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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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import numpy as np
import cv2
import mnist_sub150808 as mnist_sub
import nnet150718 as nnet
def addNoise( X ):
#Xnoisy = mnist_sub.addSaltPepperNoise( X, 0.1 )
#Xnoisy = mnist_sub.shift( X, 2 )
X2 = mnist_sub.shift( X, 2 )
Xnoisy = mnist_sub.addSaltPepperNoise( X2, 0.1 )
return Xnoisy
def setData( X, Xm, aetype ):
if aetype == 'Org-Org': # conventional AE
Xin = X - Xm
Zteacher = Xin
elif aetype == 'Noisy-Org': # denoising AE
Xin = addNoise( X ) - Xm
Zteacher = X - Xm
else: # Noisy-Noisy
Xin = addNoise( X ) - Xm
Zteacher = Xin
return Xin, Zteacher
if __name__ == '__main__':
dirMNIST = '.'
np.random.seed( 0 )
##### setting the training data & the validation data
XL, labL, XV, labV = mnist_sub.getDataLV( dirMNIST = dirMNIST )
Xm = np.mean( XL, axis = 0 )
NL, D = XL.shape
NV, D = XV.shape
##### mini batch indicies for stochastic gradient ascent
batchsize = 100
biL = mnist_sub.makeBatchIndex( NL, batchsize )
nbatchL = biL.shape[0]
biV = mnist_sub.makeBatchIndex( NV, batchsize )
nbatchV = biV.shape[0]
##### training
H = 1000
#L1 = nnet.Layer( D, H, 'linear', withBias = False, Wini = 0.01 )
L1 = nnet.Layer( D, H, 'ReLu', withBias = True, Wini = 0.01 )
L2 = nnet.Layer( H, D, 'linear', withBias = False, Wini = 0.01 )
ae = nnet.MLP( [ L1, L2 ], cost = 'squared_error' )
eta, mu, lam = 0.01, 0.9, 0.0
nepoch = 50
print '# eta = ', eta, ' mu = ', mu, ' lam = ', lam
print '### training: NL = ', NL, 'NV = ', NV, ' batchsize = ', batchsize
print '# eta = ', eta, 'mu = ', mu, 'lam = ', lam
print '# D = ', D, ' H = ', H
for i in range( nepoch ):
sqeL = 0.0
for ib in np.random.permutation( nbatchL ):
ii = biL[ib, :]
#aetype = 'Org-Org'
#aetype = 'Noisy-Noisy'
aetype = 'Noisy-Org'
Xin, Zteacher = setData( XL[ii, :], Xm, aetype = aetype )
sqeL += ae.train( Xin, Zteacher, eta, mu, lam ) * Xin.shape[0]
if i < 10 or i % 10 == 0:
# validation error for Noisy-Org
sqeV = 0.0
for ib in range( nbatchV ):
ii = biV[ib, :]
Xin, Zteacher = setData( XV[ii, :], Xm, aetype = 'Noisy-Org' )
tmp, Z = ae.output( Xin )
sqeV += np.sum( ae.cost( Z, Zteacher ) )
print i, sqeL / NL, sqeV / NV
##### setting the test data
XT, labT = mnist_sub.getDataT( dirMNIST = dirMNIST )
NT, D = XT.shape
biT = mnist_sub.makeBatchIndex( NT, batchsize )
nbatchT = biT.shape[0]
# test error for Noisy-Org
print '### test: NT = ', NT
sqeT = 0.0
for ib in range( nbatchT ):
ii = biT[ib, :]
Xin, Zteacher = setData( XT[ii, :], Xm, aetype = 'Noisy-Org' )
tmp, Z = ae.output( Xin )
sqeT += np.sum( ae.cost( Z, Zteacher ) )
print i, sqeL / NL, sqeV / NV, sqeT / NT
# visualizing the reconstruction for noisy test data
Xin, Zteacher = setData( XT[:50, :], Xm, aetype = 'Noisy-Org' )
tmp, Z = ae.output( Xin )
img = mnist_sub.visualize( XT[:50, :] * 255, 10, 5 )
cv2.imwrite( 'hogeXorg.png', img )
img = mnist_sub.visualize( ( Xin + Xm ) * 255, 10, 5 )
cv2.imwrite( 'hogeXnoisy.png', img )
img = mnist_sub.visualize( ( Z + Xm ) * 255, 10, 5 )
cv2.imwrite( 'hogeZ.png', img )
# visualizing the network weights
if ae.Layers[0].withBias:
W0 = ae.Layers[0].getParams()[0]
W0 = ae.Layers[0].getParams()
absmax = np.max( np.abs( W0 ), axis = 1 )
W0 = W0 / absmax[:, np.newaxis] * 127 + 128
img = mnist_sub.visualize( W0[:100], 10, 10 )
cv2.imwrite( 'hogeW0.png', img )
if ae.Layers[1].withBias:
W1 = ae.Layers[1].getParams()[0].T
W1 = ae.Layers[1].getParams().T
absmax = np.max( np.abs( W1 ), axis = 1 )
W1 = W1 / absmax[:, np.newaxis] * 127 + 128
img = mnist_sub.visualize( W1[:100], 10, 10 )
cv2.imwrite( 'hogeW1.png', img )
import struct
import os
