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Last active July 25, 2017 16:46
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itunes walkman playlist sync script
from xml.etree.ElementTree import *
import urllib.parse
import os
import shutil
filename = "<put your itunes library dir>/iTunes Library.xml"
walkman_music_root = '/Volumes/WALKMAN/MUSIC'
# load itunes library xml
def load_ituneslib(fname):
tree = parse(fname)
elem = tree.getroot()
return parse_xmllist(elem)
def parse_xmllist(elem, sub_type='dict'):
if sub_type == 'array':
subarray = []
for e in list(elem):
if e.tag == 'dict':
elif e.tag == 'array':
subarray.append(parse_xmllist(e, sub_type='array'))
return subarray
elif sub_type == 'dict':
subdict = {}
k = "root"
for e in list(elem):
if e.tag == 'key':
k = e.text
elif e.tag == 'dict':
subdict[k] = parse_xmllist(e)
elif e.tag == 'array':
subdict[k] = parse_xmllist(e, sub_type='array')
subdict[k] = e.text
return subdict
return None
# sync function
def sync_playlist(ituneslib, walkman_music_root, list_name):
for pl in ituneslib['root']['Playlists']:
if 'Playlist Items' in pl and pl['Name'] == list_name:
extm3u_str = "#EXTM3U\n"
for trk in pl['Playlist Items']:
trk_info = ituneslib['root']['Tracks'][trk['Track ID']]
src_path = urllib.parse.unquote(trk_info['Location'])[7:]
dest_albumpath = trk_info['Artist'] + '/' + trk_info['Album']
if 'Album Artist' in trk_info:
dest_albumpath = trk_info['Album Artist'] + '/' + trk_info['Album']
dest_albumpath = dest_albumpath.replace('*', '').replace('"', '')
dest_dir = walkman_music_root + '/' + dest_albumpath
dest_trkname = trk_info['Name'].replace('*', '').replace('"', '')
dest_filename = trk_info['Track Number'] + " " + dest_trkname + '.mp3'
dest_file = dest_albumpath + '/' + dest_filename
dest_path = dest_dir + '/' + dest_filename
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
if not os.path.exists(dest_path):
shutil.copy(src_path, dest_path)
print("copy ", dest_path)
extm3u_str += "#EXTINF:" + str(int(int(trk_info['Total Time'])/1000)) + "," + trk_info['Name'] + "\n"
extm3u_str += dest_file + "\n"
print('create ' + walkman_music_root + '/' + pl['Name'] + '.m3u8')
with open(walkman_music_root + '/' + pl['Name'] + '.m3u8', 'w') as f:
ituneslib = load_ituneslib(fname=filename)
while True:
listnames = []
idx = 0
for pl in ituneslib['root']['Playlists']:
if 'Playlist Items' in pl:
idx += 1
print(idx, pl['Name'])
plnum = input('? ')
if not plnum.isdigit():
print("sync " + listnames[int(plnum)-1])
sync_playlist(ituneslib, walkman_music_root, listnames[int(plnum)-1])
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