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Last active June 3, 2023 03:15
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import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
# activation functions
d_afunc = { 'linear': lambda Y: Y,
'sigmoid': T.nnet.sigmoid,
'ReLu': lambda Y: T.switch( Y > 0, Y, 0 ) }
def randomstreams( seed ):
return T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( seed = seed )
########## input layer ##########
class InputLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, D, dropout = 1.0 ):
self.Din = D
self.Nunit = D
self.dropout = dropout
def Top_output( self, X ):
if self.dropout < 1.0:
return X * self.dropout
return X
def Top_generateMask( self, rng ):
return rng.uniform( ( self.Nunit, ) ) <= self.dropout
def Top_outputMasked( self, X, mask ):
return X * mask
########## hidden layers ##########
class Layer( object ):
def __init__( self, Din, Nunit, afunc, withBias = True, Wini = 0.01,
dropout = 1.0 ):
self.Din = Din
self.Nunit = Nunit
self.afunc = afunc
self.withBias = withBias
self.dropout = dropout
# making theano shared variables for weights & biases
floatX = theano.config.floatX
W = Wini * np.random.standard_normal( ( Nunit, Din ) )
self.W = theano.shared( np.asarray( W, dtype = floatX ) )
self.dW = theano.shared( np.zeros( ( Nunit, Din ), dtype = floatX ) )
if self.withBias:
self.b = theano.shared( np.zeros( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
self.db = theano.shared( np.zeros( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
# theano functions
self.setWeight = self.Tfunc_setWeight()
def Tfunc_setWeight( self ):
W = T.matrix()
if self.withBias:
b = T.vector()
inList = [ W, b ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ), ( self.b, b ) ]
inList = [ W ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ) ]
return theano.function( inList, None, updates = upList )
def getWeight( self ):
W = self.W.get_value()
if self.withBias:
b = self.b.get_value()
return [ W, b ]
return W
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
Y = X, self.W.T )
if self.withBias:
Y += self.b
Z = d_afunc[self.afunc]( Y )
return Y, Z
def Top_output( self, X ):
Y, Z = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
Z *= self.dropout
return Y, Z
def Top_generateMask( self, rng ):
return rng.uniform( ( self.Nunit, ) ) <= self.dropout
def Top_outputMasked( self, X, mask ):
Y, Z = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
return Y, Z * mask
def T_update( self, cost, eta, mu, lam ):
gradW = T.grad( cost, self.W )
dWnew = -eta * ( gradW + lam * self.W ) + mu * self.dW
Wnew = self.W + dWnew
upList = [ ( self.W, Wnew ), ( self.dW, dWnew ) ]
if self.withBias:
gradb = T.grad( cost, self.b )
# no weight decay for bias
dbnew = -eta * gradb + mu * self.db
bnew = self.b + dbnew
upList += [ ( self.b, bnew ), ( self.db, dbnew ) ]
return upList
def T_updateMasked( self, cost, eta, mu, lam, mask ):
M = T.shape_padright( mask )
gradW = T.grad( cost, self.W )
#dWnew = -eta * ( gradW + lam * self.W ) + mu * self.dW
dWnewOn = -eta * ( gradW + lam * self.W ) + mu * self.dW
dWnew = T.switch( M, dWnewOn, self.dW )
Wnew = T.switch( M, self.W + dWnew, self.W )
upList = [ ( self.W, Wnew ), ( self.dW, dWnew ) ]
if self.withBias:
gradb = T.grad( cost, self.b )
# no weight decay for bias
#dbnew = -eta * gradb + mu * self.db
dbnewOn = -eta * gradb + mu * self.db
dbnew = T.switch( mask, dbnewOn, self.db )
#bnew = self.b + dbnew
bnew = T.switch( mask, self.b + dbnew, self.b )
upList += [ ( self.b, bnew ), ( self.db, dbnew ) ]
return upList
def T_updateMasked2( self, cost, eta, mu, lam, maskI, maskO ):
M = T.outer( maskO, maskI )
gradW = T.grad( cost, self.W )
#dWnew = -eta * ( gradW + lam * self.W ) + mu * self.dW
dWnewOn = -eta * ( gradW + lam * self.W ) + mu * self.dW
dWnew = T.switch( M, dWnewOn, self.dW )
Wnew = T.switch( M, self.W + dWnew, self.W )
upList = [ ( self.W, Wnew ), ( self.dW, dWnew ) ]
if self.withBias:
gradb = T.grad( cost, self.b )
# no weight decay for bias
#dbnew = -eta * gradb + mu * self.db
dbnewOn = -eta * gradb + mu * self.db
dbnew = T.switch( maskO, dbnewOn, self.db )
#bnew = self.b + dbnew
bnew = T.switch( maskO, self.b + dbnew, self.b )
upList += [ ( self.b, bnew ), ( self.db, dbnew ) ]
return upList
########## MLP ##########
class MLP( object ):
def __init__( self, Layers, rng = None ):
floatX = theano.config.floatX
# layers - list of Layer instances
self.Layers = Layers
