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Created February 2, 2017 21:14
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{ pkgs, haskellPackages }:
with { inherit (pkgs.stdenv) lib; };
with pkgs.haskell.lib;
# We use fetchgit because fetchFromGitHub doesn't support git submodules
clash-source = pkgs.fetchgit {
url = "";
# branch: master
rev = "6b875d5ca807cf7d79744ee4a16e2b912e5b96c3";
sha256 = "11fkwgg9xg78gbh3apd35xdfkf87qkvg1hwhfxs1z4736w6rj8sb";
# # branch: ghc-8.0
# rev = "7a7904ce3cb4f039c675a41d8d625b12a3892259";
# sha256 = "02pa9azkx1i45qchjwmhg3mks6lpvg4ri47vb6jgjzzwsnaw0b86";
mkClashLib = drv: name: dontCheck (overrideCabal drv (old: {
src = clash-source; prePatch = "cd ${name}";
in haskellPackages.override {
overrides = self: super: {
# mkDerivation = args: ((drv: (drv // rec {
# passthru = drv.passthru // {
# env = stdenv.overrideDerivation drv.passthru.env (old: {
# nativeBuildInputs = let #
# propagatedBuildInputs = lib.concatLists [
# buildDepends
# libraryHaskellDepends
# executableHaskellDepends
# ];
# otherBuildInputs = lib.concatLists [
# args.extraLibraries
# args.librarySystemDepends
# args.executableSystemDepends
# args.setupHaskellDepends
# args.buildTools
# args.libraryToolDepends
# args.executableToolDepends
# (lib.optionals (args.allPkgconfigDepends != [])
# ([pkgconfig] ++ args.allPkgconfigDepends))
# (lib.optionals args.doCheck (lib.concatLists [
# args.testDepends
# args.testHaskellDepends
# args.testSystemDepends
# args.testToolDepends
# ]))
# ];
# allBuildInputs = propagatedBuildInputs ++ otherBuildInputs;
# haskellBuildInputs = lib.filter isHaskellPkg allBuildInputs;
# in super.ghc.withPackages (p: args.haskellBuildInputs);
# });
# };
# env = passthru.env;
# #enableLibraryProfiling = true;
# })) (super.mkDerivation args));
antigen-hs = self.callPackage ./antigen-hs {};
nixfmt = self.callPackage ./nixfmt.nix {};
fltkhs = addPkgconfigDepend super.fltkhs pkgs.mesa_glu;
hjsonschema_1_4_0_0 = super.hjsonschema_1_4_0_0.overrideScope (self: super: {
hjsonpointer = super.hjsonpointer_1_1_0_1;
binary-serialise-cbor = self.callPackage ./binary-serialise-cbor.nix {};
language-javascript = self.callPackage ./language-javascript.nix {};
purescript-native = dontCheck (self.callPackage ./purescript-native.nix {
bower-json = super.bower-json_1_0_0_1;
HUnit = hp.HUnit_1_5_0_0;
hspec = hp.hspec_2_3_2;
hspec-discover = hp.hspec-discover_2_3_2;
llvm-general-pure = self.callPackage ./llvm-general/llvm-general-pure.nix {};
synthesizer-core = dontCheck super.synthesizer-core;
hnix = dontCheck super.hnix;
haskell-names = dontCheck super.haskell-names;
s-cargot = dontCheck super.s-cargot;
friday-juicypixels = dontCheck super.friday-juicypixels;
mighttpd2 = super.mighttpd2.overrideScope (self: super: {
http-client = super.http-client_0_5_5;
http-client-tls = super.http-client-tls_0_3_3_1;
http-conduit = super.http-conduit_2_2_3;
aeson-diff = dontCheck super.aeson-diff;
bustle = dontCheck super.bustle;
# clash-lib = dontCheck super.clash-lib;
# clash-prelude = dontCheck super.clash-prelude;
clash-prelude = mkClashLib super.clash-prelude "clash-prelude";
clash-lib = mkClashLib super.clash-lib "clash-lib";
clash-ghc = mkClashLib super.clash-ghc "clash-ghc";
clash-vhdl = mkClashLib super.clash-vhdl "clash-vhdl";
clash-verilog = mkClashLib super.clash-verilog "clash-verilog";
clash-systemverilog = mkClashLib super.clash-systemverilog "clash-systemverilog";
term-rewriting = dontCheck super.term-rewriting;
# idris = self.callPackage ./idris.nix {};
turtle_1_3_1 = self.callPackage ./turtle.nix {
optparse-applicative = super.optparse-applicative_0_13_0_0;
hexpat = super.hexpat.overrideScope (self: super: {
List = self.callPackage ./List-0.5.2.nix {};
smtlib2-pipe = dontCheck super.smtlib2-pipe;
LibClang = self.callPackage ./LibClang.nix {};
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