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Last active April 19, 2017 20:09
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A Haskell script that computes the transitive RPATH closure of a Nix store path.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Control.Foldl (list)
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import Turtle hiding (fp, s)
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as FP
shellList :: Shell a -> IO [a]
shellList s = fold s list
patchelf :: [Text] -> IO (Maybe Text)
patchelf args = do
[(exitCode, so, se)] <- shellList (procStrictWithErr "patchelf" args empty)
pure $ if (se == "") && (exitCode == ExitSuccess)
then Just so
else Nothing
rpath :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe [FilePath])
rpath fp = do
isFile <- isRegularFile <$> stat fp
if isFile
then fmap (filter FP.valid
. map FP.fromText
. T.splitOn ":"
. T.filter (/= '\n'))
<$> patchelf ["--print-rpath", T.pack (FP.encodeString fp)]
else pure Nothing
type ClosureM a = StateT (Map FilePath (Set FilePath)) IO a
closure' :: FilePath -> ClosureM (Set FilePath)
closure' fp = do
alreadyDone <- Map.lookup fp <$> get
case alreadyDone
of Just res -> pure res
Nothing -> do exists <- liftIO $ testdir fp
if FP.valid fp && (fp /= "") && exists
then do modify (Map.insertWith Set.union fp mempty)
paths <- liftIO
$ fmap (mconcat . catMaybes)
$ shellList
$ liftIO . rpath =<< lstree fp
set <- Set.union
<$> pure (Set.fromList paths)
<*> (mconcat <$> mapM closure' paths)
modify (Map.insertWith Set.union fp set)
fromMaybe mempty . Map.lookup fp <$> get
else pure mempty
runClosureM :: ClosureM (Set FilePath) -> IO (Set FilePath)
runClosureM action = do
paths <- Set.toList . fst <$> runStateT action mempty
cleanedUp <- Map.keys
. Map.filter id
. Map.fromList
. zip paths
<$> mapM testdir paths
Set.fromList <$> mapM realpath cleanedUp
closure :: FilePath -> IO (Set FilePath)
closure fp = runClosureM $ closure' fp
closures :: [FilePath] -> IO (Set FilePath)
closures fps = runClosureM $ fmap mconcat $ mapM closure' fps
closureExe :: FilePath -> IO (Set FilePath)
closureExe exe = do
exePaths <- fromMaybe mempty <$> rpath exe
closures exePaths
main :: IO ()
main = arguments
>>= (map FP.fromText >>> closures)
>>= (Set.toList >>> map FP.encodeString >>> mapM_ putStrLn)
(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage
({ runCommand, haskellPackages }:
let paths = p: [ p.turtle ];
ghc = haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages paths;
in runCommand "rpath-closure" { buildInputs = [ ghc ]; } ''
mkdir -pv $out/bin
cp -vi ${./Closure.hs} Closure.hs
ghc -O2 Closure.hs -o $out/bin/rpath-closure
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