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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Macro expansion in match rules?
;match.clj 1764
(defn to-pattern-row
"Take an unprocessed pattern expression and an action expression and return
a pattern row of the processed pattern expression plus the action epxression."
[pat action]
(let [ps (map emit-pattern (map macroexpand (group-keywords pat)))]
(pattern-row ps action)))
(defmacro single-jeopardy [c-idx q-idx]
{:round :single-jeopardy
:category-idx c-idx
:question-idx q-idx})
(defmacro double-jeopardy [c-idx q-idx]
{:round :double-jeopardy
:category-idx c-idx
:question-idx q-idx})
(defmacro final-jeopardy []
{:round :final-jeopardy})
(match [(regular-clue)]
[(single-jeopardy x y)] [:sing x y]
[(double-jeopardy cat q)] [:dub cat q]
[(final-jeopardy)] :final-jeopardy)
; or a :keys like destructuring
(defmacro rec-keys [klass & keys]
(list (into {} (map (fn [k] [(keyword k) k]) keys))
:guard `#(instance? ~klass %)))
(match [(regular-clue)]
[(rec-keys RegularClue category-idx)] category-idx
[(rec-keys FinalClue)] :final-jeopardy)
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