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Created September 13, 2017 18:26
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  • Save takikawa/5a874a6797aaca954f9109759ea979e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save takikawa/5a874a6797aaca954f9109759ea979e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GC: 0:min @ 1,451K(+164K)[+164K]; free 1,049K(-5,145K) 0ms @ 40
GC: 0:min @ 1,426K(+4,285K)[+168K]; free 686K(-686K) 0ms @ 44
GC: 0:min @ 1,993K(+3,718K)[+236K]; free 967K(-2,263K) 0ms @ 48
GC: 0:min @ 3,785K(+3,542K)[+248K]; free 1,408K(-1,408K) 0ms @ 56
GC: 0:min @ 5,027K(+2,732K)[+256K]; free 1,359K(-6,751K) 4ms @ 60
GC: 0:min @ 7,130K(+6,021K)[+276K]; free 1,913K(-3,209K) 4ms @ 72
GC: 0:min @ 9,977K(+4,470K)[+280K]; free 2,679K(-3,975K) 0ms @ 84
GC: 0:min @ 13,298K(+3,917K)[+288K]; free 3,163K(-16,747K) 4ms @ 96
GC: 0:min @ 16,686K(+14,113K)[+300K]; free 4,123K(-5,419K) 8ms @ 112
racket/contract: no late-neg-projection passed to build-contract-property
(unpack24 . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/prop.rkt> 275 0 9107 1957))
(|[running body]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/opt.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/arr-i.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/racket/contract/base.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/syntax/contract.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/syntax/parse/experimental/contract.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/syntax/parse.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/syntax/parse/lib/function-header.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/racket/match/define-forms.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/racket/match/match.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/racket/match.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/setup/getinfo.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/raco/all-tools.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/raco/raco.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[running body]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/raco/main.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
GC: 0:min @ 20,436K(+11,659K)[+460K]; free 4,508K(-7,100K) 8ms @ 140
GC: 0:min @ 26,053K(+8,986K)[+1,100K]; free 6,733K(-8,029K) 8ms @ 188
GC: 0:min @ 30,065K(+8,174K)[+1,392K]; free 5,955K(-26,227K) 8ms @ 220
racket/contract: no late-neg-projection passed to build-contract-property
(unpack24 . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/prop.rkt> 275 0 9107 1957))
(|[running body]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/racket/private/class-c-new.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/racket/class.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/code/video/video/render.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/code/video/video/raco.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[traversing imports]| . #(struct:srcloc (submod #<path:/home/asumu/code/video/video/raco.rkt> main) #f #f #f #f))
(|[running body]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/raco/raco.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
(|[running body]| . #(struct:srcloc #<path:/home/asumu/plt/racket-git/racket/collects/raco/main.rkt> #f #f #f #f))
GC: 0:min @ 38,258K(+20,845K)[+1,588K]; free 8,623K(-11,215K) 8ms @ 268
GC: 0:min @ 45,780K(+17,307K)[+1,632K]; free 9,450K(-39,674K) 16ms @ 308
GC: 0:min @ 71,976K(+22,135K)[+2,092K]; free 22,216K(-38,584K) 32ms @ 416
GC: 0:MAJ @ 82,752K(+28,351K)[+3,464K]; free 23,889K(-23,889K) 72ms @ 536
GC: 0:min @ 91,957K(+21,674K)[+4,420K]; free 21,224K(-37,592K) 24ms @ 728
GLib-GObject: /build/glib2.0-B1uXKV/glib2.0-2.50.3/./gobject/gsignal.c:2523: signal 'screen-changed' is invalid for instance '0x556a0ce10020' of type 'GdkX11Screen'
GC: 0:min @ 104,310K(+27,977K)[+5,444K]; free 20,172K(-36,540K) 24ms @ 856
GC: 0:min @ 117,374K(+31,281K)[+6,700K]; free 21,163K(-37,531K) 28ms @ 996
GC: 0:min @ 128,594K(+39,837K)[+7,252K]; free 20,686K(-20,686K) 24ms @ 1108
GC: 0:min @ 143,301K(+39,466K)[+7,700K]; free 11,146K(-27,530K) 24ms @ 1196
GC: 0:MAJ @ 168,875K(+32,660K)[+7,912K]; free 32,211K(-32,211K) 212ms @ 1292
ALSA lib pcm_dsnoop.c:618:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1052:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1052:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for 4294967295, skipping unlock
JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for 4294967295, skipping unlock
GC: 0:min @ 169,684K(+31,875K)[+10,456K]; free 23,236K(-39,596K) 28ms @ 1652
GC: 0:min @ 179,525K(+47,045K)[+11,268K]; free 30,780K(-30,716K) 8ms @ 1744
GC: 0:min @ 181,549K(+48,800K)[+11,312K]; free 31,847K(-31,749K) 4ms @ 1800
GC: 0:min @ 182,680K(+47,615K)[+11,324K]; free 31,895K(-31,861K) 0ms @ 1848
