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Created April 30, 2016 23:32
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package estatapi
import (
type Estat struct {
type GetStatsData struct {
RESULT interface{}
PARAMETER interface{}
type StatisticalData struct {
RESULT_INF interface{}
TABLE_INF interface{}
CLASS_INF interface{}
type DataInf struct {
NOTE interface{}
VALUE []Value
type Value struct {
Cat01 string `json:"@cat01"`
Cat02 string `json:"@cat02"`
Cat03 string `json:"@cat03"`
Area string `json:"@area"`
Time string `json:"@time"`
Unit string `json:"@unit"`
Dollar string `json:"$"`
func Get() Estat {
url := "" + config.AppId + "&statsDataId=0003104181"
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
var e Estat
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &e); err != nil {
return e
package main
import (
func main() {
resp := estatapi.Get()
m, f := format(values)
male := plotter.Values{m["0"], m["20"], m["40"], m["60"], m["80"], m["100"]}
female := plotter.Values{f["0"], f["20"], f["40"], f["60"], f["80"], f["100"]}
p, err := plot.New()
if err != nil {
p.Title.Text = "male&female"
p.X.Label.Text = "old"
p.Y.Label.Text = "number(thousand)"
w := vg.Points(20)
maleBars, err := plotter.NewBarChart(male, w)
if err != nil {
maleBars.LineStyle.Width = vg.Length(0)
maleBars.Color = plotutil.Color(0)
maleBars.Offset = -w
femaleBars, err := plotter.NewBarChart(female, w)
if err != nil {
femaleBars.LineStyle.Width = vg.Length(0)
femaleBars.Color = plotutil.Color(1)
p.Add(maleBars, femaleBars)
p.Legend.Add("male", maleBars)
p.Legend.Add("female", femaleBars)
p.Legend.Top = true
p.Legend.Left = true
p.NominalX("0", "20", "40", "60", "80", "100over")
if err := p.Save(5*vg.Inch, 3*vg.Inch, "graf.png"); err != nil {
func format(values []estatapi.Value) (map[string]float64, map[string]float64) {
male := make(map[string]float64)
female := make(map[string]float64)
for _, v := range values {
if v.Cat02 == "001" {
if v.Cat01 == "002" {
switch v.Cat03 {
case "01001":
male["0"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
case "01021":
male["20"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
case "01041":
male["40"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
case "01061":
male["60"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
case "01081":
male["80"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
case "01101":
male["100"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
} else if v.Cat01 == "003" {
switch v.Cat03 {
case "01001":
female["0"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
case "01021":
female["20"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
case "01041":
female["40"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
case "01061":
female["60"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
case "01081":
female["80"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
case "01101":
female["100"], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(v.Dollar, 64)
return male, female
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