assert isinstance( Layers[0], InputLayer )
dropout = np.empty( len( Layers ) )
for i in range( len( dropout ) ):
dropout[i] = Layers[i].dropout
self.withDropout = dropout ) < 1.0
# random number generator
if rng == None:
self.rng = randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
# theano functions
self.output = self.Tfunc_output()
self.cost = self.Tfunc_cost()
self.train = self.Tfunc_train()
# theano op for output computation ( for test )
def Top_output( self, X ):
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
Zprev = layer.Top_output( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
Y, Z = layer.Top_output( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output
Zsoftmax = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
return Zsoftmax
# theano function for output computation ( for test )
def Tfunc_output( self ):
X = T.matrix() # N x D
Z = self.Top_output( X )
return theano.function( [ X ] , Z )
# theano op for cost computation ( error term )
def Top_cost( self, Z, lab ):
cost = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy( Z, lab )
return T.mean( cost )
# theano function for cost computation
def Tfunc_cost( self ):
Z = T.matrix() # N x K
lab = T.ivector() # N-dim
return theano.function( [ Z, lab ], self.Top_cost( Z, lab ) )
# theano function for gradient descent learning
def Tfunc_train( self ):
X = T.matrix( 'X' ) # N x D
lab = T.ivector( 'lab' ) # N-dim
eta = T.scalar( 'eta' )
mu = T.scalar( 'mu' )
lam = T.scalar( 'lambda' )
if self.withDropout:
maskList = []
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
if self.withDropout:
mask = layer.Top_generateMask( self.rng )
Zprev = layer.Top_outputMasked( X, mask )
#maskList.append( mask )
Zprev = layer.Top_output( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
if self.withDropout:
mask = layer.Top_generateMask( self.rng )
Y, Z = layer.Top_outputMasked( Zprev, mask )
#maskList.append( mask )
Y, Z = layer.Top_output( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output & cost
Z = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
cost = self.Top_cost( Z, lab )
# updatesList
updatesList = []
for i in range( len( self.Layers ) ):
layer = self.Layers[i]
if not isinstance( layer, InputLayer ):
if self.withDropout:
maskI, maskO = maskList[i-1], maskList[i]
#updatesList += layer.T_updateMasked( cost, eta, mu, lam, maskO )
updatesList += layer.T_updateMasked2( cost, eta, mu, lam, maskI, maskO )
updatesList += layer.T_update( cost, eta, mu, lam )
updatesList += layer.T_update( cost, eta, mu, lam )
return theano.function( [ X, lab, eta, mu, lam ], [ Z, cost ], updates = updatesList )
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
# activation functions
d_afunc = { 'linear': lambda Y: Y,
'sigmoid': T.nnet.sigmoid,
'ReLu': lambda Y: T.switch( Y > 0, Y, 0 ) }
def randomstreams( seed ):
return T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( seed = seed )
########## input layer ##########
class InputLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, D, rng = None, dropout = 1.0 ):
self.Din = D
self.Nunit = D
self.dropout = dropout
if rng == None:
self.rng = randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
def Top_outputTrain( self, X ):
if self.dropout < 1.0:
mask = self.rng.uniform( ( self.Nunit, ) ) <= self.dropout
return X * mask
return X
def Top_outputInference( self, X ):
if self.dropout < 1.0:
return X * self.dropout
return X
########## hidden layers ##########
class Layer( object ):
def __init__( self, Din, Nunit, afunc, rng = None, withBias = True, Wini = 0.01,
dropout = 1.0 ):
self.Din = Din
self.Nunit = Nunit
self.afunc = afunc
self.withBias = withBias
self.dropout = dropout
if rng == None:
self.rng = randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
# making theano shared variables for weights & biases
floatX = theano.config.floatX
self.W = theano.shared( np.zeros( ( Nunit, Din ), dtype = floatX ) )
self.dW = theano.shared( np.zeros( ( Nunit, Din ), dtype = floatX ) )
if self.withBias:
self.b = theano.shared( np.zeros( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
self.db = theano.shared( np.zeros( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
# theano functions
self.initWeight = self.Tfunc_initWeight()
self.setWeight = self.Tfunc_setWeight()
# weight initialization
self.initWeight( Wini )
def Tfunc_initWeight( self ):
Wini = T.scalar()