GdkPixbuf: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
GdkPixbuf: Encoding raw
GdkPixbuf: Dimensions: 14 x 14
GdkPixbuf: Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
GdkPixbuf: Copy pixels == false
GdkPixbuf: gdk_pixbuf_from_pixdata() called on:
GdkPixbuf: Encoding raw
GdkPixbuf: Dimensions: 14 x 14
GdkPixbuf: Rowstride: 56, Length: 808
GdkPixbuf: Copy pixels == false
GC: 0:min @ 184,417K(+45,949K)[+14,100K]; free 30,237K(-30,154K) 16ms @ 1972
video: Video Graph Connection Table: '#hash((#(#<filter-node:
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("time-base" . 1/25)
("pix-fmt" . rgba)
("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
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("chapters" . ())
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("time-base" . 1/25)
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("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("sample-rate" . #f)
("start" . 0)
("chapters" . ())
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("width" . 20)
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("start" . 0)
("chapters" . ())
("height" . 20)
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("width" . 20)
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("sample-rate" . #f)
("start" . 0)
("chapters" . ())
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("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
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("height" . 20)
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
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#hash(("width" . 20)
("pix-fmt" . rgba)
("sample-rate" . #f)
("time-base" . 1/25)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("sample-fmt" . #f)
("start" . 0))
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("time-base" . 1/25)
("pix-fmt" . rgba)
("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("sample-rate" . #f)
("start" . 0)
("chapters" . ())
("height" . 20)
("sample-fmt" . #f))
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(video . #(struct:filter "fifo" #hash() #f)))
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
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("height" . 20)
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((video . 1))>
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(video . #(struct:filter "fifo" #hash() #f)))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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("channel_layouts" . stereo))
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#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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(video . #(struct:filter "fifo" #hash() #f)))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))>
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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#hash((audio . 1))
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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("pix-fmt" . rgba)
("sample-rate" . #f)
("time-base" . 1/25)
("end" . +inf.0)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("sample-fmt" . #f)
("start" . 0))
#hash((video . 1))>
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#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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#hash(("sample_fmts" . s16)
("sample_rates" . 44100)
("channel_layouts" . stereo))
#(struct:filter "format" #hash(("pix_fmts" . rgb24)) #f)))
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))>
#(struct:filter "asetrate" #hash(("r" . 44100.0)) #f))
#hash(("expr" . "(PTS-STARTPTS)*1.0"))
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("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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(video . #(struct:filter "fifo" #hash() #f)))
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("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
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("pix-fmt" . rgba)
("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("sample-rate" . #f)
("start" . 0)
("chapters" . ())
("height" . 20)
("sample-fmt" . #f))
#hash((video . 1))>
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(video . #(struct:filter "fifo" #hash() #f)))
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("time-base" . 1/25)
("pix-fmt" . rgba)
("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("sample-rate" . #f)
("start" . 0)
("chapters" . ())
("height" . 20)
("sample-fmt" . #f))
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("time-base" . 1/25)
("pix-fmt" . rgba)
("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("sample-rate" . #f)
("start" . 0)
("chapters" . ())
("height" . 20)
("sample-fmt" . #f))
#hash((video . 1))>
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("pix-fmt" . rgba)
