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Last active March 3, 2022 15:11
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Textlocal Sms Gateway

Sample Use Case

(new \App\Gateways\TextlocalSms)->message(
        'name'      => $user->name, 
        'otp'       => $otp, 
        'timeout'   =>  '15 Minutes'

Edit Namespace, API Keys and other details according to your need.

namespace App\Gateways;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
class TextlocalSms
public $apikey = 'NDQ3MjYxNTczORYjdsusdTYIUSJTesting=';
public $sender = 'TSTING';
public $message;
public $mobiles;
public $output;
public function __construct($mobiles=null)
if ($mobiles) {
$this->mobiles = is_array($mobiles) ? $mobiles : [$mobiles];
$this->mobiles = [];
public function mobiles($mobiles)
$this->mobiles = is_array($mobiles) ? $mobiles : [$mobiles];
public function message($template, $params)
$templateFun = 'sms_'.$template;
$this->message = $this->$templateFun($params);
return $this;
public function send($mobiles=null)
if ($mobiles) {
$this->output = Http::asForm()
->post('', [
'apikey' => $this->apikey,
'numbers' => implode(',', $this->mobiles),
'sender' => $this->sender,
'message' => urlencode($this->message)
return $this;
public function output()
return $this->output;
public function sms_booking_complete($params)
return "Hi ".$params['name'].", you have successfully booked a vehicle having Reg No ".$params['regNo']." for ".$params['bookingDate'].". We will inform you for further updates. Company PVT. LTD.";
public function sms_vehicle_approved($params)
return "Hi ".$params['name'].", your vehicle , Reg No ".$params['regNo']." has been approved. Please wait for your bookings, we will inform you when you have any booking. Company PVT. LTD.";
public function sms_vehicle_registered($params)
return "Hi ".$params['name'].", your vehicle , Reg No ".$params['regNo']." has been registered. We will inform you when the details will be checked and verified. Company PVT. LTD.";
public function sms_send_otp($params)
return "Hi ".$params['name'].", the OTP to login to your Bmyroad account is ".$params['otp'].". Valid till ".$params['timeout'].". Do not share this to anyone. Company PVT. LTD.";
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