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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Shrimping it

Shrimping it

Some notes on making an arduino from scratch.

More info at:

Install drivers:

Exercise notes

Atmega168 Pin Mapping;

1) Fortune cookie server

  • Need to set Serial Monitor to Newline
  • { "Some", String" } is a short hand to create string arrays

2) Morse code


If the ATmega328 chip does not have a bootloader on it already, you will need to flash it with the bootloader with an existing arduino.


  1. Take of 104 capacitor on d2-d3
  2. Take off programmer (reset interferes with flashing)
  3. Open the ArduinoISP sketch and upload it to the existing arduino (make sure Tools > Board is set to Uno or relevant)
  4. Switch the Tools > Board to Arduino Duemilanove w/ ATmega328
  5. Go to Tools > Burn Bootloader
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