import numpy as np
class MNIST:
def __init__( self, LT, dirMNIST = '.' ):
self.nclass = 10
self.LT = LT
if self.LT == 'L':
self.fnLabel = os.path.join( dirMNIST, 'train-labels-idx1-ubyte' )
self.fnImage = os.path.join( dirMNIST, 'train-images-idx3-ubyte' )
self.fnLabel = os.path.join( dirMNIST, 't10k-labels-idx1-ubyte' )
self.fnImage = os.path.join( dirMNIST, 't10k-images-idx3-ubyte' )
def getLabel( self ):
return _readLabel( self.fnLabel )
def getImage( self ):
return _readImage( self.fnImage )
##### reading the label file
def _readLabel( fnLabel ):
f = open( fnLabel, 'r' )
### header (two 4B integers, magic number(2049) & number of items)
header = 8 )
mn, num = struct.unpack( '>2i', header ) # MSB first (bigendian)
assert( mn == 2049 )
#print mn, num
### labels (unsigned byte)
label = np.array( struct.unpack( '>%dB' % num, ), dtype = int )
return label
##### reading the image file
def _readImage( fnImage ):
f = open( fnImage, 'r' )
### header (four 4B integers, magic number(2051), #images, #rows, and #cols
header = 16 )
mn, num, nrow, ncol = struct.unpack( '>4i', header ) # MSB first (bigendian)
assert( mn == 2051 )
### pixels (unsigned byte)
npixel = ncol * nrow
pixel = np.empty( ( num, npixel ) )
for i in range( num ):
buf = struct.unpack( '>%dB' % npixel, npixel ) )
pixel[i, :] = np.asarray( buf )
return pixel
if __name__ == '__main__':
dirMNIST = '.'
print '# MNIST training data'
mnist = MNIST( 'L', dirMNIST = dirMNIST )
lab = mnist.getLabel()
dat = mnist.getImage()
print lab.shape, dat.shape
print '# MNIST test data'
mnist = MNIST( 'T', dirMNIST = dirMNIST )
lab = mnist.getLabel()
dat = mnist.getImage()
print lab.shape, dat.shape
import numpy as np
import mnist150808 as mnist
def getDataLV( dirMNIST = '.' ):
mn = mnist.MNIST( 'L', dirMNIST = dirMNIST )
X = np.asarray( mn.getImage() / 255, dtype = np.float32 ) # => in [0,1]
lab = np.asarray( mn.getLabel(), dtype = np.int32 )
XL, labL = X[:50000], lab[:50000]
XV, labV = X[50000:], lab[50000:]
return XL, labL, XV, labV
def getDataT( dirMNIST = '.' ):
mn = mnist.MNIST( 'T', dirMNIST = dirMNIST )
XT = np.asarray( mn.getImage() / 255, dtype = np.float32 ) # => in [0,1]
labT = np.asarray( mn.getLabel(), dtype = np.int32 )
return XT, labT
def makeBatchIndex( N, batchsize ):
idx = np.random.permutation( N )
nbatch = int( np.ceil( float( N ) / batchsize ) )
idxB = np.zeros( ( nbatch, N ), dtype = bool )
for ib in range( nbatch - 1 ):
idxB[ib, idx[ib*batchsize:(ib+1)*batchsize]] = True
ib = nbatch - 1
idxB[ib, idx[ib*batchsize:]] = True
return idxB
def addSaltPepperNoise( Xbatch, p ):
Xnoisy = np.copy( Xbatch )
pvec = np.random.random_sample( Xbatch.shape[0] * Xbatch.shape[1] )
idxB = pvec < p/2
idxW = ( p/2 <= pvec ) * ( pvec < p )
Xnoisy2 = Xnoisy.reshape( -1 )
Xnoisy2[idxB] = 0.0
Xnoisy2[idxW] = 1.0
return Xnoisy
def shift( Xbatch, dmax ):
nrow = ncol = 28
N = Xbatch.shape[0]
delta = np.random.randint( -dmax, dmax + 1, ( N, 2 ) )
Xnoisy = np.zeros_like( Xbatch )
for i in range( N ):
src = Xbatch[i, :].reshape( ( nrow, ncol ) )
dst = np.zeros( ( nrow + 2*dmax, ncol + 2*dmax ) )
dx, dy = delta[i, 0], delta[i, 1]
dst[dmax+dy:dmax+dy+nrow, dmax+dx:dmax+dx+ncol] = src
Xnoisy[i, :] = dst[dmax:dmax+nrow, dmax:dmax+ncol].reshape( -1 )
return Xnoisy
def visualize( src, nx, ny, nrow = 28, ncol = 28, gap = 4 ):
src2 = src.reshape( ( ny, nx, nrow, ncol ) )
w = nx * ( ncol + gap ) + gap
h = ny * ( nrow + gap ) + gap
img = np.zeros( ( h, w ), dtype = int ) + 128
for iy in range( ny ):
lty = iy * ( nrow + gap ) + gap
for ix in range( nx ):
ltx = ix * ( ncol + gap ) + gap
img[lty:lty+nrow, ltx:ltx+ncol] = src2[iy, ix, :, :]
return img
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