W = self.rng.normal( ( self.Nunit, self.Din ), avg = 0.0, std = Wini )
inList = [ Wini ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ) ]
return theano.function( inList, None, updates = upList )
def Tfunc_setWeight( self ):
W = T.matrix()
if self.withBias:
b = T.vector()
inList = [ W, b ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ), ( self.b, b ) ]
inList = [ W ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ) ]
return theano.function( inList, None, updates = upList )
def getWeight( self ):
W = self.W.get_value()
if self.withBias:
b = self.b.get_value()
return [ W, b ]
return W
def Top_outputRaw( self, X ):
Y = X, self.W.T )
if self.withBias:
Y += self.b
Z = d_afunc[self.afunc]( Y )
return Y, Z
def Top_outputTrain( self, X ):
Y, Z = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
mask = self.rng.uniform( ( self.Nunit, ) ) <= self.dropout
return Y, Z * mask
return Y, Z
def Top_outputInference( self, X ):
Y, Z = self.Top_outputRaw( X )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
return Y, Z * self.dropout
return Y, Z
def T_update( self, cost, eta, mu, lam ):
gradW = T.grad( cost, self.W )
dWnew = -eta * ( gradW + lam * self.W ) + mu * self.dW
Wnew = self.W + dWnew
upList = [ ( self.W, Wnew ), ( self.dW, dWnew ) ]
if self.withBias:
gradb = T.grad( cost, self.b )
# no weight decay for bias
dbnew = -eta * gradb + mu * self.db
bnew = self.b + dbnew
upList += [ ( self.b, bnew ), ( self.db, dbnew ) ]
return upList
########## MLP ##########
class MLP( object ):
def __init__( self, Layers ):
floatX = theano.config.floatX
# layers - list of Layer instances
self.Layers = Layers
assert isinstance( Layers[0], InputLayer )
# theano functions
self.output = self.Tfunc_output()
self.cost = self.Tfunc_cost()
self.train = self.Tfunc_train()
# theano op for output computation ( for inference )
def Top_output( self, X ):
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
Zprev = layer.Top_outputInference( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
Y, Z = layer.Top_outputInference( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output
Zsoftmax = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
return Zsoftmax
# theano function for output computation ( for inference )
def Tfunc_output( self ):
X = T.matrix() # N x D
Z = self.Top_output( X )
return theano.function( [ X ] , Z )
# theano op for cost computation ( error term )
def Top_cost( self, Z, lab ):
cost = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy( Z, lab )
return T.mean( cost )
# theano function for cost computation
def Tfunc_cost( self ):
Z = T.matrix() # N x K
lab = T.ivector() # N-dim
return theano.function( [ Z, lab ], self.Top_cost( Z, lab ) )
# theano function for gradient descent learning
def Tfunc_train( self ):
X = T.matrix( 'X' ) # N x D
lab = T.ivector( 'lab' ) # N-dim
eta = T.scalar( 'eta' )
mu = T.scalar( 'mu' )
lam = T.scalar( 'lambda' )
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
Zprev = layer.Top_outputTrain( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
Y, Z = layer.Top_outputTrain( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output & cost
Z = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
cost = self.Top_cost( Z, lab )
# updatesList
updatesList = []
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
updatesList += layer.T_update( cost, eta, mu, lam )
return theano.function( [ X, lab, eta, mu, lam ], [ Z, cost ], updates = updatesList )
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
# activation functions
d_afunc = { 'linear': lambda Y: Y,
'sigmoid': T.nnet.sigmoid,
'ReLu': lambda Y: T.switch( Y > 0, Y, 0 ) }
def randomstreams( seed ):
return T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams( seed = seed )
########## input layer ##########
class InputLayer( object ):
def __init__( self, D, rng = None, dropout = 1.0 ):
self.Din = D
self.Nunit = D
self.dropout = dropout
if rng == None:
self.rng = randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
def Top_outputTrain( self, X ):
if self.dropout < 1.0:
mask = self.rng.uniform( ( self.Nunit, ) ) <= self.dropout
return X * mask
return X
def Top_outputInference( self, X ):
if self.dropout < 1.0:
return X * self.dropout
return X
########## hidden layers ##########
class Layer( object ):
def __init__( self, Din, Nunit, afunc, rng = None, Wini = 0.01,
dropout = 1.0 ):
self.Din = Din
self.Nunit = Nunit
self.afunc = afunc
