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Last active May 25, 2016 08:26
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Save take4/6a7d19637fd571f58a03 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
mac provisioning by ansible
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
sudo: no
- caskroom/cask
- { name: nkf }
- { name: rbenv }
- { name: tig }
- { name: nodebrew }
- { name: readline }
- { name: git }
- { name: ruby-build }
- { name: vim }
- { name: autojump }
- { name: wget }
- { name: automake }
- { name: peco }
- { name: imagemagick }
- { name: phantomjs }
- { name: sqlite }
- { name: zsh }
- { name: pkg-config }
- { name: the_silver_searcher }
- { name: xz }
- { name: mackup }
- { name: unar }
- dropbox
- alfred
- google-chrome
- google-drive
- google-japanese-ime
- android-studio
- mysqlworkbench
- gyazo
- istat-menus
- iterm2
- imagealpha
- karabiner
- sourcetree
- skype
- sqlitebrowser
- virtualbox
- vagrant
- xtrafinder
- visual-studio-code
- eclipse-ide
- skitch
- atom
- java
- cyberduck
- clipy
- name: homebrew tap
homebrew_tap: tap={{ item }}
with_items: homebrew_taps
- name: homebrew install packages
homebrew: name={{ }}
with_items: homebrew_packages
- name: install cask packages
homebrew_cask: name={{ item }}
with_items: homebrew_cask_packages
- name: install oh-my-zsh
shell: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
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