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Last active June 14, 2023 19:37
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c-lightning cli script with custom functions
declare -A NODEMAP
for node_id in $(lightning-cli listpeers | jq -r '.peers | .[].id'); do
node_alias=$(lightning-cli listnodes $node_id | jq -r '.nodes | .[] | .alias');
if [ ${#node_alias} != 0 ]; then
for entry in $(lightning-cli listpeers | jq -r '.peers | map(select(.channels | length > 0)) | map({peer: .id, channel: .channels[]}) | map({scid: .channel.short_channel_id, nodeid: .peer}) | (map(keys) | add | unique) as $cols | map(. as $row | $cols | map($row[.])) as $rows | $rows[] | @csv'); do
IFS="," read -r node_id scid <<< "$(echo $entry | tr -d '\"')";
if [ ${#NODEMAP[$node_id]} != 0 ]; then
channels () {
ARGSJSON=$(echo $NODES | jq --indent 0 -r -n '[inputs] | add')
lightning-cli listpeers | jq -r --argjson NODES "$ARGSJSON" '
| map(select(.channels | length > 0))
| map({
peer: (if $NODES[.id] != "null" and $NODES[.id] != null then $NODES[.id] else .id[:20] end),
peer_id: .id,
online: (if .connected then "🌞" else "🌑" end),
channel: .channels[]
| sort_by(.channel.total_msat) | reverse
| map({
scid: .channel.short_channel_id,
opener: .channel.opener,
fee_base: (.channel.fee_base_msat | tonumber / 1000),
fee_ppm: .channel.fee_proportional_millionths,
capacity: (.channel.total_msat / 1000),
max_htlc: (.channel.maximum_htlc_out_msat | tonumber / 1000),
max_routable: ((.channel.to_us_msat - .channel.total_msat * 0.01) / 1000),
local: (.channel.to_us_msat / 1000),
remote: ((.channel.total_msat - .channel.to_us_msat) / 1000),
balance: ((.channel.total_msat - 2 * .channel.to_us_msat) / .channel.total_msat),
in_payments: .channel.in_payments_fulfilled,
out_payments: .channel.out_payments_fulfilled,
io_rate: (if .channel.out_payments_fulfilled == 0 then 1 else .channel.in_payments_fulfilled / .channel.out_payments_fulfilled end),
public: (if .channel.private == false then "💚" else "💔" end),
})' | mlr -S --ijson --opprint put '$balance = float($balance) * 100' then sort -nr balance then put '$balance = fmtnum($balance, "%d") . "%"; $max_routable = fmtnum(float($max_routable), "%d"); $local = fmtnum(float($local), "%d"); $remote = fmtnum(float($remote), "%d"); $io_rate = fmtnum(float($io_rate) * 100, "%d") . "%"'
forwards () {
ARGSJSON=$(echo $CHANNELS | jq --indent 0 -r -n '[inputs] | add')
lightning-cli listforwards | jq -r --argjson CHANNELS "$ARGSJSON" '
| sort_by(.received_time) | reverse
| map(select(.status != "local_failed"))
| map({
in_node: (if $CHANNELS[.in_channel] != "null" and $CHANNELS[.in_channel] != null then $CHANNELS[.in_channel] else "-" end),
out_node: (if $CHANNELS[.out_channel] != "null" and $CHANNELS[.out_channel] != null then $CHANNELS[.out_channel] else "-" end),
in: .in_channel,
out: .out_channel,
amount: (if .in_msat then (.in_msat / 1000) else 0 end),
fee: (if .fee_msat then (.fee_msat / 1000) else 0 end),
received: .received_time,
duration: (if .resolved_time then (.resolved_time - .received_time) else 0 end),
status: .status
})' | mlr -S --ijson --opprint sort -nr received then put '$duration = fmtnum(float($duration), "%.3f"); $received = strftime(float($received), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")' then head -n 25
success_forwards () {
ARGSJSON=$(echo $CHANNELS | jq --indent 0 -r -n '[inputs] | add')
lightning-cli listforwards | jq -r --argjson CHANNELS "$ARGSJSON" '
| sort_by(.received_time) | reverse
| map(select(.status != "local_failed"))
| map(select(.status != "failed"))
| map({
in_node: (if .in_channel != null and $CHANNELS[.in_channel] != "null" and $CHANNELS[.in_channel] != null then $CHANNELS[.in_channel] else "-" end),
out_node: (if .out_channel != null and $CHANNELS[.out_channel] != "null" and $CHANNELS[.out_channel] != null then $CHANNELS[.out_channel] else "-" end),
in: .in_channel,
out: .out_channel,
amount: (if .in_msat then (.in_msat / 1000) else 0 end),
fee: (if .fee_msat then (.fee_msat / 1000) else 0 end),
received: .received_time,
duration: (if .resolved_time then (.resolved_time - .received_time) else 0 end),
status: .status
})' | mlr -S --ijson --opprint sort -nr received then put '$duration = fmtnum(float($duration), "%.3f"); $received = strftime(float($received), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")' then head -n 25
all_forwards () {
ARGSJSON=$(echo $CHANNELS | jq --indent 0 -r -n '[inputs] | add')
lightning-cli listforwards | jq -r --argjson CHANNELS "$ARGSJSON" '
| sort_by(.received_time) | reverse
| map({
in_node: (if .in_channel != null and $CHANNELS[.in_channel] != "null" and $CHANNELS[.in_channel] != null then $CHANNELS[.in_channel] else "-" end),
out_node: (if .out_channel != null and $CHANNELS[.out_channel] != "null" and $CHANNELS[.out_channel] != null then $CHANNELS[.out_channel] else "-" end),
in: .in_channel,
out: .out_channel,
amount: (if .in_msat then (.in_msat / 1000) else 0 end),
fee: (if .fee_msat then (.fee_msat / 1000) else 0 end),
received: .received_time,
duration: (if .resolved_time then (.resolved_time - .received_time) else 0 end),
status: .status
})' | mlr -S --ijson --opprint sort -nr received then put '$duration = fmtnum(float($duration), "%.3f"); $received = strftime(float($received), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")' then head -n 25
leases () {
lightning-cli listnodes | jq -r '
| map(select(.option_will_fund | length > 0))
| map({
peer: .nodeid,
lease_fee_base: (.option_will_fund.lease_fee_base_msat | sub("msat$"; "") | tonumber / 1000),
lease_fee_pct: (.option_will_fund.lease_fee_basis | tonumber * 0.01),
funding_weight: .option_will_fund.funding_weight,
channel_fee_max_base: (.option_will_fund.channel_fee_max_base_msat | sub("msat$"; "") | tonumber / 1000),
channel_fee_max_ppm: (.option_will_fund.channel_fee_max_proportional_thousandths | tonumber * 1000),
compact_lease: .option_will_fund.compact_lease,
name: .alias
})' | mlr -S --ijson --opprint sort -n lease_fee_pct
funds () {
lightning-cli listfunds | jq '{"on-chain": [.outputs[].value] | add, "off-chain": [.channels[].channel_sat] | add}' | mlr -S --ijson --opprint cat
case $1 in
case $2 in
lightning-cli $@
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