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Created April 17, 2022 11:05
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package main
import (
azlog ""
var (
accountName string = "omi02xxhhgf5xgu33a"
queueEndpoint string = fmt.Sprintf("", accountName)
var (
cred *azidentity.DefaultAzureCredential
func init() {
var err error
cred, err = azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential: %v", err)
func setAzLogging() {
azlog.SetListener(func(_ azlog.Event, msg string) {
log.Println(msg) // printing log out to the console
azlog.SetEvents(azlog.EventRequest, azlog.EventResponse)
func refresher(credential azqueue.TokenCredential) time.Duration {
token, err := cred.GetToken(context.Background(), policy.TokenRequestOptions{
// Scopes: []string{""},
Scopes: []string{queueEndpoint},
if err != nil {
// TODO: ここはどうするべきなのかは要確認
log.Printf("%v", err)
log.Printf("refresher token.ExpiresOn:%v", token.ExpiresOn)
return time.Until(token.ExpiresOn)
func main() {
credential := azqueue.NewTokenCredential("", refresher)
p := azqueue.NewPipeline(credential, azqueue.PipelineOptions{})
// サンプルコードからのコピペを呼ぶ
// 以下はサンプルコードからのコピペ
// RBACに、Contributorを持っているが、Storage Queue Data Contributor が無いとメッセージのポストが出来ない。
// そういうものだっけ?Queueは作れる。
func queueExample(p pipeline.Pipeline) {
// From the Azure portal, get your Storage account queue service URL endpoint.
// The URL typically looks like this:
u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("", accountName))
// Create an ServiceURL object that wraps the service URL and a request pipeline.
serviceURL := azqueue.NewServiceURL(*u, p)
// Now, you can use the serviceURL to perform various queue operations.
// All HTTP operations allow you to specify a Go context.Context object to control cancellation/timeout.
ctx := context.TODO() // This example uses a never-expiring context.
// Create a URL that references a queue in your Azure Storage account.
// This returns a QueueURL object that wraps the queue's URL and a request pipeline (inherited from serviceURL)
queueURL := serviceURL.NewQueueURL("examplequeue") // Queue names require lowercase
// The code below shows how to create the queue. It is common to create a queue and never delete it:
_, err := queueURL.Create(ctx, azqueue.Metadata{})
if err != nil {
// The code below shows how a client application enqueues 2 messages into the queue:
// Create a URL allowing you to manipulate a queue's messages.
// This returns a MessagesURL object that wraps the queue's messages URL and a request pipeline (inherited from queueURL)
messagesURL := queueURL.NewMessagesURL()
// Enqueue 2 messages
_, err = messagesURL.Enqueue(ctx, "This is message 1", time.Second*0, time.Minute)
if err != nil {
_, err = messagesURL.Enqueue(ctx, "This is message 2", time.Second*0, time.Minute)
if err != nil {
// The code below shows how a client or server can determine the approximate count of messages in the queue:
props, err := queueURL.GetProperties(ctx)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Approximate number of messages in the queue=%d\n", props.ApproximateMessagesCount())
// The code below shows how to initialize a service that wishes to process messages:
const concurrentMsgProcessing = 16 // Set this as you desire
msgCh := make(chan *azqueue.DequeuedMessage, concurrentMsgProcessing)
const poisonMessageDequeueThreshold = 4 // Indicates how many times a message is attempted to be processed before considering it a poison message
// Create goroutines that can process messages in parallel
for n := 0; n < concurrentMsgProcessing; n++ {
go func(msgCh <-chan *azqueue.DequeuedMessage) {
for {
msg := <-msgCh // Get a message from the channel
// Create a URL allowing you to manipulate this message.
// This returns a MessageIDURL object that wraps the this message's URL and a request pipeline (inherited from messagesURL)
msgIDURL := messagesURL.NewMessageIDURL(msg.ID)
popReceipt := msg.PopReceipt // This message's most-recent pop receipt
if msg.DequeueCount > poisonMessageDequeueThreshold {
// This message has attempted to be processed too many times; treat it as a poison message
// DO NOT attempt to process this message
// Log this message as a poison message somewhere (code not shown)
// Delete this poison message from the queue so it will never be dequeued again
msgIDURL.Delete(ctx, popReceipt)
continue // Process a different message
// This message is not a poison message, process it (this example just displays it):
fmt.Print(msg.Text + "\n")
// NOTE: You can examine/use any of the message's other properties as you desire:
_, _, _ = msg.InsertionTime, msg.ExpirationTime, msg.NextVisibleTime
// OPTIONAL: while processing a message, you can update the message's visibility timeout
// (to prevent other servers from dequeuing the same message simultaneously) and update the
// message's text (to prevent some successfully-completed processing from re-executing the
// next time this message is dequeued):
update, err := msgIDURL.Update(ctx, popReceipt, time.Second*20, "updated msg")
if err != nil {
popReceipt = update.PopReceipt // Performing any operation on a message ID always requires the most recent pop receipt
// After processing the message, delete it from the queue so it won't be dequeued ever again:
_, err = msgIDURL.Delete(ctx, popReceipt)
if err != nil {
// Loop around to process the next message
// The code below shows the service's infinite loop that dequeues messages and dispatches them in batches for processsing:
for {
// Try to dequeue a batch of messages from the queue
dequeue, err := messagesURL.Dequeue(ctx, azqueue.QueueMaxMessagesDequeue, 10*time.Second)
if err != nil {
if dequeue.NumMessages() == 0 {
// The queue was empty; sleep a bit and try again
// Shorter time means higher costs & less latency to dequeue a message
// Higher time means lower costs & more latency to dequeue a message
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
} else {
// We got some messages, put them in the channel so that many can be processed in parallel:
// NOTE: The queue does not guarantee FIFO ordering & processing messages in parallel also does
// not preserve FIFO ordering. So, the "Output:" order below is not guaranteed but usually works.
for m := int32(0); m < dequeue.NumMessages(); m++ {
msgCh <- dequeue.Message(m)
// This batch of dequeued messages are in the channel, dequeue another batch
break // NOTE: For this example only, break out of the infinite loop so this example terminates
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10) // For this example, delay in hopes that both messages complete processing before the example terminates
// This example deletes the queue (to clean up) but normally, you never delete a queue.
_, err = queueURL.Delete(ctx)
if err != nil {
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