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Created January 26, 2011 21:19
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all the keys for campfire emoji
Emoji: {
'sunny': '2600',
'zap': '26a1',
'leaves': '1f343',
'lipstick': '1f483',
'cop': '1f46c',
'wheelchair': '267f',
'fish': '1f413',
'hammer': '1f52c',
'moneybag': '1f4b0',
'calling': '1f4f1',
'memo': '1f4dd',
'mega': '1f4e4',
'gift': '1f4e7',
'pencil': '270f',
'scissors': '2702',
'feet': '1f463',
'runner': '1f6b6',
'heart': '2764',
'smoking': '1f6ac',
'warning': '26a0',
'ok': '1f502',
'tm': '2122',
'vs': '1f504',
'new': '1f505',
'bulb': '1f4a1',
'zzz': '1f4a4',
'sparkles': '2728',
'star': '2b50',
'mag': '1f520',
'lock': '1f54b',
'email': '1f4e8',
'fist': '270a',
'v': '270c',
'punch': '1f446',
'+1': '1f447',
'clap': '1f44d',
'-1': '1f44f'
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r38y commented Aug 10, 2011

I demand the ability to have whatever ones I want! :P

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