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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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import numpy as np
import nnet150718 as nnet
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
def genDat3D( N, sig ):
xy = np.random.random_sample( ( N, 2 ) )
z = 0.5 * xy[:, 0] + 0.5 * xy[:, 1]
Xorg = np.hstack( ( xy, z[:, np.newaxis] ) )
Xnoisy = np.copy( Xorg )
Xnoisy[:, 2] += sig * np.random.standard_normal( N )
return Xorg, Xnoisy
def linearAE( D, H ):
L1 = nnet.Layer( D, H, 'linear', withBias = False, Wini = 0.01 )
L2 = nnet.Layer( H, D, 'linear', withBias = False, Wini = 0.01 )
mlp = nnet.MLP( [ L1, L2 ], cost = 'squared_error' )
return mlp
if __name__ == '__main__':
D, H = 3, 3
ae = linearAE( D, H )
N = 1000
Xorg, Xnoisy = genDat3D( N, 0.1 )
Xm = np.mean( Xnoisy, axis = 0 )
Xorg -= Xm
Xnoisy -= Xm
#Xin, Zteacher = Xorg, Xorg # conventional AE
#Xin, Zteacher = Xnoisy, Xnoisy # conventional AE
Xin, Zteacher = Xnoisy, Xorg # denoising AE
eta, mu, lam = 0.01, 0.9, 0.0
nepoch = 5000
print '# eta = ', eta, ' mu = ', mu, ' lam = ', lam
print '### training: N = ', N, ' D = ', D, ' H = ', H
i = 0
tmp, Z = ae.output( Xin )
msqe = np.mean( ae.cost( Z, Zteacher ) )
print i, msqe
for i in range( nepoch ):
msqe = np.mean( ae.train( Xin, Zteacher, eta, mu, lam ) )
print i+1, msqe
W = ae.Layers[0].getParams()
nx = ny = nz = 8
Nd = nx * ny * nz
Xgrid = np.empty( ( Nd, 3 ) )
i = 0
for iz, z in enumerate( np.arange( 0, 1, 1.0/nz ) ):
for iy, y in enumerate( np.arange( 0, 1, 1.0/ny ) ):
for ix, x in enumerate( np.arange( 0, 1, 1.0/nx ) ):
Xgrid[i, :] = [ x, y, z ]
i += 1
Xgrid -= Xm
#X = Xorg
#X = Xnoisy
X = Xgrid
tmp, Z = ae.output( X )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 111, projection = '3d' )
ax.set_xlim( -1, 1 )
ax.set_ylim( -1, 1 )
ax.set_zlim( -1, 1 )
ax.set_xlabel( 'x' )
ax.set_ylabel( 'y' )
ax.set_zlabel( 'z' )
ax.scatter( X[:, 0], X[:, 1], X[:, 2], color = 'red' )
ax.scatter( Z[:, 0], Z[:, 1], Z[:, 2], color = 'blue' )
import numpy as np
import cv2
import mnist0118 as mnist
import nnet150718 as nnet
def genDatMNIST_flip( N, p ):
mn = mnist.MNIST( 'L' )
Xorg = mn.getImage()[:N] / 256
D = Xorg.shape[1]
Xnoisy = np.copy( Xorg )
idx = np.random.random_sample( N * D ) < p
Xnoisy2 = Xnoisy.reshape( -1 )
Xnoisy2[idx] = 1.0 - Xnoisy2[idx]
return Xorg, Xnoisy
def linearAE( D, H ):
L1 = nnet.Layer( D, H, 'linear', withBias = False, Wini = 0.01 )
L2 = nnet.Layer( H, D, 'linear', withBias = False, Wini = 0.01 )
mlp = nnet.MLP( [ L1, L2 ], cost = 'squared_error' )
return mlp
def makeMNISTImage( X, nx, ny, nrow = 28, ncol = 28, gap = 4 ):
X2 = X[:nx*ny, :].reshape( ( nx*ny, nrow, ncol ) )
w = nx * ( ncol + gap ) + gap
h = ny * ( nrow + gap ) + gap
img = np.zeros( ( h, w ), dtype = int ) + 128
for iy in range( ny ):
lty = iy * ( nrow + gap ) + gap
for ix in range( nx ):
ltx = ix * ( ncol + gap ) + gap
img[lty:lty+nrow, ltx:ltx+ncol] = X2[iy*nx+ix, :, :]
return img
if __name__ == '__main__':
np.random.seed( 0 )
NL = NT = 2000
XorgLT, XnoisyLT = genDatMNIST_flip( NL + NT, 0.1 )
XorgL = XorgLT[:NL, :]
XnoisyL = XnoisyLT[:NL, :]
XorgT = XorgLT[NL:, :]
XnoisyT = XnoisyLT[NL:, :]
D = XorgL.shape[1]
H = 1000
ae = linearAE( D, H )
Xm = np.mean( XorgL, axis = 0 )
XorgL -= Xm
XnoisyL -= Xm
XorgT -= Xm
XnoisyT -= Xm
#Xin, Zteacher = XorgL, XorgL # conventional AE
#Xin, Zteacher = XnoisyL, XnoisyL # conventional AE
Xin, Zteacher = XnoisyL, XorgL # denoising AE
eta, mu, lam = 0.01, 0.9, 0.0
nepoch = 5000
print '# eta = ', eta, ' mu = ', mu, ' lam = ', lam
print '### training: NL = ', NL, ' D = ', D, ' H = ', H
i = 0
tmp, Z = ae.output( Xin )
msqe = np.mean( ae.cost( Z, Zteacher ) )
print i, msqe
for i in range( nepoch ):
msqe = np.mean( ae.train( Xin, Zteacher, eta, mu, lam ) )
if i % 100 == 99:
print i+1, msqe
W = ae.Layers[0].getParams()
img = makeMNISTImage( ( XorgT + Xm ) * 256, 10, 5 )