("sample-rate" . #f)
("time-base" . 1/25)
("end" . +inf.0)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("sample-fmt" . #f)
("start" . 0))
#hash((video . 1))>
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#hash(("end" . 200) ("start" . 0))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("pix-fmt" . rgba)
("sample-rate" . #f)
("time-base" . 1/25)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("sample-fmt" . #f)
("start" . 0))
#hash((video . 1))>
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(video . #(struct:filter "fifo" #hash() #f)))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((video . 1))>
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(video . #(struct:filter "fifo" #hash() #f)))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))>
#(struct:filter "asetrate" #hash(("r" . 44100.0)) #f))
#hash(("expr" . "(PTS-STARTPTS)*1.0"))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))>
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))
#hash((audio . 1))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))
#hash((video . #(struct:filter "fps" #hash(("fps" . 25)) #f)))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))>
#hash(("sample_fmts" . s16)
("sample_rates" . 44100)
("channel_layouts" . stereo))
#(struct:filter "format" #hash(("pix_fmts" . rgb24)) #f)))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))>
#hash((video . #(struct:filter "fps" #hash(("fps" . 25)) #f)))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))>
#hash(("sample_fmts" . s16)
("sample_rates" . 44100)
("channel_layouts" . stereo))
#(struct:filter "format" #hash(("pix_fmts" . rgb24)) #f)))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))>
#hash((audio . #(struct:filter "afifo" #hash() #f))
(video . #(struct:filter "fifo" #hash() #f)))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((video . 1))>
#hash((audio . #(struct:filter "afifo" #hash() #f))
(video . #(struct:filter "fifo" #hash() #f)))
#hash(("width" . 20)
("end" . 200)
("chapters" . ())
("fps" . 25)
("height" . 20)
("start" . 0))
#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))>
video: Video Graph Created: digraph G {
node0 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash\n 'audio\n (filter \"atrim\" '#hash((\"end\" . 200) (\"start\" . 0)) #f)\n 'video\n (filter \"trim\" '#hash((\"end\" . 200) (\"start\" . 0)) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1)))\n"];
node1 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash\n 'audio\n (filter \"anull\" '#hash() #f)\n 'video\n (filter \"scale\" '#hash((\"width\" . 640) (\"height\" . 480)) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1)))\n"];
node2 [label="(source-node\n '#:file\n \"/home/asumu/code/video/video/examples/circ.png\"\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"pix-fmt\" . rgba)\n (\"sample-rate\" . #f)\n (\"time-base\" . 1/25)\n (\"end\" . +inf.0)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"sample-fmt\" . #f)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((video . 1)))\n"];
node3 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash\n 'audio\n (filter\n \"aformat\"\n '#hash((\"sample_fmts\" . s16)\n (\"sample_rates\" . 44100)\n (\"channel_layouts\" . stereo))\n #f)\n 'video\n (filter \"format\" '#hash((\"pix_fmts\" . rgb24)) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1)))\n"];
node4 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash\n 'audio\n (filter \"asetrate\" '#hash((\"r\" . 44100.0)) #f)\n 'video\n (filter \"setpts\" '#hash((\"expr\" . \"(PTS-STARTPTS)*1.0\")) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1)))\n"];
node5 [label="(sink-node\n '#:file\n #<path:/var/tmp/out15053271221505327122556.raw>\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))\n '#:consume-table\n '#hash((audio . 1))\n '#:next\n (sink-node\n '#:file\n #<path:/var/tmp/out15053271221505327122556.raw>\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1))\n '#:consume-table\n #f\n '#:next\n #f))\n"];
node6 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash 'video (filter \"fps\" '#hash((\"fps\" . 25)) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1)))\n"];
node7 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash\n 'audio\n (filter \"atrim\" '#hash((\"end\" . 200) (\"start\" . 0)) #f)\n 'video\n (filter \"trim\" '#hash((\"end\" . 200) (\"start\" . 0)) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"pix-fmt\" . rgba)\n (\"sample-rate\" . #f)\n (\"time-base\" . 1/25)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"sample-fmt\" . #f)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((video . 1)))\n"];
node8 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash 'video (filter \"scale\" '#hash((\"width\" . 20) (\"height\" . 20)) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"time-base\" . 1/25)\n (\"pix-fmt\" . rgba)\n (\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"sample-rate\" . #f)\n (\"start\" . 0)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"sample-fmt\" . #f))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((video . 1)))\n"];
