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def say(text)
system "say #{text}"
n = %w(zero ichi knee sun yon go lowcoo shechi hachi kyu ju)
say 'de-wa-- e-ma-ka-ra-- sun-no-buy-su-tow-- sun-gha-tscoo-- suu-jee-no-tohki-da-que-- ahhoo-knee-nari-masu'
(1..40).each do |i|
text = i <= 10 ? n[i] : i < 20 ? "ju #{n[i%10]}" : i%10 == 0 ? "#{n[i/10]} ju" : "#{n[i/10]} ju #{n[i%10]}"
text = "-v Hysterical #{text}" if i%3 == 0 or "#{i}".include?('3')
say text
say 'hey-- omohro!'
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