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Last active October 4, 2015 06:58
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Simple debugger-like thing
#lang racket
(require racket/control
(provide debug step! set-breakpoint!)
;; original and annotated syntax objects
(define orig-stx #f)
(define ann-stx #f)
;; break on these ids
(define break-ids '())
;; current debugging information
(define cur-info #f)
(define cur-marks #f)
;; continuation to resume
(define resume #f)
;; to determine if we need to break
(define ((break? src) pos)
(ormap (λ (id) (get-app-at-pos pos id orig-stx))
(define (get-app-at-pos pos id stx)
(cond [(and (= pos (syntax-position stx)) (app-of id stx)) stx]
(define subs (syntax->list stx))
(and subs
(foldl (λ (stx acc) (or (get-app-at-pos pos id stx) acc))
#f subs))]))
(define (app-of id stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(id2 e ...)
(and (identifier? #'id2)
(free-identifier=? id #'id2))
[_ #f]))
(define (debug stx)
(define-values (new-stx breakpoints)
(expand-syntax stx)
;; set current debugging info and set the continuation
;; so that step! can renew it
(λ (debug-info marks)
(printf "hit breakpoint, what next?~n")
(set! cur-info debug-info)
(set! cur-marks marks)
(control k (set! resume k)))
;; no-op
(λ (debug-info marks val) val)
;; record-bound-identifier - use this to construct env
(lambda (type bound binding)
;; record-top-level-identifier - similarly
(lambda (mod var rd/wr)
(set! orig-stx stx)
(set! ann-stx new-stx)
(eval new-stx))
(define (step!)
(if (not resume)
(printf "no expression set for debugging~n")
(and resume (resume #f))))
(define (set-breakpoint! stx)
(unless (identifier? stx)
(raise-syntax-error 'set-breakpoint! "expected an identifier" stx))
(set! break-ids (cons stx break-ids)))
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