cv2.imwrite( 'hogeXorg.png', img )
img = makeMNISTImage( ( XnoisyT + Xm ) * 256, 10, 5 )
cv2.imwrite( 'hogeXnoisy.png', img )
tmp, Z = ae.output( XnoisyT )
#tmp, Z = ae.output( XorgT )
img = makeMNISTImage( ( Z + Xm ) * 256, 10, 5 )
cv2.imwrite( 'hogeZ.png', img )
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
# activation functions
d_afunc = { 'linear': lambda Y: Y,
'sigmoid': T.nnet.sigmoid,
'softmax': T.nnet.softmax,
'ReLu': lambda Y: T.switch( Y > 0, Y, 0 ) }
### uniform random numbers for weight initialization
def randomU( shape, a ):
# [ -a, a )
return 2 * a * ( np.random.random_sample( shape ) - 0.5 )
### Gaussian random numbers for weight initialization
def randomN( shape, sig ):
# N(0,sig)
return sig * np.random.standard_normal( shape )
########## Layer ##########
class Layer( object ):
def __init__( self, Din, Nunit, afunc, withBias = True, Wini = 0.01, floatX = theano.config.floatX ):
self.Din = Din
self.Nunit = Nunit
self.afunc = d_afunc[afunc]
self.withBias = withBias
# theano shared variables for weights & biases
self.W = theano.shared( np.array( randomN( ( Nunit, Din ), Wini ), dtype = floatX ) )
self.dW = theano.shared( np.zeros( ( Nunit, Din ), dtype = floatX ) )
if withBias:
self.b = theano.shared( np.zeros( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
#self.b = theano.shared( np.ones( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
self.db = theano.shared( np.zeros( Nunit, dtype = floatX ) )
def output( self, X ):
if self.withBias:
Y = X, self.W.T ) + self.b # Ndat x Nunit
Y = X, self.W.T )
Z = self.afunc( Y )
return Y, Z
def getParams( self ):
if self.withBias:
return [ self.W.get_value(), self.b.get_value() ]
return self.W.get_value()
########## MLP ##########
class MLP( object ):
def __init__( self, Layers, cost = 'cross_entropy' ):
# layers - list of Layer instances
self.Layers = Layers
# theano functions
self.output = self._Tfunc_output()
self.cost = self._Tfunc_cost( cost )
self.train = self._Tfunc_train( cost )
### theano function for output computation
def _Tfunc_output( self ):
X = T.matrix() # N x D
Y, Z = _T_output( self.Layers, X )
return theano.function( [ X ], [ Y, Z ] )
### theano function for cost computation (cross-entropy)
def _Tfunc_cost( self, costfunc ):
if costfunc == 'cross_entropy':
Z = T.matrix() # N x K
lab = T.ivector() # N-dim
teacher = lab
cost = _T_cost_ce( Z, lab )
Z = T.matrix() # N x Dout
ZT = T.matrix() # N x Dout
teacher = ZT
cost = _T_cost_sqe( Z, ZT )
return theano.function( [ Z, teacher ], cost )
### theano function for gradient descent learning
def _Tfunc_train( self, costfunc ):
X = T.matrix( 'X' ) # N x D
if costfunc == 'cross_entropy':
Y, Z = _T_output( self.Layers, X )
lab = T.ivector( 'lab' ) # N-dim
teacher = lab
cost = T.mean( _T_cost_ce( Z, lab ) )
Y, Z = _T_output( self.Layers, X )
ZT = T.matrix( 'ZT' ) # N x Dout
teacher = ZT
cost = T.mean( _T_cost_sqe( Z, ZT ) )
eta = T.scalar( 'eta' )
mu = T.scalar( 'mu' )
lam = T.scalar( 'lambda' )
updatesList = []
for layer in self.Layers:
gradW = T.grad( cost, layer.W )
#dWnew = -eta * gradW + mu * layer.dW
dWnew = -eta * ( gradW + lam * layer.W ) + mu * layer.dW
Wnew = layer.W + dWnew
updatesList.append( ( layer.W, Wnew ) )
updatesList.append( ( layer.dW, dWnew ) )
if layer.withBias:
gradb = T.grad( cost, layer.b )
# no weight decay for bias
dbnew = -eta * gradb + mu * layer.db
bnew = layer.b + dbnew
updatesList.append( ( layer.b, bnew ) )
updatesList.append( ( layer.db, dbnew ) )
return theano.function( [ X, teacher, eta, mu, lam ], cost, updates = updatesList )
def _T_output( Layers, X ):
Zprev = X
for layer in Layers:
Y, Z = layer.output( Zprev )
Zprev = Z
return Y, Z
def _T_cost_ce( Z, lab ):
return T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy( Z, lab )
def _T_cost_sqe( Z, ZT ):
return T.sum( T.sqr( Z - ZT ), axis = 1 )
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