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Last active November 23, 2015 11:52
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Save takaya030/b51f847c8c0cacdd076e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Smarty 3.1 on CakePHP 2.4
class AppController extends Controller {
public $viewClass = 'Smarty';
class SmartyView extends View {
function __construct (&$controller) {
if (is_object($controller)) {
$count = count($this->_passedVars);
for ($j = 0; $j < $count; $j++) {
$var = $this->_passedVars[$j];
$this->{$var} = $controller->{$var};
if(!App::import('Vendor', 'Smarty', array('file' => 'smarty'.DS.'smarty'.DS.'distribution'.DS.'libs'.DS.'Smarty.class.php')))
die('error Loading Smarty Class');
$this->Smarty = new Smarty();
//$this->subDir = 'smarty'.DS;
$this->ext= '.tpl';
//$this->Smarty->plugins_dir[] = VENDORS.DS.'smarty'.DS.'plugins';
$this->Smarty->compile_dir = TMP.'smarty'.DS.'compile'.DS;
$this->Smarty->cache_dir = TMP.'smarty'.DS.'cache'.DS;
$this->Smarty->error_reporting = 'E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE';
$this->Smarty->debugging = true;
$this->Smarty->compile_check = true;
$this->viewVars['params'] = $this->params;
$this->Helpers = new HelperCollection($this);
protected function _render($___viewFn, $___dataForView = array()) {
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$caller = array_shift($trace);
if ($caller === "element") parent::_render($___viewFn, $___dataForView);
if (empty($___dataForView)) {
$___dataForView = $this->viewVars;
extract($___dataForView, EXTR_SKIP);
foreach($___dataForView as $data => $value) {
if(!is_object($data)) {
$this->Smarty->assign($data, $value);
$this->Smarty->assign('View', new View(null));
return ob_get_clean();
public function loadHelpers() {
$helpers = HelperCollection::normalizeObjectArray($this->helpers);
foreach ($helpers as $name => $properties) {
list($plugin, $class) = pluginSplit($properties['class']);
$this->{$class} = $this->Helpers->load($properties['class'], $properties['settings']);
$this->Smarty->assign($name, $this->{$class});
$this->_helpersLoaded = true;
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