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Created September 9, 2011 15:03
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Tiny JSON Parser
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<$), (<*>), (<*), (*>))
import Prelude hiding (null)
import Text.Parsec hiding (string)
import Text.Parsec.Language (javaStyle)
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P
data Value = S String | N Double | O [(String, Value)] | A [Value] | B Bool | Null deriving Show
lexer = P.makeTokenParser javaStyle
symbol = P.symbol lexer
reserved = P.reserved lexer
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
braces = P.braces lexer
brackets = P.brackets lexer
colon = P.colon lexer
comma = P.comma lexer
commaSep = P.commaSep lexer
naturalOrFloat = P.naturalOrFloat lexer
stringLiteral = P.stringLiteral lexer
number = N <$> (sig <*> num) <?> "number"
sig = option id ((* (-1)) <$ symbol "-")
num = merge <$> naturalOrFloat
merge (Left i) = fromInteger i
merge (Right d) = d
object = O <$> braces (commaSep pair) <?> "object"
pair = (,) <$> (unS <$> string <* colon) <*> value
unS (S key) = key
unS _ = error "object:logic error"
string = S <$> stringLiteral <?> "string"
array = A <$> brackets (commaSep value) <?> "array"
bool = try (B True <$ reserved "true") <|> try (B False <$ reserved "false")
null = Null <$ reserved "null"
value = try string <|> try number <|> try object <|> try array <|> try bool <|> try null <?> "value"
json = whiteSpace *> value
main = getContents >>= print . parse json ""
u@c:~$ echo '1' | ./json
Right (N 1.0)
u@c:~$ echo '-2.34' | ./json
Right (N (-2.34))
u@c:~$ echo '[1,2,3]' | ./json
Right (A [N 1.0,N 2.0,N 3.0])
u@c:~$ echo ' { "hoge" : { "fuga" : 1.23}, "piyo" : [1,2,3] } ' | ./json
Right (O [("hoge",O [("fuga",N 1.23)]),("piyo",A [N 1.0,N 2.0,N 3.0])])
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