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Created February 2, 2013 09:53
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module Main where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Char (isUpper, isLower, toUpper)
import Data.List (tails, maximumBy, findIndex)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Test.HUnit (Test(..), runTestTT, (~=?))
type Chair = Maybe Char
type Input = String
solve :: String -> String
solve = writeAnswer . process . readProblem
readProblem :: String -> ([Chair], Input)
readProblem s = (cs, ps)
(cs, (_:ps)) = first (flip replicate Nothing . read) $ break (== ':') s
process :: ([Chair], Input) -> [Chair]
process (cs, is) = foldl move cs is
move :: [Chair] -> Char -> [Chair]
move cs i
| isUpper i = set cs (Just i) $ findSeat cs
| isLower i = case findPerson cs (toUpper i) of
Just i' -> set cs Nothing i'
Nothing -> error $ "move: No such person " ++ [i]
| otherwise = error $ "move: Invalid input " ++ [i]
findSeat :: [Chair] -> Int
findSeat cs = fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd) $ reverse $ zip [0..] $ map score $ subsequence
subsequence = take (length cs) $ map (take 3) $ tails (Nothing : cs ++ [Nothing])
score [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing] = 3
score [Nothing, Nothing, Just _ ] = 2
score [Just _ , Nothing, Nothing] = 2
score [Just _ , Nothing, Just _ ] = 1
score _ = 0
findPerson :: [Chair] -> Char -> Maybe Int
findPerson cs c = findIndex (== Just c) cs
set :: [Chair] -> Chair -> Int -> [Chair]
set cs c i = hd ++ c : tl
(hd, _:tl) = splitAt i cs
writeAnswer :: [Chair] -> String
writeAnswer = map toChar
toChar = fromMaybe '-'
main :: IO ()
main = print =<< runTestTT (TestList $ map toTest testdata)
toTest :: (String, String) -> Test
toTest (input, expected) = expected ~=? solve input
testdata :: [(String, String)]
testdata =
[ ( "6:NABEbBZn", "-ZAB-E" )
, ( "1:A", "A" )
, ( "1:Aa", "-" )
, ( "2:AB", "AB" )
, ( "2:AaB", "B-" )
, ( "2:AZa", "-Z" )
, ( "2:AZz", "A-" )
, ( "3:ABC", "ACB" )
, ( "3:ABCa", "-CB" )
, ( "4:ABCD", "ADBC" )
, ( "4:ABCbBD", "ABDC" )
, ( "4:ABCDabcA", "-D-A" )
, ( "5:NEXUS", "NUESX" )
, ( "5:ZYQMyqY", "ZM-Y-" )
, ( "5:ABCDbdXYc", "AYX--" )
, ( "6:FUTSAL", "FAULTS" )
, ( "6:ABCDEbcBC", "AECB-D" )
, ( "7:FMTOWNS", "FWMNTSO" )
, ( "7:ABCDEFGabcdfXYZ", "YE-X-GZ" )
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