only argument.
---When this "resolver" function is called, control is yielded
---back to the user.
---@param fn fun(...: any): ...any
---@returns ...any
local function await(fn)
local co = coroutine.running()
local ret
-- call the function with the resolver.
-- if it is resolved immediately, simply return the results.
-- Otherwise, execution will be stopped with coroutine.yield
-- and the resolver will resume the coroutine with our results
-- at a later time.
if coroutine.status(co) == "running" then
ret = table.pack(...)
return coroutine.resume(co, ...)
if ret then
return table.unpack(ret, 1, ret.n)
return coroutine.yield()
---Await for a function that accepts callbacks.
---@param fn fun(...: any, cb: fun(...: any): nil): nil the function to call
---@returns any...
local function await_cb(fn, ...)
local arg = { ... }
return await(function(res)
arg[#arg + 1] = res
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: missing-parameter
---Creates a coroutine and runs it immediately.
---Use this in conjunction with await.
---@param fn fun(): nil the function to execute
---@returns any... the return value of the coroutine
local function async(fn) return coroutine.wrap(fn)() end
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