self.dropout = dropout
if rng == None:
self.rng = randomstreams( 0 )
self.rng = rng
# making theano shared variables for weights & biases
floatX = theano.config.floatX
self.W = theano.shared( np.zeros( ( Nunit, Din ), dtype = floatX ) )
self.dW = theano.shared( np.zeros( ( Nunit, Din ), dtype = floatX ) )
self.BNa = theano.shared( np.ones( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
self.dBNa = theano.shared( np.zeros( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
self.BNb = theano.shared( np.zeros( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
self.dBNb = theano.shared( np.zeros( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
self.BNmu = theano.shared( np.zeros( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
self.BNsig2 = theano.shared( np.ones( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
self.BNeps = 0.01
# theano functions
self.initWeight = self.Tfunc_initWeight()
# weight initialization
self.initWeight( Wini )
def Tfunc_initWeight( self ):
Wini = T.scalar( 'Wini' )
W = self.rng.normal( ( self.Nunit, self.Din ), avg = 0.0, std = Wini )
inList = [ Wini ]
upList = [ ( self.W, W ) ]
return theano.function( inList, None, updates = upList )
def Top_outputTrain( self, X ):
Y = X, self.W.T )
# Batch Normalization
BNmu = T.mean( Y, axis = 0 )
Y -= BNmu
BNsig2 = T.mean( T.sqr( Y ), axis = 0 ) + self.BNeps
Y /= T.sqrt( BNsig2 )
# scaling & shifting
Yt = self.BNa * Y + self.BNb
Z = d_afunc[self.afunc]( Yt )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
mask = self.rng.uniform( ( self.Nunit, ) ) <= self.dropout
Z *= mask
return Yt, Z, BNmu, BNsig2
def Top_outputInference( self, X ):
Y = X, self.W.T )
Yt = self.BNa * ( Y - self.BNmu ) / T.sqrt( self.BNsig2 ) + self.BNb
Z = d_afunc[self.afunc]( Yt )
if self.dropout < 1.0:
Z *= self.dropout
return Yt, Z
def T_update( self, cost, eta, mu, lam ):
gradW, gradBNa, gradBNb = T.grad( cost, [ self.W, self.BNa, self.BNb ] )
dWnew = -eta * ( gradW + lam * self.W ) + mu * self.dW
dBNa_new = -eta * gradBNa + mu * self.dBNa
dBNb_new = -eta * gradBNb + mu * self.dBNb
Wnew = self.W + dWnew
BNa_new = self.BNa + dBNa_new
BNb_new = self.BNb + dBNb_new
upList = [
( self.W, Wnew ), ( self.dW, dWnew ),
( self.BNa, BNa_new ), ( self.dBNa, dBNa_new ),
( self.BNb, BNb_new ), ( self.dBNb, dBNb_new )
return upList
########## MLP ##########
class MLP( object ):
def __init__( self, Layers ):
floatX = theano.config.floatX
# layers - list of Layer instances
self.Layers = Layers
self.nlayer = len( Layers )
assert isinstance( Layers[0], InputLayer )
# theano functions
self.output = self.Tfunc_output()
self.cost = self.Tfunc_cost()
self.train = self.Tfunc_train()
# theano op for output computation ( for inference )
def Top_output( self, X ):
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
Zprev = layer.Top_outputInference( X )
# hidden layers
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
Y, Z = layer.Top_outputInference( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
# output
Zsoftmax = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
return Zsoftmax
# theano function for output computation ( for inference )
def Tfunc_output( self ):
X = T.matrix() # N x D
Z = self.Top_output( X )
return theano.function( [ X ] , Z )
# theano op for cost computation ( error term )
def Top_cost( self, Z, lab ):
cost = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy( Z, lab )
return T.mean( cost )
# theano function for cost computation
def Tfunc_cost( self ):
Z = T.matrix() # N x K
lab = T.ivector() # N-dim
return theano.function( [ Z, lab ], self.Top_cost( Z, lab ) )
# theano function for gradient descent learning
def Tfunc_train( self ):
X = T.matrix( 'X' ) # N x D
lab = T.ivector( 'lab' ) # N-dim
eta = T.scalar( 'eta' )
mu = T.scalar( 'mu' )
lam = T.scalar( 'lambda' )
# input layer
layer = self.Layers[0]
Zprev = layer.Top_outputTrain( X )
# hidden layers
updatesList = []
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
Y, Z, BNmu, BNsig2 = layer.Top_outputTrain( Zprev )
updatesList += [ ( layer.BNmu, BNmu ), ( layer.BNsig2, BNsig2 ) ]
Zprev = Z
# output & cost
Z = T.nnet.softmax( Zprev )
cost = self.Top_cost( Z, lab )
# updatesList
for layer in self.Layers[1:]:
updatesList += layer.T_update( cost, eta, mu, lam )
return theano.function( [ X, lab, eta, mu, lam ], [ Z, cost ], updates = updatesList )
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