node9 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash 'video (filter \"fps\" '#hash((\"fps\" . 25)) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"time-base\" . 1/25)\n (\"pix-fmt\" . rgba)\n (\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"sample-rate\" . #f)\n (\"start\" . 0)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"sample-fmt\" . #f))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((video . 1)))\n"];
node10 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash 'video (filter \"format\" '#hash((\"pix_fmts\" . \"yuv420p\")) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"time-base\" . 1/25)\n (\"pix-fmt\" . rgba)\n (\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"sample-rate\" . #f)\n (\"start\" . 0)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"sample-fmt\" . #f))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((video . 1)))\n"];
node11 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash\n 'audio\n (filter \"asetpts\" '#hash((\"expr\" . \"PTS-STARTPTS\")) #f)\n 'video\n (filter \"setpts\" '#hash((\"expr\" . \"PTS-STARTPTS\")) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"time-base\" . 1/25)\n (\"pix-fmt\" . rgba)\n (\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"sample-rate\" . #f)\n (\"start\" . 0)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"sample-fmt\" . #f))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((video . 1)))\n"];
node12 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash\n 'audio\n (filter \"concat\" '#hash((\"v\" . 0) (\"a\" . 1) (\"n\" . 1)) #f)\n 'video\n (filter \"concat\" '#hash((\"v\" . 1) (\"a\" . 0) (\"n\" . 1)) #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((video . 1)))\n"];
node13 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash 'audio (filter \"afifo\" '#hash() #f) 'video (filter \"fifo\" '#hash() #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash()\n '#:counts\n '#hash((video . 1)))\n"];
node14 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash 'audio (filter \"afifo\" '#hash() #f) 'video (filter \"fifo\" '#hash() #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((video . 1)))\n"];
node15 [label="(filter-node\n '#:filters\n (hash 'audio (filter \"afifo\" '#hash() #f) 'video (filter \"fifo\" '#hash() #f))\n '#:props\n '#hash((\"width\" . 20)\n (\"end\" . 200)\n (\"chapters\" . ())\n (\"fps\" . 25)\n (\"height\" . 20)\n (\"start\" . 0))\n '#:counts\n '#hash((audio . 1) (video . 1)))\n"];
subgraph U {
edge [dir=none];
subgraph D {
node0 -> node1 [label="1"];
node1 -> node6 [label="1"];
node2 -> node7 [label="1"];
node3 -> node4 [label="1"];
node4 -> node5 [label="1"];
node6 -> node3 [label="1"];
node7 -> node8 [label="1"];
node8 -> node9 [label="1"];
node9 -> node10 [label="1"];
node10 -> node11 [label="1"];
node11 -> node13 [label="1"];
node12 -> node14 [label="1"];
node13 -> node12 [label="0"];
node14 -> node15 [label="1"];
node15 -> node0 [label="1"];
video: Filter Graph Created: [audio1]atrim=end=200:start=0[audio0];[video3]trim=end=200:start=0[video2];[audio0]anull[audio4];[video2]scale=width=640:height=480[video5];[video6]fifo[video7];[audio9]aformat=sample_fmts=s16:sample_rates=44100:channel_layouts=stereo[audio8];[video11]format=pix_fmts=rgb24[video10];[audio8]asetrate=r=44100.0[audio12];[video10]setpts=expr=(PTS-STARTPTS)*1.0[video13];[audio4]anull[audio9];[video5]fps=fps=25[video11];[video7]trim=end=200:start=0[video14];[video14]scale=width=20:height=20[video15];[video15]fps=fps=25[video16];[video16]format=pix_fmts=yuv420p[video17];[video17]setpts=expr=PTS-STARTPTS[video18];[video20]concat=v=1:a=0:n=1[video19];[video18]fifo[video20];[video19]fifo[video21];[audio22]afifo[audio1];[video21]fifo[video3];aevalsrc=d=999999999:exprs=0[audio22]
video: Starting Streams at points: #hash((#<stream-bundle> . 0.0))
(object:video-player% ...)
gui-event: starting to handle an event from ...common/timer.rkt:34:38
gui-event: handled an event: 1.472900390625 msec
gui-event: starting to handle an event from ...canvas-mixin.rkt:142:13
gui-event: handled an event: 0.9921875 msec
gui-event: starting to handle an event from ...canvas-mixin.rkt:142:13
gui-event: handled an event: 0.6201171875 msec
gui-event: starting to handle an event from ...ditor-canvas.rkt:307:7
gui-event: handled an event: 0.192138671875 msec
gui-event: starting to handle an event from ...canvas-mixin.rkt:142:13
video: mux: Writing header for file
avcodec-open2: Invalid Argument
/home/asumu/code/video/video/private/ffmpeg-pipeline.rkt:593:4: open method in mux%
gui-event: handled an event: 4.873046875 msec
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